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Welp, I guess I'll pop into this thread from time to time. I'm spending the night in a hotel provided by my new employer, but I guess I can officially consider myself a resident.
Excited to never use the bridge because there's nothing to do in Bellevue ;)

There's a Joey's and din tai fung in the same building at u village


You work on the east side just like I do, so unless you're riding one of those connectors or something you've got to care at least a little bit about the new bridge opening. It's bound to improve our commute time by a few seconds at least!
This is good news as I hope that the new bridge will allow me to come from the Eastide more easily to get my Paseo's fix.

I had no idea there would be a bike path too!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
You work on the east side just like I do, so unless you're riding one of those connectors or something you've got to care at least a little bit about the new bridge opening. It's bound to improve our commute time by a few seconds at least!

Nothing is being done to address the 405 single lane merge so it will still suck. And the traffic is super weird - the final merge isn't currently a bottleneck and it actually speeds up a bit where the carpool lane and the medina merge happens. So bizarre.


Seattle-GAF, I am trying to join you. 2 years in the Bay Area and my lady and I are done with it. Not our scene. The mid-westerner in me can't deal with it.

If you have any leads on User Experience jobs, let me know. I've already applied to MS and Amazon, as well as a handful of other places. I will do my best to not drive your rents up.

Will you at least not bring your car here? Traffic is already ghastly and one more car will clearly cause the end of Seattle as we know it.
If the mid-westerner in you can't deal with SF I don't know if Seattle will be any better. Just bringing some polite real talk.

I'm a homeowner so rents don't effect me either way, but please leave your cars. My commute has exponentially gotten worse over the last ten years.


Will you at least not bring your car here? Traffic is already ghastly and one more car will clearly cause the end of Seattle as we know it.

Having a car is fine, just don't commute via car. I bought my car new in 2007 (back when I commuted to Bellevue, ugh), it has 15K miles on it, lol.
Got passed over for an apartment for the first time ever. It was a really cute basement apartment in Greenwood. The viewing appointment was super awkward, too - the other people looking at it showed up while we were still in the apartment and filled out their application at the same time. I've never experienced that before, even when I was living in Washington DC.

Thinking of looking at the Wedgewood/Maple Leaf area, too.

And yeah - having the single lane merge for 520/405 is just dumb. I can't believe they didn't make specific HOV/HOT lane exits/entrances for the 520/405 intersection. But then again, everything WSDOT has done is terrible so I don't know why I expected any different.


And yeah - having the single lane merge for 520/405 is just dumb. I can't believe they didn't make specific HOV/HOT lane exits/entrances for the 520/405 intersection. But then again, everything WSDOT has done is terrible so I don't know why I expected any different.

They're astonishingly incompetent.


They're astonishingly incompetent.

Sound Transit will save us all. Light rail is finishing early and under budget.

WSDOT's big project, the downtown tunnel, is every bit the clusterfuck I expected. McGinn was right and lost reelection because of it.


Sound Transit will save us all. Light rail is finishing early and under budget.

WSDOT's big project, the downtown tunnel, is every bit the clusterfuck I expected. McGinn was right and lost reelection because of it.

I haven't talked to a single person who thought the tunnel was a good idea. More expensive, more things that can go wrong and we lose all the downtown exits. Oh, and a toll of course because why not? If it weren't for the fact that we're the ones paying for this mess, I'd consider Bertha karmic justice.


I haven't talked to a single person who thought the tunnel was a good idea. More expensive, more things that can go wrong and we lose all the downtown exits. Oh, and a toll of course because why not? If it weren't for the fact that we're the ones paying for this mess, I'd consider Bertha karmic justice.
On the positive(?) side we might be dead by the time it actually opens, or erodes away into Elliott bay.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Meanwhile, in Renton.

A 40-year-old woman was critically injured Thursday when she was shot in the chest inside a Renton movie theater, police said.

The shooting happened around 8 p.m. at a movie theater at the The Landing in Renton during a showing of the film "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi."

"It got about 15-20 minutes into the film and I believe the lady in front of us that got shot was actually talking to her husband or significant other and that's when we heard the loud pop," said one witness, who did not want to be identified. He was sitting three to four rows behind the man when the gun went off.

"It must have been a light bulb or the projector lens or something that loud, but I mean I've owned guns and that's definitely a gunshot for me," the witness added.

"There was a gunshot and we thought it was a light bulb exploding in the theater, so no one really reacted," another witness said. He also did not want to be identified.

Just as witnesses realized it was a shooting, they saw the man make his way toward a nearby exit.

"We saw the lady, she was laying on the bench with a shot in her upper chest," a witness said.

Renton police believe the shooter may have been intoxicated at the time.

"Preliminary accounts indicate that an intoxicated suspect entered one of the theaters and was fumbling with a handgun he had in his possession when it went off, striking another patron seated in front of him," Renton police said in a statement.

