They're really making me want to jump on the Gundam train from the beginning if Pat can still super enjoy the first Gundam. I skipped over some of it since I'll watch it at some point myself, but that was genuine Pat hype. Also fun to hear that it has crazy death shit for a 70s anime thing.
For Scarface, I wonder if that was Matt's passive aggressive way of saying he watched one episode of ERASED and thought it was overrated.
Bummer that ERASED is reaching oh god shove it down everyone's throats, even those who don't care, levels. I like it a lot, but I always hate the idea of someone being pushed into watching it. If that's what happened to Matt then bummer.
I guess it could also be a tumblr thing where he sees a bunch of people arguing about it on tumblr or something too. Dunno.
Does anyone have a link to the cover that was in the background of the ad read? That shit was tight.
Play Undertale
I dunno, there's more than a few shows were the dubs improve the experience, like Dimension W, where the high pitched JP VA for the female lead makes the fanservice cringeworthy, while the American VA makes just annoying.
Gundam 00's dub is superior to the Japanese version thanks to Scott McNeil's incredible Ali Al-Saachez performance alone.
I think I'd find the fanservice cringey either way. The robot tail barely covers her vagina in the OP. That shit plays with fire. Also main guy is Jotaro, so ehhhhhhh on a dub replacing that.