Shadow Hog
Nah, the contest'll just run a full year
Get crackin'!
Get crackin'!
Random question: anyone else a fan of The Haunting: Starring Polterguy?
Random question: anyone else a fan of The Haunting: Starring Polterguy? It's one of the most unique games of its time and a really fun horror game that fits right alongside the Genesis Splatterhouse games, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and Castlevania Bloodlines.
(I'm not a big fan of Continue? But they're more subduded in this older video and they're not screaming and playing it up such as in recent videos)
It's one of my favorite games but I've never beaten it.
Heads up!
Stoneagegamer has those Mega ram carts for the Sega CD back in stock.
Is there any reason to get one of those if you are planning on getting the Mega Everdrive at some point? Like do they add different save features that the Everdrive does not?
Looking at the description, doesnt seem like it.
I must be missing something; I don't see in the description that you can use it as a backup save RAM for the Sega CD.
Guy named Pyron has been editing palettes of Genesis games to make them look closer to the arcade originals, or otherwise just try to improve the look in general.
He's working on Castlevania Bloodlines right now. Can't wait to see how that turns out.
Anyone know an idea solder diameter for soldering the sega cd fuse / console repair in general?
Does anybody have some Sega CD recommendations?
I have: Lunar: The Silver Star, Lunar: Eternal Blue and Popful Mail.
I already have marked to buy want: Bari-Arm: Android Assault, Robo Alesete Shining Force CD and Vay with "maybes" on Sol-Feace and Time Gal and an "LOL" on Keio Flying Squadron.
Does anybody have some Sega CD recommendations?
I have: Lunar: The Silver Star, Lunar: Eternal Blue and Popful Mail.
I already have marked to buy want: Bari-Arm: Android Assault, Robo Alesete Shining Force CD and Vay with "maybes" on Sol-Feace and Time Gal and an "LOL" on Keio Flying Squadron.
It's on my PC-Engine watch list (and yeah, it's awesome).If you don't already have lords of thunder on turbo CD its a must.
I'm not really a fan of Echo, but SoulStar looks neat, thanks, I'll add that to my list.If you don't have any of the Ecco games, I really like the Sega CD versions. They run much smoother, have great redbook audio and even a few (horribly compressed) cutscenes.
Soulstar is worth a grab as well. It's decently fun and pretty impressive from a technical point of view.
BIg no to Earthworm Jim, but I'll check out the other stuff on YouTube when I get a chance to see how they play.It has the best version of Earthworm Jim. And there's always Final Fight CD. Spider-Man and Terminator are decent action games with awesome soundtracks. Lords of Thunder is another great shmup, but it seems to be expensive these days. Silpheed is fun little shooter that won't break your bank.
If you like Time Gal, there's always Road Avenger, which is better IMO.
IIf you like Time Gal, there's always Road Avenger, which is better IMO.
Revenge of the Ninja is my personal favorite!
Does anybody have some Sega CD recommendations?
I have: Lunar: The Silver Star, Lunar: Eternal Blue and Popful Mail.
I already have marked to buy: Bari-Arm: Android Assault, Robo Alesete, Shining Force CD and Vay with "maybes" on Sol-Feace and Time Gal and an "LOL" on Keio Flying Squadron.
I think you'll be fine with any normal sized canonical tip. You're asking about actual solder aren't you. I think mine is like .32 or something. I'd have to look when I get home.
It has the best version of Earthworm Jim.
I disagree. I like the additions to the first level but after that the additional content isn't that great and some of the audio cues are unnecessary. I'm being nitpicky but I'd still say the original Genesis version is superior.
Dat CD quality audio, tho. I used to drive around listening to the CD in my car's stereo like a true cool guy back in the day.
Technically, the best is the old Windows 95 version based on the Sega CD one - 256-color graphics instead of 61-at-best-color, so gradients are much nicer, plus the redbook audio soundtrack and extra bonuses of the Sega CD one. Only downside is, I doubt it runs well on 64-bit operating systems...
Having played both versions, I'm not sure what loading screens you're talking about. Last I checked, the stage loading screens are just static images with bouncing text atop them - for every version, albeit the image in question changes from version to version.You do miss the little animated loading screens though.
I strongly recommend picking up Ranger X. This was a late release in the systems life cycle, and was the only game ever made by the developer. It's a mix between typical run and gun and action platformer. It is recognized by the few who have played it as having some of the very best graphics on the system, up there with Gunstar Heroes. Music is pretty different -- in a good way I think. It also has some very unique vector graphics to introduce each level. Ranger X barely even received review coverage at the time of release, so don't be surprised if you haven't played it before. You can still find a complete copy for $30-$35. Do not pass this up before it's the next Musha. I highly recommend it and am fairly certain it will be considered an over looked classic at some point in the near future.
Incoming price chart marking this exact day as the point when it goes from being affordable to over $100. You monster.
^Ranger X is tight. It's not the company 's only game though. They just changed their name. You can check their gameography here:
They actually handled that terrible PS3 port of Bayonetta, lol.