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Yeah, I worked at the Northgate Mall for just a few months back in 2007 and it was hands down the worst place I've ever worked. Not a big fan of malls at all nowadays.
Yeah, I worked at the Northgate Mall for just a few months back in 2007 and it was hands down the worst place I've ever worked. Not a big fan of malls at all.

Northgate was super shady my freshman year of college (1999/2000). I remember there being a couple shootouts in the parking lots.
There used to be frequent gang-related shootings at the Food Court when I was in high school (mid-90s).

I got kicked out of Southcenter for wearing the color red once... It was during the 90's and I was in my teenage years.

And no I was not a gangster or pretending to be one. Literally just happened to wear the wrong color to the mall on a random ass summer day.
Yeah, I don't really think of it as being a mall since it's outdoors.

It's the new hip trend in malls. When I was still down in southern california they were going up like this all over the place. Some indoor malls were getting outdoor extensions (like looks like happened at Alderwood up here). Some were getting remodeled into outdoor malls.

As an aside, I'm also part of 30s Seattle GAF (i.e. best GAF?)
Northgate suffered for years from nearby Lake City. A lot of people don't realize it but Lake City is one of the highest crime-rate areas of Seattle, and a center of drug/gang activity. Nearby Aurora doesn't help either.

The cops kicked the gangs out of Northgate though a few years back after a string of nearby armed robberies.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's the new hip trend in malls. When I was still down in southern california they were going up like this all over the place. Some indoor malls were getting outdoor extensions (like looks like happened at Alderwood up here). Some were getting remodeled into outdoor malls.

As an aside, I'm also part of 30s Seattle GAF (i.e. best GAF?)

40s GAF is ultimate GAF
Why don't we all semi-introduce ourselves?

A / S / L: 34, M, Shoreline
Born in: Seattle
Lived: Various Seattle hoods, Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Factoria, Newcastle, and briefly in Tacoma
Hobbies: International man of mystery, in my own mind.. also, gaming.. good food.. good company
Work: Software Development.. mostly Microsoft techs (ASP.Net being my core specialty)
Born and raised in Auburn. Went to college at PLU in Tacoma, grad school at Central in Ellensburg and then moved to Seattle in 2005. Lived in Lower and Upper Queen Anne and Ballard before buying a house in Greenlake.

I'm a school psychologist for a local district.

I like baseball, hiking, music, movies, brewing beer and giant robots.


26/M/U District
Born and raised in Hawai'i
Moved up here to go to UW
Lived in the U District and Wallingford
Work for a startup in Issaquah

I play video games and drink and watch sports


Born/raised in central Illinois, came to Seattle to go to UW
Lived in U district, Maple Leaf and now Wedgwood
Work as an engineer in the aerospace industry
Hobbies: motorsports, autocross, working on the house/car, used to be gaming but don't have much time for that now although I'm about to fire up Tecmo Super Bowl 2013 for a game or two, maybe some NBA Live '95 and/or NHLPA Hockey '93 as well.


32/M/Capitol Hill

I was born in North Bend and stayed there for my childhood until I moved to Seattle to go to college. After graduating, I started my career as a professional classical musician, mostly working with opera singers but also doing some teaching and taking every gig I can find. It's an occasionally stressful, never boring life. On my downtime, I enjoy video games, reading, television/movies and above all, music (which I can never seem to get away from but go figure). ;)
distantmantra: Know quite a few PLU graduates maybe a few years older than you. My brother was a Senior on the 1999 National Championship football team.
Seattle Gaf is oooooooold.

A/S/L: 22, M, livin' in the U district
Grew up in the Kansas City, Missouri metro area and moved to Seattle for graduate school. (Immunology at UW)
I spend most my time doing science ...but when I'm not doing that I play video games, board games, and hang out with folks mostly.


Why don't we all semi-introduce ourselves?

