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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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The Interrobanger said:
To that I would say stop telling yourself it's fun being a geek and start living.

My perception of GAF's population has really, really dwindled due to the lack of common sense and girl-age threads in the last few years...
What do you mean by "living?" I gotta hear this.


The_Technomancer said:
I leaned over to the guy next to me, said "what you didn't know was....they were the aliens all along" and did the flat-hand plot twist gesture.

Was he part of your group, or a stranger?


The_Technomancer said:
A stranger, and it wasn't awkward at all. We had a huge theater full of nerds, which seems like the best possible way to see the movie.

It's really not. The first time I saw the film at comic con, these fucking people kept cheering everytime there was a reference to something or a pull from the comic. It was really annoying. Better when i saw it this morning.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Mr. Spinnington said:
cosmic bus i will be seeing this movie later on today and let you know how i felt. i know you have a very particular taste in films bu ti largely tend to agree with what you like

Spinnington <3

I watched that animated thing and it was pretty flat for me. Four minutes of :\

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Fletcher said:
It's really not. The first time I saw the film at comic con, these fucking people kept cheering everytime there was a reference to something or a pull from the comic. It was really annoying. Better when i saw it this morning.
Hm, our crowd was more subdued then that. It was more some cheering about...three times in the movie for epic stuff, not just every time something cool was up.


The Interrobanger said:
EDIT: It should be said that I'm a fairly well off, well adjusted dude who has a solid career, relationship and social life, which is why these borderline high-school drama stories don't do it for me.

How on earth would any of those things stop you from being engaged by a well made film about ANYTHING? Dunce.


The movie was really fun. I'm not quite sure how I feel about its accuracy to the comic, but I always feel a movie is best judged based on its own merits and not on the source material.

But it was definitely fun. Right now I'm thinking "good fun, but no masterpiece." But then that seems pretty self-explanatory... how many movies are masterpieces anyway? It's in my top ten for the year anyway, probably spot 9 or 10.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
One thing I did find interesting was how Gideon was more of a smooth-taking asshole in the film, as opposed to his downright evil comic counterpart.


Unconfirmed Member
Fletcher said:
It's really not. The first time I saw the film at comic con, these fucking people kept cheering everytime there was a reference to something or a pull from the comic. It was really annoying. Better when i saw it this morning.

I could see that happening. "Yes, I know that was Zelda music they played right there, that doesn't mean I have to laugh out loud as hard as I can."


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I feel like a lot of the non-fans who are declaring how they don't want to see this are hung up on the whole 20-something romance angle... They're imagining it's Twilight for game nerds and hipsters.

I haven't seen the movie yet to see how it "feels"... But I thought in the comic
the romance plot was actually quite lighthearted, and really just an excuse to hang a wild, irreverent game/anime themed adventure on a semi-realistic real world plot.

Scott Pilgrim fans are generally not emo over the Scott/Ramona love story, basically. That's not the appeal. It's more like videogame themed Kill Bill than it is a John Hughes teen romance... At least to me. Maybe the movie feels different.. I don't know.


Just got back from a screening with my friends. Holy fuck was that amazing. I'm not a hipster, and I only vaguely know of the Scott Pilgrim world (although, I'm probably going to read all the books soon) but I was just amazed. I wasn't alone, the rest of my friends agreed, and we're likely going to see it again.

Don't worry Knives, if Scott doesn't want you, I'll always be in lesbian with you!
I think I'm gonna have to see this by myself. :(

No one I know wants to see it. And after reading Vol. 6 and playing the game, my hype for this movie is through the roof.


Dresden said:
What the fuck is up with these condescending idiots lately. They're everywhere.

I know! And they're defending another shitty Michael Cera movie.

Edit: Just to be clear, I fucking hate Michael Cera.



Amir0x said:
The movie was really fun. I'm not quite sure how I feel about its accuracy to the comic, but I always feel a movie is best judged based on its own merits and not on the source material.

