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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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Cosmic Bus said:
This is pretty much why I won't be going to see the movie. I like Wright's previous work quite a bit, but the style, tone and general subject matter of Scott Pilgrim is like chewing on tinfoil. There's a slight chance I might enjoy it, but I'm not in the mood to spend money in order to find out when it's very, very likely those two hours will be excruciating for me.

If you like Wright's previous work quite a bit, there is no way in hell the entire film will be excruciating for you.
WordAssassin said:
That's the point. In the book it comes out of fucking nowhere at the very end. It's supposed to kind of jump-start the whole idea of "Ok, you've met this kid and his friends, they might seem normal, but his life is anything but."

so it wasn't supposed to be in any way funny or enjoyable? If so, it succeeded.
Cosmic Bus said:
This is pretty much why I won't be going to see the movie. I like Wright's previous work quite a bit, but the style, tone and general subject matter of Scott Pilgrim is like chewing on tinfoil. There's a slight chance I might enjoy it, but I'm not in the mood to spend money in order to find out when it's very, very likely those two hours will be excruciating for me.

Oh well. You guys will be missing out on one of the best movies this year, and maybe the best comic book adaption ever.
Cosmic Bus said:
This is pretty much why I won't be going to see the movie. I like Wright's previous work quite a bit, but the style, tone and general subject matter of Scott Pilgrim is like chewing on tinfoil. There's a slight chance I might enjoy it, but I'm not in the mood to spend money in order to find out when it's very, very likely those two hours will be excruciating for me.

Have you read the graphic novels, out of curiosity? This post makes it seem as though you have (or have at least checked them out), but I can't quite tell.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Just got back from dropping my GF off. We both throughly enjoyed it.

It was weird I was super hyped to go see it, but for some reason I had put my expectations aside for this one. It seems as though when I did this I also somehow put my idea of having to compare it to the books as well. I think it made me enjoy the film much more.

Overall it was a blast, and film wise definitely different than any move you've ever seen. There's honestly nothing quite like it out there. Also while Cera was hardly a standout IMO I never felt like he was just bad and let the movie down.

I also find it funny that when I first heard Kieran Culkin was playing Wallace and saw the trailer I wasn't sold, but the more trailers I saw the more I started to like the casting. I think he totally nailed it in the movie.

I also created my own acronym in my own mind like 5 minutes in: NQPM aka Nerd Quotient Perm Minute. The NQPM was really high in this one.

I've got more to say about everything, but I'll respond with a lengthier follow up tomorrow. Time for bed now I think!
Loved this movie, I don't think there was a dull moment in it. It was seriously just....whoooa awesome. I laughed the hardest at
the shaggy hair running joke,
, and
when he jumped out the fucking window:lol :lol :lol

I'm definitely going to see this again, then probably 2 more times after that.

I think this may be the greatest movie I've ever seen. The fight scenes were great and got better and better with each ex. The random narrations written everywhere. The songs from random video games that I love. So many hot girls, especially the Asian girl.

Chris Evans was amazing.

And Michael Cera was fucking hilarious.

the roommate texting his sister while passed out drunk. annnnnd "he knocked her highlights out!"
Expendable. said:
so it wasn't supposed to be in any way funny or enjoyable? If so, it succeeded.

Well, you shouldn't take everything at face value. It's a meta-joke. Put it in the context of the film and the setting to that point, and the humor is apparent.
Expendable. said:
so it wasn't supposed to be in any way funny or enjoyable? If so, it succeeded.
I disagree with you, I think it was very funny BECAUSE it was awkward, and I also find the song stupidly catchy and find myself singing it pretty frequently.

Also, FUCK MY LIFE for not having TV right now because Scott Pilgrim VS the Animation starts in like TWO MINUTES ARRRGH
I'm going to see it first thing tomorrow morning again, so hopefully I'll enjoy that part more. I've been listening to the song and have been liking it!


Expendable. said:
so it wasn't supposed to be in any way funny or enjoyable? If so, it succeeded.

have you ever seen a bollywood film? :lol

the puck-man pick up scene was golden.
i've regrettably used it before. :lol
andymcc said:
have you ever seen a bollywood film? :lol

Yeah, I've seen a bunch. I understand the references and all that, I just didn't really enjoy that scene in any sort of way. Then again, but it was so unexpected (like its supposed to be) that possibly I'll enjoy it a second time around.


