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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls


Attempted Genichiro like 20 times. Weirdly on the last attempt I beat him and had only used one sip. all others i was dead and resurrected all sips used mostly before hitting the last phase.


The nicest person on this forum
Both Sekiro and Bloodborne is so far my favourite FromSofware games. I’m enjoying the Sekiro ‘s combat so much, it’s one of the most satisfying combat I experienced this gen.


The world is getting larger and larger, today I went back to Ashina castle and noticed how much there is to explore. Also found that guy with the black hat, so not all rats are rats?


The world is getting larger and larger, today I went back to Ashina castle and noticed how much there is to explore. Also found that guy with the black hat, so not all rats are rats?
Literally just discovered him myself. He sells a certain item that i've found an absolute fundamental the the area i'm in now.


So what shinobi skills and Prosthetic arts should I be spending points on? I've got whirlwind slash and Mikiri counter right now. Have a couple points to spend and notsure what to get next.


Was hitting this game pretty hard for two days, now I've lost motivation. Don't think this is for me and my slow reflexes.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Ugh, was beating bosses left and right, not even getting hit, even killing the snake, sending off the kite, and getting past the second snake...

And then boom... hello mr owl, and fuck you...

Tired man... very tired... ugh... I just need to beat this guy :(


Gold Member
You have the assistance of an NPC in that area. First, clean up the area by killing the mobs and once they are done, you summon the NPC and destroy the drunk easily. The NPC attacks from one side and you from the other side. For making things easier, invisibility sugar. That's one of the most useful items in the game.

And don't forget you can strike a stealth deathblow at him, too...AND THEN engage the NPC.

Easy peasy.


Beat the horse rider and the drunkard earlier. I tried to cheese the drunk fatty by luring him out and getting a free deathblow, but I must have ran too far away from him afterward because he regained his 2nd life. I ended up just fighting him with the NPC legit and killed his fat ass.
The boss I had the hardest time with so far is the armor dude on the bridge cuz I didn't think you had to actually do that to beat him and did it by accident.


That final boss :messenger_mr_smith_who_are_you_going_to_call:


Onto NG+!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I have not complained about any bosses in this game so far. They've all been manageable but challenging. I've been stuck on the last boss since sunday.... i hate him

Each of his attack sequences are distinct and have clear defenses and counters, but it can take a while to see all of them and figure out a strategy. Is there something you're dying to consistently?


this game is amazing. i think i like it more than Dark Souls III. the gameplay is just so stylish and the combat is so varied and lightning fast. it is definitely hard as fuck. probably the hardest game since the first one i played (the first Dark Souls). incredible game.


I have not complained about any bosses in this game so far. They've all been manageable but challenging. I've been stuck on the last boss since sunday.... i hate him
It's the only boss fight that feels like a chore to me. I can do the Genichiro and the first Isshin phase close to perfect but it's really annoying having to redo those phases just so I can get to the part that I'm struggling with
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This game is fun, but I am definitely still adjusting to all of it. Not even at the first boss yet and I have already made the NPCs sickly lol. This isn't going to be a happy ending.


finally won the Seven Ashina Spears fight! wow that was intense. lol that fight was tougher than every boss in Dark Souls 2. using Mikiri counter was essential to beating him, and once i started using it correctly, i quickly made fast progress against him.

he does this attack that after you block it, he charges at you with the spear, indicated with the kanji. if this were any Souls game you would want to roll left or right or block but here, you actually want to roll straight into the spear, then mash RB, triggering the counter. this saves you from dying and it also builds up his posture meter. there is a wide swing attack he uses that also triggers the kanji that you cannot use this move on though, so watch out.

level design is top notch but the enemies in the area can sometimes be a pain when you are just fighting the boss over and over. i worked out a shortcut to get to the mini boss where i was leaping across 3 roofs and a tree to quickly get to the fight. once i got sloppy and attracted attention and as i was sneaking up behind Spears, there was a giant monster slowly bumbling up the hill towards me, looking so silly. it ended up killing me before i could even get to the mini-boss lol.
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That mist forest is a real pain with the invisible enemies and all that fog, damn.

finally won the Seven Ashina Spears fight! wow that was intense. lol that fight was tougher than every boss in Dark Souls 2. using Mikiri counter was essential to beating him, and once i started using it, i quickly made fast progress against him. he does this attack that after you block it, he charges at you with the spear, indicated with the kanji. if this were any Souls game you would want to roll left or right or block but here, you actually want to roll straight into the spear, then mash RB, triggering the counter. this saves you from dying and it also builds up his posture meter.

lol the enemies in the area are a pain though. i worked out a shortcut to get to the mini boss where i was leaping across 3 roofs, and a tree to quickly get to the fight. once i got sloppy and attracted attention and as i was sneaking up behind Seven Ashina Spears, there was a giant bumbling up the hill towards me, who ended up killing me before i could even get to the mini-boss.

