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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls


The nicest person on this forum
yeah i tried that but didn't work. when i went back he was back up on the building. couldn't stealth kill him.

i'll come back to him later. i'm sick of that area. fuck purple ninja dude + lady butterfly.
he was tough when I first faced him but eventually got used to his moves, when he does the strong kick attack side step doge him and then attack and also spear prosthetic helped me a lot. In Sekiro some enemies and bosses seems impossible to beat but you will eventually learn their attack patterns and how to deal with it.
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yeah i tried that but didn't work. when i went back he was back up on the building. couldn't stealth kill him.

i'll come back to him later. i'm sick of that area. fuck purple ninja dude + lady butterfly.

This is pretty much what you're "supposed" to do, so dont feel bad. I bashed my face against both of those two for an hour each and deeply regretted it even after I finally beat them. If I hadn't been too stubborn I could have breezed by them later with upgraded kit.


i gave up fighting him and just ran past him to get the mist raven. the prosthetic isn't even worth it.
I ran past him after he killed me once and grabbed it. Haven't tried it since he's been obliterating me since. Generic wins won't satisfy me. I haven't been this infuriated by an enemy in years. I don't see myself beating this game if an enemy in the first hour is giving me this much trouble.
This game has the worst hit boxes I have ever seen. I would have to go back to the Commodore 64 days for finding something similar. It's a shame and really crosses the line between challenging and frustrating. When bad hit boxes and terrible camara combine on a tight boss fight the experience completely goes under. Genichiro was difficult but fair. However, the monkey is terribly designed. His moveset is fairly easy to read but the game insists on fucking you up with this cunt spamming grab after grab, it feels so cheap.

I feel extremely tempted to kick this game to the bottom of my huge backlog.


I ran past him after he killed me once and grabbed it. Haven't tried it since he's been obliterating me since. Generic wins won't satisfy me. I haven't been this infuriated by an enemy in years. I don't see myself beating this game if an enemy in the first hour is giving me this much trouble.

Don't worry he's a common enemy late into the game, so you'll have plenty of chances learning how to fight him.


Finally finished the game. Couldn't get the
dragon's homecoming ending since I progressed too far. The cutoff seems to be the divine dragon fight since Kuro becomes unavailable afterwards. If I would've talked with the divine child one more time I would've realized she's more important to the story. I thought she was there just to give me rice once I finished the zone.
I still think the Isshin fight has some problems. It's a good fight and really rewarding once you learn it's pattern but it can also be a pain in the ass. The 4th phase is really annoying to learn since you have to go through 3 phases before you can attempt it. It also suffers from From Soft's camera and hitbox issues. I still haven't used prostethics much and didn't find like half of them (or didn't have the money for it). I usually used them when they were a direct counter to an enemy (fire against red eyed enemies or poison sword against the women in fountainhead palace) but in normal combat I just preferred to stick to my sword. I put almost no skill points into that tree and barely upgraded them. I probably missed some really cool combos but I couldn't be bothered.
I also haven't beaten Demon of Hatred yet but I don't think I plan on doing so any time soon since I had my fill of the game. I might give ng+ a try just to see if I can beat genichiro in the prologue.
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Ugh. I'm completely stuck on a boss. Almost 3 hours nonstop and have only seen the second phase once. Any help?

Owl. Top of roof. He's just owning me. I've tried fighting him up close. I've tried kiting in circles.


I had some good fun and made some good progress earlier. I might be really warming up to it. Though I imagine I'll be back in here bitching about the hard bosses coming up soon.

Dr. Claus

Ugh. I'm completely stuck on a boss. Almost 3 hours nonstop and have only seen the second phase once. Any help?

Owl. Top of roof. He's just owning me. I've tried fighting him up close. I've tried kiting in circles.

What I did was I deflected his attacks and found places where I could attack. Never stop swinging your sword until he deflects, then you do it. Use firecrackers on occasion to quickly get a hit or two in. Honestly, I think he is one of the easier battles as his moves have highly visible wind ups and is a bit of a slower fight. The only difficulty is finding times to heal and keeping your posture meter low. Remember to block and stand still as it will lower it the fastest. Don't be afraid to run away if need be.


What I did was I deflected his attacks and found places where I could attack. Never stop swinging your sword until he deflects, then you do it. Use firecrackers on occasion to quickly get a hit or two in. Honestly, I think he is one of the easier battles as his moves have highly visible wind ups and is a bit of a slower fight. The only difficulty is finding times to heal and keeping your posture meter low. Remember to block and stand still as it will lower it the fastest. Don't be afraid to run away if need be.

My problem is he drains my posture in no time, then finishes me.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Corrupted monk 2, owl, a few headless, two of the new secret samurai, a chained ogre and a few more down this evening...

