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Sega Dreamcast - Appreciation and Emulation Thread

So we won't be getting any proof you have any of this stuff?

Also, the deadline for request for dreamcast (& ps2, gb, advance, Saturn, and gamecube) games is Friday (so I have time to get everyone, and ship to everyone.)

Ok guys, I am about to do a timed special deal for $10 in 5 minutes for 4 games. First person to pm is the winner. Free overnight shipping, you WILL GET IT on Thursday. Also, the winner, dont forget to post your prize in this thread.

Oh I see. Ship out some cheap stuff overnight so the person who receives it posts it and everyone feels at ease. Meanwhile, you pressure everyone into putting in their orders before others start showing up posting that they haven't received their stuff in a few days. Get the orders in before suspicions are confirmed, and then be gone.

This is good.
Actually no, I did this to see your reaction to see how stupid you were and your pretty low on the bar.

So we won't be getting any proof you have any of this stuff?

Oh I see. Ship out some cheap stuff overnight so the person who receives it posts it and everyone feels at ease. Meanwhile, you pressure everyone into putting in their orders before others start showing up posting that they haven't received their stuff in a few days. Get the orders in before suspicions are confirmed, and then be gone.

This is good.
Welp this all went places.

Actually no, I did this to see your reaction to see how stupid you were and your pretty low on the bar.

You aren't making a very good case here. There's no denying this does all seem a little suspicious. A new user with a new eBay account comes around with an amazing collection for sale for amazing prices, and zero pictures.

I have had multiple people PM me today asking me if I thought you seemed legit (because of my initial excited posts before I too became suspicious). Throw in your hastily thrown together giveaway and sudden Friday deadline to get orders in...

I have a thing in mind in case such a person as you showed up.

What did you have in mind?

(Assuming proof of some kind that this ain't a scam.)

I think the free games give away was exactly it. He wants that person to post pictures of the (cheap) goods on Thursday, while pressuring people to get their orders in by Friday. Not sure why there'd be this cut off date if he owns a store where sells this stuff, but whatever.

Good news on Thursday, all orders placed by Friday, disappear into the wind on Saturday.

Holly shit! This guy is like Santa Claus.

This turned out to be a more appropriate statement than I could have ever imagined.
Except everything your doing is an assumption. Based on nothing. The.idea here is that I am sending a shipment of cheap games for $10, which you would not find 4 games at that price elsewere, and then running off. The fact I already posted I shipped orders before the contest shows how illogical this assumption is. Also, it shows something else, but I wont get into that.

Welp this all went places.

You aren't making a very good case here. There's no denying this does all seem a little suspicious. A new user with a new eBay account comes around with an amazing collection for sale for amazing prices, and zero pictures.

I have had multiple people PM me today asking me if I thought you seemed legit (because of my initial excited posts before I too became suspicious). Throw in your hastily thrown together giveaway and sudden Friday deadline to get orders in...

I think the free games give away was exactly it. He wants that person to post pictures of the (cheap) goods on Thursday, while pressuring people to get their orders in by Friday. Not sure why there'd be this cut off date if he owns a store where sells this stuff, but whatever.

Good news on Thursday, all orders placed by Friday, disappear into the wind on Saturday.

This turned out to be a more appropriate statement than I could have ever imagined.

Another misguided assumption. Makes even.less sense because I had mentioned after this run I would expand systems. You act as if I will run off on Friday yet that factually is a load of.nonsense.

Looks like I got some cleaning to do in the morning.
Except everything your doing is an assumption. Based on nothing. The.idea here is that I am sending a shipment of cheap games for $10, which you would not find 4 games at that price elsewere, and then running off. The fact I already posted I shipped orders before the contest shows how illogical this assumption is. Also, it shows something else, but I wont get into that.
Well shit, everyone. My bad. He posted on here that he shipped orders. This man is good for his word, without question. Let's move along.

Looks like I got some cleaning to do in the morning.
I don't even know what the hell this means...

You know this can all be solved by the click of camera, right? At this point, I'd even take a sketch.
Except everything your doing is an assumption. Based on nothing. The.idea here is that I am sending a shipment of cheap games for $10, which you would not find 4 games at that price elsewere, and then running off. The fact I already posted I shipped orders before the contest shows how illogical this assumption is. Also, it shows something else, but I wont get into that.

You claiming you shipped stuff doesn't really mean much. Nobody has come into this thread saying you have given them tracking numbers.

