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I have never once seen a seed, and very rarely do I have to deal with stems. Seattle is spoiled as fuck.

Have you ever been to a dispensary?

The products are of EXTREMELY high quality. The standards in general are off the charts. You can buy pot that has breakdowns of the percentages of the chemicals available.
I have been to several, and I said "many," not "all".

There are some that definitely are less clean than others.

My wife is voting yes on 502 and 74, I am voting yes on 502 and 74, and my parents are voting yes on 502 and 74.

The east side of the state has your back on this one, you hippie douchebags!
I love you.


I have never once seen a seed, and very rarely do I have to deal with stems. Seattle is spoiled as fuck.

I have been to several, and I said "many," not "all".

There are some that definitely are less clean than others.

I love you.

seems like pretty much all the shady ones have closed at this point.
Legalizing is the difficult part, once you do, it will be much easier to back and tweak it if need be.
But we have to get that ball rolling.

If you support pot legalization in general, I think you have to vote yes on 502.

This is pretty much how I feel about it. I want the legislature and voters to be able to work within the framework of "marijuana is legal".
An ounce and a gram is a misdemeanor, 40 grams is a felony. (about an ounce and a half)

Under the new law.

Hipefully some day you can't do time for having a pocket full of plant matter.

This law was designed by former law enforcement who claim the Cartels pocket "all of the money" from weed sales in Washington (a huge fabrication.)

I guess I wish people would at least discuss these aspects of the bill.


I guess I wish people would at least discuss these aspects of the bill.
It does kind of suck that possession over a certain amount is illegal, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. I'm sure that at some point it will be lifted. I find it highly unlikely that it would be heavily enforced, unless you're trying to distribute.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah... reading into it and talking to people who are against it (not for bullshit "moral" reasons), it seems like this law could do more harm than good. Stuff like how DUIs are treated, and how possession becomes a felony once you get over an arbitrary amount are some total bullshit. It almost seems like we'd be better off keeping the status quo for now where police hardly crack down on marijuana possession unless it's an extreme case.


how possession becomes a felony once you get over an arbitrary amount
Just like it is now?

It almost seems like we'd be better off keeping the status quo for now where police hardly crack down on marijuana possession unless it's an extreme case.
You think that police would start actively checking people to see if they have more than an ounce on them? If they can't be bothered to check now, when ANY amount is illegal, why would they do an about-face and start checking to see if people have over an ounce? The idea is reduce the burden on local police, not increase it, and I'm sure that they would rather spend their time on other, far more important things.


I'm going back to Seattle next month. Honestly, I barely know the city. I feel like I owe myself to explore it before I go out to the US Air Force.
Yeah I'm not suggesting the law is what makes the pot a felony over 40 grams.. that's existing law.

My point is, calling it "legalize it and then let the legislature sort it out" is a bit.. misleading.

If 41 grams of a substance (about 1/10th of a pound) is a felony, I have trouble calling that "legalization."

Beyond that I do not understand why we are voting on a bill where the commercials feature a former DOJ official lying through his teeth about cartell involvement in the local marijuana trade..

Someone who in a Seattle Times editorial described pot smokers as "idiots."

I also don't understand why no-one seems to realize that the taxation is ENORMOUS.. Seattle Times blog article on the topic outright lied about the taxation. If you read the bill it's a forced three tier system with 25% taxation at EVERY tier (plus previous tax is taxed.. plus each tiers profit margin is taxed), including a sin tax for the buyer.. 25%.. oh, and you still have to pay your retail sales tax. It'll end up with likely at least 100% taxation from wholesale to buyers hands... that's just the tax.. people still need to profit too.

That + all growers have to submit their fingerprints to the FBI...

I'm just disappointed in the specifics. I'm not convince that will even create a useful market for people, and I think it will do VERY LITTLE to end the black market trade.. where quality might be higher, and prices lower.

And I've never once heard anyone say they were voting on a law, and then hoping the legislature can "sort it out" later to make it better.

That's not REALLY how laws work.