Im now st the last location and I think all I have left are two headless, which can suck my dick atm because I hate those fights, and whatever bosses are left. I do believe there’s a hidden boss as well? I may have to look for that.

Game keeps on giving... utterly loving it...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
My problem is he drains my posture in no time, then finishes me.

He definitely does a lot of posture damage, but the more you deflect instead of blocking, the less of an issue that is. Having your posture broken isn't necessarily the end of the world in this fight, either. He'll go in for the kill, but you can dodge out of it iirc. There are some other attacks you can dodge advantageously instead of blocking or deflecting as well. Experiment a little and see what works for you.

Also, if you haven't done all the available minibosses, consider cleaning those up since you'll improve your posture with four beads. Good luck!


He definitely does a lot of posture damage, but the more you deflect instead of blocking, the less of an issue that is. Having your posture broken isn't necessarily the end of the world in this fight, either. He'll go in for the kill, but you can dodge out of it iirc. There are some other attacks you can dodge advantageously instead of blocking or deflecting as well. Experiment a little and see what works for you.

Also, if you haven't done all the available minibosses, consider cleaning those up since you'll improve your posture with four beads. Good luck!

Thanks. I finally got him, but that was the hardest time I've had in this game by far.

I'm pretty sure I've beaten all the mini-bosses I've come across - aside from two headless. I miss being able to grind to get stronger when things get too tough. There's only so much Gitting Gud I can handle.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
If you buy all 3 mask segments, you can let exchange skill points for extra damage. Kinda like grinding in that way ;) there’s a merchant in the last area, but I haven’t met him yet. That’s on tomorrow’s agenda :)


If you buy all 3 mask segments, you can let exchange skill points for extra damage. Kinda like grinding in that way ;) there’s a merchant in the last area, but I haven’t met him yet. That’s on tomorrow’s agenda :)

That's interesting. I might have to look at that. I wonder if that's more geared to NG+ with mobs that give more xp.


The nicest person on this forum
Finally beat Owl, his not that hard. When he throws two shuriken and then jump attack, that’s your best chance to do some damage.
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Finally reached and downed

Took me one hour to decipher / beat him, but I did it proper with constant aggression and none of that scaredy cat bullshit on these youtube videos. EXCELLENT fight, this game is awesome


Just beat the game. Last boss could have been better.
He wasn't too bad. First phase you can just deflect through, 2nd phase is fine when you get the dodging down on his draw + major attack. 3rd and 4th phase you just cheese by running in circles till he does the spear jump and attack after the sword dash.

The hatred demon fight was cool though.

Main thing with sword boi's is you can just R1 until you're blocked twice and then you have to deflect before repeating, learnt that on Genichiro and it works on all the main sword bosses.

Only thing about the combat is that it is very R1 heavy, the defensive prosthetics are better than the attack ones since enemies just block instantly unless its trash mobs.


The last big area looks really nice, visually it has to be one of my favourite FROM locations (it's not Irithyll tier though)

The boss though
Was really easy and kinda underwhelming for something called "the divine dragon". Also, if you give his sword that shape and make it green it looks like a cactus....just saying


Gold Member
Last night in a nutshell:

Me: I think I’ll go to bed at a decent time tonight.
*up until 3am just trying to beat O’Rin of the Water*

And the sad part is I still haven’t beaten her. I don’t understand why I’m having so much trouble with this mini boss, she’s predictable and yet I keep fucking up and she’ll absolutely destroy your vitality in a few good hits.

You have to love her whole 'you act like you don't see me' bit.

I'm farming for snap seeds and divine confetti. You can farm for confetti in the upper estates. I'm also wanting that mask for strength points. 5 skill points for 1 point in strength.


Finally beat it. That last boss is a marathon I can't think of a single from software boss that gave me this much trouble, maybe gael?

I don't even want to look at this game right now lol I'll come back to it in a couple weeks
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Ugh. I'm completely stuck on a boss. Almost 3 hours nonstop and have only seen the second phase once. Any help?

Owl. Top of roof. He's just owning me. I've tried fighting him up close. I've tried kiting in circles.
Up close was the way to go for me. I was just super aggressive and kept attacking/deflecting like Lady Butterfly and Ashiro. Otherwise, the Mist Raven prosthetic is PHENOMENAL against him. So many free hits.

You can also get a good three hits against him every time he throws the poison. Otherwise, every time he tries to make space from your onslaught, dodge forward into a strike and continue. If you don't keep aggressive, he'll close the distance and get aggressive on you quick. You'll get him. He, the horse general guy, and one other I won't spoil are the only bosses I got first try.
I just had one of the mini bosses follow me off a cliff. I grabbed the ledge and he plumitted to his death. I was excited until I realised he took his prayer beads with him. As a completionist, this annoys me greatly.


