Oh man, when you saw me and followed me...that was totally unexpected. LOL. I was totally zoning out. I remembered that you said you worked at an izakaya, but I forgot you said Wallingford. That totally made my day.Youll be the sharpest dressed dude in Wallingford, I'll recognize you.
If anyone stops in, I'm the near bald dude wearing glasses. Necro showed up today, that was cool.
Anyway, the ramen was awesome! I'll definitely be back for more. I didn't know there was seating in the back from just looking in. (Wasn't expecting so many Japanese people, either, so it was fun to eavesdrop.) A shame I didn't really get to talk to you and kind of scuttled awkwardly in and out, but I mean...I kind of live nearby now, so you'll probably be seeing a lot of me.
P.S. I think I ran into your boss (or someone who works at Issian) in my laundry room a few days ago... Very polite man.