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Scalpers don't cause shortages and they provide value for those who have the money but not the time to seek out a product

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You made this dumb thread to get those kind of reactions and now you're throwing a tantrum? Unless you really thought people would be swayed by your stupid arguments?
Nothing of what I say is even particularly insightful or controversial. We're almost 300 posts in and not a single good argument has been brought forward as to why scalping shouldn't exist. Hey, I'm here, you're here - why not share your facts and logic regarding the matter with us? The fact of the matter is that the scalper hysteria is fueled by obese maladjusted 30yo college dropout virgins who are mad they don't get to buy the latest toy at the lowest price possible. And that's OK. Be mad about, just don't expect anybody to care. You wanna play games? There's plenty of affordable competition to the cutting-edge technology you so desire, just purchase that. You want to price control fucking video game consoles and GPUs because you lived the most sheltered suburban middleclass life imaginable and you're not used to mommy and daddy saying "no"? Well, in that case I'm afraid you'll have to endure this one hardship™ for a little longer. :'( The supply will catch up, just hang in there buddy.
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You gotta remember the scalpers are usually those mcdonald’s eating fat wallet browsing pickup truck driving toilet paper hoarding beetus beasts. They dress like notch sometimes with the fedora and trench coat and have all the graphics cards. Because they want to be like notch the happiest man on the planet.
Because you are trolling.
I challenged you to name one thing I'm trolling about. Why not be specific? I got 60 posts in this thread, just pick one. I have defended every single thing I said. Not only that, I would consider my positions to be virtually self-evidently correct, unless you're a s*calist. The problem is that the majority of you people are plain stupid. 🤷‍♂️And again, that's OK, most people are. None of you guys have ever thought about this issue beyond "they take my toys away". You've submitted to the delusion that if it weren't for the scalper you would have probably gotten your desired product in a market where the demand outstrips the supply.
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"provide value"

Cool Hand Luke Quote GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time

you left out that they force people to spend hundreds more dollars than they would have had to if the scalpers hadn't hoovered up all the stock with bots

i've got my ps5 and i love it but i'm trying to forget how i spent enough for two of them. Japan must be, perversely, just about the hardest place you can think of to get a ps5 at retail
"provide value"

Cool Hand Luke Quote GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time

you left out that they force people to spend hundreds more dollars than they would have had to if the scalpers hadn't hoovered up all the stock with bots

i've got my ps5 and i love it but i'm trying to forget how i spent enough for two of them. Japan must be, perversely, just about the hardest place you can think of to get a ps5 at retail
They don't force people to spend anything. Just buy something else. You people are delusional.
I challenged you to name one thing I'm trolling about. Why not be specific? I got 60 posts in this thread, just pick one. I have defended every single thing I said. Not only that, I would consider my positions to be virtually self-evidently correct, unless you're a s*calist. The problem is that the majority of you people are plain stupid. 🤷‍♂️And again, that's OK, most people are. None of you guys have ever thought about this issue beyond "they take my toys away". You've submitted to the delusion that if it weren't for the scalper you would have probably gotten your desired product in a market where the demand outstrips the supply.
Outstrip my nuts.
You and your scalping pals are a cancer to consumers. Hopefully the UK government can pull their finger out and start up this process to make this practice illegal like it should have been ages ago.

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Imagine being such a fragile loser that a thread about economics on the internet has you this triggered 🤷‍♂️Get a life, buddy.
limp the dick,

you've spent '60 posts' getting triggered by people for a practice that is clearly not popular, maybe u just need to accept that people think you're a dick and move on, rather than sitting at your desk defending yourself with 60 posts against people who will permanently think you're shit on the bottom of their shoes.

I dunno about Hawking Radiation Hawking Radiation 's time usage, if he needs a life, but you clearly put wayyy too much time into justifying your shit practices on a pet thread on a game forum that clearly disagrees with you.

Get yourself a life.
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I nominate you for the stupidest thread and belief of the century. You are part of the problem and you don't even realize it.

Scalpers. Provide value.

Scalpers are cancer lazy people exploiting the system with zero value.


Quoting myself, this your value: army of bots stealing legitimate buy.
Because you can't fight bots, that's the sad true.

