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I don't think a lot of renters get that though. They just rubber stamp yes on all property tax increases. I would like it in the levy/prop that rent will increase x% when your current lease expires.
I don't think a lot of renters get that though. They just rubber stamp yes on all property tax increases. I would like it in the levy/prop that rent will increase x% when your current lease expires.
As a renter, I tend to approve measures that require a property tax increase (assuming I agree with it ideologically) and I always do it under the assumption that my rent will be raised as a result. It's much better than relying on bonds to pay for things, which tended to be the norm back in my home state of CA.
You'd have to be a fairly dense renter to not realize property taxes affect you.

Pretty much every voter's guide mentions a potential raise in rents if property taxes go up on legislation like that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think a lot of renters get that though. They just rubber stamp yes on all property tax increases. I would like it in the levy/prop that rent will increase x% when your current lease expires.

I'm a renter who tends to approve levies and propositions that look like they will use tax money to make improvements. I also operate under the assumption that my rent will go up as a result of any property tax increase. I also intend to own property at some point.
As a renter, I tend to approve measures that require a property tax increase (assuming I agree with it ideologically) and I always do it under the assumption that my rent will be raised as a result. It's much better than relying on bonds to pay for things, which tended to be the norm back in my home state of CA.

CA just doesn't pay for things anymore period. They just have a budget crisis every year and then slash everything across the board to keep solvent. The state was slowly decaying even before the economy turned south when I left about 8 years ago now. I'm just glad I was able to go to a UC when they were still affordable around the turn of the millennium.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If you voted yes on R74, then your vote absolutely made a difference and you should feel proud to be on the right side of history.

I felt my Jesus marriage weaken even as I voted yes. You could feel the omnipotent superbeing cry because now gays can marry and for some reason he can't prevent it.


My friend mentioned this to me and I'm surprised I didn't think of it earlier. Assuming 502 isn't struck down by the Feds, when the Sonics come back we are going to be awesome! Every free agent will want to play here. Go Sonics!


I'm not sure, I haven't really been following it much. It is interesting that Kerlikowske is the drug czar now and former police chief in Seattle. He obviously knows the area.


they could shut down dispensaries like they have (some) in california, they can't make local police enforce the law. there won't be FBI agents around arresting stoners. i suppose there's other stuff they could do to fuck with washington.. but we'll see. interesting times.
Just posted this in the election thread. The reaction in Cap Hill last night was pretty much what one would expect. :D


I was up on Capitol Hill back in 2008 when Obama was elected and it was absolutely incredible. I would've been up there on Tuesday, but I've got a daughter and my wife is in Boston for work. Gotta be responsible, even though my straight marriage no longer exists.

CA just doesn't pay for things anymore period. They just have a budget crisis every year and then slash everything across the board to keep solvent. The state was slowly decaying even before the economy turned south when I left about 8 years ago now. I'm just glad I was able to go to a UC when they were still affordable around the turn of the millennium.

Eyman's continued initiative barrage is slowly turning us into California...
pretty sure the fed won't be "striking down" anything..

If anything the State could strike down portions of the law, or the entire thing.

If they feel the law is dangerous for State employees. They modified the medical bill because it required State employees violate federal law, and Gregoire wasn't comfortable with that concept.

Now we have a different Governor though of course. We'll see what happens.

Interesting none the less.
D: There's more to Mckenna I worry about than just that. God I'm still on the constant worry about Inslee winning or not.

Same here. Even though I'm a liberal I voted for him twice for AG, but after he pulled the stunt with the Affordable Healthcare Act I was done with him.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What's up with the delay in vote counting anyway? Is this normal?
Well I'd hope McKenna wouldn't be stupid enough to crap all over legislation voted in by the populace. Could be a death-knoll for a second term if he did.

But who knows? I'm certainly not happy about his chances to win either way.
What's up with the delay in vote counting anyway? Is this normal?

Sorta normal. Lots absentee ballots aren't in yet so they're still waiting on them which always happens, but apparently King County's ballot reader machine was on the fritz last night which lead to delayed results at 6:30 instead of 4:30.
LOL, I lost a friend during that election.

He wouldn't shut up about Gregoire with sexist crap.. and thought Rossi was some sort of God.

I ended the friendship over a comment he made about homosexuality, not that actual election, but it was during that time.
I really don't care if people voted for McKenna, it's their right, but when their main point against Inslee is "Hur dur he wrote a book," I can't talk to them.


It's always fun when Dino Rossi is losing something. Biggest bummer of this election was not getting a chance to vote against him again :(
Don't get me wrong, I will get quite a bit of schadenfreude when McKenna finally officially loses, but nothing can match the joy of watching douchebag prime futile attempts to get into into office.


Anyone else planning on going to the playoff game on Sunday (18th)?. This was the first year I didn't go to our playoff home game and we won, so I am seriously contemplating not going, but I really want to. Are they opening up the entire stadium?


The only thing I like about this cold weather is getting to make a fire in the fireplace. We just got back from Florida a few weeks ago and this cold weather slapped us in the face quick.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm looking forward to getting up bright and early tomorrow to visit the U-district farmer's market. If they don't have everything I need, I'll hit Ballard the next day.

I gotta say, it's been pretty neat to do all of my grocery shopping at farmer's markets the last few weeks.
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