I'm hopeful, but I do wish the bill was discussed more in detail.. and I wish commercials and articles supporting the bill weren't boldly lying.

My conspiracy theory spidey sense tells me?

This law was created by pro-War on Drug types.. and set up for failure.. "See, legalization doesn't work, the black market still thrives! Pot smokers really are stupid idiots who belong in jail! THIS JUSTIFIES EVEN MORE LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!"


This law was created by pro-War on Drug types.. and set up for failure.. "See, legalization doesn't work, the black market still thrives! Pot smokers really are stupid idiots who belong in jail! THIS JUSTIFIES EVEN MORE LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!"
Man... sounds like you just need to smoke a bowl or two and chill out. There is no conspiracy here, it takes time and baby steps to end a prohibition that has lasted for over 70 years.
And shooting down the measure would just tell politicians that voters don't want drug reform.

It's not great, either way, but we haven't tried something like this yet. Hope for the best in a bad situation.
Man... sounds like you just need to smoke a bowl or two and chill out. There is no conspiracy here, it takes time and baby steps to end a prohibition that has lasted for over 70 years.

So nothing whatsoever to say about the facts I presented? Lies in the commercials? Being supported by former DOJ officials who think pot smokers are stupid, and refers to them as idiots publicly?

Not a single word to say on the facts presented?

I am honestly curious... I don't just post that stuff for people to cherry pick my words and then respond condescendingly.

I really do want to know how my fellow Washingtonians feel about the facts.


So nothing whatsoever to say about the facts I presented? Lies in the commercials? Being supported by former DOJ officials who think pot smokers are stupid, and refers to them as idiots publicly?
So you're saying that you know for sure that there is no cartel involvement in the local market? Cartels don't just exist in Mexico anymore, it has since become a term for any organization illegally trafficking drugs. That's not to say there's no involvement by Mexican cartels.

Who cares what he thinks about us? He wants to call us idiots, fine. He's in support of legalization because it's the most sensible thing to do, why does his opinion about the people who partake in the activity matter?

The tax is enormous, but you can bet that it will be readily produced and widely available. Large supply means low prices, I seriously doubt that it will be more expensive after legalization than it is now.
So you're saying that you know for sure that there is no cartel involvement in the local market?

No, I am saying I know for sure that the commercials contain a blatant lie.

The commercials make the statement.

"And the Cartels pocket ALL of the profits."


Again.. in case you were wondering who this guy is, he thinks pot smokers are stupid.


I DON'T smoke pot. And I pretty much think people who do are idiots.

Cartels don't just exist in Mexico anymore, it has since become a term for any organization illegally trafficking drugs. That's not to say there's no involvement by Mexican cartels.

I know damn well Cartels are in Seattle.. largely for the massive cocaine trade here.

I'm sure they also sell pot.. but.. if you think Mexican weed is prominent in Seattle.. you do not smoke pot in Seattle. I've been buying weed in Seattle for 20+ years and I've never had much mystery as to where the pot came from.. local growers for the most part.. or from BC, which has mostly faded since the LOCAL trade is so large even the high quality pot from BC doesn't have much chance here as it has to be bricked and shipped across a border.

Who cares what he thinks about us? He wants to call us idiots, fine. He's in support of legalization because it's the most sensible thing to do, why does his opinion about the people who partake in the activity matter?

He sponsored the bill. You saying you aren't even slightly suspicious of a "legalization" bill proposed by someone who thinks pot smokers are idiots?

The tax is enormous, but you can bet that it will be readily produced and widely available. Large supply means low prices, I seriously doubt that it will be more expensive after legalization than it is now.

Large supply also means low quality in general.. which is not what at least Seattle area buyers are used too.

Pot is partly expensive because of how much time it takes to manicure the "bud" we buy. Growers sit and pick through their plants.. end up throwing out (or using for keef or other purposes) big chunks of plant that don't meet the local standards.. the buds they do end up using have to be somewhat daintily manicured with scissors, etc.

I'm just not convinced a market that taxes at such high rates can actually compete with the black market product.

