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Sega Saturn Appreciation and Emulation Thread

Is Saturn Mega Man X4 that much more enjoyable than on PS1 or 2? (How does it handle with the Saturn model 2 pad?)

I like how it plays on the JP controllers. A is your attack, B Jumps and C is the dash shortcut. Works really well moving your thumb from hovering over A to between B and C to facilitate your dash jumps. I'm pretty sure it's fully customizable too if that doesn't work for you.
Yeah, customization is important as I always make sure the dash is applied to the right shoulder button when I play a Mega Man X game, be it on the SNES or PS.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I pretty much only plan to go for US games, but it's so expensive/limiting/difficult for Saturn games. I'm so paranoid about those cases falling and cracking after paying so much for them.

Cases can be replaced so easily though. Just buy a sealed copy of Madden 98 or something and crack that baby open and use her for parts.

What kills me about spending $$$ on games is the discs. Every Saturn game is ~15 years old, and especially if you're collecting online, you gotta be sure the disc has been cared for. All my Saturn games from when I was a kid are scratched to shit (EVERY SINGLE ONE.) because I didn't know how to care for discs back then. I was used to SNES carts which I could leave out for months with no adverse affects really.

I lucked out a few pages ago when I scored 2 copies of Panzer Dragoon Zwei for $40 - I would've been happier, though, if it were the first time I bought the game off eBay. I had already received a copy which was too scratched to play, and had to send it back to the guy.

I got Shining Force III locally and the disc was cracked. My heart sunk when I opened the box and there was this big crack in the center rim. It plays fine, so I kept it (it was CIB for $50 so I couldn't bring myself to return it since it worked) - but man, I'm petrified to swap it in and out of the Saturn because I don't want that crack getting any bigger.


Cases can be replaced so easily though. Just buy a sealed copy of Madden 98 or something and crack that baby open and use her for parts.

What kills me about spending $$$ on games is the discs. Every Saturn game is ~15 years old, and especially if you're collecting online, you gotta be sure the disc has been cared for. All my Saturn games from when I was a kid are scratched to shit (EVERY SINGLE ONE.) because I didn't know how to care for discs back then. I was used to SNES carts which I could leave out for months with no adverse affects really.

I lucked out a few pages ago when I scored 2 copies of Panzer Dragoon Zwei for $40 - I would've been happier, though, if it were the first time I bought the game off eBay. I had already received a copy which was too scratched to play, and had to send it back to the guy.

I got Shining Force III locally and the disc was cracked. My heart sunk when I opened the box and there was this big crack in the center rim. It plays fine, so I kept it (it was CIB for $50 so I couldn't bring myself to return it since it worked) - but man, I'm petrified to swap it in and out of the Saturn because I don't want that crack getting any bigger.

You can replace them, but it seems painful to pay as much as it takes for the victims. Each one will probably run at least 5 bucks... it can add up fast. I guess it's not that bad in the face of how expensive Saturn games are anyway though. It's just annoying compared to standard PS/DC jewel cases where I can find good parts just laying around. Or other recent systems where (admittedly mediocre) cases can be bought for less than 60 cent a piece.

That's true about discs though. I always worry about them, even if they seem to work, maybe somewhere down the line it will fail at a specific point. It makes it scary to drop much money on it. And it's not like a cart where it can just easily be cleaned... from my understanding, it seems disc repair will slowly kill it? I have bundles of Game Gear games from my childhood that are in terrible shape, but at least stuff like that seems more easily fixable. Unless cart labels get damage. Then there's no hope. But then there's CD rot too, meaning a good portion of my optical games will probably erode in like 20-30 years anyway.

I actually got Shining Force III along with several disc only games with my recent-ish Saturn purchase. Man, that game... the intro is way too long. I tested it out with no save battery, now I'm reluctant to pop it in again when I get one. Gameplay seemed fun though. Maybe you should try to sell your disc while it still works, then use that money towards replacing it? Seems worth it for the peace of mind.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
MMX4 was the first (and last) MMX game I played. It never really sat right with me, in large part because it seemed to be taking itself way too seriously compared to classic MM, which I enjoyed quite a lot... WHATAMIFIGHTINGFOR is what I associate with that sub-franchise more than anything else.

Do you think that translation is on track for completion? I'd like to try it someday, although I've never heard particularly good things about df2.
I'm doubtful it will be completed in the foreseeable future. There were never enough people interested in doing heavy lifting with the script translation in the first place. Gameplay-critical text is close to complete as is (and will probably be completed), non-story dialogue such as battle quotes and administration mode dialogue is mostly complete (and will probably be completed), but the script was only fully translated for one of the eight scenarios IIRC. There will probably eventually be a patch released for that; one of the reasons that it's been put off for so long is that the script dialogue kind of has to be an "all or nothing" thing. In order for the translated script to be displayed properly, you have to change how the game handles text for story scenes, and that fucks up the way Japanese text is displayed. (So, if a version is released with only 1 of the 8 scenarios translated, that scenario will play fine, but the other 7 will look like a garbled mess.) If you're familiar with how DF1 works (and probably even if you aren't), then the current version of DF2 is more than playable though.

