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I can't believe all these new apartments and condos are being build in Seattle lack central air. The last two summers have been straight up scorchers and it looks like we're getting another this year.

Must feel pretty bad to be overpaying on rent and sweating to death inside for 3-4 months.

You would think they notice this trend of hit as fuck summers.


Went to Point Defiance today, it's been a while since the last time I went. Didn't know they were so involved in trying to save red wolves from extinction.


So you'd recommend that guy? I'm not dealing with another Seattle summer without some kind of air conditioning so I'm in the market to buy a portable unit.

Yeah I can recommend it, though like I said it was $60 cheaper when I bought it.

But it gets the job done in my ~400-500 sq. ft. bedroom. It's loud, but is a steady enough hum that it becomes white noise pretty quickly.

You'll need to make sure you have a window to put the exhaust pipe though. And the plastic rectangle it comes with to steady the exhaust pipe is kinda finicky. I might take a trip to Home Depot soon to get a more solid plank of wood with hole in it for the exhaust pipe.


I've owned a few brands of portable AC and my Honeywell is my favorite; also recommend the brand in general.

I have a 14,000 BTU unit from them.


Don't think I can swing for a full-blown A/C unit, but anyone have a recommendation for a good fan? My studio is pretty small, so a solid fan should go a long way.


So you'd recommend that guy? I'm not dealing with another Seattle summer without some kind of air conditioning so I'm in the market to buy a portable unit.
I have the same one, so worth it!
The viaduct closure is going to be a disaster. Won't affect my commute but people are going to get crazy.
I drove home on it tonight; hoping for the best (commute and Bertha wise) but expecting the worst.


Just realized I've had Amazon Prime since July.

Oops. Don't drunk Amazon, people.

In an unrelated note, drinking a 22 of this Two Beers Forester Double IPA. Not bad!


The sunset is really stunning tonight.

Good lord was it.

I happened to be driving south on I5 just north of 520 right at sunset last night. That's always one of my favorite views of the city, but last night it was just completely stunning.


Wasn't too bad for me this morning but I left fairly early; leaving Shoreline at 7:15 took me 30 minutes to get downtown (I work near Pioneer Square.)

That's about average really; was lighter yesterday took me 20 minutes.

I'll be working at a client that might make using 99 make sense for me; I would be exiting before the viaduct anyways; I'm thinking that might be OK "leaving" the client to go North but probably shouldn't use 99 South as I'm guessing the 99 "exits" at the end before the tunnel will be a cluster fuck.


You are right.

Komo News put up a story saying "Viaduct closure just hours away" that I saw at like 6AM.. assumed it was from last night lol.

Guess it's tonight at 10PM.


Good luck to the commuters out there who aren't using transit.

My sister lives in West Seattle and I told her to just take the C line until 99 re-opens since there is a stop right in front of her office at the Whole Foods building in Westlake


We discussed this a couple pages back but the nature of my job has me often either driving random places, or staying late to go to meetings/networking events (beer drinking really) with clients and co-workers.

I could always Uber myself around but it's just not as reliable as having my own vehicle parked at work and wouldn't really save me much money. There are weeks here and there where I don't do anything but drive in and leave at consistent times but then I'll have a week like this week where I went to 2 client sites, and a training out in Bellevue and would have been annoyed if I didn't drive my own car to work.

I work with a few public transit users who stay flexible and are willing to do random things but most of them just don't do anything but come into work and leave. They complain when they are expected to drive somewhere during the day, sometimes just outright saying no or re-scheduling until the next day, and rarely if ever stay after to go to the social events and miss out on some of the relationship building that really helps you as a consultant.


We discussed this a couple pages back but the nature of my job has me often either driving random places, or staying late to go to meetings/networking events (beer drinking really) with clients and co-workers.

I could always Uber myself around but it's just not as reliable as having my own vehicle parked at work and wouldn't really save me much money. There are weeks here and there where I don't do anything but drive in and leave at consistent times but then I'll have a week like this week where I went to 2 client sites, and a training out in Bellevue and would have been annoyed if I didn't drive my own car to work.

I work with a few public transit users who stay flexible and are willing to do random things but most of them just don't do anything but come into work and leave. They complain when they are expected to drive somewhere during the day, sometimes just outright saying no or re-scheduling until the next day, and rarely if ever stay after to go to the social events and miss out on some of the relationship building that really helps you as a consultant.