Like I've said earlier in the thread, I'm hopeful it will all work.. but I don't appreciate how condescending GAFFERS have been to me for playing a bit of devils advocate.

I was referred to as "heinous" in this thread, so I'm maybe a little defensive, but being told to go "smoke a bowl" by someone in a discussion like this is totally unnecessary.
I've already sent in my "YES" vote BTW.

My goal is just to get people talking about and being weary of the potential negative aspects of 502.

If "It's not perfect" is all that is said about it, I don't think that's enough. And I really do think the 502 commercials that make the claim that the Cartels sell 100% of the marijuana in this State (it's what their words mean) is pretty messed up.


I think pot is gross and that smoking anything is stupid, but I've come to realize over the last year (my first year living away from home) that it definitely shouldn't be illegal. Or it'll at least do less harm if it's legal.


I'm going back to Seattle next month. Honestly, I barely know the city. I feel like I owe myself to explore it before I go out to the US Air Force.

Are you going to be heading to Mcchord?

To interject on the 502 discussion, I am very torn as to how I'm going to vote. My biggest sticking point is related to the DUI laws that it sets up. These laws will impact medical users, and I don't feel that's right. On the other hand, I worry that if voters would vote down all these various measures across the country politicians would point to it and say voters aren't for ending prohibition.

I really don't feel high taxation is going to be an issue. I haven't smoked pot in years (since college, actually). Partly because the people I associate with just don't do it anymore (or don't talk openly about doing it) as they are more focused on settling down, building a family, and career goals (as am I), and partly because even if I would decide I'd want to smoke for old times sake I wouldn't want to deal with the shadiness of trying to find a dealer. Point being, if I wanted to go relax and smoke somewhere I'd be willing to pay the premium not to deal with the black market.

I'll likely vote yes for 502.

As for 74, let me just say I identify mostly as a Republican. That said, I'm not a religious conservative, and absolutely dislike the amount of influence they have in the party. I really don't see how anyone could disagree with this law. If two individuals want to marry, they should absolutely have the same rights in the eyes of the law. At the same time, the law preserves the right of religious organizations to refuse to perform ceremonies if they don't agree with them. I will be voting for 74 without any hesitation.


Are you going to be heading to Mcchord?

To interject on the 502 discussion, I am very torn as to how I'm going to vote. My biggest sticking point is related to the DUI laws that it sets up. These laws will impact medical users, and I don't feel that's right. On the other hand, I worry that if voters would vote down all these various measures across the country politicians would point to it and say voters aren't for ending prohibition.

this is the main thing for me. we need to send the message that we want this nonsensical prohibition to end.


The Seattle Times did a great article yesterday on the potential ramifications of the legal limit imposed by I-502.

The Seattle Times said:
State Rep. Roger Goodman, a Kirkland Democrat who champions stiffer DUI laws, believes the time required for a police officer to conduct a blood test — two hours or more — will deter unwarranted stops.

"We have no reason to expect police will start pulling people over with no evidence of impairment to have blood drawn," he said.

Crandall said I-502 would not change his officers' basic duty. "We deal with impairment. You have to go all the way back to the traffic stop: What happened for the guy to have his blood drawn?"


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The Seattle Times did a great article yesterday on the potential ramifications of the legal limit imposed by I-502.
I don't think the per se blood content would hold up to a legal hallenge. The science on alcohol tolerance and duration is well understood. The per se amount described is scientifically bunk. Someone could be under the influence with way less or way more than the prescribed amount, and similarly, dead sober.


I don't think the per se blood content would hold up to a legal hallenge. The science on alcohol tolerance and duration is well understood. The per se amount described is scientifically bunk. Someone could be under the influence with way less or way more than the prescribed amount, and similarly, dead sober.
Yeah. I think that it will probably come under close examination after a few cases fielded by good DUI lawyers. Hopefully we can get some real studies done after it's legal, as opposed to "studies" run by the feds and anecdotal evidence from a thirty-year-old article.
Hey Seattle GAF, I just want to spread the word about this event that I've been enjoying each month. Some of you might be interested!

