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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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Saw it twice today (saw it this morning at a comic book store sponsored screening, then accompanied my wife who couldn't make the screening). Picked up the soundtrack as well, which is as good as many here say. The temptation to just keep playing 'We Are Sex Bob-Omb', though, is a hard one to resist.
ezekial45 said:
Just came back from seeing it again. The movie holds up remarkably well on repeat viewings (as expected with all of Wright's movies). A few things i noticed:

1. Sprite from the Scott Pilgrim game during the end credits

2. Did anyone else noticed how different Cera looked during the 2 player mode portion of the fight with Gideon. It looks like this was from the re-shoots or something.

Btw, i've been hearing a lot about some Flash Gorden references during the last fight. I haven't seen the movie in awhile, so can anyone who noticed them remind me what they were?

Ramona kisses Gideon's green ring. (or vice versa?) It's like a split second reference to The Ring in the movie


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper

Sorry for the cruise control guys, but I just got back from seeing this. I'm a Scott Pilgrim n00b, so outside of the 3 levels of the game I played, I knew nothing about what I was getting into.

This movie was so good I was giddy for about 2 hours after seeing it. The characters, the dialogue, the cinematography, the effects, the humor. Beautiful. I don't really have the words right now, but I'll revisit the thread when I do.

BRB. Buying the comics. Wait. Are the comics as good as the movie? Also, Kim Pine>All.


WanderingWind said:

Sorry for the cruise control guys, but I just got back from seeing this. I'm a Scott Pilgrim n00b, so outside of the 3 levels of the game I played, I knew nothing about what I was getting into.

This movie was so good I was giddy for about 2 hours after seeing it. The characters, the dialogue, the cinematography, the effects, the humor. Beautiful. I don't really have the words right now, but I'll revisit the thread when I do.

BRB. Buying the comics. Wait. Are the comics as good as the movie? Also, Kim Pine>All.
The comics are godly. Gets better after the first volume.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I'd say the comics are better because theres more characters and they're more fleshed out. Doesnt take anything away from the movie's merits though


This movie was awesome! It was exactly what I thought it would be - charming and totally geek. Bought the game this morning; think I'll buy the comics next :)
There is a palpable energy in the movies that even the comics cannot match, but there's less satisfaction in the emotional moments in the film because the compressed time frame (both running time and the time in the world of the film) made the relationships feel a little less developed.

However, I am only through volume 4 of the comics, so I cannot comment fully on movie vs. comics.


WanderingWind said:
BRB. Buying the comics. Wait. Are the comics as good as the movie?

i think they are much better. not that i didn't like the movie, but the longer form gives o'malley the opportunity to really establish and develop the characters and their relationships, to give one example.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Some old couple in my theater left the movie before the credits started. We think it was the dating a 17 year-old thing.

I knew this movie was going to speak to me on a personal level when the Zelda "get item" noise played after he said "She's Chinese!"



Einbroch said:
I died laughing at the
high five
. My friend had to tell me to stop laughing. :lol
Awkward afterparty + Vegan powers/police
was my favourite scene in the film. I nearly died with laughter too.

I read the first comic to get a little bit of context before seeing the movie, and also to understand where the hype was coming from. I really loved the film. Next stop, borrow the rest of my housemates comics, buy the soundtrack and try the game demo. :)

Hot Fuzz is still probably my favourite Wright film, but this is a close second.


Saw the film. It was kind of great/okay. Bear in mind that I've read the comic so I know how the story goes but my friend hasn't read it and the fighting seven evil exes thing completely puzzled him and he doesn't understand why they turn into coins, etc.

Acting-wise, this is probably where it doesn't become completely great to me. Michael Cera had some good moments where he was actually acting instead of playing himself. But in general, he's still not the perfect distillation of Scott Pilgrim that I'd like to see on-screen. I also had problem with Ramona, who I thought is pretty cold/stand-off-ish and not as warm as the comic version. Everyone else is great though, especially Wallace, Knives Chau (much better than the way the comic portrayed her), Stephen Stills, Kim Pine (very underutilized unfortunately), and Chris Evans (best guest appearance in that film although Thomas Jane as Vegan police was a pleasant surprise).

