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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls

I thought he was talking about the swordsman beneath Genichiro. My bad.

Yes, I meant that one. He was like Vergil in DMD mode. Destroyed me in no time.

it's been a productive day. I have dispatched Lady Butterfly, the elite swordman, the 7 spears dude and the general accompanied by 4 shooters.

I still suck at parrying but fortunately this game, in the tradition of a good Souls game, has PLENTY of exploits against tough enemies. Sorry to say, I am not an honorable warrior but a shinobi so I am using whatever tricks available to beat these assholes. i am specially proud of how cheap and coward I have been while fighting the 7 spears guy.

P,D. Agree, the soundtrack is nothing special. Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne set the bar very high.


Changing attack/parry to the triggers for the Xbone controller feels way better. I may still be done with this, though. The spear cunt in Hirata Estate is just so annoying and may have stripped me of my patience.

The parry timings feel so inconsistent to me. It says to do things right when the attack strikes, but that's always too late. It's like you have to press it early, like at the very start of the attack animation or halfway through. It's different for every strike. I keep expecting to need to press it right before the attack hits me and I can't wrap my head around this weird early press delay funkiness. I think this just isn't for me and I've loved every Souls game.

I have my controls set up like Ninja Gaiden and it feels very correct to me...never liked the rb/lb combination of the souls games.

As for quitting...I feel ya, that fucker spear asshole almost broke my controller. After taking a break and starting over though I got his ass!

However, it doesn’t get easier...I’m stuck on a big fatty right now....


So I'm confused how the 3rd rez option works. I have the 3 pink circles above my health bar, but anytime I die a 2nd time it is a normal death and I go back to the check point. What am I doing wrong?
I keep switching back and forth between this and DMC5. Totally destroying my Division 2 Spec-grinding and Clan XP grinding time.

Great time for gaming right now

This month has been GLORIOUS for us who love visceral action or hack and slash games. One of the two are my personal favourites for GOTY.

For the one suffering against the shinobi hunter in Hirata: With stealth you remove a full health bar. Right after, lure the guy to the pagoda at the start of the bridge. You play hide-and-seek with him and when he comes around the corner where you are waiting for him hit him 2-3 times and then run to the next corner. It's cheap but effective. In From Software games, enemies have real issues with stairs and obstacles. I have killed a far worse guy slashing at his feet from below. True ninja.


I have my controls set up like Ninja Gaiden and it feels very correct to me...never liked the rb/lb combination of the souls games.

As for quitting...I feel ya, that fucker spear asshole almost broke my controller. After taking a break and starting over though I got his ass!

However, it doesn’t get easier...I’m stuck on a big fatty right now....
Yeah, it's like I don't mind a difficult game at all. I'm glad they put themselves out there with this one and it obviously resonates with a lot of people. I just don't know that it's hitting the spot for me, personally. I'm not getting that rewarding charge when I progress through a point I was stuck at before. It's just strange because I have never felt this apathetic towards a From game and the quality is clearly here in this one.

I went to play some more earlier and just went a different direction and found myself at another boss fight. This one seems almost easy. I almost beat him on my first try. It's just that I'm finding myself not having fun while playing. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for it and should shelve it for a bit.
This game has too many branching paths. I'm fucking confused on where I should be going. lol.

Game is fire, shame I can only played it 2-3 hours a day until Monday because of work. 😭


The nicest person on this forum

I didn't know Genichiro had a third phase!!! I thought I finally beat him but man but once fight started I had barely had any health of healing items left.
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Holy shit GSO... now that was pretty damn hard:

For all I've learned in this game about parrying and staying on the offensive. This is the one boss I could only manage to defeat by going back to a more "Souls-like" approach: Staying on the defensive waiting for an opening to hit 1-2 times and then backing away.
Thankfully his second from isn't too different.

Fun fight though

Yeah i get that too, does anyone know if there is a set 'correct' path? Or just any direction?

