It's not like Compile is a shmup powerhouseFALSE - MUSHA is one of compile's top 3 SHMUPs, and is totally awesome
the price is stupid high, though
It's not like Compile is a shmup powerhouse
Outside of the first Spriggan they're average for the most part.Oh man... That's like saying Treasure is not an action game powerhouse.
Oh man... That's like saying Treasure is not an action game powerhouse.
Hahahaha welp. Sounds like the stuff you'd find in a bargain bin, except maybe even worse. Not sure what you were expecting, though, mind you. It was unlikely to have a lot of gems (or any) for that price.
Treasure misses way more often than they hit.
see, in the day, i think they kinda were:
Blazing Lazers
Guardian Legend
Power Strike 1/2
Robo Aleste
etc - that's a pretty strong resume, SHMUP-wise. i know Genesis is an absolute beast for the genre, but i would expect to see MUSHA on a top 10, if not top 5 for the system, personally. also congrats on that awesome price!
A boy can dream, can't he?
Actually, I have reason to believe there's a special treasure in there.
I went ahead with the offer and will post the haul here tomorrow night. Even if there's nothing, I could use the extra controllers and any decent games for myself/trades, keep some bad games for future repro carts, and maybe just sell off the rest honestly to anyone who wants it, for cheap.
Outside of the first Spriggan they're average for the most part.
I have most of their Pal games (except powerstrike 2) and both Spriggan games and while I play Musha from time to time, I's rather play Tetsujin when I have a vertical shmup craving for MD
Outside of the first Spriggan they're average for the most part.
I have most of their Pal games (except powerstrike 2) and both Spriggan games and while I play Musha from time to time, I's rather play Tetsujin when I have a vertical shmup craving for MD
Whatever you're on, please have a health care professional on standby because it's some strong shit.
Oh don't get me wrong, they're fine games. Neither challenging nor overly long. Just not very memorable nor very interesting from a design pov.Ok, maybe it's because I'm thinking of their American releases over all 8 and 16-bit consoles. To me all their games are well balanced, immensely playable, and very well programmed. I can't remember any of their games suffering from slowdown or flickering. I have to say I'm not a SHMUP fan, but I can play Compile games for a long time without feeling bored or frustrated. It's not the case with any other average or difficult shoot'em up, for me.
The article I linked seemed to agree with me so I can't be that crazy![]()
Treasure misses way more often than they hit.
Treasure misses way more often than they hit.
Ok, Light Crusader is not that good but apart from that?
I've never been fond of Compile's shmup designs, so what? It's not like I discovered them yesterday, I've been playing Compile shmups since the SMS.
I prefer Taoplan/Seibu/Hudson Soft (prety much every single vertical PCE shmup)/Raizzing as far as vertical shmups go. Musha's fine, but neither great nor very memorable. It's prety though for a Megadrive game.
Also Space Megaforce (Super Aleste) is terrible. I just couldn't get into it (first with the Pal version, which was way too slow, then with the US version).
Oh don't get me wrong, they're fine games. Neither challenging nor overly long. Just not very memorable nor very interesting from a design pov.
Gynoug (wings of Wor), TF games, Air Buster, Tatsujin, Grind Stormer, Hellfire, Saigaia, etc... The Megadrive has a very very rich library of very good shmups!![]()
They're all over the spectrum. I'd say that their great games are Ikaruga, Gradius V, and Alien Soldier. They've made a good number of good games (the Sin & Punishment games and Radiant Silvergun), a lot of games that are just okay (Gunstar Heroes, Silhouette Mirage), and some bad ones (Light Crusader, Astro Boy). that are just okay (Gunstar Heroes, Silhouette Mirage), and some bad ones (Light Crusader, Astro Boy).
They're all over the spectrum. I'd say that their great games are Ikaruga, Gradius V, and Alien Soldier. They've made a good number of good games (the Sin & Punishment games and Radiant Silvergun), a lot of games that are just okay (Gunstar Heroes, Silhouette Mirage), and some bad ones (Light Crusader, Astro Boy).
Lol, I'm with Tain. Gunstar Heroes is a 6/10 game, y'all.
I prefer Midnight Resistance /shrug
MUSHA on the other hand is one of my top favorite SHMUPS of all time...that said I had no problem recently selling my copy of it for its 'stupid going price' of late. Heh
Heck, I don't get the love fest for Treasure to start with...
Gunstar Heroes
Sin & Punishment 1/2
Guardian Heroes
Alien Soldier
Gradius V
Bangai-O, Radiant Silvergun, Mischief Makers, Dynamite Headdy, McDonald etc aren't for everyone, but for a small group of ex-Konami people this is an excellent resume right here.
my man 16-bit can't be saved, but more of ya'll need to hear the message.
Btw, just bought Sin & Punishement after reading this discussion, now I just need to find a way to play it! How hard is it to mod an N64?
You can just backswap the cart with a lame sports game.
Open it and put it into another cartridge? I actually have a copy of Superman 64 that might be useful for this![]()
Open it and put it into another cartridge? I actually have a copy of Superman 64 that might be useful for this![]()