You train as a full time job essentially in the Army. It really doesn’t prepare you for it. You have all the tactical knowledge, it’s just not a common character trait to keep your cool at first. That’s kind of like going in to a top level ufc bout but only have sparred, the only way to become a fighter is to fight.
It’s why despite most people citing cases of the good guy with the gun that stops a bad thing from happening, the more common outcome is being paralyzed by adrenaline overload and never even reaching for your gun, and really wanting to run away. We all think we’ll be that dude that’s a great warrior, but the reality of the stuff is much more humbling. Many gun owners in America lack humility.
Edit: and I don’t mean to act like the oracle of combat knowledge, I wasn’t even infantry/ranger or special forces, I’m just relaying my own experience with it. If someone punches you or attacks you you have almost natural reactions, because humans have a frame of reference for a fist fight or wrestling, but small arms combat is much less familiar, it feels completely surreal at first.
What your point is addressed by proficiency. When I mean proficiency, I mean "you can do it with eyes closed" kind of proficiency.
When a stressful event comes, people will rely on what you learned in muscle memory. You do start to do things in an unconcious way that every step you do is done regardless of adrenaline. Its the same reasons why someone who has driven a car for a long time can either swerve or brake in the event of something in front of them braking (depending on what they are used to do). It is a real great bonus too that engagements in a self defense scenario like this tend to be around seconds to minutes, and not like hours like a typical servicemen do.
That is why people teach quick draws and recommend practicing everyday. Dry firing exercises, quick loading, marksmen training, situation "flowchart" and tactics. I am not saying this because civs gun owners are like glorious guys who cant do anything wrong. What I am saying is as far as preparation goes, its the best you can get. Because if you trust the police and military that just as subject to the same training and just as "unprepared" for the real situation, you should be able to trust a typical gun owner who went to the same training and practice much more on his free time because they love what they do.
I've always noticed that conservative politicans in America who are staunch about the 2nd amendment and constitution are the same group who want to get rid of your postal service...that's literally part of the constitution. Which always baffled me.
Japanese internment camps. 2nd Amendment seems pretty exclusive as to say that white Americans don't really believe in it to help fellow Americans who don't look like them. And let's face it the moment Japanese Americans would have opened fire on the military, they most likely would have been slaughtered wholesale with white Americans helping. Small minority groups standing up against a government mistreating them will never work when the majority group sides with the government in that mistreatment.
Massacre you say? Remember the My Lai massacre? American SLAUGHTERED vietnamese civilians. Guess what, when that happened, everyone in the world knew we were the bad guys in that conflict, and it bolstered the morale of the vietcongs. Numbers multiplied and much more freaking commited to a point of winning the war, despite the seemingly apparent inferiority in firepower (but they got AKs tho).
I can say the same crap about the Middle East or North Korea. We can literally glass them (US Armed Forces I mean) but that one tiny IED or a small nuke and now that army now needs to triple or quadruple their budget and lose some lives just to deal with something that is made relatively cheap. Even a modern abrams can be taken down by good ol' IEDs and RPGs. And that is just armaments. When you do evil stuff, you will face people that will literally lay their lives to get you killed.
This is why I am really baffled about people discounting our chances as a civilian population against our own government. As long as we are an armed populace, not only we have a chance, we can win. Many people who have arguments like these forget that there are multiple fronts in a war, not only in a battlefield, but socioeconomic too. Yahoos in rural areas can easily fortify water, food and power supplies, and fully shut down american economy, and liberal city folk will riot out of starvation. Not to mention the internet who can distribute organic recruit pieces much quicker than before. We are not even going for possible defectors in the military, typical citizens developing their own weapons (XM 556 handheld microgun ftw) and other countries joining in. All it will take is for people to finally get ticked and not bending over when the feinsteins of the world says "Mr. Aerica, give me your guns pls".