Check this post for example
There is literally SITES to subscribe/buy bots for assholes "resellers": https://www.ksrautomation.co/

You have to be at the right place at the right moment to be able to buy a PS5, that's so pathetic.
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This is quite the hot take.

"Scalpers are essentially making use of a market failure - namely Sony/Nvidia/AMD/etc. failing to increase the prices of their products even though the supply can't meet the demand (due to a chip shortage)"

GPUs/consoles are mass market products. The companies often push value as a key selling point (see the XSS or PS5D pricing strategy) and will even eat a loss on the hardware side because they want the products to be affordable to the average consumer. Why do they do this? Because their profitability depends on volume. Gaming is a discretionary expense, it's price elastic, and if it's priced wrong, people will get turned off.

The chip shortage is a freak event caused by a freak pandemic. But companies know the effects will be short-lived. IF the companies raise prices to take advantage of these supply constrained times, the impact to their goodwill in the long term will be a big risk. Once supply normalises (and they will), people will move away from companies who raised prices opening the doors for competition. You can see this playing out with NVIDIA who are actually playing games with not even officially putting out an MSRP to the new 3080 12gb. The blowback from reviewers and consumers is quite evident. And this is why there is a big enthusiasm for Intel GPU launch, where people expect more fairly priced products (similar to some great value CPUs they have launched recently). Door is open for them.

Value added by scalpers - You are conflating value to a highest income earning group (a very small percentage) as value to the overall market of a mass market products. Most people who buy from scalpars do not represent the entire market. It's like trying to judge the global car market by looking at the buying behaviour of Ferrari owners!


Lol, you're the type that loves to start trouble when life gets a bit too boring, aren't you?

This is a super complex topic that is difficult to reach consensus (and I'm sure you take pleasure in this), but I'll contribute my 2 cents.

By setting an MSRP, manufacturers establish a price uniformity that most consumers often agree is a proxy for "fair price". I will anticipate your rebuttal of bringing up "market efficiency something something blah blah blah" in advance by stating that market theory doesn't play well with concepts such as fairness and morality.

Consumers aren't upset with scalpers because they are the cause of the shortage (they're not), but because of what they interpret as reprehensible behavior in terms of how they have chosen to capitalize off of the shortage by implementing an elevated barrier to a product that didn't exist before, and by extension, creating a fairness imbalance. This goes back to the issue of markets and morality not playing nicely, especially during crisis.

If you hate scalpers, you should beg for the manufacturers to raise the console and GPU prices to their actual market value (they probably don't do it for brand perception reasons or otherwise). Currently, the products are simply priced too low.

There's a fine line between between antagonizing people with bs vs actually believing in your bs and proposing an equally bs solution - You crossed that line with the these statements.


When it comes to the "value added" portion of where a scalper' part is to play in systems redesign, it's almost very little. They have shown themselves to be a cancerous middle-man in the purchasing of consumer electronics. I'd never be friends with a scalper.
Nothing of what I say is even particularly insightful
harry potter book GIF

or controversial. We're almost 300 posts in and not a single good argument has been brought forward as to why scalping shouldn't exist. Hey, I'm here, you're here - why not share your facts and logic regarding the matter with us?
Every single person in this thread has torn you apart. This has been you the whole time:
Not Listening Friends Tv GIF

The fact of the matter is that the scalper hysteria is fueled by obese maladjusted 30yo college dropout virgins who are mad they don't get to buy the latest toy at the lowest price possible. And that's OK. Be mad about, just don't expect anybody to care. You wanna play games? There's plenty of affordable competition to the cutting-edge technology you so desire, just purchase that. You want to price control fucking video game consoles and GPUs because you lived the most sheltered suburban middleclass life imaginable and you're not used to mommy and daddy saying "no"? Well, in that case I'm afraid you'll have to endure this one hardship™ for a little longer. :'( The supply will catch up, just hang in there buddy.
Ok, boomer.
Tom Cruise 80S GIF


Scalpers are essentially making use of a market failure - namely Sony/Nvidia/AMD/etc. failing to increase the prices of their products even though the supply can't meet the demand (due to a chip shortage). The fact of the matter is that there isn't enough products at MSRP for everyone who'd like one, even if you eliminated all the scalpers who buy up the products at MSRP. So either you discriminate by price (which scalpers do) or by time/luck (hitting F5 at the right time on Amazon, checking Twitter bots all day). I don't understand why the latter is more virtuous than the former. Frankly, when it comes to luxury products I prefer an auction over a lottery. 🤷‍♂️ Scalpers buy products at MSRP, and redistribute it to those who are willing to pay more for them, thereby providing value as the recipient doesn't have to waste their time following Twitter bots day and night. They don't affect supply because they're obviously incentivized to resell. They do affect demand as the demand for a $1500 RTX 3080 is lower than for a $800 3080 but really, that's how price discovery works. If your price is such that the product is out of stock all the time, you've priced it too low.

