"No, they just had his hat."
Matt and woolie, the true heroes of the lp.
Matt and woolie, the true heroes of the lp.
The only kickstarter I regret ever backing although it was my first so I was naive then. Knew things went downhill when their updates began promoting some spin off card game more than the video game.
I don't remember any talk about that on a recent podcast or let alone any talk.
I don't know much about DS lore but boy does Pat jump to conclusions fast, I thought Liam was the gunjumper."No, they just had his hat."
Matt and woolie, the true heroes of the lp.
No kiddin. That seems to be the theme of this lp. Still, it's fine. For some reason, I love it when pat's completely wrong.I don't know much about DS lore but boy does Pat jump to conclusions fast, I thought Liam was the gunjumper.
New video on Vessel:Now this is a series I can get behind.Woolie and Plague dick around in the Black Desert character creator for two hours.
I dunno, I like 'chest ahead' for smithy. He has a real good chest. I also always get a kick out of the many editions of 'finger, but hole' or whatever people use.
Just got back from seeing Civil War.
Dear God, what a good movie. They really knocked it out of the park. Black Panther was great, Spidey was great, the fights were amazing. I don't have enough good things to say about this movie.
I think the most damning part of this playthrough for Pat was when he grinded 100k+ souls at Undead Settlement and still didn't have a single fucking arrow. Like just come the fuck on man, they're 5 souls a pop or whatever, fucks sakes
How did he even grind that much in Undead Settlement? Helping co-op bosses?
yeah I dont really care about the souls lp at this point, gonna skip it until it reaches a further point
There's nothing interesting about brute forcing with bland commentary ("OOOH THIS IS LIKE DARK SOULS 1 GUYS") while woolie and matt seeming kind of helpless most of the time
And it's so obvious he just reads or played ahead, like with the torch shit against the leech monsters. If you're not gonna play blind then just dont, i think it would be better
oh please, he switches it in and out instantly before hitting the monster, and does it again while against the invader, and after still goes "hmmm i wonder what to do about that".He figured that out by virtue of trying to torch the leech monster.
Plus its not that hard of a concept to grasp.
Oh man that Abyss Watchers reaction, that fight.
Edit: Oh please god tell me that sword/dagger combo is actually good and not just flashy bullshit.
I just looked. Lol that's quite a special edition!On the flip side a lovely fan sent them Deep Fear. I have been waiting for them to play that for years now.
I haven't watched the DS3 LP and never plan too, but Pats tweets seems he has a bone to pick to those in disfavor of over leveling. I personally don't really care since I only watched souls content for either story analysis or dicking around.
What is the problem with being over leveled anyway? Did it a shitton in Bloodborne while I was still getting used to dodging. Is this another Souls, "You didn't actually beat the boss because you summoned" sort of community crap?
It's not like there's any gate that says "LEVELS 15-20 ONLY"
Seems that way. I don't get it either. I was fairly overleveled in places, such as the Cathedral of the Deep (because i didn't even know it existed and bypassed it until I hit a roadblock that required something from there) and it still kicked my ass something fierce at times. Overleveling doesn't seem like that massive an issue.
You cheated yourself out of the the tensest and most exciting fight in the game.
I'm kidding. Deacons of the Deep is a garbage fight no matter when you do it.
i'm fine with the overleveling. Will make some painful party of the game go by faster for the better bits. Although yeah kinda makes it that playing it "blind" doesnt seem relevant.
Mostly (and i dont think its anyones fault) commentary is getting a Since he can blaze through most stuff, comm basically sums up at pat pointing out some das1 stuff that woolie and matt cant really comment on, some "lets look at that weapon" or "look at how much of a cool guy i am" and some passing comment on the scenery. Hoping Matt and Woolie get some more light podcasting in maybe to counter the whole thing cuz its not even that interesting to listen to atm
But i'm also a crazy stupid asshole who has talked and thoughr way too much about souls 3 recently
I complained about it before but the way it's exploded has really how shown me how little I care about how other people play a video game and the sanctity of playing "blind" or at the "correct" pace.I don't understand some y'all's problems with "over leveling". Grinding has always been an optional part of RPGs and generally better use of time than watching someone mash their head against a wall for an hour. But maybe it's just people wanting something to complain about.
I don't understand some y'all's problems with "over leveling". Grinding has always been an optional part of RPGs and generally better use of time than watching someone mash their head against a wall for an hour. But maybe it's just people wanting something to complain about.
]I complained about it before but the way it's exploded has really how shown me how little I care about how other people play a video game and the sanctity of playing "blind" or at the "correct" pace.
And he's not even using the true man's shield: the Buckler.Pat over-leveling doesn't bother me in the slightest. He's free to grind as he pleases and it helps him avoid running face-first into a brick wall.
What is a travesty is that Pat doesn't embrace the greatest of weapons, the almighty Whip.
My favorite comment on that episode was something like "Matt's Punished beanie is on this hat rack. MATT MUST HAVE TURNED INTO A HAT RACK!""No, they just had his hat."
Matt and woolie, the true heroes of the lp.
My favorite comment on that episode was something like "Matt's Punished beanie is on this hat rack. MATT MUST HAVE TURNED INTO A HAT RACK!"
More shilling for Vessel: The Zaibatsu's best series returns with.CAB: DOAX:F.
I can't imagine having people pile on to you, calling you a cheater or a liar, is very pleasant, and that's what a fair amount of these people are doing.
I mean hell, he just responded to someone who said that overleveling is essentially cheating. To which I have to ask, seriously?
Another guy called him out on seemingly mocking dissenters and not caring. I think he cares plenty, and mocking? I've seen him be a bit sarcastic, but what else is he supposed to do, smile while people shovel crap on him?
They really should have called it the Soul of the Blood of the Wolf of the Knight of the Lord of Cinder.
Pat over-leveling doesn't bother me in the slightest. He's free to grind as he pleases and it helps him avoid running face-first into a brick wall.
What is a travesty is that Pat doesn't embrace the greatest of weapons, the almighty Whip.
It's not a surprise. Pat couldn't resist playing ahead in bloodborne and was clearly desperately to do the same here. His grinding is how he's controlling his urge to play ahead so people should be glad were not seeing pat faking the lp. Should have been woolie on control, a lot more painful to watch but at least woolie has better control on needing to fulfill his soul craving.
I find it puzzling why people would hold them to something like a "professional" standard, they should know these guys are just guys with simple urges, being entertainers comes a close second.
I find it puzzling why people would hold them to something like a "professional" standard, they should know these guys are just guys with simple urges, being entertainers comes a close second.