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Sean Connery turned down $435 million...

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Mugen said:
Didn't Walken turn down the Han Solo role also?

Him and Nick Nolte were both up for the part of Han Solo. I wish we had the technology where we could re-create the original Star Wars two more times, each time with one of those two as the part, because both of those would be SO worth watching.


Bitches love smiley faces
shidoshi said:
Him and Nick Nolte were both up for the part of Han Solo. I wish we had the technology where we could re-create the original Star Wars two more times, each time with one of those two as the part, because both of those would be SO worth watching.

I think you just gave Lucas fodder for twelve more rereleases.


Roi said:
Sean is right. LOTR is ****ing overrated and has the most crappy ending of all movies ever made.

Because they throw the ring back into the volcano?

Hey, at the end of "Titanic", the ship sinks too.


Mr Jackson this week upset fans of Middle Earth by stating that he would not be directing The Hobbit, the prequel to The Lord of The Rings. The director is in dispute with New Line over earnings he believes he is still due from the sales of DVD and computer games based on the trilogy. It is understood that he has earned £103 million from the films.

See this is what I hate about the movie industry. I know 103 million pounds is a lot of money, but they always, always **** with the accounting so the Directors/actors dont get the money they deserve.

According to my accounting Text Book the creator of the book Forrest Gump who liscenced it to Paramount didn't make a cent off of the 677 million Forrest Gump made worldwide.

That's such bullshit.

It's right up there with the Bullshit Exxon pulls with their oil spill.



whytemyke said:
I dunno if Will would have ****ed up the Matrix trilogy. He's a phenomenal actor, as he showcases in his newest movie Pursuit of Happiness.

I think "Pursuit of Happiness" is going to get renamed "Please, Give Me An Oscar, Sincerely, Will Smith" before it's released.


Honorary Canadian.
teiresias said:
I think "Pursuit of Happiness" is going to get renamed "Please, Give Me An Oscar, Sincerely, Will Smith" before it's released.
:lol very possible, but he should have won one for Ali. the movie wasn't great but he was phenomenal in it


teiresias said:
I think "Pursuit of Happiness" is going to get renamed "Please, Give Me An Oscar, Sincerely, Will Smith" before it's released.
Well he was robbed at the Oscars before. Fine, whatever, "academy rules", "Fresh Prince was a TV show, Oscars is an award for movies", WHATEVER, he was robbed.
Instigator said:
Sean Conery also turned down the role of Morpheus in the Matrix (trilogy) because he didn't understand it either. Back then, Will Smith was supposed to be Neo.
At the same time Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett was trying to audition for Trinity, but she was eventually brought back to play another role in the later films.


zon said:
I saw someone comment on how Gandalf managed to defeat a Balrog...
Gandalf is not a human, which is why he can survive/overcome the things he did and why he can use magic. None of the wizards belong to the "normal" races (human/dwarf/elf), they belong to a servant race made by Middle-earths creator.

It was me, and I actually knew that courtesy of my older brother (who sports a rather large arm tattoo of the Eye of Sauron :lol).

I'd be lying if I said I understood it all, but I got that much at least. My point was that Gandalf might not be the most accessible role for an actor to take on, since he's just so damn old and powerful (and not even human!) and his personality changes after he dies and comes back as Gandalf the White.
It's funny how everyone acts like Keanu is some great actor, he's wooden and expressionless in everything he's done since Bill and Ted's.



Forgotten_Taco said:
It's funny how everyone acts like Keanu is some great actor, he's wooden and expressionless in everything he's done since Bill and Ted's.


It's not so much that anyone is saying Keanu is some brilliant actor, it's that Will Smith would have seemingly made for an inferior Neo, and thus, an inferior Matrix film. Will Smith has more acting chops, but they rarely show outside of more arthouse fare, which he rarely does. He always has this swaggering action hero "BIG WILLIE STYLE" bravado and either seems to run over his directors and screenwriters, or they actively encourage him to always play the same sort of character, which is worse.

Keanu's never going to win any Oscars, but his understated performance in the Matrix was pretty much perfect for the role.


Nerevar said:
Can you imagine Basic Instinct with Julia Roberts?
I heard that was vetoed by NASA, on the grounds that getting Julia Roberts to do That Scene would have topped the moon landing as one of humanity's greatest accomplishments.

But yeah, I can imagine.


pollo said:
See this is what I hate about the movie industry. I know 103 million pounds is a lot of money, but they always, always **** with the accounting so the Directors/actors dont get the money they deserve.

According to my accounting Text Book the creator of the book Forrest Gump who liscenced it to Paramount didn't make a cent off of the 677 million Forrest Gump made worldwide.

That's such bullshit.

It's right up there with the Bullshit Exxon pulls with their oil spill.


damnit, this would have been on the gross of the movies, not royalties paid out per the 'profit' reaped.
There's a big difference as studios can bring down the profit level by way of allocating studio overhead and fixed costs to movies. Doing so would not affect the revenue in anyway. What you have brought up is essentially completely irrelevant.
Oldschoolgamer said:
I can't imagine how The Matrix trilogy would have been with Will Smith in it. :lol


"Shit, I've ALWAYS been able to dodge bullets!"