If you hate scalpers, you should beg for the manufacturers to raise the console and GPU prices to their actual market value (they probably don't do it for brand perception reasons or otherwise). Currently, the products are simply priced too low.

edit: This is neither clickbait nor cringe lol. I've responded to literally everyone in good faith. I'm just correct and I'm sorry it hurt your feelings. By the end of this thread, 40-50% of you guys will be pro-scalping, so keep coping mods. :)

Wouldn't it have been easier and quicker to just say "I'm a dick" 🤷‍♂️
Lol, you're the type that loves to start trouble when life gets a bit too boring, aren't you?

This is a super complex topic that is difficult to reach consensus (and I'm sure you take pleasure in this), but I'll contribute my 2 cents.

By setting an MSRP, manufacturers establish a price uniformity that most consumers often agree is a proxy for "fair price". I will anticipate your rebuttal of bringing up "market efficiency something something blah blah blah" in advance by stating that market theory doesn't play well with concepts such as fairness and morality.

Consumers aren't upset with scalpers because they are the cause of the shortage (they're not), but because of what they interpret as reprehensible behavior in terms of how they have chosen to capitalize off of the shortage by implementing an elevated barrier to a product that didn't exist before, and by extension, creating a fairness imbalance. This goes back to the issue of markets and morality not playing nicely, especially during crisis.

There's a fine line between between antagonizing people with bs vs actually believing in your bs and proposing an equally bs solution - You crossed that line with the these statements.
I knew a person like him in college. She'd take the side of whatever was least popular and play devil's advocate to the point where she convinced herself she believed the garbage coming out of her mouth.


Scalpers are essentially making use of a market failure - namely Sony/Nvidia/AMD/etc. failing to increase the prices of their products even though the supply can't meet the demand (due to a chip shortage). The fact of the matter is that there isn't enough products at MSRP for everyone who'd like one, even if you eliminated all the scalpers who buy up the products at MSRP. So either you discriminate by price (which scalpers do) or by time/luck (hitting F5 at the right time on Amazon, checking Twitter bots all day). I don't understand why the latter is more virtuous than the former. Frankly, when it comes to luxury products I prefer an auction over a lottery. 🤷‍♂️ Scalpers buy products at MSRP, and redistribute it to those who are willing to pay more for them, thereby providing value as the recipient doesn't have to waste their time following Twitter bots day and night. They don't affect supply because they're obviously incentivized to resell. They do affect demand as the demand for a $1500 RTX 3080 is lower than for a $800 3080 but really, that's how price discovery works. If your price is such that the product is out of stock all the time, you've priced it too low.

If you hate scalpers, you should beg for the manufacturers to raise the console and GPU prices to their actual market value (they probably don't do it for brand perception reasons or otherwise). Currently, the products are simply priced too low.

edit: This is neither clickbait nor cringe lol. I've responded to literally everyone in good faith. I'm just correct and I'm sorry it hurt your feelings. By the end of this thread, 40-50% of you guys will be pro-scalping, so keep coping mods. :)
What is the percentage of scalped sales vs msrp to consumers? For sake of discussion lets consider just ps5/series sales. Link data please.


Reseterror Resettler
Mahahaha, I can nary bring myself to become roused by the feeble simpletons populating my magnum opus of a thread, for it dawns on me that not all can be possessed of an intellect of the caliber I've been most painstakingly bred for. Indeed, the world is full of feckless imbeciles and twas my mistake to not give credence to the notion that some of these less savory types may have, over the years, learned to operate a computer system, if in a rather rudimentary manner. Ha, I do declare the opinions on display here are rather, shall we say, banal, hoo hoo hoo

Get the fuck over yourself, OP. Tip that fedora too far and it'll fall off your head.