32 M Living in Greenlake

Born in Atlanta, met my wife (from Seattle) at college in Athens Ga. We moved to Seattle in Sept 2012 and had a kid in December.

Hobbies: Games and movies and occasional biking and trying to run again...but with the new job and kid I hardly have time for hobbies anymore. Edit: forgot Hiking...we've done alot since we've moved here but like the rest of the hobbies, I havent been since the kid was born.

Job: IT in Redmond
I feel so young.

20/M/Capitol Hill
Born in Chicago but raised in Mukilteo. Currently a student at Seattle U.
Hobbies: weightlifting, sports, movies, donuts

Yeah, I worked at the Northgate Mall for just a few months back in 2007 and it was hands down the worst place I've ever worked. Not a big fan of malls at all nowadays.

Car was broken into at the parking lot there in December. Never again.
32 M Living in Greenlake

Born in Atlanta, met my wife (from Seattle) at college in Athens Ga. We moved to Seattle in Sept 2012 and had a kid in December.

Hobbies: Games and movies and occasional biking and trying to run again...but with the new job and kid I hardly have time for hobbies anymore.

Job: IT in Redmond

Greenlake dads unite! My daughter turns one on Monday.

Perfect time for gaming is after wife and kiddo have gone to bed. I actually get 5-6 hours a week that way.


Greenlake dads unite! My daughter turns one on Monday.

Perfect time for gaming is after wife and kiddo have gone to bed. I actually get 5-6 hours a week that way.

haha...ya, I usually try to get gaming time in during feedings...an hour to an hour and a half a few times on the weekends.

Cant wait until our kid is near one year...the past few weeks have been pretty rough, but at a month and a half now she is starting to show some personality and smiling...which is great.
haha...ya, I usually try to get gaming time in during feedings...an hour to an hour and a half a few times on the weekends.

Cant wait until our kid is near one year...the past few weeks have been pretty rough, but at a month and a half now she is starting to show some personality and smiling...which is great.

The first year is crazy in terms of developmental milestones, and it doesn't stop after that.
I'm 31, and a dude. Live halfway between Northgate Mall and Elliot Bay Brewery on Lake City Way.

Grew up in Southern CA. I sketchily started dating a coworker's sister-in-law after meeting her at a company board game night, moved to Vegas about a year and a half later because she was stuck in school there (never again!) then we moved up here when she graduated and got married while she started her nursing career over at UWMC. I work in the game industry. We have a 3 week old daughter who is still staying at Swedish because she decided to show up 7 weeks early, but she's doing well and will hopefully be home in a week or two. We plan on moving to Ballard sometime within the next 5-10 years, sooner if we can swing it

Hobbies: Soccer (playing and going to Sounders games), Board Games, Magic, Vidya Games, I'm a "foodie", love KEXP and going to shows, whiskey, and porters/stouts, and love our freaking seattle libraries.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
42, live in Wallingford, born and raised in Scotland, lived in LA, SF and now Seattle. Four year old daughter and New Jersey-born wife. Work for video game studio in Redmond. Cycle when it's warm and otherwise I stay inside to keep dry with odd excursions to eat the amazing food and drink the amazing dranks this city has.


22/M/South Holly

I was born in Vietnam but moved here in 1997. Currently working as a waiter at a retirement home and going to school to get a certificate in Computer Networking. I will be going back to school after I get the certificate since I don't feel like I'm wholly prepared for the real job.

Hobbies: Watching movies, playing video games, biking, hiking, weight lifting and soccer. Ever since I pulled my hamstring I haven't been able to do any active activities for the past few months. I'm hopeful it will completely heal soon.
You guys were right about that Layover episode btw, really good. Nice to see La Carta get a shout out too, but it deserved more of a feature says I.
Born in New York, lived around the U.S. growing up. I currently work at the Issaquah Best Buy, and am going to school at BC. I spend a lot of my time working, studying, watching soccer, and playing videogames.
Holy crap iPic Theater in Redmond is amazing!

