Add-A-Ball is fantastic. Probably my favorite place in Fremont.
Did some cross country skiing last weekend up at Crystal Springs and did the entire Iron Horse segment from Crystal Springs to Hyak and back (about 15 miles total). That trail is a national treasure, and it was an amazing day out.
that is fucking gorgeous. wintertime depression usually keeps me in the city during the dark times which is unfortunate. need to get out in the mountains more..
I partied at Central a few times many moons ago.
That smell.. it stays with you.
I know that feeling. I live directly behind Cafe Mox and only recently went there for the first time.I work about a block from there and never even realized it was there
Meh, Husky Stadium is still too far away. Will be waiting for the Brooklyn Station to use the trains.March 19th is when the light rail begins service in Capitol Hill and UW
March 19th is when the light rail begins service in Capitol Hill and UW
March 19th is when the light rail begins service in Capitol Hill and UW
Meh, Husky Stadium is still too far away. Will be waiting for the Brooklyn Station to use the trains.
I don't drive that much anymore but a few days ago, I left at 3:30 pm from Capitol Hill to drive to Renton. It took over an hour. Has traffic really gotten that bad outside of rush hour? It was insanity.
I guess I'd use it to go to the airport, but only for family trips, at which point I'd still need to get a cab TO Husky Stadium and back and it would be a pain in the butt. You win this round, Uber.
I suppose it would be handy if traffic was just effed up and you needed a guaranteed smooth commute. Now, get this thing to the Eastside and we'll talk....
I do the reverse commute (Seattle to Auburn), so my morning drive is never a problem. Coming home can suck once I get to the convention center until my exit (65th/Ravenna).
6AM is pre-rush hour; by about 15 minutes. You can zip through Seattle at that time, but lawd help you if you are running a little late.
I leave on the dot at 6AM every morning and drive from Shoreline to Bellevue (almost Issaquah); I pretty much never have any traffic slowdowns; the express lane entrance at Northgate slows things downs but you can pretty much stay to the right and go around it.
Ugh, trying to find an apartment is super shitty this time around. The past few times I've looked for a place, I lucked out and went with the first place I checked out and was accepted. This time around, no such luck. First two places were a no-go and the place I was going to look at this morning rented before I could even see it.
Going to look at a place in the Central District today (Cherry Hill neighborhood, ish) but the pictures weren't great and I'm not sure about that neighborhood.
I have a month and 2 weeks before I have to move, so I'm starting to freak out a bit.
Which neighborhood do you work in? Cherry Hill isn't awful. There's some sketch parts but it's mostly ok.
Wife and I want to leave so cal for Bellingham in next 5 years.
In an ideal world we will not need to work.
Is this a good idea?
Short version is we love the coastal NW and ready to leave so cal.
Prior trips to downtown Seattle, Orcas Islands, Pender Island and Vancouver have been amazing.
Wife and I want to leave so cal for Bellingham in next 5 years.
In an ideal world we will not need to work.
Is this a good idea?
Short version is we love the coastal NW and ready to leave so cal.
Prior trips to downtown Seattle, Orcas Islands, Pender Island and Vancouver have been amazing.
I thought he "retired"?
Ok Seattle, what is the best umbrella money can buy?
Ok Seattle, what is the best umbrella money can buy?
What's an umbrella?