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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot


That's my only real gripe with this LP.
We get it dude. You played a lot of Ground Zeroes. Even the rest of the group are tired of hearing him say it constantly. You're not playing Ground Zeroes, so please drop it.
I still don't really feel like he's played Ground Zeroes as much as he says he has, or at the very least doesn't seem as capable as you'd expect from someone who's played it so much. I don't expect him to be this pro player abusing AI all over the place or anything, but he just seems to be incredibly inefficient in a way that implies he doesn't know better.

There's so many things he never thought to try or never knew he could do that I thought were fairly natural revelations after playing it enough, I feel like the way he plays is like the way I would have played my first few days or week of playing GZ and he's just stuck to that without ever trying anything else in a sandbox game.
But I guess he always just gunjumped his way through missions without experimenting much, which doesn't seem fun.

Also I don't particularly care that he plays in Reflex mode, for LP purposes it can avoid drawn out situations and so on ...but it probably is actually part of what makes him play the way he does since he's so all over the place and sloppy, he can fall back on it whenever.

That Viscount mission was REAL rough, when people see it they'll know what I mean.


That's my only real gripe with this LP.

We get it dude. You played a lot of Ground Zeroes. Even the rest of the group are tired of hearing him say it constantly. You're not playing Ground Zeroes, so please drop it.

I think Liam is just that type of guy who over exaggerates and overly praises something he likes in order to preemptively shut up all those who might criticize it. He probably knows there were issues with GZ and how it launched/amount of content, so he feels the need to constantly talk about it and sing its praises to cover all his bases before someone can say something slightly negative. It's aggravating, and I just wish the rest of the guys would actually call him out on it more often.


Well Until Dawn jumped up the crazy scale super quick.

These QTEs seem so easy and Matt keeps barely hanging on until the end. It's going to bum me out if one of those lead to death.

Hmmm, I get the feeling that Liam (and maybe Pat too) is playing(/reading) ahead of where they are in the MGSV LP. I know a lot of the story points of the game were called out even before release but it's still a little fishy.

Also, take a shot every time you hear 'in Ground Zeroes'.

Liam is being very careful about not playing ahead, so I really doubt it. I'm not sure if you're talking about the constant mentions of things from trailers or not either.

As far as his sloppiness despite his time in GZ? I hope it's just because it's an LP and he's being put on the spot. Some of his tendencies feel a little weird for all the time he's put in GZ and TPP combined.


I personally thought GZ had plenty of content, I mean I get it's not really presented in the way some people would like or so on, but it was pretty easy to dump 60 hours into it, the game plays so well that you're suppose to get enjoyment from that in it's self, just by playing the game, regardless of what you're doing, but if that's not your priority or if that's not what you're looking for, then yeah it's not going to be for you.

As far as his sloppiness despite his time in GZ? I hope it's just because it's an LP and he's being put on the spot. Some of his tendencies feel a little weird for all the time he's put in GZ and TPP combined.
Yes, exactly, that's what it is, it would make sense if he never finished GZ or only played TPP when they recorded.

Until Dawn Part 11

Website Link

Question for whoever knows a lot about this game:
If Matt stayed on the fast path would Emily not have been bitten? What got her bitten? There was a butterfly effect so it seems avoidable.
I think Liam is just that type of guy who over exaggerates and overly praises something he likes in order to preemptively shut up all those who might criticize it. He probably knows there were issues with GZ and how it launched/amount of content, so he feels the need to constantly talk about it and sing its praises to cover all his bases before someone can say something slightly negative. It's aggravating, and I just wish the rest of the guys would actually call him out on it more often.
I hope they don't because I don't want to hear about it.


I have to say, and I'd be super curious to see what Pat or Liam would say about this if they encountered it.

But playing 200 hours of MGSV and then playing Dark Souls II after a few weeks, makes DSII feel like it controls like absolute shit, it's one of the strangest moments I've ever had in gaming, it's god awful and I have no idea if that says more about how good MGSV plays or how rough DSII really was.

So with that confusion, I loaded up Dark Souls to try that out for an hour or two, it played significantly better, still a bit weird here and there (It is much older), but DSII just feels crazy. I mean I would eventually re-adapt and it'd be fine, but coming off of MGSV the experience was very strange.


Question for whoever knows a lot about this game:
If Matt stayed on the fast path would Emily not have been bitten? What got her bitten? There was a butterfly effect so it seems avoidable.