Brettison said:
I also find it funny that when I first heard Kieran Culkin was playing Wallace and saw the trailer I wasn't sold, but the more trailers I saw the more I started to like the casting. I think he totally nailed it in the movie.
Dude! Same shit here
I saw the previews and though, ugh Wallace's actor sucks D:

Then I saw him perform. Fucking brilliant. Damn. :lol


ciaossu said:
Theater crowd near Atlanta was awesome :lol
During the shamalyanalam preview when it said his name everyone cracked up
And the (spoiler, funny one-liner)
"I have to pee on her"
line, holy shit :lol :lol
During the Shamallamadingdong trailer I said to my friend "The twist is that it's a good movie!" and I guess I said it louder than I thought because half the theater cracked up! :lol

blame space said:
Cosmic Bus' post makes me sad

Me too. Self-hating geeks FTL. :(


Cosmic Bus said:
This is pretty much why I won't be going to see the movie. I like Wright's previous work quite a bit, but the style, tone and general subject matter (and, yes, the audience) of Scott Pilgrim is like chewing on tinfoil. There's a slight chance I might enjoy it, but I'm not in the mood to spend money in order to find out when it's very, very likely those two hours will be excruciating for me.
Cool, let me know what you think when you see it

Chorazin said:
During the Shamallamadingdong trailer I said to my friend "The twist is that it's a good movie!" and I guess I said it louder than I thought because half the theater cracked up! :lol
Dude my friend said the twist is "everything doesn't happen for a reason!" :lol
It's like a joke that that preview was the opening act for Scott Pilgrim


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Chorazin said:
During the Shamallamadingdong trailer I said to my friend "The twist is that it's a good movie!" and I guess I said it louder than I thought because half the theater cracked up! :lol

Everyone in our theater was all into the trailer, and then they threw up M. Night. LMFAO :lol

The whole crowd in unison was like awwwwwww let down. :lol :lol :lol

Oh yeah and my gf mentioned she usually doesn't actually laugh out loud in movies, but there were several parts where she caught herself actually loling in the theater. :D

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Expendable. said:
If you like Wright's previous work quite a bit, there is no way in hell the entire film will be excruciating for you.

See, I've considered this, as much of his career (hell, all of it) is built on loving send-ups of goofy nerd culture, but Spaced, Shaun and Fuzz were born from things I've gotten some enjoyment out of in the past and have actors I like, plot elements that are interesting or amusing to me, etc. On the other hand, I think the entire concept of Scott Pilgrim is incredibly irritating... the seemingly constant onslaught of videogame and indie puns and references makes me absolutely cringe, and the entire thing veers too far into self-aggrandizing for my tastes, especially since, as I say, the subject matter isn't appealing in the first place. There's nothing in the 'geek romance' that I find identifiable, either.

As for it being an excellent comic adaptation, well, that really isn't much of a selling point. I've never read comics, and there are only two superhero-type movies I have any real affinity for.

It's great that this seems to have made the transition into a movie so well and that people are pleased with the results, it just isn't for me.


Cosmic Bus said:
Been drunk.
Smoked or taken drugs.
Kissed or gotten laid.
Taken a vacation or traveled
Been in any sort of accident, broken bones or been seriously hurt or sick.
Walked out of a movie.
Had a meal at a nice/upscale restaurant.
Won anything from a contest or drawing.
Set foot in a public school.
Visited a zoo.
Owned a suit (or even worn one).
Been in a fight.
Had a credit card.
Worn a watch.
Watched Scott Pilgrim vs the World

is it cool if i go ahead and add this to the laundry list of shit you've never done/will do?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I've always wondered this. Does everyone think of the comics as geek centric or nerd centric or do people instead think of them more as indie centric?

I always got the vibe everyone thought of it more as the former, but I always got the vibe that it was 20 something indie semi hipsters just with a healthy dose of geek references. Yet as a crew I always thought of the cast as throw back 90s indie "slackers" in terms of how I'd categorize them. Just that some of them might have some geek tendencies (mainly the guys) as well as BLOM.

Eric Hall

Really enjoyed the film, definitely captured the spirit of the book. The visuals were insane for the film (particularly the Twins fight). I felt everyone was excellent as their characters with Wallace stealing the show and Lee and Todd being the best villains. The ending here I also thought was much better than the book's ending.

The one thing I didn't like though was how they kind of drop most of the Kim/Scott stuff. That was one of my favorite things about the series.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Brettison said:
I've always wondered this. Does everyone think of the comics as geek centric or nerd centric or do people instead think of them more as indie centric?

I always got the vibe everyone thought of it more as the former, but I always got the vibe that it was 20 something indie semi hipsters just with a healthy dose of geek references. Yet as a crew I always thought of the cast as throw back 90s indie "slackers" in terms of how I'd categorize them. Just that some of them might have some geek tendencies (mainly the guys) as well as BLOM.
I wouldn't attribute it to any sub-culture specifically. Scott Pilgrim isn't a nerd... but I didn't see him as some scenester indie kid either... he just has a crappy little band. I thought it was just what a realistic 20-something kid in the 2000s would be exposed to in a normal life: videogames and music.