I kinda like how they change the plot/dialogue around although I was a bit disappointed that they changed
Envy vs. Ramona fight into Ramona vs. her lesbian ex
. It was a great decision, however, to involve more of Knives Chau into
the final part of the storyline
. It really fleshed out her character.
Replicant said:
Saw the film. It was kind of great/okay. Bear in mind that I've read the comic so I know how the story goes but my friend hasn't read it and the fighting seven evil exes thing completely puzzled him and he doesn't understand why they turn into coins, etc.

Acting-wise, this is probably where it doesn't become completely great to me. Michael Cera had some good moments where he was actually acting instead of playing himself. But in general, he's still not the perfect distillation of Scott Pilgrim that I'd like to see on-screen. I also had problem with Ramona, who I thought is pretty cold/stand-off-ish and not as warm as the comic version. Everyone else is great though, especially Wallace, Knives Chau (much better than the way the comic portrayed her), Stephen Stills, Kim Pine (very underutilized unfortunately), and Chris Evans (best guest appearance in that film although Thomas Jane as Vegan police was a pleasant surprise).

I kinda like how they change the plot/dialogue around although I was a bit disappointed that they changed
Envy vs. Ramona fight into Ramona vs. her lesbian ex
. It was a great decision, however, to involve more of Knives Chau into
the final part of the storyline
. It really fleshed out her character.

Does your friend not play video games? My theater totally got that, the first time Patel burst into coins was one of the bigger laughs in the theater.


Inferno313 said:
Does your friend not play video games? My theater totally got that, the first time Patel burst into coins was one of the bigger laughs in the theater.

No he doesn't. Only a few people in my theater chuckled during that scene and I suspected they are fans like me. I was also disappointed that it was a pretty small audience for a rather large cinema. Only half of the seats are filled in and this was a 7PM screening on Saturday, a normally busy time.

Although people did laugh a lot at Julie's random bleeped out cursed words.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Ramona kisses Gideon's green ring. (or vice versa?) It's like a split second reference to The Ring in the movie

It's not the action, but rather the sound effect that is the reference.

Unfortunately, then I wanted to hear the corresponding song from the FG soundtrack.


Saw it today and I really enjoyed it. I never read the comics, but I did know the basic premise going into the theater.

Hands down one of the funniest movies I have seen in years! My favorite part was hands down the "
Vegan Police
." :lol

I'm so disappointed to hear about the poor box office performance. I was at a 2pm showing and there was probably only 25 or 30 people in the entire theater. :/


Got a couple more comments and questions:

1. Was the superimposed shot of Scott head over Knives and Ramona before the fight with Patel a reference to a movie? I feel like i've seen that before.

2. I really like how Gideon (in the movie at least) seemed influenced by Ronnie "Z-Man" Barzell from Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. They even referred to him as "G-man" a few several times (most noteworthy being on his Life Bar during his Last Fight)
Saw it today and it was awesome! Never read the comics but enjoyed it very much.

We also got invited to a mysterious test screening next weekend (we're in Chicago here) anyone know what movie it could be? the guy said it was something we definitely had heard of before.
Nazgul_Hunter said:
Saw it today and it was awesome! Never read the comics but enjoyed it very much.

We also got invited to a mysterious test screening next weekend (we're in Chicago here) anyone know what movie it could be? the guy said it was something we definitely had heard of before.

Dude o_O

I got that same invitation last night. You went to AMC River East, didn't you?

I haven't figured out what movie it'll be.
GreyMatter said:
Dude o_O

I got that same invitation last night. You went to AMC River East, didn't you?

I haven't figured out what movie it'll be.

Yeah. The guy said he'd test screened movies like Inception and he was allowed to say it was Inception, but not for this one. The only major pictures I could see being this secretive would be Harry Potter 7 or the next Twilight :S
Seeing as i'm from Toronto the books are the greatest piece of literature every made in the history of time and space. They should make it mandatory reading in every grade of every school in the universe and religions should be based off of it.
Just came back from seeing the movie.