I hope they don't because I don't want to hear about it.

If emily kept the flare gun earlier in the game she would'nt have been bitten



The LP peaked here.

Awww so cute. I'm so torn between loving Liam's style and how he gets things done in MGS and then hating that going so quick might cause them to miss some things. Also hope they don't save all the tapes for later. It's much more manageable and helps the story to listen to them not too long after you get them.


I disagree. I legitimately believe that time isn't going to be kind to this game. Both on a story front and in terms of replayability. I certainly don't think its going to have a MGS2-style critical turnaround. The game just isn't that deep.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong. I'd happily eat crow. But this game is too surface level, poorly paced and scattershot for me to believe that some intentional fourth wall shit is going to save it. The game reeks of many production issues and Konami interference that compromised the quality of the game overall.

Double EDIT: I don't think the story is even terrible. It has plenty of good scenes and the tapes are stellar. Just the shit pacing, mission structure and rubbish ending that drag it down.

Uh.. I'd say the main reason it's not going to have a MGS2 style critical turnaround is because MGSV is already very well received from the start. Yeah, some people don't like the story (or lack thereof) or the pacing but it isn't nearly as controversial as MGS2 was.

Awww so cute. I'm so torn between loving Liam's style and how he gets things done in MGS and then hating that going so quick might cause them to miss some things. Also hope they don't save all the tapes for later. It's much more manageable and helps the story to listen to them not too long after you get them.

I'm not really a fan of the way Liam plays, even though I realize a big part of it is probably the time pressure of being on stream. It works because the game barely has any fail states and lets you basically get away with anything, but it kinda feels like playing, say, Hitman Blood Money and then just running through the level gunning everyone down. I know there's more emphasis on gunplay in V but it still feels to me you're supposed to try to be stealthy.


I'm not really a fan of the way Liam plays, even though I realize a big part of it is probably the time pressure of being on stream. It works because the game barely has any fail states and lets you basically get away with anything, but it kinda feels like playing, say, Hitman Blood Money and then just running through the level gunning everyone down. I know there's more emphasis on gunplay in V but it still feels to me you're supposed to try to be stealthy.

For me it's more that the gameplay allows you to very quickly get to a point of achieving stealth while also getting through enemies and bases relatively quickly and effectively, but Liam can't do either very well despite having probably over a hundred hours of playing GZ and TPP combined.
I don't really buy the pressure excuse because
A. it's been years that they've been doing LPs.
B. Liam has plenty of LPs where he's been confident and effective at playing stuff
For me it's more that the gameplay allows you to very quickly get to a point of achieving stealth while also getting through enemies and bases relatively quickly and effectively, but Liam can't do either very well despite having probably over a hundred hours of playing GZ and TPP combined.
I don't really buy the pressure excuse because
A. it's been years that they've been doing LPs.
B. Liam has plenty of LPs where he's been confident and effective at playing stuff

If I don't feel pressure from streaming to a live audience, there's no reason they should feel it playing in the comfort of their own home for something they won't even upload for weeks.


UD episode are so good. Also thanks to Vessel, I can check the schedule days in advance to already know when to watch things. So thanks Vessel!
Question for whoever knows a lot about this game:
If Matt stayed on the fast path would Emily not have been bitten? What got her bitten? There was a butterfly effect so it seems avoidable.

I hope they don't because I don't want to hear about it.

If emily kept the flare gun earlier in the game she would'nt have been bitten
Which if they had done that, It would result in
Matt being killed later on
I hope the ending of Until Dawn is as big of a heel turn as star fox.

The ending is fucking NUTS.

As far as Liam is concerned, I don't see the problem in the way he plays. Playing GZ myself, doing everything with stealth takes a LOT of time. I know I had to play missions again and again to get them just right. I doubt he and Pat would want to go that route because it would make for a slow LP. The fact that TPP makes the game go in to more of a action route than stealth as they discuss, also makes me think that being stealthy and such would not be a good choice. He does go crazy sometimes but he only has a handful of deaths so far and I'm enjoying the LP a lot more than I thought I would. I don't see the point of questioning how much he's actually played and accusing him of looking up things.


