gee, i wonder why?
I've got a Yes on 74 sign in my front yard. Really hope it passes.
Where does one get one of these signs? I'll donate my front yard to 74. I live literally across the street from an LDS church, so my area could use it.
i'll be honest, i dont know too much of the details about this initiative. what's the DUID stuff? driving under the influence?
i know a few stoner kids who are actually against legalization. i cant believe it. seems like its clearly the right thing to do. i assume the initiative isn't perfect.. maybe the taxes are too high for some peoples taste or whatever, but there's time to work that stuff out in the future. we need to move forward now. this would be a big step.
Where does one get one of these signs? I'll donate my front yard to 74. I live literally across the street from an LDS church, so my area could use it.
The initiative would allow the cops to pull people over for driving under the influence of marijuana much like they can with alcohol. It also would not allow people to grow their own.
i'll be honest, i dont know too much of the details about this initiative. what's the DUID stuff? driving under the influence?
The initiative would allow the cops to pull people over for driving under the influence of marijuana much like they can with alcohol.
haven't seen anyone giving away free ones, but if i see some of my friends volunteering for it i'll ask.
how do they measure your thc levels? blood test?
i assume that you can just refuse the test like you can the breathalizer, no?
Refusing a breathalizer is an instant trip back to the station for a... blood test.
Not sure on the specifics.
I can understand your problems with taxation and the 1 oz limit, but what is wrong with requiring a business license?
I currently can. I can also currently legally posses more than an ounce... I can legally do a lot of things this law prohibits... and it will dramatically change how I legally obtain my pot, and while I can't predict it.. it seems like it will change it in a negative way.
Growers right now are "grass roots" types (pun intended) and I'm just unsure what affect that will have on the market. Same with the dispensaries..
but the bottom line is still that this will legalize up to an ounce for all adults.
don't tell me that you've got a medical issue that requires more than an ounce of weed a day lol. an ounce is a totally reasonable amount.
i understand your reservations. just think about the big picture. think about all of the adults out there who legally can't smoke pot at all in this country, and how much bullshit that is. this is the first step to stopping that, even if it might change YOUR personal medical marijuana use. this is the first step. we can iron out the details later.. voting against this initiative would just be wrong IMO.
I DON'T smoke pot. And I pretty much think people who do are idiots.
It should be taxed, I don't see the problem with that. Take it out of the gray zone, make it legal and tax it just like any other vice.
While effectively making it illegal for me to drive. I'm a regular smoker who NEVER drives after smoking.. I only smoke after my "day is done" and I live somewhere that I can walk to a grocery, restaurants, etc. Doesn't matter.. my blood will still EASILY have as much THC as it takes under this law to charge me with essentially a DUI. I've never caused an accident in my life, I'm 34 years old, don't even speed.. haven't had a ticket for anything in a decade. But I'd be a perma-DUI driver under this law.
So now for some reason I can't buy a few weeks supply? And beyond that.. it would be a FELONY for me to do so, how is that "legalized" again?
I am seeing the big picture.. if people are voting for this law based on it being "legalization" then why are the details the way they are?
Because the law was supported by people who don't really want "prohibition" ended.. they are making pot semi-legal on purpose so they can control and limit it in ways that I don't personally agree with.
you might have to buy weed more than once a week. you might not be able to drive legally for a few hours after you smoke.
you might have to buy weed more than once a week. you might not be able to drive legally for a few hours after you smoke. it's going to be more controlled and more people are going to be able to smoke it. it's going to inconvenience you, so you're against it. i understand. however, i think its selfish.
how long does THC stay in your blood and is there a designated limit in the law?
how long does THC stay in your blood and is there a designated limit in the law?
It can stay for weeks.. and the designated limit is really low.
Anyone using daily, even if it's at night and they never drive until the next day.. would be always above the limit.
The DUID portion of the law is being pushed by the "National Drug Policy Institute" and it's really harsh and not supported by any of the "pot" supporting groups.
this isn't true, from what little reading i've done..
It can stay for weeks.. and the designated limit is really low.
Anyone using daily, even if it's at night and they never drive until the next day.. would be always above the limit.
The DUID portion of the law is being pushed by the "National Drug Policy Institute" and it's really harsh and not supported by any of the "pot" supporting groups.
It's not true.. from a little bit of reading?
this isn't true, from what little reading i've done..
'Publishing their work in December 2009, the researchers measured levels of active THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, in 25 heavy, long-term marijuana users over a seven-day period. The report finds that only one of the participants had active THC levels above 5 ng/mL on "admission (day 1)," which suggests that the woman was high when she arrived, and the rest had levels lower than 5 ng/mL. The woman had reported smoking four blunts per day. However, despite Martinelli's claims, the day after smoking, her THC levels had dropped to 2.9 ng/mL. Every other participant's THC levels had dropped even lower by day two. By day six, the levels were undetectable in most of the participants—and all of them were far below 5 nanograms."
Read down that entire page if interested.
There are numerous problems with the bill IMO.. not just the 5ng thing or the DUID either. It being easily federally challenged is another one.. we could end up passing this, which would remove the existing med laws.. and then end up with the feds shutting it all down.
All growers have to submit fingerprints to the FBI?
Some liquor board can set limits on amount of THC?
I can tell you this.. the majority of pot smokers would choose a black market over any of that. You can claim I'm worried about my own "convenience" but it was never all that inconvenient to buy pot before the existing medical laws and dispensaries. I had VERY little trouble.. quality was high.. cheap in decent quantities.. and only a phone call away from many sources.
Very few existing growers are going to be submitting fingerprints to the FBI to sell weed "legally" IMO.
Not necessarily a reason to not vote for it.. but just probably how it will work. Pot in it's current form is not destroying this country.. if legalizing it means turning into some regulated dirt weed that costs me way more than it did before.. fuck that.
I'm not ignoring the injustice; I think it's a human rights violation. I'm not even saying I'm voting no, I'm just saying their are potentially HUGE problems with this law that could set us BACKWARDS.
This law doesn't remove the human rights violations for instance. You can still go to prison for 41 grams of weed, all "legal" growers have to submit themselves to the FBI, while violating federal laws.. it honestly reads like a trap, and to top it off it's being supported by people who have a hard nosed conservative attitude towards pot and it's users, calling them "Stupid."
But I'm STILL open for discussion and analysis.
But whatever. Let's make this a super simple topic: anything that makes it "legal" is worth it!! coldvein said it, and called me selfish so I guess that's that.
I think I'll go deal with my brain damage that I am treating with pot as recommended by my neurologist and leave the discussion. You are being insulting. Calling me heinous? Go fuck yourself.. I wish upon you my disease you jackass fuck.
Woah. Uh...
harsh words.![]()