Yeah, hindsight is always 20/20 on this shit.
Unless a kind soul makes you an offer your SOL and are gonna have to shell out for each one. Retro collecting is getting crazy expensive. I wish I had this drive when I was making the big bucks back in the early 2000s but I wasn't thinking like I am now.
Use homebrew to force 240p and you're set.
If you get an Action Replay 4-in-1 cart you can play any region games on any region Saturn.
As for games, here's some JP only games i'd reccomend from my collection;
AJPW featuring Virtua - dunno if you like wrestling games, but if you do you should check this out. It's the predecesor to the Giant Gram games and for it's era is a very impressive 3d wrestling game that bizarrely features Wolf & Jeffrey from Virtua Fighter :lol
Assault Suit Leynos 2 - side scrolling action game, looks like a serious Metal Slug but has a punishing difficulty
Astra Superstars - really amazing Sunsoft 2d fighter that is unfourtunatly quite rare and expensive. While it's predecessor WakuWaku 7 is more readily available, it lacks the fun factor or the visual pop of Astra, well worth it if you're in the market for a quirky and highly playable 2d fighter.
Battle Garegga - needs little explanation, one of the best shmups available on the Saturn.
Blast Wind - often overlooked Technosoft shmup that unfourtunatly is rather rare nowadays.
Chaos Seed - quirky remake of a SNES RPG that blends a weird mix of action RPG, resource management, town sim and real-time dungeon building suprisingly well.
Cotton 2 & Cotton Boomerang - pretty much the pinacle of the Cotton series, both these games are well worth your time if you like horizontal cute'em up's, Boomerang is usually a bit more expensive but it has a wealth of additions over standard Cotton 2.
Detana Twinbee Deluxe - great compilation of the Twinbee arcade games.
Dragonball Z Shinbutoden - really awesome Dragon Ball Z 2d fighter, ignore the awful DBZ Legends.
Game Paridise/Tengoku - odd shmup thats set in a video game arcade.
Gekirindan - nice shmup with a time traveling twist.
Hyper Duel - kick ass Technosoft horizontal shooter, unfourtunatly it's rather expensive.
Langrisser Complete - awesome SRPG collection of every Langrisser game that matters.
Nanatsu Kaze no Shima Monogatari - beautiful 2d point & click adventure from Enix
Princess Crown - vanillaware's beautiful action RPG, well worth the price despite the games length.
Psychic Killer Taromaru - really fun Shinobi style action game, unfourtunatly an extremely low print run makes this one of the rarest games on the Saturn.
Sengoku Blade - great port of the awesome arcade Japanese fuedal themed horizontal shooter.
Soukyugurentai - aka Terra Driver, easily one of the best shooters available on the Saturn.
Stellar Assault SS - amazing remake of the SEGA-CD 3d space shooter, unfourtunatly it's rather expensive.
Terra Phantastica - seemingly overlooked SRPG with a 80's western dark fantasy feel to it and really epic & challenging battles, seriousley one of my all-time favourite SRPGs.
Tryrush Deppy - beautiful 2d platformer.
16 nailed it for me; used to salivate @ gamefan previews of some Saturn stuff while still being sour grapes about not owning one, heh. And yeah I don't imagine stuff like silvergun or hyper duel are much cheaper in known JP stores but you never know
How would you do this? I have HDD loader and a flip top setup, still didnt know that was an option
Would love to get a copy of the UK PAL version of Deep Fear, but if Japanese is the only cheap option...guess I better get back to learning Japanese.
Unless a kind soul makes you an offer your SOL and are gonna have to shell out for each one. Retro collecting is getting crazy expensive. I wish I had this drive when I was making the big bucks back in the early 2000s but I wasn't thinking like I am now.
I have no idea what you're talking about. However it's one of the, if not the, most common game for the Saturn, for all regions. You can find it aplenty online and in retail stores.
I will buy Hyper Duel one day.
No game store near by, I'm a foreigner so it's very difficult to participate in Yahoo! Auctions. It's essentially Rakuten and or bust.
I'm not sure Hyper Duel is that much worth it. There are loads of shmups on the console, most are at least competent. If every copy of it disappeared all of a sudden I doubt you would miss it for long. Then again I'm not a shmups fan so what do I know.
Shinrei jusatsushi taromaru on the other hand seems to have some fairly original gameplay, even though it's still an action sidescroller at its core. The way it plays feels quite original, but I'm judging based on videos. I'd choose this one if I had money to throw away.
I'd go with Hyper Duel. Taromaru is interesting for the Treasure completist but kinda boring.
Interesting, I never knew Treasure talent worked on this game. Any names specifically?
Picked up these two gems last week online and they arrived a day apart. I was able to get Dark Savior for just $20 on Amazon which was way less then the going price on ebay.
I think it was Iuchi. There was a brief period where he temporarily left Treasure after work was completed on Radiant Silvergun. Then Time Warner's video game division went defunct after that one game and he went back.Interesting, I never knew Treasure talent worked on this game. Any names specifically?
Damn it Tails.
yeah what the fuck tails
I own an original SLS usb model, a PlaySega and many original Saturn controllers. I have not had a Chinese one yet.
I think the quality of the Chinese ripoffs should be alright. They are most likely made in the same manufacture or with the same mould Sega used to make theirs. They appeared on the market shortly after Sega stopped making their SLS ones and I suspect some technology transfer. I heard complains of breaks, which could come from cheaper materials used. The PlaySega feels cheap too but is still alright to play. The main difference being the plastic used to make the shell. Button placement, feel and reactivity isn't affected. It should be noted that even the original SLS USB weren't exact- copies of Saturn controllers. The originally sanded part (everywhere except on the face) looks sanded but is still coated shiny, which feels strange at first.
