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My bus (413) was just a few minutes behind the one that blew up into flames at the I5 Express Lanes this AM. Pretty crazy/scary - glad no serious injuries.

Traffic was jacked though, normal 30 minute commute took 2 hours.

crazy, yeah.. i was sitting in that traffic for HOURS.. late for work
so is it finalized yet? i really dont want to start celebrating and get my heart crushed

Yea original deal was $500 million, but then the Maloofs wanted to have say in basketball operation. So the new deal was $525 million for the Maloofs to pretty much GTFO and STFU.
Would be awesome if they went back to the SuperSonics name rather than just Sonics. Either way I'm just excited to (fingers crossed) have a team back.
Going to Book of Mormon tonight. Pine Box before the show and Brave Horse Tavern after. YEAAAHHH!! Date night!!

Did anyone else just get an Amber Alert on their phone? Holy mother of fucking god, that's an annoying sound.

Yep, they did the same thing with the blizzard warning faux pas last month.
Ah, gotcha. Not a sports fan myself but I had a LOT of people bitching about the game today on Facebook.

You're lucky because I felt like my heart was ripped out, stepped on and then spitted on.

This is going to take me months go get over... Not only that but I lost an AV bet so that mean for the next month I'll probably be rocking a shitty ass ATL avatar.

Oh fucking great... shoot me now.
Seriously I can't even describe the emotions I've been feeling today. I'm just completely gutted. Sick to my stomach. Disbelief. All of the above.

Literally just lied on the floor for a good 20 minutes with my head in my hands after the game was over. It's going to take me awhile to get over this one.


I got over it as soon as Bryant missed the first kick. I knew the second one was going in. I'm immune to being crushed by it after the Apple Cup this year.
Seriously I can't even describe the emotions I've been feeling today. I'm just completely gutted. Sick to my stomach. Disbelief. All of the above.

Literally just lied on the floor for a good 20 minutes with my head in my hands after the game was over. It's going to take me awhile to get over this one.

Exactly how I felt. I was sad after SB 40, but this shit today? I wasn't even sad I was mad. Just piss the fuck off.


Seriously I can't even describe the emotions I've been feeling today. I'm just completely gutted. Sick to my stomach. Disbelief. All of the above.

Literally just lied on the floor for a good 20 minutes with my head in my hands after the game was over. It's going to take me awhile to get over this one.

What? Come on man. It was a really exciting game, we made an awesome comeback. Future is bright for the Seahawks.
What? Come on man. It was a really exciting game, we made an awesome comeback. Future is bright for the Seahawks.
Definitely true it's just going to take me awhile to get over this season since this was really the first Seattle sports team that has been THIS good in a long long time. I didn't want it to end.

I'm excited for the future but it's hard for me to look towards that right away. I'm envious of those of you who can.


heart still broken

ugh :(
hughs all around to my fellow 12th

I hear you but this season was better than anyone could have expected though. Wilson is definitely legit. Just need to fill some holes here and there like a replacement for Leroy Hill. Very bright future ahead for sure for our Seahawks!
Yep. They played like absolute shit in the first half. Bright future for our team, but I am far from devastated.

We have nothing else to look for unless you want to count Soccer. Our baseball team is a joke, we don't have a basketball team and if we do we are getting the 2nd biggest fuck up of a team in the league.

Jesus Christ it's been 8 years since we've had any hope. It's kind of hard not to feel like absolute shit.
Yeah, I went out grocery shopping to stave off the post-game blues. Didn't help, kept thinking about what they could've done right here and there to win the game easily.

The future is bright though as a few have said, but it's so far away now. Ahh well. Hope the 12th man welcomes the 'hawks back with cheers regardless of the outcome.


i keep thinking about that field goal opportunistic before the 2nd half.. man

so gutted!!

Me too! I was so upset we didn't just get the points there. The other dagger was the timeout that Pete called to ice their kicker and he ended up missing it. So painful...


