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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot


7 > 10 will be a really nice transition for you since 10 doesn't require you to deal with any of the Metro bullshit that 8 had. It would basically be just a UI upgrade, performance tweaks, and continued support going forward, which is always a good thing.

Nothing wrong with sticking at 7, but on the other hand you won't have to buy a 10 key.

Yeah I've really heard nothing but dislike for 8, so I was happy to stick with 7.

I'm building a new PC in the next year or so and that'll definitely be 10, so either way I'm going to end up buying a key for it, so no worries. May just stick with 7 on this older computer and do 10 on the (eventual) new. While I plan to switch over to the new one (once its built) for almost everything, I do want to keep my current one active to some degree. If nothing else, having a backup system to fall back on if things melt down is useful.

Also, good news is, I was able to play a good few hour session of DS3 without issue tonight, at least! Though good lord my frame rate went to the single digits in a few places (
Dragonslayer Armour especially
. It was like fighting via slideshow. Still not sure how I won it)

They introduce some characters, but since Gintama is more akin to a Seinfeld or Friends, they're more skippable than other shows. You can watch episode 25 or whatever the beef party one is if you want to first and then keep going. I'd say peck your nose back around to the first 20 later on if you do somehow get into it since it still sets up characters you'll be in with for the long haul, but either ways fine really. I don't put a lot of baggage on watching Gintama from the beginning.

I'll keep that in mind and add it to my to-watch list. Though lord knows its massive enough already, and every season just piles on more.


They introduce some characters, but since Gintama is more akin to a Seinfeld or Friends, they're more skippable than other shows. You can watch episode 25 or whatever the beef party one is if you want to first and then keep going. I'd say peck your nose back around to the first 20 later on if you do somehow get into it since it still sets up characters you'll be in with for the long haul, but either ways fine really. I don't put a lot of baggage on watching Gintama from the beginning.
At the very least I'd say the character introduction episodes in the beginning are worth watching. Kagura's has the best gag that is underused.


The thing with Gintama is also is that it's a great supplementary show because you can basically drop it at any point because outside of the arcs (which the longest one is like 10 episodes?) the characters are all just played for their tropes.


Vessel spoilers on Dark Souls 3. It delivered.

I am so glad they found the Abyss Walkers EXACTLY as cool as I thought they would be. Zaibatsu hype is still the best kind of hype, and it always makes me smile to hear them lose their shit over things like this. Appreciated Pat cutting straight to the second phase after his first few deaths to them, too. Doubly enjoyed it when they were testing out the Farron Greatsword, because shit that thing is so fucking cool.

Unrelated, but god I hope they don't put weapons up to a vote. They should just experiment with what they find cool, then use it. People really shouldn't get worked up over this sort of thing. People are dumb and fickle and I don't want that dictating what they personally want to use.

...I do wish that Pat would stop going for backstabs quite so much, since often the reward isn't really worth what you're missing out on by gunning for them so hard but eh.


I don't know if the Civil War stuff is on Vessel or not, but I really hope the next two videos are Captain America and the Avengers, and Iron Man/XO Manowar (though I guess that one doesn't have Cap in it).

They introduce some characters, but since Gintama is more akin to a Seinfeld or Friends, they're more skippable than other shows. You can watch episode 25 or whatever the beef party one is if you want to first and then keep going. I'd say peck your nose back around to the first 20 later on if you do somehow get into it since it still sets up characters you'll be in with for the long haul, but either ways fine really. I don't put a lot of baggage on watching Gintama from the beginning.

Yeah, back when the last new season started, I was actually alternating where I was in the normal order (in the 40s or something) and watching the newest episodes (mostly because I wanted to watch the gender swap ones). It didn't really ruin anything. There were characters I didn't recognize, but everyone's pretty easy to grasp in that show.


I don't know if the Civil War stuff is on Vessel or not, but I really hope the next two videos are Captain America and the Avengers, and Iron Man/XO Manowar (though I guess that one doesn't have Cap in it).
Here you go
At the very least I'd say the character introduction episodes in the beginning are worth watching. Kagura's has the best gag that is underused.