Gameplay-wise, I enjoy DF2 for the most part. You just have to get past the initial shock of the artstyle shift and how the continent layout is completely different. You also can't exploit the battle AI in most of the same ways, but I view that mostly as a good thing... I just need to remember how to play it correctly, 'cause I'm getting way too many time overs and it's kind of annoying. I beat Highland's scenario once before and it seemed straightforward enough.

Every once in a while I get the urge to check and see where the project stands and maybe try to lend a hand to it again, only to just wince and groan when I realize how much clean-up actually has to be done... Most of the English dialogue is just rough right now. Tons of lines are translated just a bit too literally, and when you factor in that a lot of the appeal of DF1 was Working Designs' writing (it's definitely one of their better and more universally-appreciated works), it just makes the task seem that much more daunting.

I still kind of want to do what I can with it though, provided that I have enough free time. In particular, I could probably at least correct some HUD/message errors I've spotted and make the patching process itself a little more user-friendly. I've still got all my testing notes from the last time I played through it.
I'm jumping back into Saturn collecting and would like to optimize the experience. What is the best arcade stick out there for some shmup action? (Or is the stock Saturn pad good enough as it is?) If not, I checked up a bit and there doesn't seem to be a lot of options as far as NA controllers go - might be wise to import one.


I still wish I could find a ps1/2 -> Saturn convertor so I could use my HRAP2 with my saturn. Alas they are a rarity these days...
I currently use my pad for shmups but it's certainly not the best option.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I'm jumping back into Saturn collecting and would like to optimize the experience. What is the best arcade stick out there for some shmup action? (Or is the stock Saturn pad good enough as it is?) If not, I checked up a bit and there doesn't seem to be a lot of options as far as NA controllers go - might be wise to import one.
These are inexpensive and fit the bill. No Saturn shmup uses more than three buttons.
I'm jumping back into Saturn collecting and would like to optimize the experience. What is the best arcade stick out there for some shmup action? (Or is the stock Saturn pad good enough as it is?) If not, I checked up a bit and there doesn't seem to be a lot of options as far as NA controllers go - might be wise to import one.

I have an HRAP2 modded with Seimitsu parts. It's a PS2 controller, but I have a Saturn adapter for it. Got the idea from ExitPlanetDust IIRC.
Works really well for shooting and fighting games.
so this past friday was my 30th birthday...my sisters chipped in and found a a complete, but opened copy of Shining Force 3 (US) pretty damn excited, probably gonna hook up the Saturn and give it a go tonight!!
What is a good price point for NA Burning Rangers? EBay has a few BINs in the $230-$300 "range" but the completed auction-style listings say otherwise: most of those end up around $130. Why would the spread be so large? This is absurd.

Regarding that game, how are the controls? Is it like the PlayStation 1 Resident Evils, because I can't control those games (even though I was born in the 70s). (I don't mind the camera issues I'm hearing about though: I played and loved Castlevania 64. ;-)
What is a good price point for NA Burning Rangers? EBay has a few BINs in the $230-$300 "range" but the completed auction-style listings say otherwise: most of those end up around $130. Why would the spread be so large? This is absurd.

Regarding that game, how are the controls? Is it like the PlayStation 1 Resident Evils, because I can't control those games (even though I was born in the 70s). (I don't mind the camera issues I'm hearing about though: I played and loved Castlevania 64. ;-)

I've seen auctions end at around $105-120 or so. Probably just best to wait for an auction instead of going for the overpriced BINs.

The controls are okay. Takes a little getting used to, but nothing like the 32-Bit RE titles at all.

Yes Boss!

What is a good price point for NA Burning Rangers? EBay has a few BINs in the $230-$300 "range" but the completed auction-style listings say otherwise: most of those end up around $130. Why would the spread be so large? This is absurd.

BINs are always going to be inflated. Just gotta be patient and go for a few auctions. Might take a few tries but you will eventually get what you want. If you just gotta "have it now" then BINs can be good for medium-priced titles or auctions you like the description of/condition of and are willing to pay a premium. For the pricier games it is better to go auction.
I've seen auctions end at around $105-120 or so. Probably just best to wait for an auction instead of going for the overpriced BINs.

The controls are okay. Takes a little getting used to, but nothing like the 32-Bit RE titles at all.
Thanks I needed to hear just that!

BINs are always going to be inflated. Just gotta be patient and go for a few auctions. Might take a few tries but you will eventually get what you want. If you just gotta "have it now" then BINs can be good for medium-priced titles or auctions you like the description of/condition of and are willing to pay a premium. For the pricier games it is better to go auction.
I usually don't mind paying a premium for a mint/like new game, but double (or more!) the going rate? I personally have never seen that before. I'd definitely go for $105-$120, but not $250+, lol.