I defeated him using the ledge cheese, but now that im playing better i want to fight him again to see if i can beat him the legit way.

I read somewhere there is another seven spears so im actually looking forward to it.


The boss I had the hardest time with so far is the armor dude on the bridge cuz I didn't think you had to actually do that to beat him and did it by accident.
Yeah same, I thought you had to get the spear for him, because of the eavesdrop. But then I killed him by accident on his 3rd reset.


I'm on a fight which feels last boss-ish. Had to take a break though. Hate fights where you have to fight through easy phases to get to the meaty bits. Main thing fucking me is mikiri counter (upgraded) is shit on bosses half the time, buggy otherwise (dodges to the side because you're too close). Plus you can just dodge/jump the thrust and get more damage out of it anyway.

I like the game (GotY so far), I don't think i'd put it over the Souls games though, Bloodborne maybe. I think the rot essence/unseen aid/death punishment is pretty pointless and most things that cost spirit emblems are underwhelming, the core mechanics are great though when lock on movement isn't fucking up.


Yeah i get that too, does anyone know if there is a set 'correct' path? Or just any direction?

Any direction. And search for paths. Game works like this.

Fight through level to get to boss.
It beats you, again and again,
Eventually you give up and start looking around for another route.
You almost always find one.
Then you can start levelling up your character again and go back to fight them when you are ready.

You can open up the majority of the gameworld fairly early on, then you take the bosses on when you please.


Just got done with the retarded
Lone Samurai or was it Swordsman dude.

Instant nostalgia of From Software's camera angle fuckery of a boss fight. If I had been living in a hole for the past 5 years and I saw this boss fight on video I'd instantly recognize it as one of their trademark features. Silly mini boss fight made a lot harder because camera.

You don't understand. The camera is the real boss.
Meeting the goddamn snake eyes on the frozen mountain has taking away whatever regrets I might have had for cheesing previous bosses. Infuriating is an understatement.


Sorry my stupid question but i've seen on ebay offers for like 25 Euros (30 Dollars) for a new copy of Sekiro (including shipping from UK), would you guys think this is a scam? I can't believe that this game is already so low in price...because i wanna really get it but buying it full price is hard to me.


Ok, how do I cheese Genichiro?

Also fuck loading screens when the rebirth idol is three meters away.
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Ok, how do I cheese Genichiro?

Also fuck loading screens when the rebirth idol is three meters away.

That fight is more about getting his patterns and move sets down for each stage and dealing with them accordingly. I had to grind him for while before being able to best him.

stay on him, swing a few times until he deflects you then prepare to deflect him in return, then swing again and repeat. In his first stage, his perilous attack is the thrust so be ready to mirikami counter it then swing again and repeat the above. If you need to heal, 9 times out of 10 he'll whip his bow out but you have enough time to heal but dash immediately left or right after the heal animation and you'll miss his arrow then close the distance and repeat the swing, deflect stage.
Stage 2 is identical other than his perilous attacks. In stage two he throws a a low ground sweep out. You have to pay attention to his animation to see the difference, with the ground sweep he'll hunker down with his sword heald to one side, when you see that be ready to jump the sweep and hit A or X to kick counter then get a few swings before deflecting again.
Stage 3 looks scarier than it is but you ideally want to be going in at full health because if you heal on this stage he's gonna mess you up half way through your animation. Stay on him and be aggressive, deflect when you can and when he jumps up to do the lightning bow, dash towards so you go underneath and behind him then close the distance and get into him again. The secret to the third stage is not to let him create distance between you. Also if he jumps backwards at any stage, he's going to fire arrows so don't be tempted to immediately chase him or you'll eat them. Simply be ready to deflect then close him down.