I was trying to find a theater still showing Django (I'd already seen it but it is so good i didn't mind seeing it again!) and iPic was the closest. I didn't even realize it was one of those 21+ theaters where you get food and drink service like the Cinebarre in Moutlake Terrace, but this one is much nicer.

If you pay a little extra (+$5 or something) you get to pick reclining seats with foot rests and you get a blanket and a pillow. It's a good thing I went to get tickets online first because you actually pick the exact seat locations you want when you buy them.

I will definitely be back there again, probably next week for Die Hard! :D


Holy crap iPic Theater in Redmond is amazing!

That place ruined the normal movie theater experience for me--been going since before the iPic buyout. I'm hoping iPic is doing better financially than Gold Class Cinemas was, since they added the bar and all. I still almost never see anybody actually in the 'cheap' section, since if you're going to pay the inflated ticket price you might as well go all-out and get the seat-side service.

It's expensive, but is my preferred way to see anything just-released and likely to be crowded or Pixar. I just wish I lived closer to Redmond so I could go on Tuesdays when food's discounted.
27 M Living in Bellevue (eastside sucks)

So kinda true :( :( :( (hopefully moving to CapHill this summer)

A / S / L: 29 M Kirkland

Moved out here a couple of years ago from North Dakota. As with a few others here, also work in the game industry (starting with a new company in a week!). Just realized my main hobby has been gaming when I haven't been living at work the past few months... I should really come up with some new ones. (Oh, writing and going out to eat too :p )


29/M/Redmond (Eastside can be boring)

If only it wasn't so damned rainy out here. I moved up here from San Jose, California and I miss the sun and warmth almost every day. Luckily, I have a great group of friends so it's all good :) I was a student at DigiPen but now I go to FuturePoly and I'm putting together a portfolio to apply to game studios. I'm also working on 2 indie games on the side.


So, if I wanted to move to Seattle and I have a BA in Mathematics, what's the best way to look for a job and a place to live?


29/M/Redmond (Eastside can be boring)

If only it wasn't so damned rainy out here. I moved up here from San Jose, California and I miss the sun and warmth almost every day. Luckily, I have a great group of friends so it's all good :) I was a student at DigiPen but now I go to FuturePoly and I'm putting together a portfolio to apply to game studios. I'm also working on 2 indie games on the side.

I moved here from South Florida. The cold and rain suck, and I slipped and fell walking outside on one of those icy days.


Unconfirmed Member

I moved to Redmond back in 2000 to attend DigiPen. I'm originally from the metro Detroit area. Graduated in 03 (did 1 year of programming, hated it, switched to their 2 year 3D Animation program). Worked for 8 years as an artist at a game studio in Redmond, now work for a different studio as a designer in Bellevue.

I actually like the East Side more than Seattle. Can't stand the traffic and terrible parking down there. Plus, all my friends live in Redmond/Bellevue/Kirkland anyways.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
34/m/lower Queen Anne

Moved out here from upstate NY (not Buffalo upstate; sitting-on-the-Canadian-border upstate) for school and because to needed to take a chance on someone. I'm a pastry chef who works two jobs in addition to full-time classes. I don't have much of a life.

It's nice being able to afford things. ;-)

I'm old, bust my ass all day every day, and still can't afford things. :\
28/M Shoreline

Born and raised in Seattle, bounced around the Northgate area as a kid living with my parents, after the split lived for a while in Lake City till Shoreline.

Hobbies: Reading, Gaming, Movies, Mariners, Board Games,

Occupation: Currently a cook, I work in a Japanese Izakaya on Wallingford.
28 / M / Queen Anne

I moved here from Texas two years ago so I can live in a state I don't have to be embarrassed of. Right now I'm bouncing between contracting gigs and trying to figure out what I wanna do.

I like 80s anime, arcade games, comics and I'm dying to do some camping this summer. I've been on GAF for a long time, but I don't post a lot.
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