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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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Aaw, I was hoping for a better delivery on
"You had a sexy phase?"
as that was one of the lines in the book that made me put it down and laugh for a few minutes.
I like Michael Cera and never had doubts of him being a great Scott Pilgrim, but that clip further proves to me that he's perfect. The way he said "What is she talking about" and the way his eyes dart around... So good.:D

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
DanielPlainview said:
Empire cover:


Yeeeeah, thats hot


I'll be honest, I hadn't even heard of Scott Pilgrim before the first trailer was released, so when I did see it, let's just say I knew I had to read all the books.

Anyway, I am currently up to Book 4 and I love that I can now pick out certain scenes in the trailers that I remember from the books... and the subtle little changes...

The one I remember the most is the exchange between Wallace and Scott on if Scott said the L word to Ramona yet, and how that scene differs from the book to the movie.

Cant wait for this!!!

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
DanielPlainview said:
David Edelstein (who hated Inception) chimes in:

dude hated inception?


ezekial45 said:
Preview Nigel Godrich's Score for the movie.


i wouldn't. go into the movie fresh. the music is great and has impact upon first hearing and that opening credit bit you mentinoed was a really fun surprise.

the movie comes out soon, guys. it'll be better going in fresh w/o seeing a million trailers and all that


Rapid Response Threadmaker

There were a lot of A list starts at the premiere

Looks like both Kevin Smith and possibly Quentin Tarantino both liked it.

“That movie is great. It’s spellbinding and nobody is going to understand what the fuck just hit them. I would be hard pressed to say,”he’s bringing a comic book to life!” but he is bringing a comic book to life. If you’ve ever seen Scott Pilgrim, he did a fucking damn fine job of taking essentially an anime looking book and putting it into the real world while keeping everything about that book that’s kind of cool and what pops. He describes it as Say Anything meets Kill Bill and he’s not that far from accuracy. The chick who plays Knives, the little Asian girl, she’s going to be a star. She is adorable in the movie … Michael Cera is really great. He’s also doing something that’s different from what most people know him as in terms of the character. He’s a little more self assured and Bugs Bunny-like than George Michael. The fight scenes are fun. It’s just a fucking good time, man.”

edit: This is a really old article from March 3rd.


Trojita said:
Looks like both Kevin Smith and possibly Quentin Tarantino both liked it.
Errr, those impressions are from an early screening back in March. Also note that the film has changed a bit since then, whether it's better or worse remains to be seen - we'd need to hear from those who saw the early cut.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
XiaNaphryz said:
Errr, those impressions are from an early screening back in March. Also note that the film has changed a bit since then, whether it's better or worse remains to be seen - we'd need to hear from those who saw the early cut.

Oh my bad. I thought it said August 3rd. I saw that Quentin Tarantino was at the official premiere so I was looking to see his opinions on it. Thanks for the correction. If he went to see the final cut, it'd have to be good right? :D


I cannot believe how close this is now.

I've been waiting for a Scott Pilgrim movie for so long it feels like. The fact that it seems to have turned out quite well is encouraging. This really could have been a disaster.

David Edelstein said:
The film is repetitive, top-heavy: Wright blows his wad too early. But a different lead might have kept you laughing and engaged.

I don't mind that he hated Inception (Inception wasn't even remotely that good so it's not even close to above hatred, sorry to break the sacred cow down a notch), but I wonder if this isn't merely an issue any adaptation would have had due to the nature of the comics. I can definitely see the formula getting "repetitive" in movie format, whereas it wouldn't wear thin in a comic series spread out over years.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I'm a huge fan of Jason Schwartzman. How much is he supposed to be in this movie?

edit: Goddamn it. I can't get over how much Cera looks like this girl I work with. It really bothers me. :lol :lol


Man I am so friggin pumped to see this. I agree that the clip above makes it look like the movie is going to be lightning quick :lol


BobsRevenge said:
I'm a huge fan of Jason Schwartzman. How much is he supposed to be in this movie?

edit: Goddamn it. I can't get over how much Cera looks like this girl I work with. It really bothers me. :lol :lol

He's in it quite a bit, especially teh second half.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
BobsRevenge said:
I'm a huge fan of Jason Schwartzman. How much is he supposed to be in this movie?

edit: Goddamn it. I can't get over how much Cera looks like this girl I work with. It really bothers me. :lol :lol


This article
says he appears late in the movie

Jason Schwartzman is on a roll
The "Rushmore" star has always exhibited a wealth of talent, but over the past few years Schwartzman has really come into his own. From his vocal work on "Fantastic Mr. Fox" to his entertaining turn on his HBO series "Bored to Death" to his sell out sitcom actor in "Funny People," Schwartzman has had a confidence and charisma that hints that he'll be around for quite some time.
His character Gordon Gideon Graves appears late in "Scott Pilgrim,"
but it's a significant role that he manages to provide more depth to than you'd expect if you've already consumed Bryan O'Malley's graphic novels.
SONOFABITCH...I got a free 2 person ticket to an advanced screening, but I have to work the night its airing....plus the theatre is an hour and a half away...I was so close


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
deadmuffin said:
SONOFABITCH...I got a free 2 person ticket to an advanced screening, but I have to work the night its airing....plus the theatre is an hour and a half away...I was so close
Quit your job.




ezekial45 said:
Preview Nigel Godrich's Score for the movie. Listen at your own risk.

:lol :lol
at the midi Universal Theme


EDIT: This score is spectacular. I wasn't expecting to hear 8-bitness in the music, but it's loaded with it.

You know that's something nobody ever mentions - the music.

It's amazing.

You'll be even more amazed that not only is the Universal Theme is midi, but that the Universal Logo is entirely done in 8-bit pixel art :)


TimeKillr said:
You'll be even more amazed that not only is the Universal Theme is midi, but that the Universal Logo is entirely done in 8-bit pixel art :)

It was so beautiful.

And all the Zelda music in the first 20 minutes or so. So glorious.

way more

brotkasten said:

Scott seems to be getting more functionally retarded the more I see of him. I can understand how this would be great in comic form where you can reflect on the words and study the art before the next panel, but in film it's just spastic and impossible for any actor to pull off. Poor Cera has to read his lines like he's just awoken from a coma and lost a large portion of his brain.

butter_stick said:
My God, Cera is so awful. It's so hard to stay excited for this movie.
You really can't blame him. He has to appear blank and amazed all the damn time. In animated form this would work just fine. It's perfect for the sort of reaction shots that look unsettling in real life.
Cera doesnt' fit what I expected of Scott at all. I know that's old news now, but honestly I don't imagine Scott to be so slow and stupid. More...I dunno, bewildered but energetic? Slow but witty? I dunno, everything about the movie fits apart from him.
butter_stick said:
My God, Cera is so awful. It's so hard to stay excited for this movie.

jesus christ, really? The way I envisioned Scott in the comics is almost beat-bfor-beat what Cera is doing.

you are kind of awful

edit: scott is dumb as fuck in the comics, are you serious?


butter_stick said:
Cera doesnt' fit what I expected of Scott at all. I know that's old news now, but honestly I don't imagine Scott to be so slow and stupid. More...I dunno, bewildered but energetic? Slow but witty? I dunno, everything about the movie fits apart from him.

Who would you pick to be Scott then?
DeathbyVolcano said:
jesus christ, really? The way I envisioned Scott in the comics is almost beat-bfor-beat what Cera is doing.

you are kind of awful

edit: scott is dumb as fuck in the comics, are you serious?

i never pictured him to sound so wimpy/awkward but i guess that's all cera can pull off.

he's dumb and aloof but at the same time self-assured and confident in his aloofness.
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