Hope some of that helps. It's easier said than done. He's definitely a skill check in the game.



Game needs an easy mode, apparently.

I didn't realize I was being disrespected. All this time I thought I was being challenged.

What causes this?
Is it just the "participation medal" attitude where people want mediocrity to be rewarded and then proceed to big up that reward as "my personal experience is just as valuable as yours".

I always think of this in the context of marathon running. You pay your entry fee months in advance. You train and train and train. Then you show up on the day and you give your best performance and you get an official finish time and a medal at the end.

Nobody is owed this experience. Unless you fancy an 8 hour walk with a medal at the end you literally need to work to get to the goal.

Similarly, why does a game owe anyone a free pass to the next stage or the next bit of storytelling or the next item or whatever? Shouldn't players earn that?

I don't get the argument that reducing the difficulty doesn't affect the "prestige" of completing a FROM game. Of course it does.
Instead of being forced to earn the right to complete the game players know they don't have to do that anymore.
Basically, if everyone get's a trophy then the trophy loses it's value.
If FROM decided to do Bloodborne 2 and it was as easy as, say, The Last of Us or Assassin's Creed then I'd like to think it would be reviewed negatively on that basis.

"And this is what I'll never understand about From's fanboys and their continual, aggressive insistence that the mere presence of an easy mode would somehow compromise a special experience. It's worth saying, time and time again: an easy mode does not have to change the core experience in any way, at all, period. Playing a version of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice that had an easy mode would, theoretically, be completely identical to playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice now. The continued insistence that an easy mode would somehow affect the normal mode seems to represent a players lack of respect for themselves, an idea that they would not be able to play the game that they want without ruining it for themselves.

And so I'd say to From fans: believe in yourself. Know that you can play the game you want to play, even if others are playing the game they want to play."

What a prick.
I don't think FROM "fanboys" are the problem here at all.
Rather, I think it's twats like this who want to bang on about how much they love videogames because it's trendy but can't handle the fact that people like to measure actual ability in some ways.

Like imagine being that sad that you want to be able to say "I completed the game" so badly that you demand the devs themselves go in change their game so that you can complete it? That's so fucking needy and pathetic.

Lads, why can't I ride my motorbike in the London Marathon? I can't actually run 26.2 miles! Come on!
Jeez, runners need to get a grip just because I completed the marathon on my motorbike doesn't take away from their own achievements.
My medal is just as valuable as their medal! Elitists!
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Eh, I'm against an easy mode, but maybe a bit less HP or poise on certain bosses would have been nicer.

But anyway, there is already an easy mode. It's called cheesing, and on certain bosses is plain ridiculous (oh hai Seven Spears). And on PC there are trainers, if you really are desperate.


Each of his attack sequences are distinct and have clear defenses and counters, but it can take a while to see all of them and figure out a strategy. Is there something you're dying to consistently?

It's a very long fight and you have to play it perfectly. When I do play a perfect game I’ll mess up on the second last part of the fight.

I know I can beat him and I will this weekend but I really do believe he might be too hard especially compared to that what came before.

I feel like many people will NEVER get passed him no matter how hard they try, especially if you struggled a lot getting to this point. Feels like a secret boss.


1. Stab the two guys in the side building
2. Sneak behind the crew and stab one of the shield guys
3. Take out all the goons as quick and aggressive as possible.
4. Run away from fatty until he looses aggro.
5. Backstab him
6. Activate your buddy to help you out
7. Fuck fatty up while he bashes your buddy. When he focuses on you let your buddy do the work. Rinse and repeat.
8. Ez win

Got him...thanks for the help...and I am dumb for not thinking through it better.

Killed General Tenzen in a similar way. Although no distraction for him, but I realized that sometimes a boss just needs to be needled to death. Now I am on the crazy Horse boss finally...what a cool ass intro! I have never had a boss come out yelling at me.
This game is so frigging brutal. The first few days were tough, I wasn't enjoying myself much. Even contemplated quitting and selling the game. The biggest problem for me is the parry mecnanic. I've never been good at parrying in ANY GAME EVER. I hate it with passion. And in Sekiro it's the main mechanic.

