Almost ready to play Shining in the Darkness, bust out my cartography skills.
Sonic 1 and Sonic Spinball (if it counts) are the hardest Sonic games on the system. They both took me about a year of on and off playing to beat. Maybe slightly less than that for Sonic 1.
Haha, wow. Talking about showing some balls!
Sonic Spinball is a REALLY hard game, yeah. I doubt very much I'll ever get anywhere near the end of that game. I did beat the Game Gear version, but that's a lot easier than the Genesis one. Sonic 1 is a good challenge, but it's not as hard as Spinball, thankfully...
New goal for this 3 day weekend: I'm going to try to beat The Ooze.
New goal for this 3 day weekend: I'm going to try to beat The Ooze.
This is a game (as a horror fan especially) that I really, really want to like. And it definitely has good qualities. The music is great. The graphics are very good. It has a great concept and the controls are good. What hurts this game is the massive spike in difficulty, a very low number of continues, and (the worst part) there are no passwords and no saving.
I have no idea why there's no passwords for this game. It made sense for Comix Zone because it was pretty short. If you got good at Comix Zone, you could beat it in about 30-40 minutes depending on your luck. But this game is far longer than Comix Zone. And the reason why I bring up Comix Zone is that The Ooze was made by the same dev team (and they dissolved shortly after the release of The Ooze).
I would KILL to see a modern remake of this game. The concept is so good; you play as the Blob and you kill things. Make the difficulty more manageable and add humans as enemies (as opposed to bugs, slugs, and robots) with some gory deaths. And bam, you have a little classic.
I just picked up a Mega Everdrive (from Kritzz) and I am amazed with it. If you get one spring for the mega one if only for save states alone....I really need an Everdrive for my Genesis.
Do they accept debit cards? Because I see that they only accept Paypal.I just picked up a Mega Everdrive (from Kritzz) and I am amazed with it. If you get one spring for the mega one if only for save states alone.
I'm in the home stretch of The Ooze. At least I hope to god that I am. Had some trouble with the 3rd boss, it's another gimmick boss and took me a while to figure it out. The Comix Zone devs LOVE gimmicks for their bosses.
I had so much trouble with the 3rd boss that I looked up the strategy section on Gamefaqs and there is one guide. This guide was abandoned before the 3rd boss... So I go looking for Let's Play's on YT. There is one that got pretty far but it the dude behind it cancelled the run before the 3rd boss. Every other YT video of this game just spotlights the first few levels and that's it.
I guess The Ooze is at that certain level of obscurity.
Oh really now? Sounds like i need to fix this. I do pride myself on trying to cover the less covered games on Youtube, so maybe the Oooze is worth checking out in more detail for a video.
Go for it dude.
I officially give up. Turns out that there's an additional 5 levels left and the one I'm stuck on has a bunch of electric fences keeping you away and there's switches and there's some sort of trick to activate them or something. I tried for a good 20 minutes and I couldn't figure it out. For all I know it's a glitch.
I used the level select cheat code just to warp me to the final level, and there's a series of drains that pretty much insta-kill you that seems like you have to navigate around. I'm done. The difficulty approaches Battletoads. There are so many instant kill traps in this game and you can easily get your ass handed to you by these tiny enemies. You're supposed to feel like this unstoppable monstrosity and you so rarely get to experience moments like that in this game. Those tiny enemies will wreck your shit because (1) it's hard to hit them and (2) when they hit you, you're stuck in hit stun and can't hit them back for a few seconds. Meanwhile they can keep attacking you. You're only option is to try to get away and then try to attack them. In-between dodging lazers, drains, doors that can also instant kill but can also take massive amounts of Ooze away from you.
I am done.
*Washes hands*
I am tempted to try to learn UE4 so I can make a remake of this game because (again) I LOVE the premise.
Given that they went on to make Comix Zone, which isn't nearly as hard as this sounds but is seen as a bit unforgiving, yeah that isn't much of a shock.
I can't honestly blame you for giving in, given the sounds of that final level.
