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Also, random note. I don't drive all that much so I've been pretty unaware as to how much worse traffic has been getting in this region but I was trying to get on 405 North around 1 pm on a Tuesday and the I-90 exit was backed up for a mile. That's insanity.


Also, random note. I don't drive all that much so I've been pretty unaware as to how much worse traffic has been getting in this region but I was trying to get on 405 North around 1 pm on a Tuesday and the I-90 exit was backed up for a mile. That's insanity.

It's still summer, but it has been raining. Terrible combo as construction projects are focused on summer months + rain causes poor driving, especially on roads that haven't been "Washed" in months.


Also, random note. I don't drive all that much so I've been pretty unaware as to how much worse traffic has been getting in this region but I was trying to get on 405 North around 1 pm on a Tuesday and the I-90 exit was backed up for a mile. That's insanity.

I've never realized how shitty 405 north and south are since I never ever use it, but daaaaaamn.

I don't know how you can sit in that kind of traffic in the morning and afternoons and not go crazy. So glad that co-worker and I get to use the HOV lanes
Hope everyone is having a fun Bumbershoot so far, albeit a bit wet.

No complaints here in my perfectly dry apartment with my perfectly warm blankets.


Hope everyone is having a fun Bumbershoot so far, albeit a bit wet.

No complaints here in my perfectly dry apartment with my perfectly warm blankets.

Sitting here in my apartment watching football because I'm broke :p Would be fun to see some of the acts at Bumbershoot, but I've already spent money on better shows later in the year...


It's raining so hard my dog wouldn't piss outside. Hopefully it lets up or he gets desperate. 😓

There are so many sad chicks in sundresses running for cover right now. 😂
Sitting here in my apartment watching football because I'm broke :p Would be fun to see some of the acts at Bumbershoot, but I've already spent money on better shows later in the year...
Yeah, I would've loved to see a few acts but definitely not enough to spend the $120 or however much tickets were this year.


I was there, they delayed some things but it was still packed.

And sundresses? The crowd is 70% teenagers wearing tiny jean shorts. Went downtown to Umi afterwards and was thankful to see some adult women. Lol

edit: Bumbershoot is such a huge racket now.. their RFID ticket system stops zero scalpers, but causes hassle for tons of paying customers. Will Call was full of people whose RFID bracelets were broken and they were trying to charge $10 for replacements.. I had the wrong bracelets mailed to me and had to go to Will Call twice yesterday to sort it out, and my bracelets for today are refusing to register again.

Paid $400 and was repeatedly hassled by security guards when my bracelet flashed "Yellow" in their system; "nice try buddy! Can't get passed us!" fucking clownshoes..

Only people willing to put up with it appear to be under 18; I've never seen a younger crowd at a Seattle "festival"; it no longer is a Seattle community festival really.. I was almost offended at the videos they were playing from the 80's showing how open and free the event was back then.

As someone who first went to bumbershoot almost 30 years ago I was incredibly disappointed; I feel like one of those Fremont "Citizens" complaining about Adobe.


So I've lived in Seattle for ~7 years and have never visited San Francisco before. Finally did for the long weekend with my wife.

SF is pretty cool!

I <3 Seattle so much more though.
I remember when Bumbershoot was free, used to go every single year as a kid with my parents, and then I'd go on my own in high school and college. I think the last time I went was in the mid-2000s. Saw Spoon and The New Pornographers on the memorial stage and Aziz Ansari and others doing a Trapped in the Closet analysis.


I remember when Bumbershoot was free, used to go every single year as a kid with my parents, and then I'd go on my own in high school and college. I think the last time I went was in the mid-2000s. Saw Spoon and The New Pornographers on the memorial stage and Aziz Ansari and others doing a Trapped in the Closet analysis.

This sounds amazing.


CenturyLink finally has gigabit to my house.. which is funny because the construction they did in the hood was over a year ago; and just 2 months ago they sent a sales guy around the hood who claimed my speeds maxed out at 15 megabit...

