Given what you are listing out I'd have a bit of a possible recommendation. That would be to list out some of the major bus lines that head out north, south and over to places on the Eastside. Then trying looking for places that are directly on those lines. My family and I are not city-city folk, but we really do like heading in for dinner and activities pretty often. We live directly on the 255 bus line on the Eastside, so getting into the city is just a matter of walking down the street and hopping on the bus. Having a single shot into the city (as opposed to driving to a transit center and busing or having multiple transfers) makes it pretty easy to still get into the city for work / fun.
Thanks for the tip! I'll keep the bus lines in mind. It's also worth mentioning that the company potentially giving me an offer is Bellevue based and has a number of major clients on the Eastside, so it might even be more convenient to be outside of downtown Seattle.
That said, I don't want to sound like I'm actively avoiding the more active areas. I'm just looking for a balance. Right now, I've kind of narrowed it down to Lower Queen Anne, Queen Anne proper, Fremont, Ballard, Wallingford, U District, and Greenlake, of the Seattle neighborhoods. Also heavily considering Bellevue and Issaquah.
I cook ramen, yakitori and grill various fish parts; can I have a job Stinkles?
Wait, I need you doing what you're doing.
Speaking of which, has Kukai at Northgate opened yet?
Ramen Man >>> Samurai Noodle
Wait, I need you doing what you're doing.
Speaking of which, has Kukai at Northgate opened yet?
If I could, I'd go to Von Trapps on Sunday. My buddy has been going there for the Germany games and said it was pretty great
Atlantic Crossing is an awesome soccer bar.
Any good soba places in Seattle?
How bad is traffic is the morning if I was to be going to Renton from Ballard?
I might be transfering positions at my current company to their Renton office.
Depends on the time you're commuting. I used to stay at my wife's place (when we were dating) in Ballard and commute to Renton occasionally. It wasn't bad but that was at like 430/5 am.
Any good soba places in Seattle?
You'll be in terrible traffic at that time.
I commute from Shoreline to Eastgate and if I leave after 6:30 my 30 minute drive extends to at least 45 minutes. If I waited until 7 easily an hour or more.
It's even worse coming home which means the earlier you can start work the better.
I'm physically at work from 7am-3pm and still regularly have hour long commutes home. I'd come in earlier and leave earlier but it's not allowed.
How bad is traffic is the morning if I was to be going to Renton from Ballard?
I might be transfering positions at my current company to their Renton office.
I have an interview with a company that is located in downtown off Yesler Way, so I am hoping that it works.
I don't know if I can handle that long commute anymore. I thought Atlanta traffic was bad, but it seems Seattle traffic could be just as worse
Not a chance. Just this one week - the main (and toll free) bridge from east to west is closed for a week to fix the expansion joints. This will funnel all the traffic to already congested routes and is pretty much the worst thing that could happen - but it's only a week. After that traffic goes back to being regular crappy, but not Atlanta/LA crappy.
LA is worse but Seattle is in the same league.
Going East and West is particularly bad. Ballard to anywhere on the East Side (or S. of Seattle) can be a nightmare.
I lived in LA for like 25 years and this statement cracks me up.
Outside of rush hour Seattle area isn't bad at all.
And our rush hour is actually close to being only an hour long. LA's is like 4ish hours
I am in bumper to bumper traffic at 6:45 AM regularly... that doesn't stop until generally after 9AM.
You have a weirdview of Seattle traffic. Did you live here before 520 was a toll bridge?
Congrats!I got the job! While there are some complications on start date, I will be joining you folks by end of year.
So how pumped is everyone for the 90 WB being a FUCKING SHITSHOW starting tomorrow?
I'm convinced Seattle is completely inept in building roads. The entire city is built upon incredibly shitty engineering. Granted, the environment isn't necessarily suited for construction efforts, but this place has the most mindbogglingly horrible roads I've ever seen.
Simple solution: never go to the Eastside.
Hooray! No shitshow!!
You probably haven't experienced the worst commutes then Stinkles.
Seattle regularly tops the worst rush hour list on studies; and while it's improved it's still a top 5 NA city.
Atlanta isn't even on the list. LA is worse but Seattle is in the same league.
Going East and West is particularly bad. Ballard to anywhere on the East Side (or S. of Seattle) can be a nightmare. You deal with traffic into Seattle, and then the traffic out of Seattle. Heading into Renton is particularly bad due to the S-curves and generally shitty back-roads. Then on the way home, you've got traffic into Seattle, and then traffic out of Seattle.
I am also including prettiness.
Any haunted places or things like that you guys can recommend around WA?
I am also including prettiness.
Hey guys, I just moved to your city.
Went to the grocery store, was the only person to not bring their own bag. I'm not in Wisconsin anymore am I.
Are there Seattle-GAF meetups planned anytime soon? I'd like to hang out and meet with what I'm sure are Seattle's finest.
Also if there any recommendations of things I NEED to check out (bars, restaurants, places, events) especially stuff that might not be obvious or well known, please throw them out, although I'm sure just browsing this thread will give me plenty to explore.
Hey guys, I just moved to your city.
Went to the grocery store, was the only person to not bring their own bag. I'm not in Wisconsin anymore am I.
Are there Seattle-GAF meetups planned anytime soon? I'd like to hang out and meet with what I'm sure are Seattle's finest.
Also if there any recommendations of things I NEED to check out (bars, restaurants, places, events) especially stuff that might not be obvious or well known, please throw them out, although I'm sure just browsing this thread will give me plenty to explore.