it's an important cause. the ABF's/etc of the world will unknowingly cause revisionist history to result in tons of YT videos where the meme of the N64 having a diverse and strong library will continue to grow, and until public schooling starts picking up the slack, we can't have this folks
If you've ever actually read my posts, you'd know that I don't say anything you accuse me of here. I actually have always said pretty much the opposite of what you claim here.
The case for the N64 is quality over quantity -- that the games it has, in the genres it is good at, are the best. Of course it has a few games in every genre, and most genres have some greats, but even with how great Ogre Battle 64 is the N64 is no match for the Saturn or PS1 in strategy games, for example, or 2d fighters of course.
How much this matters depends entirely on personal opinion and what genres people like more.
Last, if you want a diverse library, you don't want the Saturn either, you want the PS1. The Saturn's library has some huge holes, much like the N64 (though in different genres) -- the Saturn has no racing sims, for example, very few 3d platformers, no answer to 3d Zelda, far fewer RPGs than the PS1, few flight sims (the N64 has almost none either, while the PS1 has plenty), etc. The argument for the Saturn over the PS1 is basically the same one as it is for the N64, except focusing on different genres.
but history will regard those who place the N64's library at the top of that gen as gaming's equivalent of holocaust deniers
To say a bit more about this, this is a statement so offensive that you've actually one-upped most of the N64-bashing in those recent N64 threads on Sega-16, which is quite an accomplishment.
Second, by Godwin's Law, you just lost this discussion.
i find the claim that N64 > saturn (much less PSX) to be highly offensive to my culture, yet here i am doing outreach
If you REALLY think that comparing that to the Holocaust is actually appropriate, you really need to think about things.
You should try Solar Eclipse it's similar to Star Fox but with the inclusion of absolutely awesomely terrible 90's FMV's.
Solar Eclipse is okay, but don't expect Star Fox 64, that'd raise expectations too high. The game is the (spiritual) sequel to Total Eclipse, and it's slightly better than that game, but still isn't great. It can be fun for sure, but is average overall, I think, cheesy FMVs aside. I really wish it had analog controls, that would have helped. Too bad it doesn't. The Saturn games on par with Star Fox 64 are Space Harrier and the two Panzer Dragoon games. Space Harrier and Panzer Dragoon are so amazing...
With Starcraft 64, I played the PC version religiously for years, same with Warcraft 2. I own and play Warcraft 2 on the Saturn occasionally but it's pretty amazing how much content they packed on that Starcraft 64 cart. Unlike that crap CnC "port".
Really, don't play any of these three games. Play the PC versions, there is no reason to play RTSes on old consoles. They're nowhere remotely near as good as the real thing.
I will say though, C&C for the N64 plays better than I expected. I think the polygonal graphics overhaul makes it play better than it would with tiny sprites, considering how much lower-rez a '90s TV is than a computer monitor.