I still don't really feel like he's played Ground Zeroes as much as he says he has, or at the very least doesn't seem as capable as you'd expect from someone who's played it so much. I don't expect him to be this pro player abusing AI all over the place or anything, but he just seems to be incredibly inefficient in a way that implies he doesn't know better.
As far as his sloppiness despite his time in GZ? I hope it's just because it's an LP and he's being put on the spot. Some of his tendencies feel a little weird for all the time he's put in GZ and TPP combined.
I'm not really a fan of the way Liam plays, even though I realize a big part of it is probably the time pressure of being on stream. It works because the game barely has any fail states and lets you basically get away with anything, but it kinda feels like playing, say, Hitman Blood Money and then just running through the level gunning everyone down. I know there's more emphasis on gunplay in V but it still feels to me you're supposed to try to be stealthy.

I don't think Liam is necessarily exaggerating about how much time he put into GZ. I mean he does have 100% completion and it's clear from the Jamais Vu video that he definitely has an affinity for long range headshots. Liam is undoubtedly the perfect member of the Zaibatsu to be on controls for this LP. However, I think either there was a pre-LP discussion to limit how much stealth they'd be using in their approaches to missions to avoid a long drawn out LP or Liam is consciously (or subsconsciously) gunjumping at any opportunity because it's become a SBFP community meme and/or because, as he has stated a few times now, 'Metal Gear isn't a stealth game anymore, it's an action game' and he wants to show how right he is. Unfortunately, there have been a few silly deaths that have sort of unveiled how you can't necessarily go gung-ho in every mission and stealth is actually the preferred method for completing missions.

I kinda facepalmed when he decided he'd get those supplies from the roof of the watchtower by lobbing a grenade at it. I mean, if a guy who's trying to use the best method for brevity in an LP and has so many hours in GZ and has done 10 main story mission and 2 dozen side-ops he should know that it's just going to screw things up. I think he should maybe do some research into how camo works, he seemed to be shocked when that guard saw him when he was shirtless and drenched in blood... buuuuut like they said, they're constantly learning stuff so who knows, maybe they'll have a playstyle nailed down soon.


Which if they had done that, It would result in
Matt being killed later on

The ending is fucking NUTS.

As far as Liam is concerned, I don't see the problem in the way he plays. Playing GZ myself, doing everything with stealth takes a LOT of time. I know I had to play missions again and again to get them just right. I doubt he and Pat would want to go that route because it would make for a slow LP. The fact that TPP makes the game go in to more of a action route than stealth as they discuss, also makes me think that being stealthy and such would not be a good choice. He does go crazy sometimes but he only has a handful of deaths so far and I'm enjoying the LP a lot more than I thought I would. I don't see the point of questioning how much he's actually played and accusing him of looking up things.
I think MGSV TPP stealth is very much an option, but a lot of people probably still play it as pure stealth or see MGS as that, where you wait for perfect opportunities and if you get seen you wait for the alert to go down until you start moving again, while if you get spotted and caution is raised or whatever it's a lot of fun to still try to accomplish the objective while the guards are on high alert. The "I saw something" status guards have is so lenient you can almost always keep moving forward.

I had the entire base in caution mode in Mission 30 but it was hype as fuck still making my way through that base undetected while the guards and everything were active and somewhat unpredictable
Man, Liam was kinda unbearable on the podcast today. Pat fucks with him slighty, slightly, and he instantly turns into a boiling pile of butthurt, foaming at the mouth.
It's like... grow a sense of humor, please.
So, I wanna give a "screw you" to @Hands of Stone for his terrible use of spoiler tags back at post # 1705. I read that accidentally back on the 8th, and was trying to block it out throughout the Until Dawn play through, but I could definitely feel some of the impact of this latest episode drained because I'd read that.

I didn't call you out at the time because I didn't want to draw other people's attention to it but really man, learn how to properly use spoiler tags.


I don't think Liam is necessarily exaggerating about how much time he put into GZ. I mean he does have 100% completion and it's clear from the Jamais Vu video that he definitely has an affinity for long range headshots. Liam is undoubtedly the perfect member of the Zaibatsu to be on controls for this LP. However, I think either there was a pre-LP discussion to limit how much stealth they'd be using in their approaches to missions to avoid a long drawn out LP or Liam is consciously (or subsconsciously) gunjumping at any opportunity because it's become a SBFP community meme and/or because, as he has stated a few times now, 'Metal Gear isn't a stealth game anymore, it's an action game' and he wants to show how right he is. Unfortunately, there have been a few silly deaths that have sort of unveiled how you can't necessarily go gung-ho in every mission and stealth is actually the preferred method for completing missions.