The argument, to me, is extremely simple. Scalpers have a material impact on retail supply that would otherwise go to a consumer. They dramatically exacerbate supply/demand imbalances. I wouldn't be surprised if they are the cause of supply deficits in some cases but the majority of the time I suspect there is already a natural deficit and they learn about it and pile into it to make it far worse. But the point is: they obviously make supply deficits far worse. Their artificial demand is the cause of dramatic price inflation.

Simple example: 10 people want a PS5, but Sony can only make 5. Demand/Supply is 2:1. Now, let's inject 10 scalpers into the mix. 20 people want a PS5. Demand/Supply is 4:1. In which situation are prices higher? You argue scalper value is to clear the market; to allow wealthy people who can afford a higher price to pay so in exchange for time/covenience. But what if 10 people wanted a PS5, and Sony could make 10. All 10 people can get a PS5 with no additional price. How do the 10 scalpers add value in that scenario? Where is the inflection point in your argument? What if Sony could make 9 PS5s... Is the addition of 10 scalpers into the mix sufficiently valuable to make life easy for 1 wealthy person but artificially inflate the price for those 9 other people?

I don't have any real statistics to back this up; I don't know how far Sony's PS5 supply is from true underlying demand. But I believe the onus is on you to convince me that scalping isn't a cancerous by-product of a free market, because this is such an obviously basic principle to me that I don't need to waste time making a case for it. The existence of the bot economy tells me enough about the state of modern scalping to support this conclusion.
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This reads like a hyena justifying why they're necessary. I mean, sure you are, but we could probably get by with you in a cage.
Simple example: 10 people want a PS5, but Sony can only make 5. Demand/Supply is 2:1. Now, let's inject 10 scalpers into the mix. 20 people want a PS5. Demand/Supply is 4:1. In which situation are prices higher? You argue scalper value is to clear the market; to allow wealthy people who can afford a higher price to pay so in exchange for time/covenience. But what if 10 people wanted a PS5, and Sony could make 10. All 10 people can get a PS5 with no additional price. How do the 10 scalpers add value in that scenario? Where is the inflection point in your argument? What if Sony could make 9 PS5s... Is the addition of 10 scalpers into the mix sufficiently valuable to make life easy for 1 wealthy person but artificially inflate the price for those 9 other people?
You're incorrect but I do appreciate this approach to debate. Thought experiments are very interesting in general.

You are leaving out one essential information: The price. You established that the product has exactly as much demand as there is supply. This implies that the product is priced at an equlibirium. We know this because the PS5 is an elastic good. If you increase the price the demand goes down, if you decrease the price the demand goes up. You priced it such that the demand = supply at the given price. In this case scalpers can't exist, because if they sell for higher than the manufacturer the demand would drop and they might not have anyone to sell it to. That said, in your scenario it would be possible for a scalper to buy up large bulks of the stock and create a monopoly which is a market failure in and of itself and that I do not consider desirable. If for example, one scalper got their hands on 8-10/10 consoles, they might indeed demand more dollars than what you'd expect in a competitive market. Generally, scalpers only exist in the realm of market failures (primarily: failing to adjust the price) and by adjusting the price (given a constrained supply) such that supply meets demand, you eliminated scalpers.
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I agree with you to some extent OP. A one size fits all approach to pricing is not ideal, but we've got no other way to really handle this. Scalping has many other issues, first parties doing it with their own products has many other issues too. In a perfect world companies would be able to extract from us exactly what we'd be willing to pay (I'm a capitalist, haters, go eat communist dick) but it's not easy in practice.

Therefore the model we have today of a standardized price is probably the best thing going until a better model can be found.
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This is quite the hot take.