Yeah, I went out grocery shopping to stave off the post-game blues. Didn't help, kept thinking about what they could've done right here and there to win the game easily.

The future is bright though as a few have said, but it's so far away now. Ahh well. Hope the 12th man welcomes the 'hawks back with cheers regardless of the outcome.

most definitely!!
and russell wilson will be better than ever!!
"go hawks"
We have nothing else to look for unless you want to count Soccer. Our baseball team is a joke, we don't have a basketball team and if we do we are getting the 2nd biggest fuck up of a team in the league.

Jesus Christ it's been 8 years since we've had any hope. It's kind of hard not to feel like absolute shit.

I'm a born and raised lifelong Washington state sports fan. I'm used to this feeling of utter and absolute hopelessness.

Besides, I've got plenty of other things to look forward to.


Me too! I was so upset we didn't just get the points there. The other dagger was the timeout that Pete called to ice their kicker and he ended up missing it. So painful...

my heart is already broken seeing the falcons attempting the field goal kick with 7 seconds left, then that happen.. i almost fainted. ugh


This is the second time in my life that I've been exposed to weather that causes water to freeze for extended amounts of time. I've slipped and fallen twice already.

Hate it.
Icing the kicker is just a flat out stupid strategy that statistically barely changes anything, I'll give you that.

I was cool with them going for it on 4th and not taking the field goal in the first half though. That's one of those plays that in hindsight is pretty easy to criticize. I wasn't however, happy with the 3rd and 4th down play calls on that drive. Two runs up the middle with Turbin and Robinson? What? Lynch or Russell should be taking the ball on 4th. Bleh.




Having lived in the SF Bay Area for the vast majority of the time that I've been in the US, I'm a Niner's fan so, unlike the rest of Seattle-GAF, I can't say I'm all that unhappy about the Hawks losing.

That said, I can definitely understand what it's like to have a sports team that sucks. I only really got into American football around 2001 (coming from Scotland before that, I was a huge F1 fan) and from 2001-2010 the Niners just tore themselves apart. We had good players but could never get any sort of consistency to team performances. Jeff Garcia gave way to Alex Smith to Trent Dilfer to J.T. O'Sullivan (...really?) to Shaun Hill and, briefly, Troy Smith. Like I said, we still had standout performances from certain players but the rest was crap. So, yeah, I do understand what it's like to have a team go from years of grinding nothing to actual achievement and then have them fall short in a game like you had today.

However, you guys can take comfort in the fact that you have a young team and one that's only going to get better from here on out. Assuming that the Rams keep developing, the NFC West is looking exciting for the first time that I can remember (...let's ignore the Cardinals.)


What? Come on man. It was a really exciting game, we made an awesome comeback. Future is bright for the Seahawks.
That's what I took out of it. I watched nearly every Seahawks game this year (which was probably more football than I've watched in my entire life) and saw a great team that's only going to get better. There's a few decisions I can play armchair quarterback with but ultimately that's all 20/20 hindsight.

I'm looking forward to next season. It should be good.

rando14 said:
I am mostly immune to sports disappointments, long-term speaking.
As a fairweather Mariners and SuperSonics fan I get this. I was never heavily invested in the fates of either team, though of course I was disappointed to see the latter leave.
I really try to avoid caring about pro sports.

I feel the tinge of emotions surrounding the ups and downs of local sports teams, but it all feels so irrational to me.
Something about local sports makes me feel irrational.. video game companies don't.

Like I ignored the Seahawks all season but was still "happy" to watch them win their first Playoff game.. and not happy to hear they lost their second.

I just don't like it.. but it's a personal thing not something I'm trying to project on anyone else ;)

edit: LOL, I realize my username might seem ironic.. but that's actually a joke.. my UN is making fun of fanboys.. I'm not an nVidia fanboy.. there was a guy at VE3d.com that used to label everyone "nVidiot Whores" so I took the name on because I thought it was hilarious.
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