The thing with Gintama is also is that it's a great supplementary show because you can basically drop it at any point because outside of the arcs (which the longest one is like 10 episodes?) the characters are all just played for their tropes.

Pretty much. It's really fun to always have it in my back pocket. I'm on 168 and I've been dabbling with it the last year and a few months. Whenever I have a lull or itch it's always there to welcome me with open arms.


I still tend to watch Gintama even if i finished all of the seasons. It's always great for a lol. I especially like that one episode where gintoki and hijikata were handcuffed together.


I still tend to watch Gintama even if i finished all of the seasons. It's always great for a lol. I especially like that one episode where gintoki and hijikata were handcuffed together.

God, I was sold on the show with that bathroom scene about 3ish years ago. It's a really good episode.


God, I was sold on the show with that bathroom scene about 3ish years ago. It's a really good episode.

That was the most intense bathroom I've ever seen in my life. I really liked that 50th (or was it 100th) where they ripped off so much stuff that they had to do the references at the end. also GINTAMAN! GINTAMAN! GIN GIN GIN GINTAMAN! I was hooked on it the moment i saw a lot of comedy from it.

we need Gintama gifs!


I know it really shouldn't bother me much, but it irritates me how Pat is always like "These guys aren't doing much damage" or "These enemies aren't that tough" when he's overleveled to shit.


So does Pat think Logan asexually reproduced or budded or something, he saw like two items that explicitly said twin crystal sages and still kept spouting that nonsense


Man, I've been watching the Team Four Star Pokemon Nuzlocke run (about 40 episodes in now) and it's just absurd how much better their run is compared to the Best Friends considering how similar the layout is (Nuzlocke rules, 3 people, similarly timed episodes). I think it's mostly due to the insane amount of enthusiasm the TFS guys have throughout each episode, while the best friends seemed to lose interest almost immediately. I didn't really mind how lame their Nuzlocke was because I figured it was just the nature of doing an LP for a game like Pokemon (though their stream finale was great), but seeing the TFS guys pull it off has me sad thinking about how good the series could have been if they didn't give up on it so fast.
I actually just started watching this on a whim, because my mindset was "This can't be anywhere near as bad as SBF's Nuzlocke run". I'm about a dozen episodes in so far and it's leagues better than the SBF LP. TFS's excitement and laughter is a stark contrast to the exasperation and boredom that defined Woolie's, Matt's, and Liam's experience.

So does Pat think Logan asexually reproduced or budded or something, he saw like two items that explicitly said twin crystal sages and still kept spouting that nonsense
Woolie's illiteracy is contagious. Soon, Pat will begin reading what he wants to read instead of what's written. He'll speak of how the Chosen Undead from DS1 was actually ginger, just you wait.

This is my fetish.

So does Pat think Logan asexually reproduced or budded or something, he saw like two items that explicitly said twin crystal sages and still kept spouting that nonsense

Uhh, maybe you should check the item descriptions in game.

The Crystal Sages wear Big Hats because they claim descent from Logan. They're almost certainly full of shit, but that is the lore that's in the game.

Edit: Oh, nevermind, you mean the part where he thinks the sage is a big manly hatted man. Yeah, I don't know why he got stuck on that.
He kept saying things like, "Are you guys friends of Big Hat?!" like his brain was trying to correct him and he just wouldn't let it do it. He doesn't seem to have really stuck to it though since he calls them "cycles" by the end, presumably meaning it in the Neito -> The Rotten -> High King Wolnir sort of way.

I thought Woolie was supposed to be tasked with the checklist of things for Pat to find? Because he seems to be missing a fair amount of stuff. He has no idea how right he is about not having seen the last of the Royal Crab Vanguard, either.


So does Pat think Logan asexually reproduced or budded or something, he saw like two items that explicitly said twin crystal sages and still kept spouting that nonsense

And people say that Pat should be left alone. They won't stop until Pat chokes to death on his own lies.


