If only I could play the game and be the judge of whether I want the OST in redbook audio...
Nope, no idea if either this nor DandoAnybody know if a beta of this game ever got released ?
At least they're acknowledging the issue.
Nope, no idea if either this nor Dando
Latest Game Sack talks about a Mega Drive gem--Monster World IV.
The entire episode focuses on Female Protags, which Monster World IV famously switched to.
I have a non-TMSS model 1 Sega Genesis with a 32x and Model 2 Sega CD attached.
I had to do the reset workaround to get Pier Solar to play. So having a 32x does diddly for that particular problem. It seemed to work just fine after reset, though. You might have been boned, Irish?
Friend sold me a cart-only Double Dragon dirt cheap. I really like it! It's not arcade perfect but it's a solid port.
The video was a bit insipid overall but good for them for mentioning this gem (and Phantasy Star!). And lol @ the Anita bashing in the comments. These people are so goddamn obsessed.Latest Game Sack talks about a Mega Drive gem--Monster World IV.
The entire episode focuses on Female Protags, which Monster World IV famously switched to.
I really, really hate the platforming in those games, these games are not built for it, lol, but they are good games, yes.Still prefer the NES versions of 1 and 2
I really, really hate the platforming in those games, these games are not built for it, lol, but they are good games, yes.
Eh, did anyone else notice Pier solar received a price bump since they got stock back? It's now $69 instead of $59 before.
Also I bought a stupid amount of crap lately. Most of it Japanese versions of games I already own. I'm not sure why I did that. When am I ever going to play Landstalker in Japanese? Never, that's when.
at least you can enjoy the nicer box art, lol
Hmm. Maybe I should pick this up before I forget and have to pay reseller prices.Eh, did anyone else notice Pier solar received a price bump since they got stock back? It's now $69 instead of $59 before.
Hey, everyone!
I'm looking for a copy of Pulseman for the SEGA Genesis to add to my collection, and I was wondering if anyone had good experience ordering from this website?
Pier Solar got me wondering if i want to order a reprint of Beggar Prince
good thing ive got till like 2020 to decide
I looked into that site, but I found better rates from the guy that does it on the Sega ages forum. Not sure if he's still doing them. I got Pulseman, Alien Solider and Wily Wars for myself about two years ago for less than 100 with shipping.
I'm at just under 100 Genesis titles (including the repros above, and modern releases like Pier Solar/Legend of Wukong). I'd like to get something holy grail worthy to celebrate.
Have you played Beggar Prince? IMO it wasn't that great.
Have you played Beggar Prince? IMO it wasn't that great.
at least you can enjoy the nicer box art, lol
Pier Solar got me wondering if i want to order a reprint of Beggar Prince
good thing ive got till like 2020 to decide
Oh, okay. As far as reproduction cartridges are concerned, which place should I look up to get a copy of Pulseman?
I caved and ordered one. I remember getting the email last year (or the one before?) and I laughed that they wanted us to wait until "2016." It's crazy, but I figure that I might as well get a copy while I can and try it out.
I'm not sure if other members can chime in with more details, but I believe I got mine from this guy: http://segaage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?StartRow=1&catid=43&threadid=114660
Well it's a Chinese unlicensed game from 20 years ago, the novelty was that it was translated and published at a time when nobody expected a Megadrive release. It was the first new release I believe, which is why it was hyped. If it were published today I'm not sure it would get so much attention. Still, you have to applaud the efforts of Super Fighter Team to put it all together.
What do you guys think are good homebrew, stuff that would be worthy of a cartridge edition, yet hasn't seen a physical release?
Yeah, it's the same type of mechanism in arcade panels.Oh, OK. Are microswitched levers considered better?