Doesn't the PAR 4-in-1 have one of them there wide PCBs?
Doesn't the PAR 4-in-1 have one of them there wide PCBs?
The Saturn Gradius and Salamander Deluxe Packs have fucked up display resolutions compared to the PS1 counterparts. This is because the Saturn isn't capable of outputting 256 x 224 like the original arcade versions and PS1 can.
Is the same true for Sexy Parodius? The lowest resolution Saturn is capable of is 320 x 224, but SP should actually already run at that resolution, right? I wonder because the PS1 version costs so much more.
Dug out my Saturn recently because I grabbed the Xing double pack of Image Fight and X-Multiply. The port of Image Right is halfway terrible if you're only playing in hori mode since the screen is scaled badly, the scrolling looks like a mess. X-Multiply is such a fantastic game though, and a great port. Pity Irem seemed to ignore the game, this release is the only place with an official home release.
I've never actually tried the Saturn versions of any of the Konami packs, but I remember hearing somewhere, many years ago, that the Parodius ports put in a "Saturn" mode which expanded the playing field a bit vertically to accomodate for the extra resolution. This may have been only for the Parodus Deluxe Pack though. I can't remember what resolutions they all ran at originally.
The Symphony of the Night Saturn port looks terrible for the reason you pointed out too.
Nice pickup with Arcade Gears Image Fight and X-Multiply. I have Image fight on PC Engine, and the port is okay I guess, but I would really love to try X-Multiply. Price is prohibitive though :/
Thanks. Looking at emu shots on HG101 at native res, it looks like I should be fine on Sexy Parodius.
I'm a little drunk and MAYBE am about to buy panzer dragoon saga mint for $340.
which i can tell you even now is a fucking shitload of money for one game.
I haven't been watching closely lately, but it probably shouldn't cost that much. It is awesome, though, and you should consider your life an utter failure if you don't play it soon. No pressure.
I have disc 1 and it's so cool. gonna be so sad when it's over
I'm a little drunk and MAYBE am about to buy panzer dragoon saga mint for $340.
which i can tell you even now is a fucking shitload of money for one game.
I'm a little drunk and MAYBE am about to buy panzer dragoon saga mint for $340.
which i can tell you even now is a fucking shitload of money for one game.
Don't think so, at least the later versions. The old Interact and Performance carts are like 2x as thick.
It's going to be ok man. We're here for you.I said no
and I swear to god I've had easier break ups
The Saturn had its own problems. I went through 3 Saturns that all ended up having Memory Card/expansion slot issues.
I just moved back into my parents house and discovered that not only do I have a copies of PDS, Guardian Heroes and Burning Rangers, but I also have Shining Force III. I don't remember when I picked it up, but my eyes turned this color: $$
^ I've been looking to get Galaxy Force II, but wonder if I shouldn't instead just get the Sega Ages volume for PS2.
The Ages ports on Saturn are generally great. I only know of Power Drift making compromises.
GK, looks like you're going hard on Keio. Only missing that rare PS1 board game!
^ I've been looking to get Galaxy Force II, but wonder if I shouldn't instead just get the Sega Ages volume for PS2.
I have both of them, and while the Saturn port is pretty good, the PS2 one IS superior. You have practically every version on there, and the PS2 exclusive mode is very nice (widescreen, fades out the sprites instead of "popping" them). Plus, you have analog controls with the Dualshock. It's a really nice package.
Haha. Would prefer the English versions but the price is just too steep these days.
Really, it was only a matter of time.
Wow. Keio Flying Squadron for SEGA CD is $300-500 for complete copies? I've been way out of touch. Had no idea it was that much these days. Collecting is getting out of hand.
Keio's been a three-figures game for years, actually. It's been one of the most expensive US Sega CD games for quite some time, right behind Snatcher...
Wow. Keio Flying Squadron for SEGA CD is $300-500 for complete copies? I've been way out of touch. Had no idea it was that much these days. Collecting is getting out of hand.
Bulk Slash is not only incredibly fun, but it deserves to stand alongside the Panzer Dragoon series, Radiant Silvergun and Burning Rangers, as the pinnacle of what the system was capable of.
Described loosely: it's like a cross between Virtual On and Burning Rangers, with simple controls and an instantaneous mecha-transformation mechanic. It's much simpler than either of those two though, playing more like a traditional arcade action title.
(. . .)
The colours are so explosively bright you're left with the feeling the game is bleeding liquid neon into your eyes; a gorgeous multihued cosmic salad of luminescent polygons which is utterly hypnotic to behold.
Looks interesting, but I've never played it. Both Rakuten (Surugaya-a-too) and Game of Japan have it for significantly cheaper than 6000 yen.
I've played BULK SLASH a ton. Love it. Worth every penny.