Luckily I didn't give up though, because the more I get into this game, the more I enjoy it. The biggest reason I love the game is the level and world design. Can't beat a boss? No problem, you usually have many other paths and places to explore. I have only "executed" the first actual boss, who was surprisingly easy (a lot easier than many mini bosses), but I have at least 5-6 places that I still haven't fully explored, and many mini bosses that I have yet to kill. I feel like I can always do at least something and make progress. Every once in a while I'll go and try to beat that Lady Butterfly. I'll get her next time.

I've been spending my time exploring, searching for secrets and upgrades, killing regular enemies in the process (someone might call that grinding, but I don't do it that systematically). I think I'm getting better at the game, but every time I come across a new boss or a miniboss I get totally annihilated. I don't wanna watch any tutorials on Youtube though, I wanna beat this game on my own, but I sincerely feel that Sekiro is the hardest video game I've ever played.


finally won the Seven Ashina Spears fight! wow that was intense. lol that fight was tougher than every boss in Dark Souls 2. using Mikiri counter was essential to beating him, and once i started using it correctly, i quickly made fast progress against him.

he does this attack that after you block it, he charges at you with the spear, indicated with the kanji. if this were any Souls game you would want to roll left or right or block but here, you actually want to roll straight into the spear, then mash RB, triggering the counter. this saves you from dying and it also builds up his posture meter. there is a wide swing attack he uses that also triggers the kanji that you cannot use this move on though, so watch out.

level design is top notch but the enemies in the area can sometimes be a pain when you are just fighting the boss over and over. i worked out a shortcut to get to the mini boss where i was leaping across 3 roofs and a tree to quickly get to the fight. once i got sloppy and attracted attention and as i was sneaking up behind Spears, there was a giant monster slowly bumbling up the hill towards me, looking so silly. it ended up killing me before i could even get to the mini-boss lol.

Mist Raven also completely trivializes the entire fight.


Got him...thanks for the help...and I am dumb for not thinking through it better.

Killed General Tenzen in a similar way. Although no distraction for him, but I realized that sometimes a boss just needs to be needled to death. Now I am on the crazy Horse boss finally...what a cool ass intro! I have never had a boss come out yelling at me.

One thing not mentioned that you should utilize: 2 charged or 3 normal shurikens will kill archers at range. This might be dependent on how many memories you've collected but I don't think it is. Any time you have a big group of guys, look for the archers first. Their deaths will set very close enemies to yellow, but doesn't otherwise cause combat to start and sometimes its even advantage if it causes them to wander off looking for the shuriken sniper. That whole area has a few big groups that can be thinned out this way, and a few others than can be lured into free stealth kills with clay pots.


The nicest person on this forum
Did anyone fought the lady with the guitar yet? She was a fun fight, it kind of remind me of that blind woman in samurai champloo.


Is there a trick to beating the
necromancer guy who spams terror in the cave? He is right after the one-armed guy near the entrance. I’m wondering if wandered into an area I shouldn’t be in because my attacks do practically no damage to him. I tried to keep moving where an NPC tells me to jump down into the abyss, but it appears that kills me...


I've spent the last hour and a half trying to kill this purple Ninja guy in the estate and haven't even come close. Now I'm just being stubborn and won't advance until I kill it or quit.
I've spent the last hour and a half trying to kill this purple Ninja guy in the estate and haven't even come close. Now I'm just being stubborn and won't advance until I kill it or quit.
i gave up fighting him and just ran past him to get the mist raven. the prosthetic isn't even worth it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Is there a trick to beating the
necromancer guy who spams terror in the cave? He is right after the one-armed guy near the entrance. I’m wondering if wandered into an area I shouldn’t be in because my attacks do practically no damage to him. I tried to keep moving where an NPC tells me to jump down into the abyss, but it appears that kills me...

Divine confetti
You can jump into the water, return and stealth kill him :)
yeah i tried that but didn't work. when i went back he was back up on the building. couldn't stealth kill him.

i'll come back to him later. i'm sick of that area. fuck purple ninja dude + lady butterfly.
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how the hell do i get past the snake? i just beat the ogre and the mini boss. found the next idol but i can't get past the snake.
Run. Stealth. Observe it and learn to take advantage of what it does.
I've spent the last hour and a half trying to kill this purple Ninja guy in the estate and haven't even come close. Now I'm just being stubborn and won't advance until I kill it or quit.
Easy cheese by dropping down, waiting a few seconds and going back to stealth kill him.
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