Though your apartment would probably tell you about it if it was available, check out Cascade Link:
It's a local Seattle company that just came to my building a few weeks ago, and it's fucking amazing. 30 megabit download, 10-20 megabit upstream, $40/month with no extra taxes or fees, no rate increases, no contracts. The customer service is all local and extremely nice.
The thing is, they only go to apartment/condo complexes of 60 units or more right now because of the stature of their company and the tech they use (some wide-band wireless thing which has only slightly worse latency than cable).
If your complex is big enough, tell your management about it - Cascade Link expands in both ways, them going to complexes, and complexes going to them.
Comcast just raised my 20 megabit service price to $65/month, perfect time to cancel

The best part was when I asked them to compete with Cascade Link, they generously offered me my same service for "just $50/month!" (for just a 12-month promotional period)