And simply, why not just post some pictures and put all our minds at ease? I would have loved to buy from you. But, it seems suspicious and the longer you go on not providing any form of proof the more suspicious it looks.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Fuck this. I'm calling bullshit.

DO NOT DEAL WITH TIGERSUPERMAN. If you have already sent him money via Paypal, file a claim.

This guy is so comically full of shit that he makes Buyrite Games look like Amazon. Not a single thing he's said this whole day lines up, and he refuses to corroborate a single thing.

Vincent Alexander was spot on: Tigersuperman's ebay account tells us an awful lot. Namely, that there's no evidence of any of the Dreamcasts he claims to have sold earlier in the day. In fact, if you check his ebay account, you'll find that 90% of what he's tried to sell was a combination of a refurbed Xbox 360, a Neo Geo X, and a cell phone, all for an absurdly low price. Naturally, there's no pics of the merch, the prices for these listings are wildly sporadic, several of the listings have been cancelled for no apparent reason, etc. It's the same pattern of activity you see with any typical ebay scammer dealing in this sort of merchandise. Amusingly, when he did list something seemingly legit, it was Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Mega Man X Collection for the Gamecube, starting at a $50 bid. Gosh, for someone scoffing at people spending market price for old games, that seems awfully... market price-y. But, who cares? That auction was cancelled, too.

The point is, he has absolutely no reputation, whatsoever, just as Vincent Alexander surmised. Oh, but what about that second Ebay account that Tigersuperman has? If that were the explanation, why would he link us to that Ebay account with no reputation and no evidence of any sale?

Exhibit B is that little contest, which, to refresh your memories, was in response to Vincent's questioning. Tigersuperman said:
Tigersuperman said:
However, I have a thing in mind in case such a person as you showed up.

Which, I guess, is a nice way of telegraphing that what you're about to do is a load of shit. Well, lucky me: I won!

Here's the conversation. Please note the bolded portion:

Tigersuperman said:
Again, 11pm at night. I know what you are sayng, but theres plenty of time tomorrow morning to Do this.

Chacranajxy said:
Tigersuperman said:
Come on man you know I got 50 msgs lol. Im looking for your list now. Ill probably have to go back to shop for some of them. Ill get back to you 9am est. Its 11pm right now.

Chacranajxy said:
Tigersuperman said:
Because it would be undeniable if a person posted proof of receiving. Same way online stores work like amazon etc. The other guy seems interested, ill see what he says.

Chacranajxy said:
Tigersuperman said:
That is what I am trying to do. 10th guys retracted after that one guy in the thread.

Chacranajxy said:
Tigersuperman said:
Chacranajxy said:
Tigersuperman said:
Chacranajxy said:
Sonic adventure, soul fighter, nfl 2k and nfl 2k2.

Ah winner. Beat another by .10, too close.

Well then, your address?

Actually, y'know what? Let the next guy have it, assuming he's still interested. I figure he'll probably get more use out of 'em than I will.
You do know the .point if this contest right? You would be helping quite a bid with this, especially with other orders.

Well, look: if you're trying to prove you've got the stuff you claim to and to establish some sort of legitimacy with the people on here, I'm willing to help. People in the retro threads know me, so if I say you're the real deal, they'll accept it. Just let me know what's up.

Let me just ask you this, then: Why go through the trouble? Why not just take a single picture of a smattering of games for people to see? Just give me something to demonstrate that you're legit, and I'll give everyone the OK to deal with you. And they will listen to me.

So? What do you want to do here?

It doesn't have to be the stuff I requested; a picture of any assortment of games will suffice. You have a store? What's the name of the store? Anything that serves as proof. I'm trying to help you here.

The scam is completely obvious, with absolutely nothing resembling detective work. This was his way of demonstrating that he had credibility, so he could bilk as many people as possible before making his exit. Why else would he have insisted on next day shipping? Why would he use such cheap, garbage games to evidence that he has this vast warehouse of rare titles?

Note also the continual evasion. I tried to drag some sort of evidence in his favor out of him, but to no avail.

Why would he not give me the name of his store? It's 11PM, I understand, but is there a curfew on typing?

Also, when Hero_of_the_Day inquired about games earlier, Tigersuperman didn't have Resident Evil 2 for the Dreamcast. When I asked him later in the day, he did. How does this work?

Why will he not take a goddamn picture? That Mega Man auction on Ebay proves he has a camera.

