NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
I think they give'd the proper amount of fucks. Now I'm eagerly waiting for more stories of Woolie's childhood in Grenada.I do wish they'd give slightly more fucks about the minecraft LP.
I think they give'd the proper amount of fucks. Now I'm eagerly waiting for more stories of Woolie's childhood in Grenada.I do wish they'd give slightly more fucks about the minecraft LP.
I see where you're coming from, but it's a mincraft game and a really bad telltale game. Of course they're not gonna care, and maybe they shouldn't a played it, but I really like the train wreck personally.I do wish they'd give slightly more fucks about the minecraft LP. Like... I get it guys, you had to fill a slot but... Could've picked a game you like or something.
I do wish they'd give slightly more fucks about the minecraft LP. Like... I get it guys, you had to fill a slot but... Could've picked a game you like or something.
Marvel knows they make the big bucks though so they dont do what BvS did and spoil the whole plot
On the contrary, I didn't go see Antman because I felt like I watched the entire movie from a trailer I saw in theaters.
Im probably a minority here, but still.
Ant-Man's worth seeing, there's a lot in there that wasn't in the trailers. Like you see part of the final fight and can figure out the villain easily enough, but the trailer showed practically 0 of the comedy. Michael Peña is excellent in it.
Theyre going to be streaming Heavy rain on Saturday, it'll be Woolies first time seeing the game. Should be sadness aboundingHaven't watched their videos in a really long time, finally finished Ride to Hell and Mirror's Edge... now onto mid-2K16 Livin' Da Dream.
We need more pseudo David Cage games.
Theyre going to be streaming Heavy rain on Saturday, it'll be Woolies first time seeing the game. Should be sadness abounding
Theyre going to be streaming Heavy rain on Saturday, it'll be Woolies first time seeing the game. Should be sadness abounding
Ant-man was a super pleasant surprise for me. Had no interest going in but after watching it on a flight to New York I really enjoyed it. So much so that I'm rocking an Ant-man shirt right now.
GuardianE posts in here right? He just beat my Rashid's ass lol
GuardianE posts in here right? He just beat my Rashid's ass lol
T o the Vessel cheaters, any sign of theLP? I assume it's coming to take Narutos placeTwilight Princess
We don't talk about that failure here.
T o the Vessel cheaters, any sign of theLP? I assume it's coming to take Narutos placeTwilight Princess
To be honest, just now was the first time I've ever been in the Vessel site.. I've just always been fine with the YouTube uploads so ive never had a need to check the Vessel
Man Pat enticed me with the crack and now he tricked me into playing FF14.
That name seems familiar. I think we banished someone by that name a long time ago for shamefully disgracing us.
Man Pat enticed me with the crack and now he tricked me into playing FF14.
Yep. I rented Ant-man with no expectations and came out loving it. Had more fun with it than AoU.
im not going back anytime soon but since am a sadistic asshole ill say this
you can currently play for 4 days straight till April 14th aslong as you havent played for 30 days since you subscription expired
Enjoying the MineCraftpodcastLP so far.
I didn't even know buttchugging was real until Pat described it in visceral detail. I thought it was just a joke of them inserting "butt" before some other word and I was too afraid to Google itMinecraft LP or Pats how to guide to butt chugging.
There were actual news stories about it when the first few people died, IIRC.I didn't even know buttchugging was real until Pat described it in visceral detail. I thought it was just a joke of them inserting "butt" before some other word and I was too afraid to Google it
There were actual news stories about it when the first few people died, IIRC.
I didn't even know buttchugging was real until Pat described it in visceral detail. I thought it was just a joke of them inserting "butt" before some other word and I was too afraid to Google it
Where's the resolution to Livin' DA Dream dammit!?
I didn't even know buttchugging was real until Pat described it in visceral detail. I thought it was just a joke of them inserting "butt" before some other word and I was too afraid to Google it
Read that as aether and now I'm just imaganing Rage doing Ike's move to slam dunk the ballI need more of Rage's ether
Read that as aether and now I'm just imaganing Rage doing Ike's move to slam dunk the ball
Minecraft LP is great simply because of how inconsequential the game actually is. Pat and Woolie just talking up a storm about life.
That bit about constant success vs trying hard resonated with me. Getting straight As in school was effortless, then came Calculus in high school and uh-oh, suddenly I'm being genuinely challenged and don't know what to do. That was a real eye-opener to how depressingly easy my schooling had been up until then. :/
Tell that to Liam.Never be scared to Google butts, my friend. That's no way to live.
Anyone else notice Pat has a new type of laugh that only just started happening around the demon souls stream?
Reminds me of a crow. Still a great laugh though.
I'm reasonably sure we've heard Pat laugh like that before, sometimes as an exaggeration of the moment.
Anyone else notice Pat has a new type of laugh that only just started happening around the demon souls stream?
Reminds me of a crow. Still a great laugh though.
and also I made this because I was bored:
Yeah, bird Pat has been a thing for a few years now.