Medics transported the victim to Harborview Medical Center in critical condition, according to Renton fire officials.

Police say the shooter's father called 911 Thursday night from his Newcastle home and told dispatchers his son was distraught and told him that he dropped his gun at a Renton movie theater and it discharged. The 29-year-old is now in custody.

"According to him, he said he dropped the gun and it went off. We have witnesses that say he came into the theater and appeared intoxicated. He went in and took a seat in theater number nine and was fumbling with a pistol when it went off and struck someone sitting in front of him," said David Leibman with the Renton Police Department.

The suspect, who has not been identified, could face a number of criminal charges.

No one else was injured.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I haven't talked to a single person who thought the tunnel was a good idea. More expensive, more things that can go wrong and we lose all the downtown exits. Oh, and a toll of course because why not? If it weren't for the fact that we're the ones paying for this mess, I'd consider Bertha karmic justice.

Then you haven't talked to me then. The tunnel will turn downtown waterfront Seattle into a world-class shoreline instead of an ugly fucking disaster of crack addicts and panhandlers. Anyone who lived in San Fran before and after their almost IDENTICAL structure fell down in the earthquake will tell you that it vastly improved the city - and they didn't even have an alternate route for the 101 traffic. they just sucked it up.

In the short term it's a horrible looking plan, but in the long term it improves the crap out of the city. However I'd also have been OK with a surface level highway with "caps" for parks and pedestrians.

There's also a huge amount of "well look what happened to bertha" in these conversations, as if that's relevant to the original plan. It's an unforeseen disaster.


Then you haven't talked to me then. The tunnel will turn downtown waterfront Seattle into a world-class shoreline instead of an ugly fucking disaster of crack addicts and panhandlers. Anyone who lived in San Fran before and after their almost IDENTICAL structure fell down in the earthquake will tell you that it vastly improved the city - and they didn't even have an alternate route for the 101 traffic. they just sucked it up.

In the short term it's a horrible looking plan, but in the long term it improves the crap out of the city. However I'd also have been OK with a surface level highway with "caps" for parks and pedestrians.

There's also a huge amount of "well look what happened to bertha" in these conversations, as if that's relevant to the original plan. It's an unforeseen disaster.

I don't see how you can say that. One of the big reasons that people opposed the tunnel is that there is so much that can go wrong (and so far has).


I conceptually like the idea of the tunnel; largely because I love the new plans for the waterfront.

But I don't trust our government to responsibly spend and monitor massive construction projects like this; SDOT doesn't exactly have the best record. (no I'm not an anti-government type, but transportation projects in this State and in the city of Seattle have really been fucked a lot of times)


I conceptually like the idea of the tunnel; largely because I love the new plans for the waterfront.

But I don't trust our government to responsibly spend and monitor massive construction projects like this; SDOT doesn't exactly have the best record. (no I'm not an anti-government type, but transportation projects in this State and in the city of Seattle have really been fucked a lot of times)

I would have actually been fine with tearing down the viaduct and not replacing it, or the capped option. The tunnel has just seemed like a guaranteed boondoggle from the outset.


I would have actually been fine with tearing down the viaduct and not replacing it, or the capped option. The tunnel has just seemed like a guaranteed boondoggle from the outset.

Well I use 99 to get places fairly often; so I prefer an option that gives me that alternate route through downtown. I go to West Seattle and SeaTac a lot using 99.
Those are actually from Joule in Wallingford/Fremont, the original Yang restaurant. #moretoseattlethancapitolhill #getoffmylawn

I was actually at Joule tonight. The spicy rice cakes are hnnnngggg worthy.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Those are actually from Joule in Wallingford/Fremont, the original Yang restaurant. #moretoseattlethancapitolhill #getoffmylawn

I was actually at Joule tonight. The spicy rice cakes are hnnnngggg worthy.

Testify. However our Din Tai Fung is worse in every way than Bellevue except location.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Is/was anyone able to watch the X-Files tonight? Fox affiliate (Q13) advertised it for 10pm all week, but they're just showing news. What gives? I WAITED 14 YEARS
I don't see how you can say that. One of the big reasons that people opposed the tunnel is that there is so much that can go wrong (and so far has).
Seriously, back in 2010 people knew EXACTLY what could go wrong with the tunnel and so far the top three things that could go wrong HAVE gone wrong! http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/what-could-possibly-go-wrong/Content?oid=4399657

1. Machine gets stuck.
2. We don't have a plan to get it unstuck easily.
3. Ground caves in.

Thankfully number 3 doesn't seem like a massive catastrophe (yet) but this thing was a terrible idea from minute 0.


Going to wait to marathon X-files; my wife has never seen the original show so I have the 1st season BR on order.

I'm preparing to be underwhelmed; the show is probably REALLY dated lol.
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