There's so much bullshit that doesn't make sense, even beyond this (though I'll spare you the rant), and he's continually refused to provide any evidence of his credibility. For someone trying to sell games to people on here, especially games where there's bound to be skepticism, none of it adds up.

So yeah, I'm going to call this guy a fraudster. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he is Willy Wonka. Maybe even Santa. But given the way he's handled the situation, I think it's far smarter for everyone here to hold off on dealing with him. The mods have already been notified, and are investigating the matter on their own.
My hero has appeared.

EDIT: Just to keep things completely honest, he told me he didn't have a complete copy of RE2, not that he didn't have one (said it was missing the instructions). When I said I needed complete, he told me he'd search to see if he had one. The thing that makes that a little coincidental is that he had everything off of Chacranajxy's list, except one thing also. Almost as if that's a tactic to keep people from thinking it's too good to be true. There's always one thing he doesn't have, but everything else he'll have, including some pretty rare shit others told me they asked about in PMs. I realize that sounds a little conspiracy theory-ish, but it all seems suspicious so why not?
Except everything your doing is an assumption. Based on nothing. The.idea here is that I am sending a shipment of cheap games for $10, which you would not find 4 games at that price elsewere, and then running off. The fact I already posted I shipped orders before the contest shows how illogical this assumption is. Also, it shows something else, but I wont get into that.

Another misguided assumption. Makes even.less sense because I had mentioned after this run I would expand systems. You act as if I will run off on Friday yet that factually is a load of.nonsense.

Looks like I got some cleaning to do in the morning.

Apparently im running off after announcing more systems for next week. Weird. So gotta.use the backup.

Also android phones make bad keyboards.

What backup?

Everything you are saying and replying with makes this seem 100% like a scam.

Do you need it use the audio jacks for sound or does the HDMI output it too?

On topic - does the Hanzo output audio via HDMI?
I threw in an insane wildcard into my games list I sent to Tiger - just to test the limits. I asked if he had "Eliminate Down", an insanely expensive (~$1000 USD) Sega Megadrive game. There's only ONE copy on eBay that isn't a reproduction (current listings or completed/sold, so for the past month or more...one copy).

He said he had it. And that he'd sell.

That's...either insanely good fortune on my part or... Let's be honest, reality isn't usually that kind.
How did I know the guy I said to wait till morning was w set up to spout more nonsense? Well guess I should have expected that.

Fuck this. I'm calling bullshit.

DO NOT DEAL WITH TIGERSUPERMAN. If you have already sent him money via Paypal, file a claim.

This guy is so comically full of shit that he makes Buyrite Games look like Amazon. Not a single thing he's said this whole day lines up, and he refuses to corroborate a single thing.

Vincent Alexander was spot on: Tigersuperman's ebay account tells us an awful lot. Namely, that there's no evidence of any of the Dreamcasts he claims to have sold earlier in the day. In fact, if you check his ebay account, you'll find that 90% of what he's tried to sell was a combination of a refurbed Xbox 360, a Neo Geo X, and a cell phone, all for an absurdly low price. Naturally, there's no pics of the merch, the prices for these listings are wildly sporadic, several of the listings have been cancelled for no apparent reason, etc. It's the same pattern of activity you see with any typical ebay scammer dealing in this sort of merchandise. Amusingly, when he did list something seemingly legit, it was Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Mega Man X Collection for the Gamecube, starting at a $50 bid. Gosh, for someone scoffing at people spending market price for old games, that seems awfully... market price-y. But, who cares? That auction was cancelled, too.

The point is, he has absolutely no reputation, whatsoever, just as Vincent Alexander surmised. Oh, but what about that second Ebay account that Tigersuperman has? If that were the explanation, why would he link us to that Ebay account with no reputation and no evidence of any sale?

Exhibit B is that little contest, which, to refresh your memories, was in response to Vincent's questioning. Tigersuperman said:

Which, I guess, is a nice way of telegraphing that what you're about to do is a load of shit. Well, lucky me: I won!

Here's the conversation. Please note the bolded portion:

The scam is completely obvious, with absolutely nothing resembling detective work. This was his way of demonstrating that he had credibility, so he could bilk as many people as possible before making his exit. Why else would he have insisted on next day shipping? Why would he use such cheap, garbage games to evidence that he has this vast warehouse of rare titles?

Note also the continual evasion. I tried to drag some sort of evidence in his favor out of him, but to no avail.

Why would he not give me the name of his store? It's 11PM, I understand, but is there a curfew on typing?