Except for Hirata estate I just went with the order in which they appear on the fast travel menu. I think I'm approaching the end and it worked well for me like this, felt like a fair difficulty progression (Hirata Estate being the exception because it appears last on the list by default)
Holy shit GSO... now that was pretty damn hard:

For all I've learned in this game about parrying and staying on the offensive. This is the one boss I could only manage to defeat by going back to a more "Souls-like" approach: Staying on the defensive waiting for an opening to hit 1-2 times and then backing away.
Thankfully his second from isn't too different.

Fun fight though

Except for Hirata estate I just went with the order in which they appear on the fast travel menu. I think I'm approaching the end and it worked well for me like this, felt like a fair difficulty progression (Hirata Estate being the exception because it appears last on the list by default)

I did the opposite and accidentally went to Hirata estate first, was a steep learning curve and got past the drunkard but decided to turn back after getting destroyed after that..


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
DoH down :messenger_fire::messenger_fire::messenger_fire:

Think I have all the minibosses and optional bosses done now, just the final boss left. Can take one marker off so far, seems doable.
Even if he was too easy, the second to last main story boss is still one of my favorites in the whole game. Love the aesthetics and gives me that Zelda boss vibe.

I’m stuck on corrupted monk so do tell.
And if you get stuck on part 2.
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I think it's best to put it in the context of other games maybe.

I am a huge Nintendo fanboy and can easily say the best games I've played recently are Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey.
When it comes to AAA I've really enjoyed Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Hitman 2 and Fary Cry 5.
Then I play a ton of indies.

With Sekiro it's like you've got the graphics and world designs of a big AAA but you've got the difficulty and challenge really only found in indies these days.

I'm talking about single player, of course. If you want to be the best in the world at Street Fighter V then obviously there is a huge challenge there.

All of the Nintendo and AAA games I named above I pretty much breezed through BUT I did enjoy the worlds and the fun of just enjoying a nice, fun and entertaining video game.
Indie games are where I am finding real controller breaking, rage inducing challenge.

In Sekiro you can get through the game and see the world and enjoy the story but the game does not give that stuff up willingly.

Now, for me that's where a single-player video game moves over from a story and a world that you "experience" to a game that you have to "beat".

In the early game Lady Butterfly is a wonderful example.
I tried to beat her over and over. Getting closer and closer.
At one point I have her health almost done and her posture almost gone.
But I fucking panicked and lost my nerve and she ended me.

Dude, I felt fucking sick to my stomach. Like just my whole body reacted to that defeat.
So I go charging back in but I'm not thinking straight and she just wastes me.
Then I have a small spell where I can't even get close cos that near miss has completely fucked with my head.

I take a break and I go back in and I get her down again.
It's like you can feel it when you know you've got her 2 or 3 hits from defeat.
Panicking like fuck, trying to keep myself in check and not do anything stupid.

Then she breaks and you hit R1 and fucking end that auld bitch.

I'm jumping around like an idiot and for the next 10 minutes I am literally trembling with excitement.
Like it feels like I have actually managed to do something meaningful or satisfying or some shit.

At the time it's like "why the fuck am I doing this" but in hindsight it's like a great memory.
Like now I have a great story about beating that boss.
Not some lame ass, wine tasting, fart huffing, thing like "God of War taught me how to be a better father and abandon toxic masculinity".
Something better like "Sekiro presented me with a challenge and I didn't give up until I emerged victorious and it felt awesome".

Honestly, are modern AAA games offering that?
I beat Spider-Man and God of War handily enough. NOTHING like this.

I genuinely believe that if you like video games, and you are fine with the violence and blood etc, then games like this are absolutely must have experiences.

Yeah, it's tough and yeah you are going to be going up against it hour after hour but, honestly, I think Sekiro offers a rare experience of taking on a worthy challenge and/or opponent and feeling like a goddamn king when you come out on top.

Have you played any Platinum games? They give me the same sort of thrill. The gameplay is a lot tighter though. It's almost all precise timing.


