Crap, I got messed up last night but I had lots of fun @_@
Pnk was cool. Rock Box was super awesome though.
Pnk was cool. Rock Box was super awesome though.
it is good to see the rain again
Agreed. It's been super relaxing. I'll get sick of it in a week is good to see the rain again
Only two things I dislike about our winters: those random wind storms that suck, and the stupidly short days.
Yeah, it seems like every week or so I've been dialing back the timed outdoor lights to turn on. Soon they'll turn on at like noon.![]()
What does your commute time look like? If I can avoid going South on 405 I always do. I usually find myself going through 167 and 18 but the traffic on 405 is just an entirely different beast. Makes everything else serene and easy by comparison.
Do any of you remember Off The Wall in the U district? Such a crazy shop.
loooolz, I saw that one too and was like, "REALLY??" I was just waiting to see when/if they'd be bold enough to make a counter commercial for 74. It's also annoying that the lady voicing the commercial sounds so damn condescending. The best is when they show a bunch of people on the screen and say that these people could be prosecuted, fined, or jailed for being against it... You mean for being bigots and breaking laws of discrimination? Yeah I see no problem there.I saw my first "No on 74" commercial this morning. Went on about civil marriages being good enough, marriage for men and women only, persecution of Christians, and some slogan that was basically (but not really) "we don't hate gays, but we do hate gays."
loooolz, I saw that one too and was like, "REALLY??" I was just waiting to see when/if they'd be bold enough to make a counter commercial for 74. It's also annoying that the lady voicing the commercial sounds so damn condescending. The best is when they show a bunch of people on the screen and say that these people could be prosecuted, fined, or jailed for being against it... You mean for being bigots and breaking laws of discrimination? Yeah I see no problem there.
Yeah I've taken a stroll up and down The Ave a few times a year since the 80's myself too. (born in 78, my Dad actually was the head of purchasing at the UW book store for a while so he took us down there a lot)
Watched it change in different ways.. seediness level gone up and down.. percentage of shops that were local or eclectic gone up and now WAYYY down, etc.
Still a place to visit for me from time to time.
The No on 74 groups have purchased $1.5 million worth of TV time that just started yesterday. Get ready for lots of hatred, scare tactics and lies.
As sad as I am over the Neptune no longer being a movie theater, I do like the fact that there is a concert venue within walking distance of my house. Going to see Sufjan Stevens there in December.
we were talking about that yesterday. rumor has it they're cutting their losses and focusing on repeal already. Supposedly they realize they're getting fundraised by like 6-to-1 and largely focusing on repealing it. dunno how true it is, but a guy i volunteer with said he saw a repeal R74 ad already.
Maybe confuse people into voting "Reject", thinking they are "Rejecting" what was proposed by Conservative Christians.
I used to frequent The Ave a great deal as a kid in the late 80s/early 90s. Tons of awesome video arcades that have been gone for a long time now. When I was a student at the UW, I remember a professor of mine going on about how horrible Arnolds was... I had fond memories of playing Moon Patrol there!
I now live about a mile from The Ave, so my wife and I go to dinner around there pretty regularly. College kids are funny. They were funny before I was one, when I was one and still are now.
I used to hang out at the Wizards of the Coast game center back when I was in middle school. Probably wasn't a good area for a middle school kid to frequent. Fond memories, though! I still like to go to the Ave area every once in a while. I'll usually hit up Bratz, which is a totally legit German sausage and schnitzel place.
I think they learned their lesson after the confusion/disaster that was "Yes on Prop 8" back in CA, 2008. IIRC exit polls showed that a not insignificant number of people who voted "yes" thought they were voting "yes" for same-sex marriage rights.I think they were going to try and do that, but the pro-gay marriage camp has done a really good job at defining what approve and reject mean for this referendum.
Really need to read up on the marijuana law though. Seems like a no-brainer but I don't like making uninformed, gut instinct votes.
that place sounds dope.. wish there were more places like that around!
Same. It was the ultimate birthday party spot. Anytime a friend had their party at Funplex, you knew it was going to be good.Seattle Funplex was awesome. I had my 11th birthday party there.
Yeah, there's a place like that in Ballard as well. The name escapes me at the moment, but it's super popular. In some cases you actually have to reserve board games ahead of time lol.
Yeah I enjoyed checking that place out.
I think they were done in by a group of employees that started working there that were shady. The "if you pay cash I'll give you a discount *wink wink*" types.
I lived in a house with 5 dudes near the time they were shut down.. and just that house alone had near ~$1,000 worth of glass from Off the Wall sold "under the table".. I can't imagine a business like that could sustain such losses.
Cafe Mox is the bar part of Card Kingdom, the store. It's fucking fantastic. I'm probably stopping in there tonight actually.
Ah, that would make sense. I've been by there in the evenings and seen a decent amount of people outside. Didn't think they were all there for Card Kingdom, but it makes sense now.Cafe Mox is the bar part of Card Kingdom, the store. It's fucking fantastic. I'm probably stopping in there tonight actually.
Same. It was the ultimate birthday party spot. Anytime a friend had their party at Funplex, you knew it was going to be good.
got daaaaang it is cold this morning.
this is when i stop loving riding my bike everywhere....
Not a single cloud in the sky at 6:30am when I left home. Wait until December when it's actually freezing. Urgh.
its clear here too, just feels freakin chilly for the first time this year. like low 40s. maybe im being wimpy haaaa.
its clear here too, just feels freakin chilly for the first time this year. like low 40s. maybe im being wimpy haaaa.
Ugh, finally saw those Reject R74 ads you guys are talking about.
"You can be a bigot without being a bigot."
It's not perfect, but it's a huge improvement over the current situation.Haven't decided what to do with 502 yet. I'm not thrilled with the way it is written.
It's not perfect, but it's a huge improvement over the current situation.
Also, looking at the bigger picture, the war on drugs is going to be killed from the state level, I think that much is obvious, it's high time we get that ball rolling.
And while we're on the subject of ballot measures, here's my take -
NO on Initiative 1185 - it's a measure that require a supermajority or a referendum to raise taxes, but since you can cut them with a simple majority, well, look at California and see how well that approach works. Also, fuck Tim Eyman.
NO on Initiative 1240 - because fuck charter schools. The last thing our crumbling education system needs is privatization and profit motives.
NO on SJR 8221 - yet another bullshit measure designed to shackle spending. Hey fucknuts, you want smaller government, elect smaller government officials instead of trying to scare voters with horror stories of credit ratings and such.