Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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I wanted this to be good, but honestly none of the footage looked particularly great and the protagonist is extremely unlikeable.


The game looked extremely rough and terrible gameplay wise at the gameplay reveal.

I won't be surprised or even worried if it get cancelled.


Things aren't looking that hot for MS right now except for Scorpio but if Scorpio is going to be filled with nothing but Halo, Gears and Forza games then it's not going to be a good investment for this holiday season.


Oh for fuck sake. If Microsoft have some brains they won't do this, because outrage will be huge. Lionhead and some free2play garbage is one thing, but canceling Kamiya's dream game is brand suicide.

This really is a terrific post. I never realized the cult of personality around Kamiya was so strong.

And the Pirate game by Rare.
And maybe a new season for Killer Instinct?
Phantom Dust HD as well? (Unless that is cancelled again. lol...)

But yeah, year is looking real rough for Xbox.
Actually the future is looking rough for exclusives in general unless they have a lot of secrets.

What games did they have planned for the future?
Forza? Pirate game Rare (sorry don't know name)? Crackdown (development hell? lol) "Scalebound" and Halo 6?
Am I missing something? I can't be missing something right?

Because Sony's future games are
Horizon, Persona 5, Crash HD collection, Spiderman, GOW, GT Sport, Gravity Rush 2.
And unannounced games like Suckerpunch.
Double the amount of games just from the top of my head.

This and that thread listing the MS internal studios has me looking at my Xbone a little skeptically. It might be time to clear out the backlog and ship it off. Enjoyed it thus far but the future looks kind of pathetic and I'd be fine with my PS4 and extra cash.


I'd give Kamiya part of the blame... from reading stories about him a lot of his games come together near the end of development. This one might have been too much for him to turn around, especially without Mikami around to help out as a Producer. Big fan of the man's work and hope the rumor isn't true.

Obviously we need more information before much can be said, but Platinum has not had a good time lately. Like, have they made a "good" game since Bayonetta 2, and what really good games did they touch between Bayo 1 and 2? I know Star Fox Zero wasn't completely Platinum's fault, but they still seem to be on a really bad streak. Did the developer just get over-hyped after the, imo, fantastic Bayonetta games? Again, I don't want to immediately throw them under the bus, but jeez. It doesn't look they've been having much success the past few years.

Vanquish, Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance, and The Wonderful 101 are all good games.

Never played the Transformers game, but most people thought that was good for what it was (a short, licensed title).


Member're crazy if you think Nintendo is going to fund this shit. What's the announcement going to be? "You know that terrible game that Microsoft canceled and looked terrible every time it was shown off? Well, now it's a Switch exclusive!"

Again, doesn't look even remotely as bad Devil's Third.


Hopefully Kamiya gets working on a new multiplatform project. Something including PC.

It must suck for his team and him. But I guess it's business, and if Microsoft feels it wasn't working then maybe it was the right decision.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Microsoft just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Kamiya fans (I'm an expert), but expecting tons of funding for poor selling games is a huge part of it. It's not like it is with other devs where you can become successful by having a marketable concept. If you cancel a Kamiya game you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Kamiya's dozen fans, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase an Xbox One, nor will they purchase any of Microsoft's games on PC. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Microsoft has alienated like 12 or or so people with this move.

Microsoft, publicly apologize and uncancel Scalebound for Xbox One or you can kiss your business goodbye.


But Kamiya? How the fck!????

My first reason for getting og Xbone. Phantom dust just below it. Common MS. Don't do this.
This was the game that would have convinced me to get an xbox. I don't think I can trust Microsoft's decision making if this is cancelled.


I would have bought an Xbone for it since I'm a PG fan.
I really hope Kamiya will be OK.
I believe Bayo 2 sold higher than Bayo 1 in its best selling platform. Obviously Bayo 1 will sell more on PS360 combined with Bomba bin prices.
Yep, I remember a source saying that in a NPD thread.


Oh boy...and we're just beginning the year.

Really disappointed at Kamiya and Platinum.

Do you get my dislike for Spencer now, Spencer believers? Do you fucking get it?



If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I think MS was demanding more and more changes to make it a more viable product for a release in 2017 but Platinum Games had issues keeping up with those wishes. This started as a Xbox One game...and by last year MS probably wanted it to hit PC/Scorpio as well, even more multiplayer focus and so on the end it probably wasnt the game Kamiya wanted to create.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Scalebound should have just been Bayonetta with being able to ride dragons instead of Jets. It would have sold like hot cakes. What it really looks like is a slow plotting fight along side a dragon game with some weird rave looking hero.