Yeah, I even got 4 of them in a row during the fight and his posture still wasn't broken. Then one of the big club assholes came up out of nowhere and hit me when I was going in for more strikes so I couldn't finish off spearcunt :messenger_tears_of_joy:

That guy is really annoying.
I got into a state yesterday where everyone in the resevoir was on high alert and it wouldn't turn off, he chased me around all over the place, jumping and hiding did nothing.
Anyone elese experience anything like that?


I don't know man. I mean, it's still Miyazaki and FROM and it's still a third person melee combat focused game. I think there's always going to be a certain style and similarity to them. Same way Bayonetta, MGS: Rising and Wonderful 101 have a lot in common, or GTA and Red Dead or (at least in recent installments) Fallout and Elder scrolls, or most open world Ubisoft Games, etc. But we don't go calling them "Platislash" or "Rockstabox" or "BethesdRPG's".

Between the stealth, progression, storytelling and traversal changes I think Sekiro feels different enough to be considered it's own thing. Acting as if FROM just makes the same game over and over with a different coat of pain is a disservice to the studio IMO.

I think the only thing this game offers that others don't is the wonderful level design. Constantly surprising. I liked the nods to previous From games as well. Little areas that mimick previous games.
The rest has really been done before.


I see what he’s getting at. The combat isn’t alien enough for me to consider it it’s own type of genre, the emphasis on parry, dodge, swing has been a staple of FROM since demon souls. As for progression, the branching tree is definitely a different choice from the usual soul levels, but the end game isn’t that much different with what you can unlock. And the prosthetic tools are upgraded with minerals in a similar manner as using various titanite in DS.

On top of that the idol and gourd mechanics are a direct placement for bonfires/lamps and Estus flasks. And the game still focuses on overwhelming bosses and a high difficulty curve just like it’s predeccesors.
Arguably there’s definitely some influence from other stealth oriented action games like assassins creed (even a bit of Zelda from collecting items to upgrade vitality/damage) but overall the biggest vibe I get is bloodborne. So while I wouldn’t call this samurai souls, I would put as a third tier alongside dark souls and bloodborne.

For me the main change in gameplay is just that the mechanic is based around 1/2 hit kills. And by that I mean the game revolves around that dynamic. You know that if you go in hard and fast the game is easy but the penalty if you fail is huge. The game wouldn't even work if you couldn't resurrect yourself as It would feel unfair.

The problems I have with that mechanic are all technical -- The controls aren't tight enough for that mechanic to feel totally fair, the graphic are choppy and the camera is't suited for combat. Also, it takes too long to load when you die. None of these are problems for Souls games (or not major problems) But they should have been given a lot more attention here as the gameplay is so different. Instead they just used the same engine. That's really not very good.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
For me the main change in gameplay is just that the mechanic is based around 1/2 hit kills. And by that I mean the game revolves around that dynamic. You know that if you go in hard and fast the game is easy but the penalty if you fail is huge. The game wouldn't even work if you couldn't resurrect yourself as It would feel unfair.

The problems I have with that mechanic are all technical -- The controls aren't tight enough for that mechanic to feel totally fair, the graphic are choppy and the camera is't suited for combat. Also, it takes too long to load when you die. None of these are problems for Souls games (or not major problems) But they should have been given a lot more attention here as the gameplay is so different. Instead they just used the same engine. That's really not very good.

Loading takes about two seconds, no input lag issues, and 60 fps on PC.


Loading takes about two seconds, no input lag issues, and 60 fps on PC.

I wish I was playing it on that. Glad to hear they solved the loading issues.
But still, knowing that their main base was on consoles it's a poor show to put out a game with this many technical issues.

And on that note, how many times have you guys seen enemies just walk off cliffs? Happens to me a lot. Seems like a great way of clearing an area.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Actually had a vid of this one to show how easy he is, but deleted by accident, still have my second encounter version.

Anyway for ghost/illusion version in zombie town, use confetti to massively buff damage, firecracker for sub weapon, and snap seed on item (snap seed stuns and does big damage).
So yeah, use confetti before you trigger him, and then run up and use firecracker to stun him then...
R1, R1, firecracker
R1, R1, firecracker
R1, R1, firecracker
R1, R1, firecracker
R1, R1, firecracker
R1, R1, firecracker
R1, R1, snap seed
R1, R1, snap seed
R1, R1, snap seed
R1, R1, snap seed
R1, and R1 finisher.....