But it was definitely fun. Right now I'm thinking "good fun, but no masterpiece." But then that seems pretty self-explanatory... how many movies are masterpieces anyway? It's in my top ten for the year anyway, probably spot 9 or 10.

I'm surprised, this was probably one of the only films I've personally seen you legitimately hyped for.
Mudkips said:
I know! And they're defending another shitty Michael Cera movie.

Edit: Just to be clear, I fucking hate Michael Cera.


I don't really care for him much either, but from the trailers I felt like he fit here.


Does anyone know how many theaters Scott Pilgrim is in? I was surprised to see that my local theaters only had 5 or so showings for the day, when it's typically closer to 10 for new releases.


listen to the mad man
harSon said:
Does anyone know how many theaters Scott Pilgrim is in? I was surprised to see that my local theaters only had 5 or so showings for the day, when it's typically closer to 10 for new releases.

2818 theatres

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
This is one of those films that a lot of people are going to die and go to hell before they'll ever give it an ounce of credit for what it tries to do, precisely because giving that credit would mean re-examining a subject they have a childish attitude over. In Scott Pilgrim's case, it's the hipster trend. Both the comic and the movie are, if anything, vicious satires and deconstructions of hipster-ism - much more so the book just because it is much longer and has breathing room for characters to mull over the situation.

An example from the book is
Todd the psychic hipster vegan. Perhaps the most obvious hipster satire in the entire series, true. Todd is pretty much the hipster taken apart to a molecular level including his self-deluded end. From his trendy, shallow fashion-oriented adherence to veganism complete with psuedoscience babble about how veganism makes you special. To the fact that the Vegan Police "take away" his powers by pointing their fingers and making zap noises, a metaphor for the fact that all of Todd's hipster abilities are just conceited make-believe.

However, many will despise it and call it "hipster porn" precisely because it has to introduce and define that world in order to undermine it. Just as some folks despise Michael Cera's face so much they'll work themselves up into a ball of hate over seeing it, some folks will call a hipster satire a hipster movie because they have to see the hipsters in order to get to, you know, the punchline.


Stumpokapow said:
2818 theatres

I guess that explains it.

Was planning on buying tickets to The Expendables and Scott Pilgrim on Fandango for a back to back viewing, but Scott Pilgrim's viewings are like 3 hours apart :/
I quite enjoyed this. It's not WORLD-CHANGING, but it was an eminently enjoyable, visually inventive, very funny movie that manages to have a pretty good heart at its center. Michael Cera was, for the most part, a pretty great Scott Pilgrim; I've said it before, but he has a way of not winking at the camera that makes him perfect for comedy, and it actually lends itself quite well to this character because Scott Pilgrim is a pretty cool guy who doesn't really know or understand why he's cool. There were, I'll admit, a few moments where he was a little bit too 'Cera-y', but they were far and few between in an otherwise very well-done performance. Everybody else was very good and very accurate for their characters, and Kieran Culkin killed it as Wallace; that's exactly how I pictured Wallace in my head when I was reading the book, and he somehow managed to make it completely naturalistic where it could have been cartoony/over-the-top like, say, Julie Powers was. The music was bitchin' too.

Overall, I'd agree that it does feel somewhat rushed; Michael Philips was right when he said that seven exes in one movie feels like a bit much, as it gives the film very little breathing room (and for the heavy emotions that this film traffics in, breathing room was needed to help the relationships feel a little more developed; having it all happen in a week or so makes it feel more unbelievable, emotionally). However, each ex was very entertaining and well-acted
though the Bollywood number didn't really work for me, personally
, so even if covering all of them made the film feel a bit rushed, that was okay because it was still very entertaining.