It would have sold like stale cakes. Stale Cakes!
And the Pirate game by Rare.
And maybe a new season for Killer Instinct?
Phantom Dust HD as well? (Unless that is cancelled again. lol...)

But yeah, year is looking real rough for Xbox.
Actually the future is looking rough for exclusives in general unless they have a lot of secrets.

What games did they have planned for the future?
Forza? Pirate game Rare (sorry don't know name)? Crackdown (development hell? lol) "Scalebound" and Halo 6?
Am I missing something? I can't be missing something right?

Because Sony's future games are
Horizon, Persona 5, Crash HD collection, Spiderman, GOW, GT Sport, Gravity Rush 2.
And unannounced games like Suckerpunch.
Double the amount of games just from the top of my head.

Not to mention Below and Cuphead were announced in 2013&2014 respectively and are nowhere to be seen.


Member're crazy if you think Nintendo is going to fund this shit. What's the announcement going to be? "You know that terrible game that Microsoft canceled and looked terrible every time it was shown off? Well, now it's a Switch exclusive!"

that like... EXACTLY what I can picture them doing. nintendo doesn't make sense.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Well shit. Graphically it wasn't exactly mindblowing, but the gameplay looked good. But I can see why MS would cancel it. It would be money spent on a game that most likely wouldn't sell a lot, considering the Xbone userbase generally isn't too hot on Japanese games, I guess. Still, a shame.
What the fuck?

I don't think they could possibly explain this unless Platinum have been missing deadlines consistently and MS are just wasting money. This game has been worked on since what, 2013? To cancel it after beeing in the public eye since 2014 and was told would be released this year is fucking terrible. Another Fable Legends.

Does not bode well for future games if MS are willing to do this over and over again when Xbox One is in need of exclusives.
Sunk Cost Fallacy :p


Yea, heard it's been canned. Super rough development, milestones missed, payments stopped. Kamiya stressed as hell.
Well then... personally the main character was a shit head but the premise of the game was interesting. A shame.
Not a good look for MS with all those unsuccessful products so far this gen even if in this case it sounds like platinum were aiming to high and couldn't deliver that vision.
It used cloud power because the base model XB1 can't handle the chaos without killing the frame rate. Being able to show it off on Scorpio without the need for "the power of the cloud" would be a positive for that console.
You're forgetting the build demo with a "high-end PC". The physics calculations are seemingly not possible on current hardware.
How did Bayonetta 2 bomb if it received another reprint? The first printing sold out. It took awhile, but it sold at almost full price.

No one actually knows if Bayo 2 bombed. It almost certainly sold less than Bayo 1, yes, but "bomb" implies a project did substantially worse than expected, internally. Nintendo seems to control budgets well and have reasonable forecasts for their software. Breath of the Wild, the most ambitious Nintendo game ever produced, will be profitable at two million copies sold.
Colin has been saying for awhile that Platinum has t been doing too good. They make a lot of games but they aren't that good. I mean they could have made scalebound easily after bayonetta but they started working on many other games and lost focus and couldn't get it together probably. I mean MS was willing to delay the game months and months into 2017.

I could never get excited about it. They showed a trailer for it in 2014 and the last 2 e3's they had gameplay.


Big Kamiya fan here, this looked like a total mess from what I've seen, from voice acting to dialogue to gameplay, character and technical stuff, not to mention the online boss battle looked weird.
I had a feeling MS only greenlit this game because for some reason everyone was going crazy about Platinum. But most of their games seem to bomb.


You don't think they care that one of their most anticipated titles, of which millions was sunk into had to have the plug pulled on it? Stop it. The narrative you're trying to push in this thread that the blame is solely on Platinum and it's no big deal is weird.

What? I said I don't think Microsoft cares that much that Platinum never makes another game for them. Platinum games aren't some huge multi-million seller. Most of their games bomb.

This is on both Platinum and Microsoft. Platinum for being out of their depth and Microsoft for not having better control of the project in the first place.

Stop being so defensive.


Looked terrible at every showing... Similar to Fable Legends which also was horrible.
Best to cancel it before wasting more money on a property that was doomed
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