That would be like owning the source code lmao. The disk is more like an original print than a one of a kind painting.
>_> D'oh
That would be like owning the source code lmao. The disk is more like an original print than a one of a kind painting.
Saturn marketing team didn't do that great of a job.
Saturn marketing team didn't do that great of a job.
What if they had waited and let the PS1 hype die down? Release a console with a stronger base, and maybe a more reasonable price point? Could it have been stronger, or was it doomed regardless?
Also, maybe if that moron Bernie Stolar hadn't taken over and blocked JP's strongest titles.
So this happened today;
After many years of refusing to buy it on principle because of the stupid price, I happened to come across a mint condition copy of Radiant Silvergun that wasn't being sold at a ridiculous mark up. Nice to finally have it as part of the collection and the fact it was a bargain makes it all the more special.
Nice ideas, though the Mega CD wasn't such a bad idea, Tom Kalinske of Sega America said it gave them and developers a head start to learn the format and limitations/advances it gave. It suited as a nice test ground for the CD format and it sold 9 million, which isn't bad for add-on hardware.If I were to travel back in time, here's how I would have handled the Saturn:
No Sega CD/32x: Sega CD and especially the 32X really oversaturated the market. I would not release them and make Saturn the first Sega system since Genesis. However, Sonic CD would still be made, but as a Saturn launch title
No Stealth Launch: Release in September as planned so 3rd parties and retailers don't get angry at Sega. Launch with at least Daytona USA, Sonic CD, and Virtua Fighter to make an early impression. I'd also lower the cost to $300, I'd assume this version of Sega would be able to afford the loss given they didn't waste any money on CD or 32X.
Maintaining Franchises: The only Genesis IP's I remember being on Saturn are Shinobi and Shining Force. Sonic definitely needed more than just a racing game, and we could have seen franchises like Eternal Champions and Vectorman return to lure in Genesis fans.
Good ideas, apart from not releasing the Sega CD (there was nothing wrong with the SCD), but I'd got a bit further:If I were to travel back in time, here's how I would have handled the Saturn:
No Sega CD/32x: Sega CD and especially the 32X really oversaturated the market. I would not release them and make Saturn the first Sega system since Genesis. However, Sonic CD would still be made, but as a Saturn launch title
No Stealth Launch: Release in September as planned so 3rd parties and retailers don't get angry at Sega. Launch with at least Daytona USA, Sonic CD, and Virtua Fighter to make an early impression. I'd also lower the cost to $300, I'd assume this version of Sega would be able to afford the loss given they didn't waste any money on CD or 32X.
Maintaining Franchises: The only Genesis IP's I remember being on Saturn are Shinobi and Shining Force. Sonic definitely needed more than just a racing game, and we could have seen franchises like Eternal Champions and Vectorman return to lure in Genesis fans.
No Sega CD/32x:
- No Saturn - The Saturn cost too much to make, wasn't good enough at 3d, and was too hard to program for. Don't release it either.
Maintaining Franchises: The only Genesis IP's I remember being on Saturn are Shinobi and Shining Force. Sonic definitely needed more than just a racing game, and we could have seen franchises like Eternal Champions and Vectorman return to lure in Genesis fans.
While we're playing armchair CEO:
Saturn should've got Revenge of Death Adder instead of Golden Axe: The Duel
I also would've courted Capcom and 20th Century Fox for a 4M RAM cart port of Alien vs. Predator too.
Great acquisition which you shall not regret.
Now try getting Hyperduel at bargain price.
Ordered a Japanese model 2 Saturn, XRGB Mini Framemeister, and one of these JP21 cables ( Should I be able to hook up the JP21 cable properly to the Framemeister with the RGB adapter the Framemeister comes with or am I missing something?
Also, is there any specific reason to use a Euro scart cable over just a JP21 cable? I'm guessing no since I'm going to be using a Japanese console to begin with.
Thanks! I'm new to retro gaming on modern setups, so I wasn't entirely sure if I bought what I needed. I guess the only reason I can think of (that I didn't realize until after I made that post) is that Euro scart switches seem to be more common than JP21 ones. I'm not planning on looking for one of those just yet, though.Yea you're all set. The adapter included w/ the FM is for JP21 cables. I can't speak to reasons for Euro scart over jp21 though. I use jp21 for all of my systems (famicom, genesis, saturn, pce, sms, snes, atomiswave, ps1) and they look incredible. You're in for a real treat.
If I were to travel back in time, here's how I would have handled the Saturn:
No Sega CD/32x: Sega CD and especially the 32X really oversaturated the market. I would not release them and make Saturn the first Sega system since Genesis. However, Sonic CD would still be made, but as a Saturn launch title
No Stealth Launch: Release in September as planned so 3rd parties and retailers don't get angry at Sega. Launch with at least Daytona USA, Sonic CD, and Virtua Fighter to make an early impression. I'd also lower the cost to $300, I'd assume this version of Sega would be able to afford the loss given they didn't waste any money on CD or 32X.
Maintaining Franchises: The only Genesis IP's I remember being on Saturn are Shinobi and Shining Force. Sonic definitely needed more than just a racing game, and we could have seen franchises like Eternal Champions and Vectorman return to lure in Genesis fans.
It would have almost certainly been better for Sega to do this but selfishly I'm kind of glad they didn't as I'm not sure I'd love the Saturn(or the Dreamcast) so much if they had been more savy in what first party games they put out. NiGHTS was more interesting then any Saturn Sonic could have been. Another smarter company could have looked at pitches for the likes of that, Panzer Dragoon, Burning Rangers, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio etc and said "just go and make Space Harrier 5, Streets of Rage 10 and Sonic Eleventy-one and not this weird shit".
