So I found this guide...gonna give it a shot after I get everything together.
So I found this guide...gonna give it a shot after I get everything together.
Oh my. That guide is over a decade old now. Some of that stuff definitely needs to be shuffled around a tad.
I hope I didn't come off as too bitchy. There's a lot of good suggestions. Midnight Resistance looks awesome and I never heard of it before ever.
Yes GrayFox, let us rise up and revel in our love of Altered Beast.
I'm actually going to play some tonight... Unfortunately emulated as my original Checkerboard Package copy is packed right now as I'm moving next week.
Also, anyone see this?
I'm not sure where the market is for a statue of the first boss from Altered Beast is, but in case anyone wants to party like it's 1989, you can preorder is for around $115 USD here:
Mikhal posted about it yesterday to little fanfare
Where did you get your perfect game shelf?? I'm in the market for such a thing. Trying to get organized.
That's pretty awesome. Nice work recapturing the feel of the older boxes.
please do, man! and any non-broke saturn cases as well, only need 1 right now!
a ninja slumber party
Should have quite a few decent genesis boxes for you.
As for Saturn, all the cases are broken, except one. It has a crack in the top right area though on the front. Do you want it or should I trash it?
dodgeme those are dead sexy, man. loving your effort there, that (and the classic white & black SMS ones) is such an iconic style for me
that one's going right onto my bucket list
i'm cool with said crack, please hold onto it! also how many boxes we talkin, and do any have hangtabs? if so i can possibly include Mzo in this, he's also a local down here
Wal-mart suprisingly. This shelve to be exact
I'm up to about 5 of them now. They are the perfect depth for games.
Heres a front view of some of the ones I've made. Theres a few that could use better artwork, but I am not an artist so I've been settling for decent fan-art/original art.
The crack is about an inch long. Case is fine beyond that.
How bad is too bad? I tossed the ones that wouldn't close / were destroyed in some way. Some of these have stickers on them, a little marker, some roughing up of the plastic. Nothing too awful. Most of them seem alright. Some seem perfect.
I'll probably keep a couple for myself. There are about 30 regular genesis cases, and there are about 20 EA / odd cartridge cases. There's also one case that doesn't seem to have any real plastic tabs on the inside at all.
edit: About a dozen regular cases have tabs.
Top Ten Sega Sequels
My first non-review video. There are plenty of Sega Genesis related enteries. I look forward to everyone's personal thoughts and how wrong i am forOnly putting Streets Of Rage 2 at #6
Top Ten Sega Sequels
My first non-review video. There are plenty of Sega Genesis related enteries. I look forward to everyone's personal thoughts and how wrong i am forOnly putting Streets Of Rage 2 at #6
Did you design the cover art template yourself? Would you mind making one for Midnight Resistance?
Heres the art for it:
Is that a Gunstar remix?
I love that this thread is now near the top of my subscription list almost regularly.
Top Ten Sega Sequels
My first non-review video. There are plenty of Sega Genesis related enteries. I look forward to everyone's personal thoughts and how wrong i am forOnly putting Streets Of Rage 2 at #6
Top Ten Sega Sequels
My first non-review video. There are plenty of Sega Genesis related enteries. I look forward to everyone's personal thoughts and how wrong i am forOnly putting Streets Of Rage 2 at #6
I liked it. Good video.
I was hoping for some Panic on Funkotron love, though![]()
i dig Panic on Funkotron for what it is, but i can't love it.
TJ&E is still one of my favorite roguelikes - 90s to the death of it, too! - and 2 just dropped most of what i loved about it. it was neat seeing that DC prototype for 3 go for such a return to form, sad that's not the final product we got.
Top Ten Sega Sequels
My first non-review video. There are plenty of Sega Genesis related enteries. I look forward to everyone's personal thoughts and how wrong i am forOnly putting Streets Of Rage 2 at #6
Panic on Funkotron is the "generic brown military shooter" sequel of its day.
16-bit platformers were a dime a dozen at the time, and TJ&E was a fresh and stand-out game. To have the sequel discard that for what's hip and vogue is the equivalent of the most-recent Shadowrun game being a first-person shooter instead of an RPG. It doesn't matter how good the game actually is or not because the focus-testing and marketing influence is extremely obvious and repugnant.
I actually still haven't played TJ&E2 for that reason, and I don't really care to make it a priority either.
It's no ordinary platformer though.. really unique. Great music, graphics, and animation.
I think I'm one of the few people who loves both games for what they are. I didn't find Panic on Funkotron disappointing in the least.
The third game though.. ick.
Mercs. I heard of this port of the Arcade version and just wrote it off as a straight port while having played the Arcade original thinking it was a pretty good top down shooter in the Ikari Warrior style that was perfected with SNK's own Shock Troopers. To my surprise it greatly changed the the arcade original. Capcom could have just ported the arcade original and called it a day (and they did that) but they went through the trouble of providing an alternate mode that greatly expands upon the original.
Mercs is a must play if you love Run 'N Gun/Shooters.
It's weird how much reproductions sell for.
Right? I've never seeked out reproductions, but from what I've seen aren't they like $40-$50? Compared to the dime a dozen Asian bootleg carts which are what, $10-$15 tops? Is that $30 premium for a nicer label?
Right? I've never seeked out reproductions, but from what I've seen aren't they like $40-$50? Compared to the dime a dozen Asian bootleg carts which are what, $10-$15 tops? Is that $30 premium for a nicer label?
It's weird how much reproductions sell for.
all that's mostly fine by me; i can clean markers & stickers, roughed up ones go on lesser carts...all i need is that they can hold the cart & insert in the front (the knockoffs on amazon are terrible cause the plastic on the shell's front tears super easy)
that sounds awesome, and i can guarantee Mzo will want in on those dozen with hangtabs, depending on what brand is inside of the case (well wait that depends though, i think he prefers first party sega or whatever...dude's crazy), but i'd be down for extras for loose carts ill likely pick up at garage sales too! lemme know what you'd want for them & shipping, man.
I can see myself dropping 60 bucks for a well made repro of a game I simply won't be buying at 300 or 500 dollars. I see a Snow Bros. in my future.
I can fit 16 cases into a 12 x 12 x 5/12 box. I don't have a scale, but if you have a scale and would like to weigh 16 empty cases and add 1 or 2 for the weight of the box, that would give me an accurate weight estimation. With your zipcode, I could tell you how much the shipping would be.
I'd rather just save up over a year incrementally for the real thing, IMO.
Repros have no real value as having a ROM on an emulator is just as good.
OG or nothing.
also the saturn case yeah? ill have to try this later!
"real value" arguments are awesome, especially when language patches/etc are involved
this is why i don't fuck with calling myself a collector; the only "highly subjective value" my library has is the one i place on it when drunkenly rearranging it in order of preference (sorry Shining Force 2, you're a great game but i can't beat the $%#^ing Kraken so you just fell down a few pegs)
Does anybody want to buy a case (no manual) for Popful Mail?
I'll have one in a few days and I figured I'd ask about it here before sending it to the 'bay.