I have to say... that was probably by far, the best Michael Cera movie I've seen yet. I think charming is the best word to describe this movie. I highly enjoyed it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Is there a reason people hate Cera so much? I kind of like him, he's good at what he does. (And I'm normally super critical of actors. Well, super critical of everything.)


I for one loved the movie and didn't really like the comics. Too much relationship drama/drama in general.

Wallace was so awesome in the movie. Every line was basically gold.


Never read the comics but I really enjoyed the movie. I laughed so fucking hard when I realized Tom Jane was one of the vegan police:lol . Though it was kinda weird that two different groups of people (one old and the other were a bunch of 20 somethings) just up and walked out about half way into the movie. I guess they didn't like all of the video game references :/

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I loved the movie, but I felt like the whole Vegan Police thing was that extra step into uncomfortable too-in-jokey zone. Luckily it was basically the only time the movie did that.

The whole concept of being a Vegan gives you psychic powers thing was awesome, though. Routh was funny.

Adam J.

Just saw it. This is coming from someone who knew nothing about the comics ( I have been playing the amazing videogame though); This movie is a pop culture epic that's one of the most entertaining movies I've ever seen. I mean, wow... This had better action than Inception, more laughs than Dinner for Shmucks and Other Guys combined, and was cuter than Toy Story 3. That's an astonishing accomplishment.

Kudos to Edgar Wright. He delivered an instant classic.


Awesome movie, haven't read the comics, the story (and fights) were awesome but did feel sort of out of place after the 4th fight, specially after defeating the twins.

Its kind of weird to hear that people were not getting VERY obvious references, hell, the theater that I went to (downtown Chicago) was packed, and I would say that about 2/3s of the people were parents w/ their children (all of whom got many of the references).

All in all, great movie, everyone at the theater loved it

Scenes that got the most laughs:

Vegan Police(specially the high five, people just lost it!"
Scott bailing out
Wallace gay stare
"I have to pee on her" :lol
Dinner at Wallace's (specially "bread makes you fat?!"


listen to the mad man
Takao said:
I swear I've seen the lead singer from Crash and the Boys from some where else.

Jericho, a show that ran for two seasons on CBS, would be what most people would recently recognize him from.


firehawk12 said:
Great, now the GB stuff is in the Scott Pilgrim thread. :lol

Some people won't like the franchise... last time I checked, that's okay?

the quicklook was fine really. Jeff was just being himself and they didn't really say anything bad about it besides the fact that it always seems like its trying to hard to him. Both of them don't like that style of game anymore. A couple people overreacting to the QL caused the Trolls to come out like crazy and that was that.

Can't wait to see the movie but I've got to finish the comics first.

big ander

GreyMatter said:
Dude o_O

I got that same invitation last night. You went to AMC River East, didn't you?

I haven't figured out what movie it'll be.
Fucking fuck fuck.
I'm staying downtown right now and I'm on the same block as the River East. And I almost went tonight, but I had to stay in with a neighbor kid.
Goddamn. If it's Hp7 I'll be pissed.


The movie was great. Great special effects and action and it really was well made. I was just stunned at how well everything worked.


Saw it again today, still loved it.

Probably my last theater viewing, but I will be getting the blu-ray.

I had missed Comeau's line the first time but I heard it this time :lol

My 14 year old brother who didn't know a thing about the comics loved it and thinks it was very unique. Edgar Wright does work wonders.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Just got back from a late showing.

The main impression I came away with was how astoundingly good the comedic timing was. In terms of sheer dry wit, WTF moments, double-takes, and utterly flawless delivery of key lines, it is far and away Wright's best film. And Allison Pill is ASTOUNDING. Just unbelievable as Kim. The important thing about the film is that Wright clearly didn't /try/ to merely imitate the characters from the book precisely (except perhaps for Mathew Patel, who was spot-on in a different way, and it worked). Rather each actor takes the comic character and truly makes it their own. These are fresh, legitimate versions of each iconic character that stand on their own.