Also, when Hero_of_the_Day inquired about games earlier, Tigersuperman didn't have Resident Evil 2 for the Dreamcast. When I asked him later in the day, he did. How does this work?

Why will he not take a goddamn picture? That Mega Man auction on Ebay proves he has a camera.

There's so much bullshit that doesn't make sense, even beyond this (though I'll spare you the rant), and he's continually refused to provide any evidence of his credibility. For someone trying to sell games to people on here, especially games where there's bound to be skepticism, none of it adds up.

So yeah, I'm going to call this guy a fraudster. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he is Willy Wonka. Maybe even Santa. But given the way he's handled the situation, I think it's far smarter for everyone here to hold off on dealing with him. The mods have already been notified, and are investigating the matter on their own.
You claiming you shipped stuff doesn't really mean much. Nobody has come into this thread saying you have given them tracking numbers.

And simply, why not just post some pictures and put all our minds at ease? I would have loved to buy from you. But, it seems suspicious and the longer you go on not providing any form of proof the more suspicious it looks.

BECAUSE SLEEP. Please wait till morning, I will be offline until then thank you.


I gotta say...maybe you are a really cool guy and willing give good deals on games, and thats fine...but vouching for said games with a photo or two would help.

Even on the Neo-Geo forums when I went to buy my Omega CMVS from another member or on Nintendoage.com, I had other members I knew to vouch for me, or I posted a few pics / sent them to people I wanted to trade.

People get scammed alot when it comes to online sales, maybe more so when it comes to dealing with anything considered retro gaming. I don't want to see anyone unjustly dog-piled as much as the next guy, but a quick cell phone shot would be better than nothing?
Interesting. So two weeks ago he posts this on the GameSpot forums:

In short, he's asking about a supposedly theoretical situation where somebody might try to sell a PICTURE of an iPhone 5 on eBay disguised as an acutal listing for an iPhone 5. The technical loophole is that the listing says something along the lines of "the iphone in the picture seems to be new, and would come with all accessories."

In other words, here's this listing that looks like it's for an iPhone 5, but really I'm just selling a picture and using clever wording to disguise that.

So...whatever, right? Apparently somebody was doing this with Xbox boxes. Totally innocent?

Oh. Wait. Let's look at Tigersuperman's eBay account again. Specifically, let's look at just about the only item on his eBay account that has actually sold:

Huh. An iPhone. And the description?

So, yes. He's an eBay scammer and should be banned from GAF IMO.





This board is hard as F to get approval for. After you get posting approval, to get to member.. is also a long process. I have 250+ posts and haven't hit 300 in over a year because i have nothing good to say. I don;t like to spam..

So why would someone scam and waste their time? *sigh*

Makes me sad people taking advantage of us retro gamers.
How did I know the guy I said to wait till morning was w set up to spout more nonsense? Well guess I should have expected that.

He won your contest and then offered to vouch for you if you showed him some proof you were legit. Doesn't sound like much of a set up.

Everyone here would love for you to not be a scammer, I promise.
Interesting. So two weeks ago he posts this on the GameSpot forums:

In short, he's asking about a supposedly theoretical situation where somebody might try to sell a PICTURE of an iPhone 5 on eBay disguised as an acutal listing for an iPhone 5. The technical loophole is that the listing says something along the lines of "the iphone in the picture seems to be new, and would come with all accessories."

In other words, here's this listing that looks like it's for an iPhone 5, but really I'm just selling a picture and using clever wording to disguise that.

So...whatever, right? Apparently somebody was doing this with Xbox boxes. Totally innocent?

Oh. Wait. Let's look at Tigersuperman's eBay account again. Specifically, let's look at just about the only item on his eBay account that has actually sold:

Huh. An iPhone. And the description?

So, yes. He's an eBay scammer and should be banned from GAF IMO.


Well, that's officially that. Think its time we moved on and let the mods do whatever they feel is appropriate.

Let's get back to some Dreamcast talk. Love me some Dreamcast...

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Well, that's officially that. Think its time we moved on and let the mods do whatever they feel is appropriate.

Let's get back to some Dreamcast talk. Love me some Dreamcast...

Man, I really want to buy Dino Crisis, but I'm on too much of a PS1 kick to do it right now. Not sure why, but I'm craving an RE-style game.

Wait till E3 is in full swing. You'll be a full member in no time.

EDIT: I hope this doesnt result in the thread being locked down or something...

Eh, I doubt it. We dealt with it as much as we needed to, and it didn't disrupt things too badly. It would be silly to lose an entire thread's worth of DC info over it.