How utterly cheap and I don’t feel bad that this worked flawlessly first time, fuck that guy.

Right then, on to the next road block haha!


The problems I have with that mechanic are all technical -- The controls aren't tight enough for that mechanic to feel totally fair, the graphic are choppy and the camera is't suited for combat. Also, it takes too long to load when you die. None of these are problems for Souls games (or not major problems) But they should have been given a lot more attention here as the gameplay is so different. Instead they just used the same engine. That's really not very good.
Been mentioned above, no problems at all on PC. Everything is buttery smooth and thanks to SSD the load times are pretty short (not quite 2 seconds, more like 3 to 4 seconds on my machine - but a far cry from staring at the Bloodborne logo for a solid minute and a half in their previous game). My trusty old XBox controller also still works like a charm. The engine learned a few new tricks, I was stunned when NPC suddenly moved their mouths while talking. Shadows and lighting seem better, and I can't remember leaving footprints in mud in previous games. I am also not certain the game would have been any better if they would have changed the engine. They have plenty of experience with their tech, and just swapping to a new engine might cause all sorts of new issues.


The one thing i hate the most about those Miyasaki games:

The multi part bosses. It's more of a test of patience rather than skill IMO.


The multi part bosses. It's more of a test of patience rather than skill IMO.
If you can only beat a given boss if the fight is shorter than 30 seconds, it might be more luck than skill.
Or maybe 1/3 patience, skill and luck.
There's no luck involved, since as far as I know there is no random number generator in the background. The bosses act and react based on what you do. That's why so many can be baited (or outright cheesed) once you learn everything about the boss. So in my view it just comes down to knowledge and focus.


Nevermind my vid for rematch, do this instead.

That was really awesome. Watched it live yesterday.

Hope he can crack 1:05 today. He had some hickups at papa owl and gun lady. Man but he killed it in the final boss fight.

Sub 1h should be possible but prolly will required some new finds/routes.


It took me an hour to just get up that mountain yesterday, I feel like a scrub :p

Also, regarding the knight on the bridge...
I tried to use the spear prosthetic that is supposedly able to rip of armour, but that guy's armour wouldn't budge. Did I use the spear incorrectly or is he immune? I wasn't able to do any damage to him, even with critical hits only pushed him back. Eventually I beat him by pushing him off the bridge into his death, but I'm just wondering if I was missing something or if that was the way this is supposed to go? I haven't found an enemy yet where the "tearing of armour" function of that stupid spear would actually do anything.

Ok, prosthetic weapons, so far I've only really found good use for:
Firecracker (good for stun and certain bosses shit their pants with a bit of firework)
Axe (rip shield, does good posture damage)
Shuriken (quite useful to have ranged attack and with the skill of which the name I just forgot quite good to quickly close the distance to enemies)

Not so much success with...
Flamethrower (was scaring the ogre a bit but didn't even do that much damage when he was not dosed in oil already, so I just went and cut him into pieces the old fashioned way anyway)
Spear (the armour ripping thing seems pretty much a gimmick and without upgrades the range isn't anything to write home about - with shuriken-dash I get close up fast enough - am I missing something?)

...and the variations of the above...
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The nicest person on this forum
Also, regarding the knight on the bridge...
I tried to use the spear prosthetic that is supposedly able to rip of armour, but that guy's armour wouldn't budge. Did I use the spear incorrectly or is he immune? I wasn't able to do any damage to him, even with critical hits only pushed him back. Eventually I beat him by pushing him off the bridge into his death, but I'm just wondering if I was missing something or if that was the way this is supposed to go? I haven't found an enemy yet where the "tearing of armour" function of that stupid spear would actually do anything.
I beat him by just perry most of his attacks. I think that boss was less about damaging his health and more about breaking his posture.
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I ended up this morning beating the corrupted monk, underwater headless and then the general, all on one life...

The way this game fucks you over a barrel one day then another you just walk through is crazy.