The fights were also utterly heart pumping and really spectacular - far and away beyond what I would have expected having seen how the "action" in Hot Fuzz was handled.

Next, my 3rd favorite thing was the incredible booming voice of the "narrator" at key moments. I'll never be able to read the book again without hearing that in my head. It's the perfect voice.

I do have one criticism, and unfortunately it's a big one:

The video-game overlay during the true final battle with Gideon went much too far. Up until then the game references were bizarre, sudden, unexpected, and gone in a flash as things returned to normal. The sheer surreality of the comic was perfectly translated up until the final fight which is far too indulgent. Where the fights to that point where awe inspiring and serious in their own strange way, the finale veered into pure cartoon territory and was a major letdown. Too much pixel overlay, and the callback to the ninja dancing game was overbearing.

The beautiful final shot of Scott leaving to go with Ramona was also spoiled a little bit by the continue text and countdown from that damned arcade machine, which I think Wright had developed a fetish for at that point.

Nega-Scott walk-on was hilarious though and a direct shout-out to comic readers in its non-event status.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Listening to the soundtrack, Im really digging the Black Sheep song by Metric (this is the Envy Adams song) Anybody know if this is a good band? Does anyone recommend it?


Great movie. Buying the game and comics now. Seeing it again tomorrow then gonna see it again next weekend with some people who'll just have to trust me that they'll love it.


Raging Spaniard said:
Listening to the soundtrack, Im really digging the Black Sheep song by Metric (this is the Envy Adams song) Anybody know if this is a good band? Does anyone recommend it?

Yup. Old World Underground is the album I'm most familiar with from them and it's pretty great. Didn't realize it was Metric who did that (haven't listened to the soundtrack) but the Envy Adams song was my favorite from the film.


Raging Spaniard said:
Listening to the soundtrack, Im really digging the Black Sheep song by Metric (this is the Envy Adams song) Anybody know if this is a good band? Does anyone recommend it?
Haha same here. I've been listening to the song the past three days. I think I like the Clash at Demonhead version more. The full music video is at youtube. On phone otherwise I would link.


Raging Spaniard said:
Listening to the soundtrack, Im really digging the Black Sheep song by Metric (this is the Envy Adams song) Anybody know if this is a good band? Does anyone recommend it?
Metric is a fantastic band. Get all of their CDs.
Saw it opening night but wasn't really feeling it. I blame it mostly on a bad theater experience, people sitting behind me kept laughing and would repeat everything that happened. I want to give it another chance when it hits video.

Was anybody else lonely in the theater? I counted only 9 other people when I went...
DMczaf said:

I don't see Micheal Cera nor Frankie Muniz on that cover.

Ridley327 said:
Superbad was also a big hit, too.

It is entirely possible that the other films that Cera has been in just don't have any mainstream appeal whatsoever.

Cera has plenty of appeal to the public. It's just that Year One didn't make much sense for a comedy and Youth in Revolt was released in January with a very mediocre plot.

WanderingWind said:
This movie was so good I was giddy for about 2 hours after seeing it. The characters, the dialogue, the cinematography, the effects, the humor. Beautiful. I don't really have the words right now, but I'll revisit the thread when I do.

BRB. Buying the comics. Wait. Are the comics as good as the movie? Also, Kim Pine>All.

It's like asking "What's better? The Lord of the Rings books or movies?" They're both so good, but the books are better because they're the original source material.

The_Technomancer said:
Is there a reason people hate Cera so much? I kind of like him, he's good at what he does. (And I'm normally super critical of actors. Well, super critical of everything.)

I assume most are jumping on the bandwagon of hate. But it probably roots to him playing George-Michael in every film he's ever been in
but Scott Pilgrim.
Raging Spaniard said:
Listening to the soundtrack, Im really digging the Black Sheep song by Metric (this is the Envy Adams song) Anybody know if this is a good band? Does anyone recommend it?
Metric is incredible. The singer of Metric sings the Broken Social Scene song from the soundtrack as well.
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