It's kind of like how in That 70s Show, the characters always talked about Star Wars... but they weren't nerds in partiucular... it's just that the average kid in the late 70s will have had a big part of their lives be dominated by Star Wars.

Most 20 year old guys have knowledge of things like Mario and Final Fantasy... it's just that until now, no one of our generation has been honest enough to include it as part of the fever-dream that surrounds a fictional character's world... even if its pretty accurate for a lot of people out there.


Loved the film. Thought the
Ramona control chip
was a cop out and would rather have seen
the breakup
be a purely emotional decision. Okay, done nitpicking.

I want to go to sleep, wake up, and watch it again. So many great moments.
As a total newcomer, I came with no expectations other than wanting to see the latest Wright film, and it was quite good. I did feel it was a bit rushed towards the end but some of the stuff in this film was blindingly hilarious and it was a visual masterclass. And I'm also happy it didn't end the way I thought it would... exactly. There was a lot more to it at its core than I thought, but it still fell a little short of what it could have been. An enjoyable affair.

Cosmic Bus said:
See, I've considered this, as much of his career (hell, all of it) is built on loving send-ups of goofy nerd culture, but Spaced, Shaun and Fuzz were born from things I've gotten some enjoyment out of in the past and have actors I like, plot elements that are interesting or amusing to me, etc. On the other hand, I think the entire concept of Scott Pilgrim is incredibly irritating... the seemingly constant onslaught of videogame and indie puns and references makes me absolutely cringe, and the entire thing veers too far into self-aggrandizing for my tastes, especially since, as I say, the subject matter isn't appealing in the first place. There's nothing in the 'geek romance' that I find identifiable, either.

As for it being an excellent comic adaptation, well, that really isn't much of a selling point. I've never read comics, and there are only two superhero-type movies I have any real affinity for.

It's great that this seems to have made the transition into a movie so well and that people are pleased with the results, it just isn't for me.

But how can you make that judgment without actually reading the source material or watching the film? You've obviously closed your mind off to the possibility that you're wrong about this, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you eventually catch it on DVD.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Just got back from the midnight showing. I liked the film, but I have to say the comics are superior. I felt Wright tried to shoehorn in too much material for a two hour film and lacks the emotional resonance that O'Malley's work had. I think that it would have been better served as a two part film, ala Kill Bill.

There were two in jokes that were pretty neat:

When Todd gets zapped by the vegan police, he's shot with a GREEN ray (kryptonite)


the whip-like weapon Roxie uses looks alot like Katara's Waterbending from Avatar: The Last Airbender


I've been avoiding saying anything comparing it to Speed Racer due to that film's completely undeserved terrible reputation, but yes there are some similarities in the way they both have a very surreal quality to them.
Fun movie. Not perfect, but good enough. LOVED the Flash Gordon bit.

We were given a free drink and a choice of a few SP-themed meals: garlic bread, 7-layer chocolate cake, and poutine (my choice).

After the movie we were treated to a Q&A with Wright and much of the cast. The audience was set-up to prank them. We were told to greet them with tepid applause. Were told not to raise hands when asked for questions. Then, a plant was to ask Cera "Michael Cera, what is your middle name?" When he responded "Austin," we were to unleash with noise provided by things we had been given prior: horns, whoopie cushions, party poppers, cap guns, etc. The look on their faces as the audience exploded from boredom was priceless. Video should be available at some point. (There is something magical about being in a room with a couple hundred whoopie cushions going off. Seriously, I was almost crying.)

Highlights from the Q@A:

- Harry Knowles asked them to respond in character as they would to an asshole using a cell phone in a theater. Routh started off okay, but then admitted that he was doing Clint Eastwood.

- Routh is a lot bigger than I thought. Winstead, too.

- Wright said that most of the deviations from the comic were the result of the film having started before the comic finished. It is all from the creator's original outline.

- Cera's comic timing is very good IRL.

- For UK GAF: Wright said he could eat a box of Jaffa Cakes in something like less than two minutes.

I am a bit drunk, so I apologize for not having more details.

At the afterparty we were given some free drinks and got t-shirts. Sex Bob-omb shirts for the ladies and SPvTW shirts for the gents. There were some 80s/90s arcade cabinets set up, a belly dancer, some chip tune DJs, and a group from NYC that does chip tune version of karaoke songs.

Fun times.


the walrus said:
Is it wrong that the more I read about this film the more I realize I'm probably going to hate it? :lol :lol

How on earth could you hate on a Michael Cera movie considering your avatar?
Eye Drop said:
Was a bit cut they didn't focus on the drummer in Clash of Demonhead. Oh well.
She's in the music video for Black Sheep, though, so they cast her and designed her costume still. I think that as fantastical as the movie was, there might have been some stuff that Wright just knew was TOO out there. A girl with a mechanical arm might have been that.
Went to watch it with a group of friends.