How is Evolution or 2 for that matter? I snagged 2 for cheap, and vaguely remember the first game when itching for an RPG back in the day. Rented it, but dont remember much except everyone being named after weapons.

Man, I really want to buy Dino Crisis, but I'm on too much of a PS1 kick to do it right now. Not sure why, but I'm craving an RE-style game.

Dino Crisis 1 for DC then 2 for PS1?

Carrier for the Dreamcast doesnt seem that bad, but I only played enough of it to test the game.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Dino Crisis 1 for DC then 2 for PS1?

Yeah, that's the plan. I haven't played enough of DC1 to really "get" it, so that should be interesting to finally get around to. I had DC2 on the PC back in 2002, but sold it. Really fun game, but I'd rather have the PS1 version.
How is Evolution or 2 for that matter? I snagged 2 for cheap, and vaguely remember the first game when itching for an RPG back in the day. Rented it, but dont remember much except everyone being named after weapons.

Dino Crisis 1 for DC then 2 for PS1?

Carrier for the Dreamcast doesnt seem that bad, but I only played enough of it to test the game.

I've been curious about the Evolution games also. Those, Silver, and Skies of Arcadia are at the top of my list 'cause I've never played any of them.

I used to have Dino Crisis (I guess I still do for the PSX). I played like an hour of the DC version and it just wasn't interesting me. Love the Resident Evils, guess dinosaurs just aren't as fun to kill as zombies.


I've been curious about the Evolution games also. Those, Silver, and Skies of Arcadia are at the top of my list 'cause I've never played any of them.

I used to have Dino Crisis (I guess I still do for the PSX). I played like an hour of the DC version and it just wasn't interesting me. Love the Resident Evils, guess dinosaurs just aren't as fun to kill as zombies.

I want to get deeper into Dino Crisis since I was wowed by the fact that they are smart enough to follow you through different screens.



i was gonna get Last Blade 2, Skies, Giga Wang 2, Garou & others (i just asked about Illbleed!) and YOU RUINED EVERYTHING


...for real, i was holding out for pics but if nothing else, i'm pretty comfortable sending $ via paypal these days. ive had a few people (out of state craigslist) try to scam me but charges are so easily reversed i don't worry much, any dude demanding gift gets 4% on top or they can go fly a kite.

even on the PS end i was golden! Legend of Mana, Way of the Samurai 2, Haunting Ground, Gunner's Heaven...all gone.

now i'm just gonna go play Tenchu again cause some of you were too good for potential pictures of games. you ever think about how sharp the pics could be? I'll tell you right now, i wish id've just invested in a pic of MGS4, i'dve liked it better. Illbleed could've been in that category too.


... Man, that is some awkward timing...

On my part?

I know.. :( I came in here to post this and saw the crap that was brewing. I thought about not posting then.. the fake picture came into play and i said "well he was found out.. lets get back to the subject of Dreamcast and retrogaming!"

This is DEF not for shipping though. 200lb TV is not being crated ANYWHERE. this would be a local pick up. No scam on my part. If no one gets it in a few days it's probably going to salvation army :(


whatevs, chac. gold-egg killing geese have short lives apparently.

when you coming back to south florida man? i'm sure we can square up this loss of my $20 copy of Hyper Duel somehow.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
whatevs, chac. gold-egg killing geese have short lives apparently.

when you coming back to south florida man? i'm sure we can square up this loss of my $20 copy of Hyper Duel somehow.

Not for a while, unfortunately. When I do head down there, though, I'll let you know, and I'll be sure to set things right.

With alcohol and Cave shmups.


Man I'm lttp but reading the last two pages and seeing how it starts and then begins to do a full 180 just to end up in such a shitty way, WTF.


Should I try playing The Ring again?

last time I tried I think I turned it off after the first cut scene because I had to do something and I never went back.


Lmao, nothing like waking up and reading Detective GAF bust that guy wide open. Kinda knew he was a little sketchy but decided to play in his game anyway. Pretty much got radio silence when I asked him to send me a pic of the item with his username on a piece of paper.


Holy shit, how did I miss the fucking mess going on in here?

Amazing that he thinks he could actually scam like that. Hilarious that the $300 that he sold that picture for is on hold for 21 days or so. Can't wait to see what he thinks when whatever account that's tied to his PayPal is frozen.



Glad I ain't got the time to answer his PM, he was already banned, the moment I saw this, I came here.

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