I kinda facepalmed when he decided he'd get those supplies from the roof of the watchtower by lobbing a grenade at it. I mean, if a guy who's trying to use the best method for brevity in an LP and has so many hours in GZ and has done 10 main story mission and 2 dozen side-ops he should know that it's just going to screw things up. I think he should maybe do some research into how camo works, he seemed to be shocked when that guard saw him when he was shirtless and drenched in blood... buuuuut like they said, they're constantly learning stuff so who knows, maybe they'll have a playstyle nailed down soon.

Yeah I mean he clearly can hit a target when he tries, but there's just so many basic things he seems shocked by or has no real understanding about that WERE present in GZ, I don't know why he's so adamant it's not a stealth game, playing MGS2 and 3 not that long ago I had moments of going non stealth and you can do it just fine, you just have to be smart about your shots and where you position yourself, which oddly enough is exactly how MGSV is, the way in which MGSV feels so good to play and yet somehow is also so similar to previous games is kind of baffling, I know alot of people are like "IT'S SO DIFFERENT!"

It's really not as different as one would expect, it's actually just a far more practical and functional version of what we use to have, I actually enjoyed how MGS2/3/TTS played, MGS4 oddly enough I don't remember very well how good/bad it played, but you can see though if you look closely and feel it out, this was once those PS2 Era games a long time ago, which I think is the really remarkable thing about the game, how so many things feel similar but in a way more functional way.

It's true that the game can do action amazingly well compared to the older games, but by no means is that the default, it also takes skill, more than stealth even, stealth is easier to learn in MGSV I feel, most of it is common sense and eventually you just naturally start to feel out the limits of what you can do and it gets even easier.

Trying to run and gun just gets you overwhelmed quickly if you put yourself right in the middle of everything, unless you're actually that good that you can kill everything around you faster than they can all kill you.
Liam barely has the skill to stealth for some reason, let alone survive in utter chaos.

Stop it you are breaking the perfect balance of the thread.
Soon it will be a war between the have-in-advance and have-to-wait
It's too late, Vessel works too well, I'm honestly impressed by it.
If a SBF themed Civ5 mod were to appear, would you prefer to have city names be named after LPs like 'Concrete Jungle' or LP figures like 'Jerry the Predator?'
Can't do an actual place because there is only ♫ 56051 Alexis-Nihon, Montreal, Quebec ♪
If a SBF themed Civ5 mod were to appear, would you prefer to have city names be named after LPs like 'Concrete Jungle' or LP figures like 'Jerry the Predator?'
Can't do an actual place because there is only ♫ 56051 Alexis-Nihon, Montreal, Quebec ♪

I would prefer if they were references to the LPs that could conceivably be considered place names. Like The Devil's Pit, or Concrete Jungle, or Grandma's Swamp, stuff like that.
I would prefer if they were references to the LPs that could conceivably be considered place names. Like The Devil's Pit, or Concrete Jungle, or Grandma's Swamp, stuff like that.

That's what I was originally leaning towards. The goal is to have a civ for each friend and I couldn't think of many for Liam so I thought maybe characters. Liam is the culture civ, but then it's a bit of a toss-up between Pat and Woolie for the war civ, Woolie and Matt for religious and Matt and Pat for Science, unless I don't try to make one for each playstyle.

Naming the worst city in the game The Woolie Hole is a must.

Don't worry, Woolie's capital is locked in.
Matt just acknowledged this on his tumblr but the other Best Friends need to stop cutting off him when he's gonna say something on the podcast. He's already doesn't say much but they do it constantly.


Un Rama
Matt just acknowledged this on his tumblr but the other Best Friends need to stop cutting off him when he's gonna say something on the podcast. He's already doesn't say much but they do it constantly.

He'd probably only say 'remember kids woolie fart gas Simpsons reference' anyway ;)

Nah, that shit is bullshit. Let the guy finish his damn sentences.
Frankly, the podcast has become inaudible too often that I care to listen anymore.

I just look at the links on their site to see what they're talking about.
So, I wanna give a "screw you" to @Hands of Stone for his terrible use of spoiler tags back at post # 1705. I read that accidentally back on the 8th, and was trying to block it out throughout the Until Dawn play through, but I could definitely feel some of the impact of this latest episode drained because I'd read that.

I didn't call you out at the time because I didn't want to draw other people's attention to it but really man, learn how to properly use spoiler tags.

Damn you caught my post before I edited? Sorry bud, didn't think anybody had.
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