Interesting tactic; upgrade an area... try to sell as much slow internet as possible, then for those that didn't bite.. send them an add for gigabit internet.


Or I'm just being a conspiracy dork and they did some sort of upgrade in the last few weeks; just funny they had their sales guys here just a month or so before that.


CenturyLink finally has gigabit to my house.. which is funny because the construction they did in the hood was over a year ago; and just 2 months ago they sent a sales guy around the hood who claimed my speeds maxed out at 15 megabit...

Interesting tactic; upgrade an area... try to sell as much slow internet as possible, then for those that didn't bite.. send them an add for gigabit internet.


Or I'm just being a conspiracy dork and they did some sort of upgrade in the last few weeks; just funny they had their sales guys here just a month or so before that.

I wouldn't put any sleazy sales tactic past a telecom.


Sucks at poetry
ANYTHING but Comcast would be nice. We were stuck with Time Warner in LA, and I thought it was terrible, but it's actually a million times better than Comcast in comparison. Lord Jesus why do we have to be stuck with only one option!
I thought the city turned down their offer?
For an office space or Google Fiber? Cause they have one right off the canal in Fremont. As for Fiber, I'm pretty sure Comcast just ponied up a ton of money in exchange for exclusivity.

ANYTHING but Comcast would be nice. We were stuck with Time Warner in LA, and I thought it was terrible, but it's actually a million times better than Comcast in comparison. Lord Jesus why do we have to be stuck with only one option!
It seriously blows my mind that this problem exists in 2015.


ANYTHING but Comcast would be nice. We were stuck with Time Warner in LA, and I thought it was terrible, but it's actually a million times better than Comcast in comparison. Lord Jesus why do we have to be stuck with only one option!

Comcast called me the other day, offering me a deal that they "guaranteed" I'd love. And cost more than what I'm already paying (which is already way too much). I was like, are you fucking kidding me?


Well they maxed at 15mbit at my house up until 2 weeks back I got that ad.

Granted they did send someone around to claim that new speeds were coming and to apologize for construction; but that was years ago.

Guess I'm "lucky" enough to live very close to 99; I'd assume they upgraded lines around here partly to serve businesses. Seems like cap hill/walingford would be a lock for gigabit but maybe getting the fiber constructed in those places is difficult. I've mentioned it before but I live on the South end of Shoreline between I-5 and 99.
For an office space or Google Fiber? Cause they have one right off the canal in Fremont. As for Fiber, I'm pretty sure Comcast just ponied up a ton of money in exchange for exclusivity.

It was for fiber, I'm guessing the official line was they said "no thanks" to Google due to dirty dirty Comcast money.


ANYTHING but Comcast would be nice. We were stuck with Time Warner in LA, and I thought it was terrible, but it's actually a million times better than Comcast in comparison. Lord Jesus why do we have to be stuck with only one option!

You guys realize that cable/internet companies have set up an oligarchy right? Time Warner/Comcast etc have all pretty much divided the country up into different areas and they made it so they don't compete with each other...

Also the internet at my house in Fremont has seriously been ridiculously bad this past week. -____-
CenturyLink is pure shit. We had them for our office in Northgate and it was up and down constantly, which is obviously a huge problem when you're trying to run a business. We had endless techs out that would solve the problem for a few days to weeks and then right back to the internet being down. Switched to Comcast and not only was it cheaper but the connection has been rock solid. Comcast sucks but not nearly as bad as CenturyLink.


Yeah, I'm actually pretty happy with my Comcast connection right now. I have their Internet Plus deal which gives me:

-50mbit internet
-TV + DVR (local channels only)

I paid the extra $10/month for HD and it all comes to $77.74/month after all promotions have expired.

Internet is reliable and fast for me, and having the local channels + HBO + DVR + HD covers pretty much everything I watch anyway. Though once my Xbox One gets over-the-air DVR capabilities next year I'll probably get rid of the TV part of my Comcast connection.

