been spending my nights off in the last few weeks boozing & exploring the fantastic (albeit largely import) Saturn library, and...goddamn, what a golden little lost gen this was for Sega; i was crazy happy with a PSX & N64 at the time but if i would've given it a chance & pushed past my initial disappointment at the price, i would've been a huge Saturn fanboy. it feels funny becoming one in 2013, heh.
what absolutely sucks though is that like i was telling Mzo, while the upside to Sega seemingly being slept on by the retro community is that most genesis SMS & DC too) classics can be found for a song, with exceptions for the gems that showed up on too many YT lists/etc, heh - Saturn is the goddamn exception. However, much like say Snatcher vs even Earthbound, it bubble feels at least slightly more legit due to the terribly low print runs most titles saw. i can only look at the late 90s/early 2000's heads that got the clearance titles with envy now...
I mean, just the big names: Panzer Saga, Shining Force 3, Dragon Force, Guardian Heroes, Shining Wisdom/Ark, Burning Rangers and the various Working Designs can easily find a lot of them for damn near 1k right now, and people are buying them at that price. Saga alone goes north of $300 complete right now; a mere 2 years go i swear it was like half that! what's worse is, in my own anecdotal findings, ive yet to even come across a garage sale with a single Saturn thing, even a sports i feel next to no chance to find one of these gems for a good price. it's crushing.
I don't expect NiGHTS/christmas, and common stuff to be much, or lesser shit id dig like D, Enemy Zero, Die Hard Arcade, Shinobi, even Scud (haha shut up) to be hard, but at this point ive grown a weird fondness for the clearly recycled Sega CD oversized cases which jacks up the price on even simple shit. i'm this close to just buying Panzer 1/Zwei on japanese saturn cause the jewel cases (which are sexier, but bum me out for reasons i cant explain!) actually seem to come cheaper and fuck it, the games use their own language anyway.
jelly of you dudes with respectable collections here! /drunken rant