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Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
The 2010 snow was good for a laugh since it came during my first winter here after living in [very] rural upstate NY for 20 years. Never in my life did I expect to hear a few inches on the ground referred to as a "snowmageddon."


It's simply about not being prepared for it; living in a city of hills and water really doesn't help. In 2010 there was like 4-5 inches of compacted snow ice with slick snow on top.. and tens of thousands of cars with no chains, no snow tires ,etc. It's not really an over-reaction. It was a dangerous situation and the city / county / etc. are not prepared for things like that. They were using city buses to block off the freeway on either side and then running this giant spray machines to try to melt ice... for hours.. and hours... 12 hours on a 20 mile drive in fact lol.


2008 Christmas was the best, snowed in the city, rode my snowboard drunk down Cherry, people were having sled parties on the hill every night.
Good times.

Also this -


Im so glad that I work close enough now that I dont have to drive if something like this happens.

I still work from home if everyone else is because of snow. One because he sidewalks get treacherous, especially going down the hill. Two because fuck that.


Im so glad that I work close enough now that I dont have to drive if something like this happens.
I'm so glad the fortune 500 company I worked for in 2008 used to pretty much shut down whenever there was a dusting of snow.
Free vacation working from home, yo!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I've used them for both my furnace and water heater which needed replacing; they were fast and efficient. Rate was a little higher than some of the other companies or random handy man type businesses I've used but they did everything faster so it is sort of a wash price wse. Furnace busted in the middle of the winter a few years back right near Christmas and they could get to me much quicker than anyone else I'd called.

Before or after beast mode tho?
It's been so tame for a few years. That storm in 2010 was not cool to be stuck in I-5 on/

Took me 10 hours to get from Auburn to Green Lake on I-5.


Edit: I'm in Omaha for Christmas with my in-laws. We've got about 2-3 inches on the ground and it's still coming down. Really nice that the news doesn't react like they do back home.


The gf made bread yesterday and we used it this morning to make my parents french toast. Delicious.

Wait why am I in the Seattle GAF thread. Time to unsubscribe. Until next visit. Happy holidays, Seattle


Fuck LA traffic; can't wait to leave this shithole tomorrow.

Edit, to come back to Seattle (to make this Seattle GAF related, lol)
Is there any way to get to Paradise Point (Rainier) to snowshoe without driving? Basically we have a not snowy mountain worthy car that I've already taken off the road in the Olympics due to ice (whoops) and don't want to risk again. Most of the charter stuff I've found seems to be organized tours, I just want something to get me there in the AM and get me out in the evening.

(Suggestions for other snowshoe adventures that can be gotten to without driving also appreciated!)
Is there any way to get to Paradise Point (Rainier) to snowshoe without driving? Basically we have a not snowy mountain worthy car that I've already taken off the road in the Olympics due to ice (whoops) and don't want to risk again. Most of the charter stuff I've found seems to be organized tours, I just want something to get me there in the AM and get me out in the evening.

(Suggestions for other snowshoe adventures that can be gotten to without driving also appreciated!)

No clue, but seems highly unlikely. The public busses don't really go to hiking trails or Rainier.

What about a car sharing service that offers a Subaru or something?


Fuck LA traffic; can't wait to leave this shithole tomorrow.

Edit, to come back to Seattle (to make this Seattle GAF related, lol)

Not like 405/90 rush hour is much better. :) Such a pain. Though pay to win lane isn't bad if you don't mind getting gouged.


was just down in the id to pick up a friend, saw a completely naked guy just standing in a crosswalk with a bunch of toilet paper hanging out of his ass

wasnt quite sure what to do
Seeing some sporadic flakes in Magnolia.

Random, but I'm looking at moving and those rent prices controlled by those vender-based pricing algorithms that determine rent prices based on what's available in the area and such are frustrating. Saw a place that I really liked yesterday, but it just became the last place available in the complex and the price jumped to more than I'd like to spend because of that.


Was coming down ok in West Seattle but back in Georgetown now it's turning to rain again. Bit too warm. Hopefully we get some to stick overnight.


Put me in the "please don't stick but I don't mind the flakes they are pretty" camp.

Or if it does stick, keep the temps above 34-35 or so.
a few years back, i guess it was 2012, i remember getting a DAY OFF from work .. first and only 'snow day' of my life. it was beautiful ;_;

I think I've had a total of about 10 snow days since moving here. 4 of them came during Martin Luther King week the year that Skyrim was a relatively recent release. It was a good week.


Hey guys so is the Seattle freeze legit? I'm thinking of relocating here or Austin. I'm a black male looking for diversity and a good career in web development


Hey guys so is the Seattle freeze legit? I'm thinking of relocating here or Austin. I'm a black male looking for diversity and a good career in web development

As far as diversity goes, it depends where you live, but for the most part, Seattle is one of the whitest cities in America (along with Portland). There are definitely much more diverse neighborhoods, but it's one my wife's biggest complaints about the city (she comes from LA).

If you live and work on the eastside you'll have much more diversity (or the north or south ends of the city).

As far as the Seattle Freeze, a lot of people are cliquey, but there are a lot of cool people too. You just got to find something you like and you'll make connections.
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