A solid B+. Had me cracking up throughout the whole movie. Fight scenes were wonderful. Music was even better. Lots of humor, lots of cringe-inducing moments.

Better than the books: Scott has gained the power of self-respect!
Better than the movie: Getting back with Ramona isn't easy, and requires working it out mid-fight.

Funny moment: Too many.

Awesome fight: All of them, but especially the twins.

Special note: During the Final Fight, when Gideon was about to lose to that last combo, I was thinking "ASTRAL FINISH!!!"


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Count Dookkake said:
Fun movie. Not perfect, but good enough. LOVED the Flash Gordon bit.

We were given a free drink and a choice of a few SP-themed meals: garlic bread, 7-layer chocolate cake, and poutine (my choice).

After the movie we were treated to a Q&A with Wright and much of the cast. The audience was set-up to prank them. We were told to greet them with tepid applause. Were told not to raise hands when asked for questions. Then, a plant was to ask Cera "Michael Cera, what is your middle name?" When he responded "Austin," we were to unleash with noise provided by things we had been given prior: horns, whoopie cushions, party poppers, cap guns, etc. The look on their faces as the audience exploded from boredom was priceless. Video should be available at some point. (There is something magical about being in a room with a couple hundred whoopie cushions going off. Seriously, I was almost crying.)

Highlights from the Q@A:

- Harry Knowles asked them to respond in character as they would to an asshole using a cell phone in a theater. Routh started off okay, but then admitted that he was doing Clint Eastwood.

- Routh is a lot bigger than I thought. Winstead, too.

- Wright said that most of the deviations from the comic were the result of the film having started before the comic finished. It is all from the creator's original outline.

- Cera's comic timing is very good IRL.

- For UK GAF: Wright said he could eat a box of Jaffa Cakes in something like less than two minutes.

I am a bit drunk, so I apologize for not having more details.

At the afterparty we were given some free drinks and got t-shirts. Sex Bob-omb shirts for the ladies and SPvTW shirts for the gents. There were some 80s/90s arcade cabinets set up, a belly dancer, some chip tune DJs, and a group from NYC that does chip tune version of karaoke songs.

Fun times.

I'm not jealous at all. Not at all.


Dookake, are you press or something? How did you get that hooked up?

Wish I knew when this film was coming out in South Korea.


Holy shit.
I just came back from seeing it.
Amazing. I loved it. It started off kind of slow, but once it picked up, it was GREAT!!
The special effects were phenomenal :D
Damn.. I'm gonna see this again.


Incredibly Naive
I definitely liked it, but can't say I'm not a little dissapointed. The first half was really great, but the second half was clearly rushed. I think this may have been better as a two parter, but maybe that's just me. The way
everything was tied together so quickly in terms of how fast he beats the twins and the poorly written battle scene, seemed lazy to me. Also how the ending was just the beginning game rehashed to the end was cliche and predictable. I also didn't really get why he was fighting with knives, there's really not much closure to that
it's nitpicking, and I liked it, but the movie was far from perfect. Wright definitely had a lot of great ideas in there, but it was clearly forced/rushed towards the end there.
I got to see it earlier today, and I really enjoyed it. I didn't particularly care for Wallace's portrayal, though. The delivery of some lines felt off, and he sometimes just didn't seem like him. Aside from that and the rushed feel of the evil-exes, I loved it. One of my most enjoyable theater experiences in recent memory. I even got a free movie pass due to some sound issues (sound was too low for a while, and cut-out a few times).

Also, if I wasn't gay I'd be all over live-action Ramona right now.


/Film review

This is the sort of movie where a major moment of emotional catharsis directly results in a flaming samurai sword emanating from a character’s chest. A movie like that doesn’t come around very often, but when it does, you know you’ve found something special.

Truly, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is that special something. Do the future of cinema a favor: embrace it as such.

/Film Rating:
out of 10

Funky Papa

I knew nothing about Aubrey Plaza before this movie, but I think I'm starting to develop a titanic crush on her.

Man, those eyes.

Edit: Just to reiterate, I think I'm in nerd-love with every single female on this film, but Plaza is the flavour of the day. Off to find more of her work.


God there were a lot of funny moments. One of my favorites was when
the vegan police high fived each other in the background

Thanks to Ramona's changing hairstyles, the film reminded me of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Funky Papa said:
I knew nothing about Aubrey Plaza before this movie, but I think I'm starting to develop a titanic crush on her.

Man, those eyes.

Edit: Just to reiterate, I think I'm in nerd-love with every single female on this film, but Plaza is the flavour of the day. Off to find more of her work.
You are lucky... Parks and Recreation is a good show.
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