The bus doesn't work for everyone. It doesn't really work for me either. Trip planner has it at 60 min to work, Wedgwood to Georgetown, and 75 min home. In my car it's 15 min to and 25-30 home. I also have to travel between sites (>1 mile) so I kind of need to drive like you.

I would like to buy a bike to bike to work a day or two a week in the summer months but wow bike prices are stupid, even used it seems. I guess I could rock my GT Pro Series BMX bike but the hills would destroy me, lol.


I would like to buy a bike to bike to work a day or two a week in the summer months but wow bike prices are stupid, even used it seems. I guess I could rock my GT Pro Series BMX bike but the hills would destroy me, lol.

it's a good investment in a bunch of different ways though. buy a bike!


Who wants to place bets on the Viaduct never opening back up due to extra structural damage caused by the drilling?


Washington State Department of Transportation officials reiterated Thursday that the Alaskan Way Viaduct will be closed until it is safe for the public, which could mean longer than the scheduled two weeks.



So I'm done with work for the day and was headed to my car, and there is a group of rowdy dudes loitering outside the building I park in. Pretty sure, judging from their clothing, they're lingering from the May Day March today. Scared they'll beat me or my car up if I get in it. Calling the cops so I can fucking go home.

Edit: I work at a tv station downtown, so it makes sense they'd be there.


So I'm done with work for the day and was headed to my car, and there is a group of rowdy dudes loitering outside the building I park in. Pretty sure, judging from their clothing, they're lingering from the May Day March today. Scared they'll beat me or my car up if I get in it. Calling the cops so I can fucking go home.

Edit: I work at a tv station downtown, so it makes sense they'd be there.

what happened with this


So I'm done with work for the day and was headed to my car, and there is a group of rowdy dudes loitering outside the building I park in. Pretty sure, judging from their clothing, they're lingering from the May Day March today. Scared they'll beat me or my car up if I get in it. Calling the cops so I can fucking go home.

Edit: I work at a tv station downtown, so it makes sense they'd be there.

Heard the helicopter and police sirens a lot last night in Belltown.


Hiked Lake Serene and Bridal Veil Falls yesterday. One of the most epic local hikes I've been on since moving here.

I was just there a few weeks ago and it's a pretty tough hike, but a rewarding one.
Downed trees made it feel like an obstacle course and it sucks that the lake still was mostly snow covered.

My next hike hopefully is Mailbox Peak once my hand recovers from surgery


Very nice! Is Lake Serene just very far past Bridal Veil Falls? Not sure how they're connected.

On the way to Lake Serene is the trail for Bridal Veil falls which makes the hike an 8 mile roundtrip hike.

About 1.5 miles into Lake Serene, you have the option to comtinue to the Lake or to the Falls. Once you come back down from the Falls, you can continue to the Lake


On the way to Lake Serene is the trail for Bridal Veil falls which makes the hike an 8 mile roundtrip hike.

About 1.5 miles into Lake Serene, you have the option to comtinue to the Lake or to the Falls. Once you come back down from the Falls, you can continue to the Lake

This. Toughest part is the final climb to the lake.

Thankfully it appeared crews had cleaned up the downed trees. Only one or two and they were easy to pass. The views on that hike are crazy incredible. You can also see Heybrook Lookout across the pass from several spots (which is itself another great hike).


Curious if there is enough interest for a hike meetup for Seattle GAF.

So many great hikes out here that I haven't done yet that I want to try.


Curious if there is enough interest for a hike meetup for Seattle GAF.

So many great hikes out here that I haven't done yet that I want to try.

I'd be so in! I have tons of recommendations and a desire to learn about trails from others who have more experience. I have a huge bookmark list of local hikes, hikes near Rainier, and near Bellingham that I am dying to try.

awesome pictures. never been up there. were there a lot of people?

Tons. We tried to Wallace Falls first, but that was even worse. I hate how crowded the area is getting. Starting to be that you can't even get into nature without there being tons of people. Going to have to start venturing further out. I typically hike off Mountain Loop Hwy, as people seem to like making that drive less than I-90 or Stevens.


I hate how crowded the area is getting. Starting to be that you can't even get into nature without there being tons of people. Going to have to start venturing further out.

yeah. the thing for me is that i rarely have time for a hike on weekdays. i imagine that makes some difference in the traffic out there..
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