"Yo Agent Anderson, you can BYTE my black ass!!"


Uncle said:
So did he understand Zardoz?

To be fair, he couldnt get pretty much ANY work in the few years after he netted the biggest salary EVER (at the time) for Diamonds Are Forever, so for a while he took what he was offered.

Anyways, who really cares? McKellen was great in the role, and Connery has had a long and excellent career. And he is James fcuking Bond.
Donald Sutherland turned down a big cut of Animal House's gross revenue for a $30,000 flat fee, because he thought the film would tank.
Shinobi said:
Not sure about Connery, but Will Smith turned down the role of Neo. The project he chose instead? The Wild Wild West. :lol

Jean Reno also turned down the role of Agent Smith as well, in order to do Godzilla. He would've fulfilled the Wachowski brother's French fetish straight up rather than that other ****wit they used in the sequels.

Imagine that cast: Will Smith, Sean Connery, Jean Reno. Completely different movie.


JayDubya said:
The same way it would have been with Sean Connery in it.

Not as good.

Will Smith doesn't really *do* "understated computer nerd." Which is funny, considering he turned down a scholarship to MIT in order to rap. :lol But no, he'd invariably throw some of that Will Smith, Action Hero schtick into the mix and it would stink up the film.

Keanu as Neo: "Woah."
Will Smith as Neo: "Aw HEEYLL NAW!"


norinrad21 said:
This is still the biggest f**k up in movie history :lol :lol :lol

It really wasn't Selleck's fault...he wanted the role, but CBS wouldn't allow him to film the movie. It's not like Magnum PI wasn't a hit for him either, though being the star of a TV show back then wasn't nearly as lucrative as it's been in the last ten years.

whytemyke said:
Pacino as Ellie Ness in Untouchables? Acting counter to Bob Deniro as Capone? Holy ****! That stairway scene would have been phenomenal, with Pacino screaming, "YOU WANT TO DO THIS? LETS DO IT RIGHT NOW!" as capone yells back "WHAT? WHAT? YOU WANT ME?"

:lol Yeah...as awesome as that scene was with Costner, a Pacino/Deniro face off would've made it one of the top five scenes in history. As it is I'd probably put it in my top twenty...just loved the intensity of it.

TemplaerDude said:
Title should be changed to "Sean Connery turned down an unknown amount of money"

Hey, I already said it was slightly irrelevant...but nobody would've read the thread if I'd put "unknown".

What I really should've said was "Sean Connery turned down half a ****ing billion"...then this thread would've reached 12 pages. :lol

gblues said:
Keanu as Neo: "Woah."
Will Smith as Neo: "Aw HEEYLL NAW!"


In a few months we're gonna have to make a thread of every single turn down that an actor, actress or director made that wound up costing them potential millions. Though Sean Connery's clearly set the standard by which all others are judged...kinda like how Pluto Nash sets the standard for movies that have bombed.


Honorary Canadian.
the thing with keanu is he's not stupid. he doesn't take roles where he has to overreach in terms of acting. the reason he's so "good" is because he always does these pale, one dimensional characters that don't require a whole lot. A Scanner Darkly, Constantine, Matrix, etc... and because he's one of the few actors in hollywood who realizes exactly what he is and doesn't try to be more (which is good in this case) I really like him.


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Roi said:
Sean is right. LOTR is ****ing overrated and has the most crappy ending of all movies ever made.

so true.

i could rant on pages about why the films are so shit.


Anybody could have played Neo, and it probably would have worked just fine. It's just hard to see other people in roles that someone else is famous for because you assume that they'd have to play the role like them. Keanu Reeves played him so we ended up with that whole "Whoa" vibe from Bill & Ted/everything he's ever done.


I rather liked Keave Reeves in that movie with Anthony Hopkins set in a winery where he pretends to be the husband of a pregnant woman so she doesnt get thrown out of her family. He's a ww2 vet and keeps having flashbacks thru the movie.

I liked that movie.

way more

I saw an interview where Sean Connery said he accepted the role of league of extraordinary gentleman because he saw how good both the matrix and LOTR were. Way to pick them Bond.


whytemyke said:
the thing with keanu is he's not stupid.
I think he's lazy. He did that role in The Gift that was at least different from anything else he's ever done and I think he did that whole rage thing pretty well...even though he wasn't in that many scenes. So, yeah, I think he can do it if he wants but he knows he doesn't need to. He can stay rich by half-assing it, so he does. I can't blame him, I would've done the same.


The man in my avatar was Lucas's first choice for Obi Wan Kenobi, instead he went for an actor well known in the states.

Also Bob Hoskins was cast as Al Capone in the Untouchables, but was used as a backup in case DeNiro didn't sign on. Still was paid.
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