There's sort of a difference between misunderstanding something and lying.
I guess you're right in that but the difference between knowingly being wrong and geniunly stupid doesn't make much of a difference to most whiners and smart asses on the internet. Passing an opportunity to correct these guys isn't an option that fans will take.
Wow I didn't realize how high level they were until they fought the crystal sage. That fight went a lot quicker than when I did it that's for sure.

So does Pat think Logan asexually reproduced or budded or something, he saw like two items that explicitly said twin crystal sages and still kept spouting that nonsense

Pat just seems like the kinda guy who likes to talk about things and make up theories for fun even if he's not 100% sure on them. Kinda annoying for some people to watch because they can't correct him when they know better though.


Wow I didn't realize how high level they were until they fought the crystal sage. That fight went a lot quicker than when I did it that's for sure.

Pat just seems like the kinda guy who likes to talk about things and make up theories for fun even if he's not 100% sure on them. Kinda annoying for some people to watch because they can't correct him when they know better though.

Shame he didn't read the fallen knight's leggings description, we could've had a wonderful theory on whose feces and piss stains he was sloshing around in


Wow I didn't realize how high level they were until they fought the crystal sage. That fight went a lot quicker than when I did it that's for sure.

Was he really that hard though? I took him out in one go myself and didn't take much longer.

Then again, thinking on it, I had actually completely missed the Cathedral of the Deep. I had no clue until
I reached Irithyll's bridge, killed the dog-thing and then met a barrier, and the message about needing a doll. "...doll? What doll? What did I miss?"
. So maybe I was overleveled myself.


It turns out it's actually sort of hard to stay completely within the 'power curve' of Souls by design. I think the disparity stabilizes in the next video, anyways. He was taking about as much damage and dishing about as much as I did on my own go around that time.


Wait did I miss something because I swear Pat said the guy was like Big Hat, not that he was Big Hat?
He kept saying "I know who you are" and "I know who the Crystal Sage is" during the fight, and when Woolie said CS is female, he said "No it's a he". He at least seemed to initially think CS and Big Hat Logan were one and the same.

Not that it matters in the slightest, though, because I'm pretty sure he later acknowledged the Sages were inspired by Logan.


It turns out it's actually sort of hard to stay completely within the 'power curve' of Souls by design. I think the disparity stabilizes in the next video, anyways. He was taking about as much damage and dishing about as much as I did on my own go around that time.

It's the worst in Dark Souls 2 where each of the four main spokes are all similar in difficulty outside of a couple outliers like Iron Keep so you just wind up getting progressively stronger and stronger while the enemies remain the same or even regress in some cases
He isn't really very over-leveled, he's just building into Vitality earlier than most people probably do and keeping an Ember on a lot of the time. That makes for a big health bar which can be deceptive. (He still ran out of Estus trawling the swamp, so it's not like it's giving him as big of an advantage as you would think. The thing that really got him over was finding that spearback tech.)

I had 40 Dexterity by the time I fought the Crystal Sage, that thing imploded in like half the time it took Pat. I was just still sitting on 10 VIT so I had to actually worry about getting crossified by those SOBs with the toothpicks.


Un Rama
Up to part 3 of the Dark Souls 3 LP. Still pretty good but wow you guys weren't kidding about the back-stab fishing D:

When they said it was a blind LP I didn't think they meant that literally. How can 3 people staring at the same screen miss so much? Then again this could apply to pretty much any LP and one of the things I dislike most about this channel.

Also Pat doesn't know the mimic trick? Jesus Christ.

Enjoying it though. Those foibles aside there isn't much to get pissed off about so far. Judging by how much people shit on it I was expecting a lot worse. Matt is also being good and not bringing the LP down <3.
I was talking to one of my friends who said that in of the more recent podcasts they talk about what went wrong with Colossal Kaiju Combat. Does anyone know what podcast it was or what happened?
I was talking to one of my friends who said that in of the more recent podcasts they talk about what went wrong with Colossal Kaiju Combat. Does anyone know what podcast it was or what happened?
Is that the game with a giant mecha Zubaz? I forgot it even existed. Something went wrong with it?