Finally got my second ressurection, and I’m now going to farm carp so I can buy the third mask segment and use upgrade points to increase my damage, making it a bit more souls like.

Just fell off a huge bridge a snake broke apart...

Damn this game keeps giving. Gotta go pick up my daughter, but just want to keep playing. Ugh... damn being a responsible adult...
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It took me an hour to just get up that mountain yesterday, I feel like a scrub :p

Also, regarding the knight on the bridge...
I tried to use the spear prosthetic that is supposedly able to rip of armour, but that guy's armour wouldn't budge. Did I use the spear incorrectly or is he immune? I wasn't able to do any damage to him, even with critical hits only pushed him back. Eventually I beat him by pushing him off the bridge into his death, but I'm just wondering if I was missing something or if that was the way this is supposed to go? I haven't found an enemy yet where the "tearing of armour" function of that stupid spear would actually do anything.

Ok, prosthetic weapons, so far I've only really found good use for:
Firecracker (good for stun and certain bosses shit their pants with a bit of firework)
Axe (rip shield, does good posture damage)
Shuriken (quite useful to have ranged attack and with the skill of which the name I just forgot quite good to quickly close the distance to enemies)

Not so much success with...
Flamethrower (was scaring the ogre a bit but didn't even do that much damage when he was not dosed in oil already, so I just went and cut him into pieces the old fashioned way anyway)
Spear (the armour ripping thing seems pretty much a gimmick and without upgrades the range isn't anything to write home about - with shuriken-dash I get close up fast enough - am I missing something?)

...and the variations of the above...
You did it right, he's a gimmick boss.

That was really awesome. Watched it live yesterday.

Hope he can crack 1:05 today. He had some hickups at papa owl and gun lady. Man but he killed it in the final boss fight.

Sub 1h should be possible but prolly will required some new finds/routes.
They could save some time on the monkey if they used Ichimonji Double to knock him out of scream.
Also uhTrance created the snake skip since he didn't know.
wtf i feel like a scrub. i've not even beat a boss yet lol i'm 11 hours in. well i got to lady butterfly but i'll go back to her later.

i just beat the mini-boss after the chained ogre. now the giant snek is fucking me up. i just hope i'm going the correct way. there was another path available near the mini boss and it warned me about something headless....


i just beat the mini-boss after the chained ogre. now the giant snek is fucking me up. i just hope i'm going the correct way. there was another path available near the mini boss and it warned me about something headless....
Down that road you can activate hard mode, in case you find the game was too easy so far.
The spear guy in hirata state was kicking my ass so bad i was looking for ways to cheese him. None worked.
Then i noticed something while trying to cheese him with firecrackers. When you attack an enemy with a combo there's a visual/audio cue, like a spark, that tells you it's time to deflect/defend/dodge/jump.
So, it's (usually) 1, 2, 3, deflect. Now i understand what people meant when they said it's like a rythim game.
Call me dumb, but i had never noticed it before because i was so afraid to die. The muscle memory tells you to dodge dodge dodge.
I was like Neo seeing the matrix code. Killed the seven spear guy. Moved on to that ninja asshole in the pit. Got him on my third try.

Realized i had somehow missed a huge chunk of hirata state which has a key item. The first time i was in hirata state i was like a little bitch crying in a corner. Now i was the goddam ninja terminator.
I don't know how much was actual skill or just my ninja being stronger but i was tearing through groups of enemies with ease.
Finally unlocked the door that leads to lady butterfly and almost killed her on my first try. It took me a few tries but i got her as well.

I still have mixed feelings about sekiro. But i can't stop playing.
wtf i feel like a scrub. i've not even beat a boss yet lol i'm 11 hours in. well i got to lady butterfly but i'll go back to her later.

i just beat the mini-boss after the chained ogre. now the giant snek is fucking me up. i just hope i'm going the correct way. there was another path available near the mini boss and it warned me about something headless....

You are on the right track. Forget about the headless one. As for the Butterfly, there is one skill that trivializes the fight, just like a cheat.
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