I like Comix Zone a whole bunch, but I'm always scared the game is gonna freeze on me, lol. Was it glitchy for anyone else? I remember 2 separate copies of it locking up on my Genesis 2 a lot.
I like Comix Zone a whole bunch, but I'm always scared the game is gonna freeze on me, lol. Was it glitchy for anyone else? I remember 2 separate copies of it locking up on my Genesis 2 a lot.
My brother claims it's easy. But he's insane, so...I think the hardest Genesis game I have is Target Earth. I just can't seem to get past the first level.
Haha, wow. Talking about showing some balls!
Ono, you buttslap sissy, learn from your ancestors!
I remember this commercial, good marketing because it's clearly the better game.
I need to play this game.I think the hardest Genesis game I have is Target Earth. I just can't seem to get past the first level.
I think the hardest Genesis game I have is Target Earth. I just can't seem to get past the first level.
So it looks like Stone Age Gamer accepts debit cards...may use them to get a Genesis everdrive.
It'll be a long while before I get it.=p Though I need one badly.Tell me how it is! I've been pondering on getting one from them.
Yeah I did PayPal so as far as payment options I wouldn't be able to comment. It did take a month to arrive.Tell me how it is! I've been pondering on getting one from them.
Yeah I did PayPal so as far as payment options I wouldn't be able to comment. It did take a month to arrive.
I'll make note of some of the things I was surprised by or just impressed with. For starters what's neat is in the menu of the cart itself it actually has the date the everdrive was manufactured (put together?) I like are the fact I can do a save state at any time (by pressing down and start simultaneously). I can reset the console from the controller via the menu. Also plays my Master system roms without the power base convertor. There's even a button on the cart that functions as the power base convertor's reset button. Has played every game I threw at it.
Any questions fire away I'm still fiddling with everything.
What's the max sd card can it support? 32GB or higher?Yeah I did PayPal so as far as payment options I wouldn't be able to comment. It did take a month to arrive.
I'll make note of some of the things I was surprised by or just impressed with. For starters what's neat is in the menu of the cart itself it actually has the date the everdrive was manufactured (put together?) I like are the fact I can do a save state at any time (by pressing down and start simultaneously). I can reset the console from the controller via the menu. Also plays my Master system roms without the power base convertor. There's even a button on the cart that functions as the power base convertor's reset button. Has played every game I threw at it.
Any questions fire away I'm still fiddling with everything.
I'm pretty sure the entire library (Genesis 32x and master system) is under 4gb. So you probably won't need any bigger, I have an 8GB in there now and works fine but other than that I'm not sure.What's the max sd card can it support? 32GB or higher?
Almost ready to play Shining in the Darkness, bust out my cartography skills.
I've decided I want to get my Mega Drive and start a collection...but first I need to find a decent CRT...
Tekno, did you ever start SitD? I've abandoned my game, and maybe someone else in the thread starting it will refuel my desire to want to soldier on.
Tell me how it is! I've been pondering on getting one from them.
It'll be a long while before I get it.=p Though I need one badly.
I'm pretty sure the entire library (Genesis 32x and master system) is under 4gb. So you probably won't need any bigger, I have an 8GB in there now and works fine but other than that I'm not sure.
I'll keep that in mind.I'm pretty sure the entire library (Genesis 32x and master system) is under 4gb. So you probably won't need any bigger, I have an 8GB in there now and works fine but other than that I'm not sure.
Another thing is you have to extract roms - won't play .zip files just FYI so that does take up a little more room.
I love the Genesis(my 1st owned console ever) so this sounds great, I mean, save states on retro original hardware? I didn't think that was possible!!!if you're as big a fan of the system as i, consider the Mega Everdrive! it's pricier but instant loading, save states & such are so worth it. be happy to answer any questions ya'll got!
this, and i just grabbed the Mega ED starter packs that have all the unlicensed/betas/translations/prototypes etc, plus some GG conversions that i'm uncertain will fully work but it's exactly what i have this kinda thing for! but yeah, no way you'd need something larger than even an 8 tops, and that's me doing silly shit like organizing ROM's by genre folder and then duping them back into a master alphabetical one/etc. god knows the entire SMS library adds like 116 MB.