Jesse Eisenberg would have probably been betterezekial45 said:Who would you pick to be Scott then?
Jesse Eisenberg would have probably been betterezekial45 said:Who would you pick to be Scott then?
DeathbyVolcano said:jesus christ, really? The way I envisioned Scott in the comics is almost beat-bfor-beat what Cera is doing.
you are kind of awful
edit: scott is dumb as fuck in the comics, are you serious?
brianjones said:i never pictured him to sound so wimpy/awkward but i guess that's all cera can pull off.
he's dumb and aloof but at the same time self-assured and confident in his aloofness.
Johnlenham said:Fack you USA Ive got to wait another 10 days :/
oatmeal said:You guys need to stop judging it off these random scenes that just throw you in the middle of something.
Wait until you see it before you throw down Cera...he's really good in it.
Dead said:Jesse Eisenberg would have probably been better
ezekial45 said:Who would you pick to be Scott then?
Dead said:Jesse Eisenberg would have probably been better
I don't read the gaming threads, but what the hell is with you and Kinect? Seems you've got something riding on it or something...BenjaminBirdie said:I doubt they'll be swayed. Cera is the Kinect of movies.
Rorschach said:I don't read the gaming threads, but what the hell is with you and Kinect? Seems you've got something riding on it or something...
BenjaminBirdie said:I just find the level of red-line hate for it to be highly amusing.
AgentWhiskersX said:Just got back from the SoHo Apple Store press event. Michael Cera was hilarious. He was also way taller than i thought. And Edgar Wright was shorter and chubbier. Wish they could've given us a screening but no luck.
Amir0x said:maybe if Kinect and Kinect software wasn't so amusingly atrocious people wouldn't mock it all the time
it should start by doing that, and then everything else will follow
Amir0x said:you have fun with your one game then, as the rest of hardcore game assuredly mocks the decidedly un-hardcore product and its shamelessly cautious me-too shovelware/tardware, but you shouldn't act as if Kinect hasn't fucking earned every shred of mocking it has acquired. You'd have to be blind to think otherwise.
I know this isn't the thread for this, but I hate when people act like this thing should be shielded in some ultra protective post-Wii shield, wherein everything casual is merely reflexively being hated on by the hardcore with no reason.
People are hating on Kinect because its software is abysmal and its technology is laughable.
oatmeal said:I look forward to when everyone realizes that Eisenberg sucks, too.
Amir0x said:well that's fine grab the popcorn and watch the frothing, but then you shouldn't let your posts betray your actual non-bullshit intentions then by trying to act like Kinect is some undeserving victim. Makes it too obvious
jett said:Eisenberg is a good actor.
Michael Cera has the acting range of a camel.
oatmeal said:I've yet to see this good 'acting'. He is a one trick pony, just like Cera.
jett said:I guess it won't matter what I post, but I really liked him in Roger Dodger. Whatever you may think of him he still shows much more range and acting ability than Cera.
I've yet to see this good 'acting'. He is a one trick pony, just like Cera.
jett said:I guess it won't matter what I post, but I really liked him in Roger Dodger. Whatever you may think of him he still shows much more range and acting ability than Cera.
DeathbyVolcano said:You can't even make that argument against Cera, because Cera's not TRYING to be a renown actor like fucking Day-Lewis. He picks roles that he's comfortable with and he knows he can be funny in. It's what comedic icons have been doing for almost a century. Stop trying to have something against Cera when Cera is just sticking to what he does well.
edit: oh good lord it's not even worth arguing. mehhhhhhhhhhhh acting chops mehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
DeathbyVolcano said:You can't even make that argument against Cera, because Cera's not TRYING to be a renown actor like fucking Day-Lewis. He picks roles that he's comfortable with and he knows he can be funny in. It's what comedic icons have been doing for almost a century. Stop trying to have something against Cera when Cera is just sticking to what he does well.
edit: oh good lord it's not even worth arguing. mehhhhhhhhhhhh acting chops mehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
jett said:I guess it won't matter what I post, but I really liked him in Roger Dodger. Whatever you may think of him he still shows much more range and acting ability than Cera.
jett said::lol What kind of argument is this?
He's not even that funny, either.
This reminds me of the Nic Cage hate threads.
DeathbyVolcano said:well you continually prove that you're a shitfuck, so, you know
How? :lol Nic Cage actually believes he's a good actor. Cera is just a comedian who acts in movies with his friends. Sounds like a fucking awesome career if you ask me.
johnsmith said:Jesse Eisenberg is a less funny and more neurotic Michael Cera
DeathbyVolcano said:well you continually prove that you're a shitfuck, so, you know
butter_stick said:So the argument against people not liking Cera's portrayal of a character is "shut up, he's doing what he loves"?
Why don't you tell me again how Cera is critic-proof
oatmeal said:I haven't seen that, so I guess I can't comment.
I have only seen him in a few of his more recent films like Zombieland/ other that I can't remember.
He's not terrible, and he's watchable, but when I watch him I just think he's a clone of Cera.
He looks good in The Social Network, though. Excited to see that![]()
DeathbyVolcano said:It's more, "shut up, he's doing exactly what people know and love him for, minus select few internet nerds that are butthurt because he stalled the Arrested Development movie." It's what he's good at, undeniably, and why he continues to get these roles. And Scott IS socially awkward and dumb, something the trailers highlight. From everything we've read, that's ALL the trailers highlight--Cera is going to be just fine. But why bother? You're all going to go in and pre-hate Cera even before he even comes on screen. It's just stupid.
butter_stick said:I don't hate Michael Cera. I mean, I've seen him in movies and not been offended by him, and I don't even care about Arrested Development. You're acting like somebody saying he doesn't fit in with their expectations of the Scott Pilgrim character is doing it because they're an angry, bitter old nerd. When it could just be that seeing him play Michael Cera rather than Scott Pilgrim is a bit of a problem.
Maybe it works in the movie. But seeing as the thread exists to discuss a movie that isn't released yet, you should expect these conversations.