"Scalpers are essentially making use of a market failure - namely Sony/Nvidia/AMD/etc. failing to increase the prices of their products even though the supply can't meet the demand (due to a chip shortage)"

GPUs/consoles are mass market products. The companies often push value as a key selling point (see the XSS or PS5D pricing strategy) and will even eat a loss on the hardware side because they want the products to be affordable to the average consumer. Why do they do this? Because their profitability depends on volume. Gaming is a discretionary expense, it's price elastic, and if it's priced wrong, people will get turned off.
That is correct but I don't think this contradicts anything I said. Sony etc. can come up with whatever business model they want, things can still play out differently in reality, especially when the demand for a products sykrockets and a chip shortage affects supply.
The chip shortage is a freak event caused by a freak pandemic. But companies know the effects will be short-lived. IF the companies raise prices to take advantage of these supply constrained times, the impact to their goodwill in the long term will be a big risk. Once supply normalises (and they will), people will move away from companies who raised prices opening the doors for competition. You can see this playing out with NVIDIA who are actually playing games with not even officially putting out an MSRP to the new 3080 12gb. The blowback from reviewers and consumers is quite evident. And this is why there is a big enthusiasm for Intel GPU launch, where people expect more fairly priced products (similar to some great value CPUs they have launched recently). Door is open for them.
I agree. There are good reasons for the manufacturers to not raise the price.
Value added by scalpers - You are conflating value to a highest income earning group (a very small percentage) as value to the overall market of a mass market products. Most people who buy from scalpars do not represent the entire market. It's like trying to judge the global car market by looking at the buying behaviour of Ferrari owners!
I'm not conflating it. I'm perfectly aware of it, I just don't care. For one, you don't have to be of the highest income earning group to afford market prices for the PS5, and possibly not even for the RTX 3080 depending on whether you live in a first world country. Their market value is being driven by "the masses" and not by some small elite, else the price would've dropped after that small circle of people reached market saturation. I would agree that there are more people who'd rather invest time than money into getting a PS5, but again, why would I care if you don't get a PS5? I have not seen a single good argument for why anyone should be bothered about whether the recipient of a PS5 got it through time investment vs money investment. Why is the former more virtuous? Always keep in mind I'm no socialist. I don't care if higher income individuals have access to more costly entertainment. That's fine.
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This has been entertaining to watch, thank you Imp. The actual points are mostly bollocks, but the nonsense is slipped seamlessly in with the truth and it’s made for great fun. It’s an interesting experiment to see play out. Getting in before it dies to say well done
Seems very situational for each person. For me it was getting an XSX for £260 above MSRP but it didn't need to piss around with those crappy bot notification services that would require me to be on my phone pretty much 24/7 when I'm meant to be working a job.

So in that respect is somewhat makes sense.

My and has now shifted my value because I can leave my PC mining crypto while I game on my xbox. Like folks on first page mentioned the shortage is a real issue. if it wasn't we wouldn't have scalpers selling 3090's for 4 grand during 2021 and still selling them for around 3 grand same for the cards under that the markup is silly because shit is hard to make due to limitations from the material level.
I challenged you to name one thing I'm trolling about. Why not be specific? I got 60 posts in this thread, just pick one. I have defended every single thing I said. Not only that, I would consider my positions to be virtually self-evidently correct, unless you're a s*calist. The problem is that the majority of you people are plain stupid. 🤷‍♂️And again, that's OK, most people are. None of you guys have ever thought about this issue beyond "they take my toys away". You've submitted to the delusion that if it weren't for the scalper you would have probably gotten your desired product in a market where the demand outstrips the supply.
And you're operating under the delusion that bot scalpers somehow AREN'T affecting the supply issues at all, whilst you're simultaneously causing part of the supply issue. I do love how you think you're educating people about the market though lol.
Scalping isn't "correcting the market". Scalping is being scummy and taking advantage of people, period. Justify it to yourself any way you want, but you sound ridiculous trying to act like this is some noble cause.
im going to point at you and laugh since it sounds like you're a sucker that got ripped off 😂

scalpers are only a real problem since stores stopped allowing pick ups. once we get past chip shortages and more stores allowing to buy in-store, this whole talk will be pointless because you're an arse. anyone can see you're an arse because you like the idea of stripping peoples opportunities of buying the shit they want and then reselling double the original price. i mean how could you not see this issue?

because you're a fat arse
And you're operating under the delusion that bot scalpers somehow AREN'T affecting the supply issues at all, whilst you're simultaneously causing part of the supply issue.
Unless scalpers start stockpiling PS5s and gamble with them, they don't. They resell before a product depreciates in price. The amount of units sold with or without scalpers remains the exact same. They only affect demand, in that they price those out who aren't willing to pay the market price for a product.

