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Hey Seattle-GAF quick question, if you had to choose between Olympia and Tacoma to live, which would it be? Why?

Blindly choosing with no other factors I would pick T-town.

For people more familiar with the areas, providing more information will yield better answers: rent/buy? Single or whole family moving? Will you be commuting somewhere? Driving, biking, mass transit? What are your interests? Do you need nightlife and city hustle/bustle, or quiet suburb like setting? etc
Blindly choosing with no other factors I would pick T-town.

For people more familiar with the areas, providing more information will yield better answers: rent/buy? Single or whole family moving? Will you be commuting somewhere? Driving, biking, mass transit? What are your interests? Do you need nightlife and city hustle/bustle, or quiet suburb like setting? etc

Renting. Just me and my fiancee. Work from home so no commute. Don't need hustle/bustle (lived in NYC and NJ for long enough) but it's nice to be around stuff for convenience. Would like to be around somewhere closer to outdoor activities e.g. hiking, places to ride bikes etc. From my research I know Tacoma is the bigger of the 2 and probably more stuff to do but we also found a pretty cool apartment in Olympia with a bunch of amenities that are all included in rent which is also located right down the street from the mall. I haven't been to either area in person yet but from watching youtube videos that Point Defiance Park in Tacoma looks amazing. It looks like the best park in Olympia is Priest Point Park? No idea how they compare to one another but I also hear Olympia is closer to more outdoor stuff?


Renting. Just me and my fiancee. Work from home so no commute. Don't need hustle/bustle (lived in NYC and NJ for long enough) but it's nice to be around stuff for convenience. Would like to be around somewhere closer to outdoor activities e.g. hiking, places to ride bikes etc. From my research I know Tacoma is the bigger of the 2 and probably more stuff to do but we also found a pretty cool apartment in Olympia with a bunch of amenities that are all included in rent which is also located right down the street from the mall. I haven't been to either area in person yet but from watching youtube videos that Point Defiance Park in Tacoma looks amazing. It looks like the best park in Olympia is Priest Point Park? No idea how they compare to one another but I also hear Olympia is closer to more outdoor stuff?
Olympia is cooler, more beautiful, safer.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Olympia is cooler, more beautiful, safer.

Also a great gateway to the Olympic peninsula and Columbia river valley and Oregon coast.

If you were seriously considering Tacoma with those criteria you'd be better of in Seattle tbh.

There's no hustle and bustle unless you seek it out.


I like Olympia but I also have always found it a little depressing. It's surrounded by badly organized strip-mall suburbs and the core always seemed a bit dead to me. It's been a while since I've spent a lot of time there though; a decade or so ago I stayed there about 2 months spread across a year for work.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
What do you guys think about living in Greenwood?

Greenwood is great. Quick to Ballard, quick to 99, quick to 5. A few city-class restaurants, some great views. NO problems with Greenwood. Although to me, it's the "top" of Seattle and everything north of that is Meth, Sailors and Canada.
Thanks for the info guys. So what do you think are the first things we should check out? We are driving in at the end of June from NJ. We are both life long east coasters btw. Both of us have never seen mountains apart from on TV so that should be pretty cool lol!

Edit: can someone also tell me how the healthcare compares between Tacoma and Olympia?


Greenwood is expensive, if you're looking for a house... Shoreline is generally gorgeous, and more reasonably priced.

The wife and I are actively looking for a place, and we're strongly considering Shoreline. Most of the stuff in our price range (below 500-600k) is a condo (sell price, not list price - list prices are way under sale prices right now, somewhere on the order of 50-200k).

We bid on a place in Ballard that was listed for 550k and it sold for 722k... So, fuck us, right?

Definitely a seller's market - be careful out there.




Never understood West Seattle on that map (I've seen it before); I know the words but not why they put Alaska Junction all over the place and Vashon Island in the center. Are they just saying that nobody cares about most of West Seattle other than "The Junction"?

California part I get.
Yoga pants represent.

Never understood West Seattle on that map (I've seen it before); I know the words but not why they put Alaska Junction all over the place and Vashon Island in the center. Are they just saying that nobody cares about most of West Seattle other than "The Junction"?

California part I get.

Some people in West Seattle act like they're from Vashon.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hitting Art of the Table tonight to use languishing gift card. They haven't updated their menu page since 2014. I know the menu constantly rotates but seriously.

Also gaf ad server seems to think I am in the market for a Ferrari or Lamborghini.


I'm looking for an extended weekend getaway for the wife and I while the grandparents watch the kiddo. We're looking for something relaxing and low key. My wife is preggo so unfortunately that rules out the Chelan, Walla Walla/Yakima, and Willamette wine areas. We're looking mostly in WA but could go to BC or OR as well.

I am considering Friday/Roche Harbor and Port Townsend/Ludlow right now. The Sunshine coast in BC (Sechelt area, decent drive tho) is an option too. We've been to Orcas Is, Port Angeles, and Canon Beach; wife has been to Victoria. We're trying to avoid large cities and places we have been already. Any ideas on other places?


Study names Tukwila 'most dangerous city in America'

Woo, take that east coast.

Big asterisks there; any city with incomplete crime stats due to being under-policed doesn't make that list. lol

So basically "the most dangerous cities in America that also have lots of cops."

And Tukwilla makes it mostly for property crime not vioelnt crime; I do always warn people before moving to the Seattle area about property crime. Violence isn't as much of an issue, but you are incredibly likely to get your car proweled or your home burglarized.

I've had my car proweled 3 times, my car stolen once, and was robbed at gunpoint. I don't know many people that lived actually near the city who haven't at least had their car fucked with.


I'm looking for an extended weekend getaway for the wife and I while the grandparents watch the kiddo. We're looking for something relaxing and low key. My wife is preggo so unfortunately that rules out the Chelan, Walla Walla/Yakima, and Willamette wine areas. We're looking mostly in WA but could go to BC or OR as well.

I am considering Friday/Roche Harbor and Port Townsend/Ludlow right now. The Sunshine coast in BC (Sechelt area, decent drive tho) is an option too. We've been to Orcas Is, Port Angeles, and Canon Beach; wife has been to Victoria. We're trying to avoid large cities and places we have been already. Any ideas on other places?



Big ass downtown power outage; can see 3 city blocks West to the water, and read on Twitter at least 3 blocks in either direction north and south.

I'm near pioneer square; all the street lights are out too.


Big ass downtown power outage; can see 3 city blocks West to the water, and read on Twitter at least 3 blocks in either direction north and south.

I'm near pioneer square; all the street lights are out too.
Yeah, sounds huge on Twitter. Would just go get lunch but no one will have power to make food or run transactions 😂


Blissfully unaware there was an outage up here in Belltown.

My life would be a nightmare right now if the outage area had included the Westin datacenter.


Yeah wi-fi went out so I bailed myself; not really a big plus as I prefer working from the office but with wi-fi out and whatnot it was pointless.

Lights were out all the way up to 6th; I think 7th was the first light on.

Madness out there; everyone wandering around doing the aimless Seattle crosswalk thing, people blasting through the lights that are out not respecting the "power out = stop sign" concept.. others blocking intersections instead of letting the other directio move, etc.

Was a relief to get out of there lol; home in 10 minutes once I was on the freeway.


Oh gosh, apparently a Biscuit Bitch just opened up three blocks from my office. Pray for me.

There's one of those near the regrade dog park. I only ever walk past there when I have my dog, who's bad with crowds, so I've never gone in. Worth hitting up?
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