Enjoying it though. Those foibles aside there isn't much to get pissed off about so far. Judging by how much people shit on it I was expecting a lot worse. Matt is also being good and not bringing the LP down <3.
The only minor criticism I might have about the DSIII playthrough is that Pat has clearly had one too many Red Bulls.


Wait thinking about it, did they seriously not talk about the NX/Zelda delay on the podcast this week?? I thought pat would have been all over that
Is that the game with a giant mecha Zubaz? I forgot it even existed. Something went wrong with it?

Oh man I hope not. I was really looking forward to that thing.

It's been like almost 4 years since that kickstarter finished. In the campaign they mentioned two games. One was free to play for people to play with others who had the actual game. The other was the actual Game the fall of nemesis. The free to play game released 2 years ago and cost $5 instead and was super early alpha and hasn't been updated since like late 2014 I believe. And I can't find any dev updates about the fall of nemesis so I have no idea where it's at.


Dark Souls 3 Part 11 -

Having anticipated this fight since the LP began, my jaw would have dropped if they weren't blown away by
Abyss Watchers
Their reactions were as hype as I had hoped. One of my favorite fights in the game, for sure.

A mean part of me wanted Patron 4000 to get surrounded by basilisks in the bog; would have been hilarious to see Pat panic, but he did a fine job dancing with death.

LP remains gold so far.
Woolie and Matt need to sit Pat down and have a talk about how sometimes when people die, other people get their things. Just because you find someone's stuff in a chest doesn't mean they turned into a chest, Pat.


Matt continues to have bad taste I everything forever by liking the reboot power rangers designs. When will this madman cease?! /s
Matt continues to have bad taste I everything forever by liking the reboot power rangers designs. When will this madman cease?! /s
The only bad things about those are the godawful tits on the female suits and the lack of visual variety through the use of black and silver highlights.


Woolie and Matt need to sit Pat down and have a talk about how sometimes when people die, other people get their things. Just because you find someone's stuff in a chest doesn't mean they turned into a chest, Pat.
the souls fandom does tend to reduce women down to 'chest ahead' though


New video on Vessel:
Woolie and Plague dick around in the Black Desert character creator for two hours.
Now this is a series I can get behind.


Watch Woolie get hit with the no mix-up mix-up by Nash teleport 9 times then lose
Notice him agreeing with the other commentator alot too

Jamie OD

It's been like almost 4 years since that kickstarter finished. In the campaign they mentioned two games. One was free to play for people to play with others who had the actual game. The other was the actual Game the fall of nemesis. The free to play game released 2 years ago and cost $5 instead and was super early alpha and hasn't been updated since like late 2014 I believe. And I can't find any dev updates about the fall of nemesis so I have no idea where it's at.

The only kickstarter I regret ever backing although it was my first so I was naive then. Knew things went downhill when their updates began promoting some spin off card game more than the video game.


Someone burst Woolie's bubble about those JOJO novels. Those are not written by araki and basically fanfics. Araki just made the cover arts. It's crazy alright but it is worthless when talking about canon, so just shut your dumb mouth Woolie.


the souls fandom does tend to reduce women down to 'chest ahead' though
I dunno, I like 'chest ahead' for smithy. He has a real good chest. I also always get a kick out of the many editions of 'finger, but hole' or whatever people use.
I was talking to one of my friends who said that in of the more recent podcasts they talk about what went wrong with Colossal Kaiju Combat. Does anyone know what podcast it was or what happened?

I don't remember any talk about that on a recent podcast or let alone any talk.

Someone burst Woolie's bubble about those JOJO novels. Those are not written by araki and basically fanfics. Araki just made the cover arts. It's crazy alright but it is worthless when talking about canon, so just shut your dumb mouth Woolie.

Yeah, it's the top few comments on reddit. He'll learn soon. Honestly, all you need to say about Jorge Joestar is 36 Kars.


Yeah, it's the top few comments on reddit. He'll learn soon. Honestly, all you need to say about Jorge Joestar is 36 Kars.

The most recent novel goes beyond Jorge Joestar in my opinion. Crazy nonsense we can't even discuss until part 7 gets animated. People freaking out about 36 Kars now, will be at a loss and need to lie down for that.
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