I see that exact spider all the time. I had 2 in my garage last week. I have been bitten by one before and it merely caused a welt for a few days, so they don't seem to be dangerous.
I was reading about them in some of my Seattle research and all things lead to them being incredibly harmless creatures.
SeattleGAF I apologize in advance if this has been asked before, but the thread is quite large:
The wife and I have been there in August (saw the King's perfect game even!) and we've been wanting to go back and experience the city more when it's not in its gorgeous months. It's a place we liked and could see ourselves moving to because COL is still pretty good relative to where we are (NY Metro area).
So two questions: 1. what time of the year would be a good time to go and experience Seattle's more normal weather? August was gorgeous, but I also know that isn't normal weather year round.
2. What areas around the city are best for finding rental properties that are going to be more homes, than rooms in an apartment building? We got dogs, so getting a yard would be nice. I've seen some decent places around Green Lake Park and the North West Seattle neighborhoods. I was digging the Fremont/Ballard area when I walked around there, but no it's hard to find stuff. I've also heard good things about West Seattle/North Admiral and Kirkland/Bellevue.