The dumbest part about Comcast though is that I'd be willing to pay a little more for more channels and their X1 interface, but it's batshit crazy.

See, with Internet Plus I get their very old DVR/cable box that's straight out of the 90s. $10/month extra for access to HD channels.

If, instead, you get any package with their fancy new X1 box you have to pay separately for HD and DVR. So HD channels is $10/month, and DVR is an extra $10/month, making it a $20/month premium just for features which should be basic at this point.
Comcast internet is fine until it's not. And when it's not it sucks ass.

A few weeks back my wife noticed the internet keep dropping randomly. She works from home so it's important for the internet to work. That Friday night I notice that our wifi connection is dropping on my phone, so I check out the modem. It's barely working and when I do a unplug reset, it can't find a connection anymore. I call Comcast and they're like

Comcast: "Oh, you need a new modem."
Me: Nope, we bought our own modem because the ones we paid to rent in the past were terrible.
Comcast: "Oh, well there doesn't appear to be an outage in your area, so there is something wrong with your connection. We can have someone there on Tuesday."
Me: It's going to take five days for you to have someone come out? What do we do in the meantime? My wife works from home and needs the internet that we pay you guys way too much for.
Comcast: "I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do."
Me: Bullshit. I want to talk to a supervisor.

Two hours later a supervisor calls me and tells me pretty the same thing. They continue to say there are no reported outages in our area, so there is something wrong with the connection to our house and that we're on a wait list, but the earliest they can get someone out is Tuesday.

After trying to be civil, but clearly agitated, I hang up and go to bed. However, before I do I for some reason went outside. Down the street were three Xfinity trucks up on a pole working on the lines. Or something. I don't know. At this point, our internet works again. This company is clueless.

The dumbest part about Comcast though is that I'd be willing to pay a little more for more channels and their X1 interface, but it's batshit crazy.

See, with Internet Plus I get their very old DVR/cable box that's straight out of the 90s. $10/month extra for access to HD channels.

If, instead, you get any package with their fancy new X1 box you have to pay separately for HD and DVR. So HD channels is $10/month, and DVR is an extra $10/month, making it a $20/month premium just for features which should be basic at this point.

We have the old boxes in our house, too. One in our bedroom, one in the living room and one (with a DVR) in the basement. Apparently if we moved to X1, we'd have to have X1 boxes everywhere, and they're expensive. The Comcast guy also said we're only currently paying for that HD-DVR box, and the other two aren't on our bill. Comcast is weird.
You know what I love about Comcast? Every month my bill goes up by anywhere from $1-$5. Every fucking month. It's like fucking clockwork with these fucks. Then I call them they said "opps our bad here we will change it."

It just kills me that there were three Comcast trucks on my street doing something to the lines, which probably killed the internet in our house and both people I talked to on the phone had no clue.


Hey guys I'm looking to go on an easy hike Saturday early in the morning. I got a discovery pass, now I want to see which one I should do. Little Si or Rattlesnake Ridge? If you have any other suggestions let me know. I'm not looking to do anything overly fancy since this is my first hike in the PNW and I don't want it to take all day either.


Hey guys I'm looking to go on an easy hike Saturday early in the morning. I got a discovery pass, now I want to see which one I should do. Little Si or Rattlesnake Ridge? If you have any other suggestions let me know. I'm not looking to do anything overly fancy since this is my first hike in the PNW and I don't want it to take all day either.

tough decision. imo lil' si is actually a prettier hike for the majority of it. rattlesnake ledge has the cooler view at the top. CHOOSE WISELY

speaking of great PNW hikes i just got back from an overnight loop to goat lake in the goat rocks wilderness down in the SW part of the state. it ruled.


Man my comcast is so shit I can't even stream spotify without it stuttering right now. Saturday night RUINED. I'm going to have to check out centurylink.
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