P.S. Yeah, I'll be patient for that one. ;)

Edit: For the import collectors out there, do you need the spine card or you just don't care? (I haven't made up my mind yet.) I am amazed to see that this apparently worthless piece of paper is indeed worth a lot, especially when it comes to elusive and/or more collectable games.
I really enjoy Beyond on Genesis, but that is one game I could never get into. Music didn't help, that's for sure - what a snooze fest. One of the rare games I sold off and never had regrets about. That being said, have fun guys! :p


I really enjoy Beyond on Genesis, but that is one game I could never get into. Music didn't help, that's for sure - what a snooze fest. One of the rare games I sold off and never had regrets about. That being said, have fun guys! :p

I don't even own it, so I may have to sit this one out. I could always play Beyond Oasis instead!
You should do that. :)

For the record, the game isn't awful per se, it's just so bland/boring/mediocre/uninspired etc. It's one of the first few games I purchased with my original Saturn back in 1998 (along with Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Galactic Attack, Darius Gaiden, Dark Savior (horrible game) and Shining Wisdom).

I doubt it's any better 15 years later, but you never know I guess.
Never tried Time Stalkers on DC, but regarding Dark Savior, I had a rather hard time with the controls/isometric perspective (not a big fan of Landstalker either, however I love Alundra).

Also, while I'm not a "graphics whore" in the least, I had a hard time looking at the game, probably because of the polygons/sprites mix - if I recall correctly. Yeah, it was probably a tad too harsh a comment, but it is by far the game I had the least fun with at the time (I had pretty high expectations too, so that didn't help either).
Sonic Jam is a great port, but I found the music lagging ever so slightly behind quite distracting. I heard they reverse-engineered the games to run as well as they do on the Saturn hardware. Is that true?
spent some time with Shining Force 3 last night...haven't gotten far yet but got through first battle...I can't wait to throw myself into it really, def gave me that shining force feeling...just in that awkward early years of 3d vibe.
I have the whole set in PDF. A physical set is quite expensive. A pretty cool mag, although as an American it's funny to read a UK perspective on things. They have their own unique biases just like everyone else.
Any of you guys ever own/read those?: http://www.pdfmagazines.org/tags/Sega+Saturn/

I wish I could find the entire (physical) collection somewhere.

Great link!

I gave up storing old videogame magazines a long time ago. Takes too much space and demands caring for not damaging the paper. I still have my old EGM/Computer Gaming Word from early/mid 90s. But I regret throwing away in 2000 a lot of now rare Brazilian magazines. At least I should have sell them...

Digital versions are good enough for me.
Yeah, thinking about it, digital will do for me as well.

Genesis Knight, do you have another link for the entire set in PDF? (I don't download torrents though.)
I'd get them from here..Hi-res scans:


Lots of other goodies on the site as well.
Yeah, I tried from that site before, but I couldn't read the file. I think I need to download some program to open them? (Admittedly, I am not the most technology oriented person, let's put it that way, lol.)

Maximum Mag scans are a must if you've never seen them before.
Never heard of that one. Why is it good?
What do you mean? I have hundreds of old EGM and Nintendo Power issues stacked on a bookshelf. Is there something I should be doing?

It is the case for me, since I live in a (semi) tropical country (too much humidity). I have to store everything in shelfs with humidity reducers (silica gel), take everything off every few months etc.

Plust the magazines are quite heavy. As I told you, I still have my US magazines from early 90s (EGM, CGW, among others), but after the internet I see no reason to still buy magazines (only UK Edge is still worth reading)
It is the case for me, since I live in a (semi) tropical country (too much humity). I have to store everything in shelfs with humity reducers (silica gel), take everything off every few months etc.

Plust the magazines are quite heavy. As I told you, I still have my US magazines from early 90s (EGM, CGW, among others), but after the internet I see no reason to still buy magazines (only UK Edge is still worth reading)
Fair enough. Here it's not so bad as far as humidity is concerned, so I think I should be good.

I don't read current gaming magazines, but I have been subscribing to Retro Gamer since 2009. While I enjoy the magazine, it doesn't suit my taste exactly as they cover the English gaming scene way too much (I really don't care for Western games, save a few from Rare). I also wish they would delve deeper into Japanese series/games that are not Mega Man, Mario or Final Fantasy (I like all of those, especially Mario, but what else is there to say about them?).


Neo Member
Still digging through this thread ... Got a question for those that have a Saturn hooked up to an LCD TV. Seems like the best route to go for picture quality is SCART --> Digital Converter --> TV. I noticed several folks mentioned using a SCART to component box like this. However, it seems like you'll also need an audio switcher box as well. Could the chain be made simpler by purchasing this SCART to HDMI box, as it handles audio in the same box? That particular HDMI box only has one review and while it's positive, I figured I'd ask folks that already have a Saturn SCART LCD TV setup.
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