Anybody notice how I don't have to dodge a single question, while cavemen gamers won't ever honestly engage with a thing I say? :) There's no way you're not seeing it.
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OP is the guy that enters the freeway in the wrong way and starts screaming: WHY IS EVERYONE DRIVING IN THE WRONG WAY?

Scalpers dont create any value. A console bought by a scaleper is less consoles sold at normal price. Its a ripoff and only rich ppl are ok with these practices.
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OP is the guy that enters the freeway in the wrong way and starts screaming: WHY IS EVERYONE DRIVING IN THE WRONG WAY?

Scalpers dont create any value. A console bought by a scaleper is less consoles sold at normal price. Its a ripoff and only rich ppl are ok with these practices.
You say they create no value, then you acknowledge they do but only for rich people. Which one is it? And why would I care if they create value only for a subsection of the population? Nobody gives a fuck if you get a PS5. 🤷‍♂️
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Unless scalpers start stockpiling PS5s and gamble with them, they don't. They resell before a product depreciates in price. The amount of units sold with or without scalpers remains the exact same. They only affect demand, in that they price those out who aren't willing to pay the market price for a product.

Anybody notice how I don't have to dodge a single question, while cavemen gamers won't ever honestly engage with a thing I say? :) There's no way you're not seeing it.
You completely dodged my comment. You still haven't really addressed why you are making a distinction between discretionary purchases and essential purchases, i.e. why you ridicule people for being "socialist" and yet you admit that you are OK with government stepping in when it comes to certain goods/services. If it's OK for you to make arbitrary distinctions then it's OK for others to do it and draw the line in a different place.
You completely dodged my comment. You still haven't really addressed why you are making a distinction between discretionary purchases and essential purchases, i.e. why you ridicule people for being "socialist" and yet you admit that you are OK with government stepping in when it comes to certain goods/services. If it's OK for you to make arbitrary distinctions then it's OK for others to do it and draw the line in a different place.
Can you elaborate? I must have missed that comment.


You say they create no value, then you acknowledge they do but only for rich people. Which one is it? And why would I care if they create value only for a subsection of the population? Nobody gives a fuck if you get a PS5. 🤷‍♂️
I care if i get a PS5 and i care if its being sold at normal prices. I already bought one at normal price. Anyone that thinks that less ppl should have the same oportunity i did and should pay more to get a PS5 is a fucking retard. And we all know, you should never go full retard.
I care if i get a PS5 and i care if its being sold at normal prices. I already bought one at normal price. Anyone that thinks that less ppl should have the same oportunity i did and should pay more to get a PS5 is a fucking retard. And we all know, you should never go full retard.
Literally everything in this post is wrong:
  • Nobody gives a fuck whether you want to get a PS5 at your desired price, much the same that nobody cares whether you're priced out of Rolex watches, golf club memberships or luxurious travel destinations.
  • Sony doesn't give a fuck about giving everyone the "same opportunity" at buying a PS5. That's not how they determine the cost (which by the way clearly prices out very low income individuals) and that's not how the market works for luxury items. Poor people aren't entitled to PS5s. Piss off, s*calist. Enjoy the next famine in your commune, fucking loser.
  • Price discrimination is fine when the item in question is not essential. And particularly if there's ample opportunity to just buy something cheaper that does the job. You're absolute fucking delusional if you think your desire for 4k/60 FPS ports should have any consquences on how market economies/mixed economies run their secondary markets.
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OP is more or less right.

The perfect no-scalping world people are pining for isn't good either. In that world what determines who gets a console? It's essentially time. Maybe it's refreshing Best Buy and Amazon waiting to strike in this bot-free utopia. Maybe it's getting in line early the night before a restock at a physical store.

In practical terms that means that the less valuable your time is, the more likely you are to score a console. So, you're 'rewarding' people who have just barely enough money for the new console over more successful people who also want the product. That's just dumb.

Or the even stupider idea of "a fair lottery for all who are interested". Great. You might get one. Then again, maybe you won't. At which point there is no recourse until you eventually win a lottery. Right now, I can buy a PS5. I don't think I want one, and certainly not at above MSRP, but I could get one. That's a good thing.


Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF

This is engagement with your topic, anyway as you said i said my piece, i just thought you'd stopped posting like you should have but i guess you were just taking a nap, so i smh
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