Thanks! I'm new to retro gaming on modern setups, so I wasn't entirely sure if I bought what I needed. I guess the only reason I can think of (that I didn't realize until after I made that post) is that Euro scart switches seem to be more common than JP21 ones. I'm not planning on looking for one of those just yet, though.
Of course, I'll eventually look into hooking up other consoles to the Framemeister, but I want to focus on Saturn for the time being. This will actually be my first foray into Saturn gaming. It's one of the few major consoles I didn't own as a kid, and given I can read Japanese as an adult now, it makes sense for me personally to just buy the JP games over the generally more expensive NA releases.
So this happened today;
After many years of refusing to buy it on principle because of the stupid price, I happened to come across a mint condition copy of Radiant Silvergun that wasn't being sold at a ridiculous mark up. Nice to finally have it as part of the collection and the fact it was a bargain makes it all the more special.
For the three reasons I mentioned, the Saturn was a mistake. The Saturn was the result of Sega of Japan deciding that they knew what kind of system would be best, without putting any thought into what any market outside of Japan wanted. And then in the long run it didn't work in Japan either, because Sony got the third parties by '97 and the lack of success overseas hurt a lot. Sega of America, under both Kalinske and Stolar, hated the Saturn, and for good reason. It was not exactly the best of it's good though![]()
Why not just release both? But yes, if it was going to be one, of course it should have been Revenge of Death Adder.While we're playing armchair CEO:
Saturn should've got Revenge of Death Adder instead of Golden Axe: The Duel
EDIT: Also if I can recommend one Saturn game to check out (maybe youtube before buying) it would be Elevator Action Returns. Not a super long game or anything but really really (really) good.
-The 32X had real potential to be something. The ports of 'Virtua Fighter' and 'Virtua Racing' show that it was capable of some decent 3D gaming. Capcom apparently had ports of 'Alien VS Predator' and 'Darkstalkers' in the works, before the system's lifespan was cut short. I feel like this could have been a viable platform to hold gamers over until Sega was ready to release something that was closer to the Dreamcast, spec-wise.
If Sega would have supported the 32X with good-enough Model 1/2 & CPS1/2 Neo Geo ports, that is something consumers could have at least rationalized their investment of $200.
Techno Soft, eh?
Challenge accepted.
and wasn't ideal for Japan either as its eventual failure shows.
Nope. If it was released as it's own 32bit cartridge system I could see what you are talking about, but as is it was the second addon to an aging system. It would have been better to have just skip over it, and not have mismanaged the Saturn as much.
The 32X has good games, sure, but actually releasing the thing was absolutely insane, probably Sega's worst decision. Sega SERIOUSLY should have known that they would not be able to competently support that many platforms at the same time.32X was keen, quiet slackers
Sure, the N64 did badly in Japan as well, but the N64's worldwide sales -- more than triple that of the Saturn -- say that its design was good enough.outsold the N64 though..
outsold the N64 though..
Sure, the N64 did badly in Japan as well
yes, the Saturn did outsell the N64
ya'll don't wanna talk about the saturn's objectively superior library though![]()
Good point, they were quite close, even closer than the PC Engine and Megadrive in Japan (PCE beat the MD by more than the Saturn beat the N64, that is.)People act like it was some kind of smack down, when in reality both consoles sold between 5 and 6 million so while, yes, the Saturn did outsell the N64 it's not like it was by any sort of significant margin
I don't have to respond to N64-haters very single time they attack the system yet again...ya'll don't wanna talk about the saturn's objectively superior library though
Nah, he's just a dedicated N64 hater.I just assumed you are from some alternate timeline where the N64 never got any of it's top games.
So this happened today;
After many years of refusing to buy it on principle because of the stupid price, I happened to come across a mint condition copy of Radiant Silvergun that wasn't being sold at a ridiculous mark up. Nice to finally have it as part of the collection and the fact it was a bargain makes it all the more special.
I just assumed you are from some alternate timeline where the N64 never got any of it's top games.
Still though, seriously , don't use the word "objective" for your statement of pure opinion, it's absurd.
Congrats! I'm in the same boat considering I got this in the mail today...
Don't blame me if you're unwilling to separate your opinion from objective facts. Note that I did not say the N64's library is objectively better, I don't know if it is.your feelings on empirical sciences are known, dear ABF
And I think this says everything anyone needs to know about the degree of your bias.but history will regard those who place the N64's library at the top of that gen as gaming's equivalent of holocaust deniers, i'm simply trying to save you from this fate beloved
but history will regard those who place the N64's library at the top of that gen as gaming's equivalent of holocaust deniers, i'm simply trying to save you from this fate beloved
<3ya'll don't wanna talk about the saturn's objectively superior library though
Congrats! I just started that game, so far it's pretty good. Seems thin on the RPG elements but the art design and quirky banter between the girls, make up for it.
If we could have a discussion without being actively offensive, I think I'd much prefer that.
i find the claim that N64 > saturn (much less PSX) to be highly offensive to my culture, yet here i am doing outreach
on topic though: how long is MKR? still gotta tie up Burning Rangers & Albert Odyssey before i give it a go
I love the Saturn a lot and while it does have a lot of great games it doesn't really compare to the N64 in my opinion outside of Shmups, RPGs and fighters.
okay, well it sounds like you may not have played a lotta Saturn games, then...i could be wrong there of course but what genres are you speaking of specifically? you referenced platformers, an adventure game, and an arcadey sports title, if i'm not mistaken. i'm sure i'm not the only one here who'd be happy to point to gems in those genres, to me that's a big part of what threads like this are about.