I realize this is short notice, but if you're feeling like getting out tonight I recommend that you come to Seattle's best dance party "JK Pop!!" at Barboza (underneath Neumos / Moe Bar on Capitol Hill) Cover is a mere $3 and if you arrive early enough you'll get free glowsticks. Come out and dance! Forward this to your friends if you know anyone that might want to come!


FB Event Page

Party starts at 9pm. 21+



That looks awesome. Can't make it tonight, but you say it's a monthly thing? So presumably we're talking 12/6 for the next one? Adding it to my calendar...
Someone has been putting No on 74 signs up around the Greenlake neighborhood (by the 65th Park and Ride and the I-5 on ramp), they popped up a couple days ago. Grrr....


Someone has been putting No on 74 signs up around the Greenlake neighborhood (by the 65th Park and Ride and the I-5 on ramp), they popped up a couple days ago. Grrr....
I saw some people on one of the 405 overpasses with a no on 74 signs, they were greeted by a flock of birds from the cars below.
Felt good.
I saw 2 older guys with No on 74 signs in their hands on either side of Aurora at the 205th Shoreline/Edmonds border.

Giant 3-posters per pole things, like 3 signs on top of each other. I think it was Sunday afternoon.
Someone has been putting No on 74 signs up around the Greenlake neighborhood (by the 65th Park and Ride and the I-5 on ramp), they popped up a couple days ago. Grrr....

If it's any consolation, someone posted in PoliGAF that current polls have 74 passing by a margin of about 14 points or something like that.

Fake Edit: I want to say this is what was linked over there: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/...s-growing-majority-support-marriage-equality/ (52-40, Approved)


Unconfirmed Member
I saw some people on one of the 405 overpasses with a no on 74 signs, they were greeted by a flock of birds from the cars below.
Felt good.
God those guys are so annoying. They also slow down traffic as well due to everyone looking up to read them. As soon as you get past the overpass, you're going 10-15 mph faster.


I just wanted to say , I have been to Seattle twice now. Fuck I love Seattle.. You guys rock.

Sounders!!!!!!! Mariners!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really want to go to a Seahawks and Sounders game. Mariners crossed off the list.. Stupid Yankees.


Got a 74 sign in my yard. Volunteered with the 74 campaign a few times now. (Went trick or voting in costume for them last weekend :D) Also been spreading the word on R-74 while I've been working on different political campaigns. Hurrah R-74!

What's upsetting though is in my area, there was more reject 74 signs, but it's stopped since and mainly approve now. I guess one part of it is, i guess the reject 74 HQ in this area here is in the Mill Creek area?

Wicked for R-74 too!



yeah i'm not even worried about R74...

I will be very surprised if it doesn't pass.

It should, but the R74 campaign is pushing really hard in the next few days, and it's a bit curious what the reject 74 folks will do as well. The thing I've heard is that they've cut their losses in the Seattle area and are focusing on east of the mountains.


yeah i'm not even worried about R74...

I will be very surprised if it doesn't pass.
One of my co-worker's brothers works almost exclusively with the approve R-74 campaign and apparently he says that it's meeting a lot of resistance everywhere except King. I'm not shocked, but let's hope that we have enough votes here to drag the rest of the state (kicking and screaming) into the modern age.


One of my co-worker's brothers works almost exclusively with the approve R-74 campaign and apparently he says that it's meeting a lot of resistance everywhere except King. I'm not shocked, but let's hope that we have enough votes here to drag the rest of the state (kicking and screaming) into the modern age.

Thankfully its King thats makes up a majority of the votes for this state.

On a different note, haven't been following too much, but met up with Noel Frame yesterday and she made a mention about it. . . While r-74 does look like its gonna win, i-1240 is looking to pass too D:


My votes:

R74: Yes

502: Yes

1240: Yes

1185: No

8223: No

AFIS Levy Renewal: No

Governor: Inslee

Senate: Cantwell

Congress: Porterfield

State Legislature: Mullet
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