It's not something that I'm going to remember forever, but it was fun and entertaining and funny, with great action scenes; as far as video-game-influenced coming-of-age/maturity graphic novel film adaptations go, it was as good of a movie as I could have hoped for, I think. Chalk up a third major victory for Edgar Wright.
Kaijima said:
An example from the book is
Todd the psychic hipster vegan. Perhaps the most obvious hipster satire in the entire series, true. Todd is pretty much the hipster taken apart to a molecular level including his self-deluded end. From his trendy, shallow fashion-oriented adherence to veganism complete with psuedoscience babble about how veganism makes you special. To the fact that the Vegan Police "take away" his powers by pointing their fingers and making zap noises, a metaphor for the fact that all of Todd's hipster abilities are just conceited make-believe.

a good point.. i also like how he eats products with dairy in them but doesn't seem to really care. saying he's "vegan" is more important than actually being one :lol
even better the 2nd time around! Edgar Wright does some truly amazing things here, the final battle just gets more and more amped up, love it.
Gonna give this one a B+ - definitely worth your time and effort if your a fan of the books and/or video games. Visually it was fantastic, the actors did the characters more than justice, but it was a little rushed in the end.

However, I just can't see anyone who wasn't into either liking this movie


FlightOfHeaven said:
What made it funny was that it was laughter, not moaning. The man is a joke.

I pity him.



KingHenrik30 said:
Gonna give this one a B+ - definitely worth your time and effort if your a fan of the books and/or video games. Visually it was fantastic, the actors did the characters more than justice, but it was a little rushed in the end.

However, I just can't see anyone who wasn't into either liking this movie
The three people who went with me never read the comics, and only one was into video games, and they all loved it,


I really enjoyed it. I'm not sure if I've just learned how to turn off that 'Mr. Critic' attitude, but I've thoroughly enjoyed close to all of the films I've seen as of late. Any who, I've never seen a flick quite like it, it was funny, great cinematography, and well-paced. Had the source material been mishandled, this could've turned into a serious cheese-fest but most of the humor had me legitimately laughing. It was very self-aware/self-referential which is why I think it worked. And say what you want about Cera, but he delivered almost every line flawlessly. A lot of the appreciation has to be handed to the editing though; effects were amazing, dialog timing was spot-on and the scenes never seemed to drag on. An all-around great movie with some pretty magnificent eye-candy.



remz said:
The differance here is, scott pilgrim is actually fucking excellent, unlike the Twilight shitfest :lol

Twilight and Eclipse were actually decent films though. They were by no means excellent but they're not nearly as bad as some people want them to be. New Moon was absolute trash though.

Looks like I'm going to have to watch Scott Pilgrim by myself too, I can't get any of my friends to watch it after The Expendables :/

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
harSon said:
Does anyone know how many theaters Scott Pilgrim is in? I was surprised to see that my local theaters only had 5 or so showings for the day, when it's typically closer to 10 for new releases.

Yeah...surprising that only Scotiabank Theatre in downtown TO was the only one showing it :p

Weird and unfortunate.


Saw it. Fucking awesome movie though I do agree it felt rushed towards the end. Also I have to give it up to Ellen Wong and Kieran Culkin. They fucking nailed Knives and Wallace. Wong especially pretty much stole the show for me as she effortlessly pulled off Knives enthusiasm and naivety.


I still really hope they make a Scott Pilgrim Animated series. I loved that 4 minute short and I just keep watching it wanting to see the entire series done that way.


Kusagari said:
Saw it. Fucking awesome movie though I do agree it felt rushed towards the end. Also I have to give it up to Ellen Wong and Kieran Culkin. They fucking nailed Knives and Wallace. Wong especially pretty much stole the show for me as she effortlessly pulled off Knives enthusiasm and naivety.

"I'll be quieter..."

My least favorite of Wright's films, though I blame the source material. My expectations weren't too high, since I read the first volume of the comic and wasn't too thrilled. The special effects and music were good, but all it did was make me want to play No More Heroes. I was hoping the ending would be
Knives and Ramona both ditching Scott's sorry ass.
Michael Cera's performance wasn't anything special, though in his defense Scott isn't that great to begin with. The best part was
the Vegan Police.
Also the outfits were pretty good.


Jealous Bastard
absolutely brilliant. some of the sequences here would have been such unmitigated disasters in someone else's hands.

wright is a virtuoso. i am extremely impressed. didn't think it'd work at ALL.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Just saw it....amazing.

That is all
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