Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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because they expect good games on time and budget?

Have you played it? Have the game released yet? Do you know what state the game was in? Public showing could be versions that are months old. SO you have no idea how good or bad the game was. And how do you know who pushed it back?

Looking at the footage I don't even blame Microsoft.

Imagine it from their perspective. They probably thought they were getting Vanquish, and ended up with


Looks good to me. What was wrong with it?
How will this affect Kamiya/Platinum's relationship with Microsoft? Last I heard it was strained and this could be the byproduct of that.

I will say though that this is the one platinum game I wouldn't weep over being canceled. I don't know if microsoft got too involved or something but it didn't look anywhere near as fun as platinum's usual titles.
Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

I'm not knocking Kamiya here, because the games he directed are fantastic, but they were never really hugely popular in the mainstream. His biggest game was probably RE2, and aside from DMC, which ended up becoming more popular with it's sequels, the rest of his games are fairly niche titles like Viewtiful Joe, Okami, W101 etc.

I doubt there'd be a huge outcry.


Un Rama
Well Scalebound was the only game making me hold onto my Xbone so that'll be getting punted If this is confirmed.
The first gameplay I saw of this looked like game of the generation material, but the second time my hype deflated immensely. A game being canceled is always a sad thing, let's just hope that (if true) this is for the best.


Game looked really underwhelming to me. The only positive thing about the game was co-op. It makes everything more fun.


It used cloud power because the base model XB1 can't handle the chaos without killing the frame rate. Being able to show it off on Scorpio without the need for "the power of the cloud" would be a positive for that console.
There's no reason to believe that Scorpio has a materially better CPU than base xb1.


The main game I was looking forward to for Xbox the past two years. Great. :(

Welp, luckily I'm gonna be playing Zelda all year until Red Dead Redemption.


For how rich Microsoft as a whole is, they sure are trimming down on the gaming division's budget.

Because they might cancel a game that has never looked particularly good?

Seriously, if people didn't know Scalebound was being developed by Platinum would people even give a shit about it?


It sucks that games like this continue to drop out of the race in mid development. Whether the game was to be a hit or not, it would have found an audience. That seems to be a problem with the industry nowadays...for sure potential (if that makes sense) to be a multi-million dollar seller, or the IP just doesn't get made. That's why the industry suffers from sequalitis for 2 gens now, IMO. Bank of the name and similar mechanics of a past even us gamers like to play it safe...and the publisher know this (the sales reflect this every time...outside the very few exceptions).


Unconfirmed Member
Have you played it? Have the game released yet? Do you know what state the game was in? Public showing could be versions that are months old. SO you have no idea how good or bad the game was. And how do you know who pushed it back?

going by posts in this thread from people that seem to know.


The Platinum love is strong here, but unless we get some behind the scenes info confirming as such, I'm willing to bet Microsoft isn't to blame on this one - the game has yet to have made a case for itself, everything we've seen has been very underwhelming.


Not officially cancel yet, guys. There's still hope.

Best case scenario I can think of is it goes multiplat, but even that seems pretty unlikely right now.

While the game looked rough in previous reveals, the concept was really cool.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
In some cases it is

If The Last Guardian was being developed on a Microsoft machine it would never have come out.
I'm sure the main reason this came out was because budget wise it wasn't gonna be super expensive to develop to completion. Most studios wouldn't let a project sit on the backburner not making any progress whatsoever. How did TLG sell btw?

And a Metroid game was released in 2016
A super low budget 3ds title. That only has literal seconds of Samus in it. Come on man. Ծ_Ծ
Oh absolutely. I'm no business student but it's obvious the project either never came together, or wasn't coming together on a timeframe that it was possible to make money. I'm not judging at all. Of course, your right, Recore will have been on a different budget. When I say it sucks, I mean for everyone. Us, the devs, and I'm sure this wasn't what MS will have particularly wanted either.

looking at the games that were SUPPOSED to come out they had a pretty diverse portfolio, and they first revealed the game what, two years ago? It was scheduled for this fall.

Thats a lonnnng time to not see anything, and buying an exclusive from platinum couldnt of been cheap initially.

It really just sounds like the game is in hell and MS isnt trying to sink anymore money into it if its not gonna come together.

People acting like MS is the people in the Lyft commercials, sitting around a dark boardroom like LETS CANCEL THE GAME SO WE CAN SCREW FANS AND DEVELOPERS


I don't think CyGames budgeted Granblue as a 200 person game, or if it's even necessarily in a position to take that much staff and do anything with ti.

Hard to say, I guess. We only have one trailer to go by for now but based on the details Gematsu provided, Granblue seems VERY ambitious, to me.

Without going OT too much, I dunno. Scalebound... something about it just seemed offputting to me. One thing I'll give the game is the world design looked somewhat interesting but... there are other open world games (like Granblue, DQXI, Breath of the Wild etc) which look far more appealing IMO.
So without Scalebound -- a HUGE title -- Microsoft have Sea of Thives (i think it will be delayed), Crackdown 3 (huge question mark) and State of Decay 2 (we didn't saw a single in-game image)

So, I guess, Fall 2017 won't be the “GREATEST GAMES LINEUP IN XBOX HISTORY" again.
Indeed. It's because Platinum has a very hardcore fan base around here so they want to blame MS and not Kamiya or Platinum.

Look the game never looked good when shown. Development was probably hell and MS just decided to cut their losses. It's unfortunate but it is what it is

If this is at all true, I'm blaming Platinum Games and not Microsoft. They have the talent, and I assume they were giving the resources. It fell on them afterwards to do the vision proud, and I honestly don't feel much of what I saw was as exciting as I hoped for it to be. And I'm saying this as someone who was more excited to see Scalebound above anything else entering Microsoft's press event at E3 last year, and I really didn't feel like what was shown lived up to the potential. A real shame if this ends up being canceled, but if the game isn't coming together and things aren't working out, that's what they have to do.

Guess Who

Again that was all Kamiya, he has literally talked about how this is his dream game for a while, MS didn't control the art style at all, Platinum was given a ton of creative control if you had even remotely read a single interview about this game. People seriously need to stop projecting about this game man.

I have no problem believing that Kamiya really wanted to make the fundamental game that Scalebound is, and that "making a game with a big dragon you fight with" is a dream project for him, but that only goes so far. Of course Kamiya or other staffers aren't going to come out and say "yeah, Microsoft really has us by the balls on this" or something like that in a PR interview.


I have to imagine the game was a complete shitshow if Microsoft canned it after dumping how many millions into it.


If not for the fact that I also want to play State of Decay 2, I'd be pretty effin' pissed right now about not selling it much earlier.

I hope this isn't true...
Lets be honest, the game never looked any good. Everything we have seen has had jank written all over it. Its just a shame so many years have gone down the drain. Microsoft don't make this a habit. You kinda need the first party titles.
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