Office has A/C. #blessedGood GOD, it is hot outside for April. Not an encouraging summer omen.
Same here, although I'm not bringing it out for a couple day heat wave. Enjoying the heat now but will be loving the AC later in the summer.Bought this last June and haven't regretted it for a second:
Though when I bought it, it was $60 cheaper
Wait until summer breh. Better get a fan now.why the fuck was it so hot today omg
Yes.Will I find myself drowning in homeless folk in Ballard?
Yes.Will I hate myself every time I try to get anywhere in traffic from West Seattle?
why the fuck was it so hot today omg
Aren't you used to this shit being from Norcal?
Good GOD, it is hot outside for April. Not an encouraging summer omen.
Why do you want to live in the city if you work remotely?
Presumably because there's stuff to do in the city.
Can't believe the Ba Bar in SLU is almost done. The kitchen is three times the size of ours. I'm so jealous.
Can't believe the Ba Bar in SLU is almost done. The kitchen is three times the size of ours. I'm so jealous.
Thanks to everyone for the advice. It'd be nice to save money but I think I'd like to at least spend my first year in a more urban area.
I'll definitely hunt a bit more around Fremont/Wallingford though. At first glance, it seems like it might be a good compromise between the Ballard/West Seattle options I was leaning towards.
I lived in Capitol Hill for a few years and loved being near so much nightlife and things to do, and now it has a Light Rail stop right in the middle of it. However it's super expensive now.
When I moved from Capitol Hill to where I am now (around 45th and Stone Way - technically in Fremont, but closer to things to do in Wallingford) I was worried I'd be missing out on a ton of stuff I used to do in Capitol Hill. But now I'm happier than ever living here. There's so much to do that I can just walk to, but also easy transportation to most other neighborhoods I want to go to as well.
Can anyone recommend a good body shop around town? Managed to scratch my door up pretty good tonight because I'm a fucking idiot.
Think we're going to rent a house at Chelan for a weekend this summer again. Can't wait.
Not familiar with Chelanigans! We just partied at the house last year. It had an outdoor deck on the second floor, a volleyball net in the front yard, and a hot tub in the back yard.Bro. We're neighbors. I'm the Duke of Wallingford. In fact you can regularly find me yelling at people about dog shit on forums.
We use a place in Edmonds, they do great work and consistently underbid everywhere in the city.
Larry Taylor
Edmonds Autobody
401 Howell Way
Edmonds WA 98020
Office: 425-771-7109
Cell: 425-772-0357
Are you gonna hit Chelanigans for nightlife?
I wish the drive was a bit less brutal, but we sometimes rent a lake house, because that water in August, is gin clear and amazingly refreshing. Cleanest lake I have ever swam in. Almost like a cenote.
Bro. We're neighbors. I'm the Duke of Wallingford. In fact you can regularly find me yelling at people about dog shit on forums.
WSDOT is closing the Alaskan Way Viaduct for approximately two weeks beginning on April 29 while Bertha, the SR 99 tunneling machine, tunnels beneath the structure. SR 99 will be closed from the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel to Spokane Street. Tunneling is not anticipated to require any closure of Alaskan Way (surface street beneath the viaduct).
Glad (sad?) I'm not the only one thinking that will happen.Who wants to place bets on the Viaduct never opening back up due to extra structural damage caused by the drilling?
didn't know that was happening. the old location is still in business, right?
oh nice, where will it be located in SLU?
Oh yeah, he's just expanding. Don't know where I'll be working when it opens, I'm currently splitting time between Ba Bar Prime and Seven Beef.
The new shop will be where Shanik used to be, 500 Terry Avenue N. I think its like two blocks from Amazon and like 6 or 7 from Google. Lunch is going to be crazy. I remember hearing that they've devoted a room for just to-go orders.
Nice! I live on Bell and 5th, so only a few blocks away. Always been wanting to go to Ba Bar on first hill, but haven't gotten to it.
We went to Ba Bar for the first time last weekend; came away very underwhelmed given the strong rep, and I felt bad because I knew Nug Nug worked there lol
It's kayak season bitches![/img
I'll be taking sea kayaking lessons this year finally. This weather tho.[/QUOTE]
Lake Union is a great place to kayak. We used to go a lot via the NW outdoor center; good times.
What did you have? Feedback please.