Doesn't surprise me. I've heard it's about the same these days.
(You're 30s GAF too? It's so easy to feel alone.)
After working in a mall for 2.5 years I try to avoid them as much as possible. Malls kill my soul.
Yeah, I worked at the Northgate Mall for just a few months back in 2007 and it was hands down the worst place I've ever worked. Not a big fan of malls at all.
Aside from U-Village, I can't remember the last time I went to a mall.
Yeah, I worked at the Northgate Mall for just a few months back in 2007 and it was hands down the worst place I've ever worked. Not a big fan of malls at all nowadays.
I actually like U Village. Maybe it's because it's outside.
There used to be frequent gang-related shootings at the Food Court when I was in high school (mid-90s).
Yeah, I don't really think of it as being a mall since it's outdoors.
It's the new hip trend in malls. When I was still down in southern california they were going up like this all over the place. Some indoor malls were getting outdoor extensions (like looks like happened at Alderwood up here). Some were getting remodeled into outdoor malls.
As an aside, I'm also part of 30s Seattle GAF (i.e. best GAF?)
soon i will enter the 30+ club.
Why don't we all semi-introduce ourselves?
Yeah, I worked at the Northgate Mall for just a few months back in 2007 and it was hands down the worst place I've ever worked. Not a big fan of malls at all nowadays.
32 M Living in Greenlake
Born in Atlanta, met my wife (from Seattle) at college in Athens Ga. We moved to Seattle in Sept 2012 and had a kid in December.
Hobbies: Games and movies and occasional biking and trying to run again...but with the new job and kid I hardly have time for hobbies anymore.
Job: IT in Redmond
Greenlake dads unite! My daughter turns one on Monday.
Perfect time for gaming is after wife and kiddo have gone to bed. I actually get 5-6 hours a week that way.
haha...ya, I usually try to get gaming time in during hour to an hour and a half a few times on the weekends.
Cant wait until our kid is near one year...the past few weeks have been pretty rough, but at a month and a half now she is starting to show some personality and smiling...which is great.
Seattle Gaf is oooooooold.
Seattle Gaf is oooooooold.
Holy crap iPic Theater in Redmond is amazing!
27 M Living in Bellevue (eastside sucks)
29/M/Redmond (Eastside can be boring)
If only it wasn't so damned rainy out here. I moved up here from San Jose, California and I miss the sun and warmth almost every day. Luckily, I have a great group of friends so it's all goodI was a student at DigiPen but now I go to FuturePoly and I'm putting together a portfolio to apply to game studios. I'm also working on 2 indie games on the side.
Yep! Hopefully working on getting one together sometime next month or early April.It seems like we're setting up the next SEA-GAF meet. Wait, can I say that if I've never been to one before?
It's nice being able to afford things. ;-)
Hobbies: weightlifting, sports, movies, donuts
Donuts as a hobby? Explain good sir.
34/m/lower Queen Anne
I'm old, bust my ass all day every day, and still can't afford things. :\