In any case they should have a similarly shaped board with the same button placement. If I were you I would buy an original Saturn controller, a USB knock-off and swap the boards, maybe even the rubbers if they are toasted.
I'd go with a Saturn pad + USB adapter. I've tried a number of the ASCII pads and Madcatz fightpads and they really don't come close to a Saturn controller. The Hori Fighting Commanders for PS3 and PS4 are a nice alternative though.Hmm, I guess that makes sense. From what I have read, the Play Sega pads used the same molds as the SLS ones but were made out of considerably cheaper materials and tend to break easier. If I remember Sega of America were giving them away for free to people who people who signed up to one of their online services. And yeah, the Chinese knockoffs are probably cranked out by the same factory. Though I have always heard that the Retro-bit ones are the worst of the bunch.
But, buying an original Saturn pad and swapping the board with a Chinese knockoff is not a bad idea. I might do that.
Another option is to pick up a PS2/ PS3 six button fighting pad, but I want something a little more authentic.Plus some of the PS2/PS3 fighting pads have some really ugly graphic designs.
I'll be real with you. At this stage of the game, the better Saturn stuff I'd recommend is pricey; even in Japan. If you're gonna do the damn thing, you better already be a fan of the system. Like, fawned over previews in GameFAN decades ago and shit. Otherwise, you'll end up with a bunch of expensive games you don't really give a shit about, and it'll be a total waste.
I hate to be a pessimist, but why get into something obscure like import Saturn when you don't even know what to get on it?
edit: I re-read that post and realize I sound like a real passive-aggressive shithead. If you want some help, search this forum for CoachKevin's Back in My Play podcast thread. In two of the more recent episodes, he and Greg Sewart recommend Saturn stuff and give you tips on getting started.
I've listened to the podcasts, and as someone who has a considerable MS/MD/DC collection, I kind of want to fill in that void that I'm missing. I was moreso looking for GAF recommendations.
I've listened to the podcasts, and as someone who has a considerable MS/MD/DC collection, I kind of want to fill in that void that I'm missing. I was moreso looking for GAF recommendations.
commonly overlooked:I've listened to the podcasts, and as someone who has a considerable MS/MD/DC collection, I kind of want to fill in that void that I'm missing. I was moreso looking for GAF recommendations.
I've listened to the podcasts, and as someone who has a considerable MS/MD/DC collection, I kind of want to fill in that void that I'm missing. I was moreso looking for GAF recommendations.
Sorry guys. Also, at this rate, I'm never going to make it out of "Junior" status.
I'm not sorry
I'd go with a Saturn pad + USB adapter. I've tried a number of the ASCII pads and Madcatz fightpads and they really don't come close to a Saturn controller. The Horn Fighting Commanders for PS3 and PS4 are a nice alternative though.
It seems like both the Japanese grey and transparent "cool pad" models are much easier to come across on Ebay than the black US model 2 Saturn pads. But I am having a hard time finding a Saturn to USB adapter, any idea where I could get one, other than Ebay?. I may also just buy a really cheap Chinese USB knockoff and swap out the PCB board.
commonly overlooked:
Last Bronx
get the JP version if possible
I've been really contemplating getting a Saturn again, but the one thing I'm worried about is it looking like dogshit on my TV.
I can't afford to throw down for a Framemeister at the moment, so is SCART my best option? I'm not really familiar with that.. Is it similar to RGB?
SCART is a specific type of connector common in Japan and Europe / UK that carries an RGB signal. If you have a TV that can accept SCART, you are already getting RGB. The TV might not upscale it well, but that's a whole other thing. Make sure you know if your cable is Euro SCART or Japanese RGB 21 though. Both look exactly the same, but have a different pin arrangement. They are not only not compatible, but can fry each other.
Just don't get a SCART to HDMI converter. They're mostly garbage and you may as well stick with composite until you get a Framemeister.
Thanks for the info. My TV won't do SCART then - it's from the US and three years old. Composite will have to do for the time being then.
SCART is a specific type of connector common in Japan and Europe / UK that carries an RGB signal. If you have a TV that can accept SCART, you are already getting RGB.
Now let's not be too hasty. Scart can also carry Composite, and S-video with a trick. Composite is commonly sent together with RGB to 1) carry the sync and 2) act as a backup signal if the receiver doesn't accept RGB.
I have seen many TV with multiple Scart inputs, accepting RGB only on the first connector. If you plug your console on another Scart you"ll just end up with Composite and wonder why RGB looks like shit.
Many people make the mistake of thinking Scart = RGB and end up buying a composite to scart adapter for their console, when it wasn't already included (I'm looking at you, Playstations and Xboxes). Obviously such adapter, while providing a picture, isn't the best Scart can offer. I think it's also the reason why so many gamers, in Europe, were so ecstatic when the first generation of "HD" consoles arrived: they finally swapped Composite for real RGB through HDMI. They all thanked their flatscreens LCD for bringing them the light, but they never understood it was Composite who kept them in the dark, not the CRT or the Scart.
It's late and I need to get to my bed instead of rambling about the past like and old man.
Picked up these two gems last week online and they arrived a day apart. I was able to get Dark Savior for just $20 on Amazon which was way less then the going price on ebay.
If the Dark Savior movie ever happens, they have their actress.I can't help but think this EVERY TIME I see the Dark Savior cover now...
I can't help but think this EVERY TIME I see the Dark Savior cover now...