Finally beat Lady Butterfly. Now the game has clicked for me. I was very close to shelving it. Perseverance pays off.
I ran past him after he killed me once and grabbed it. Haven't tried it since he's been obliterating me since. Generic wins won't satisfy me. I haven't been this infuriated by an enemy in years. I don't see myself beating this game if an enemy in the first hour is giving me this much trouble.
i considered giving up too for the same reason but i'm sticking with it. i'll just come back later when i've got more health/attack and got used to all the skills. he's probably one of the hardest enemies i faced and it doesn't help you have such a small area to fight him and you keep hitting the bamboo trees.

just grab the prosthetic and go back later if you want. now i've left that area to come back later i'm really enjoying the game. i feel like i maybe went there too early.


You don't understand. The camera is the real boss.
This game has the worst hit boxes I have ever seen. I would have to go back to the Commodore 64 days for finding something similar. It's a shame and really crosses the line between challenging and frustrating. When bad hit boxes and terrible camara combine on a tight boss fight the experience completely goes under. Genichiro was difficult but fair. However, the monkey is terribly designed. His moveset is fairly easy to read but the game insists on fucking you up with this cunt spamming grab after grab, it feels so cheap.

I feel extremely tempted to kick this game to the bottom of my huge backlog.

I agree, the main problem this game has it that it feels and plays by the rules of an advanced ps2 game. It actually uses would have been seen as mistakes back then, as gameplay.

For example:

Animations that reset your character to the position the animation needs to work.
Fire that can't be put out by walking in water.
Enemies that can see through walls.
Instantly refilling energy bars.
Bad Camera (lone swordman fight)
Bad hitboxes.
Spamming bosses to win.

I see almost nothing new in Sekiro apart from the story (which is great). But what I do see is the developer playing around a lot with last gen tricks and using them to wrongfoot the player. It's deliberate trolling. The water not putting out fires being the most obvious example of this as it plays against logic. Try 50 times to beat a boss using skill, fail. Spam him with fireworks to win, you feel cheap.

I'm really not down with that. Not down with getting 'hard lessons' from a game for not paying attention to it's janky mechanics that's it's made into a 'feature'.
I don't care for this sort of trickery as it's a deliberate waste of time, and lazy programming.

The game is really good, but I am disappointed. Dissapointed that From haven't stepped up since Bloodborne, just gone 'bigger and faster'. Dissapointed techincally. I'm disappointed that they aren't finding new ways around the problems that stealth / swordplay gameplay poses. It feels like a step back to me purely because the gameplay simply isn't as tight as it could be.
What do you guys think of the HDR?
What settings do you use?

Beautiful, as Rodin would say.

I agree, the main problem this game has it that it feels and plays by the rules of an advanced ps2 game. It actually uses would have been seen as mistakes back then, as gameplay.

For example:

Animations that reset your character to the position the animation needs to work.
Fire that can't be put out by walking in water.
Enemies that can see through walls.
Instantly refilling energy bars.
Bad Camera (lone swordman fight)
Bad hitboxes.
Spamming bosses to win.

I see almost nothing new in Sekiro apart from the story (which is great). But what I do see is the developer playing around a lot with last gen tricks and using them to wrongfoot the player. It's deliberate trolling. The water not putting out fires being the most obvious example of this as it plays against logic. Try 50 times to beat a boss using skill, fail. Spam him with fireworks to win, you feel cheap.

I'm really not down with that. Not down with getting 'hard lessons' from a game for not paying attention to it's janky mechanics that's it's made into a 'feature'.
I don't care for this sort of trickery as it's a deliberate waste of time, and lazy programming.

The game is really good, but I am disappointed. Dissapointed that From haven't stepped up since Bloodborne, just gone 'bigger and faster'. Dissapointed techincally. I'm disappointed that they aren't finding new ways around the problems that stealth / swordplay gameplay poses. It feels like a step back to me purely because the gameplay simply isn't as tight as it could be.

Despite my occasional rant (due to the game's trolling spikes) I love Sekiro so much. I think it's a perfect twist to the formula, except for those cheap tactics they have inserted to ramp up the difficulty. That's why I am not the least disturbed to cheese some enemies in the meanest ways. After my rage with the monkey boss I trolled back when fighting the Snake Eyes in the bottom of the sunken valley. If you make them all alert and then you climb up to the rock above the altar (being still in the enemies vision line) you will draw them to the poison swamp and they will die by themselves. Only the boss needs to be given the final blow. Cheap but safe.


Finally beaten Genichiro. I'm still shaking. What an amazing fight. It took hours and it was beautiful.

Phase 2 is bullshit, though.

Also fuck the camera when you're forced into a wall and it loses the targeting.
Does anyone even use camera reset?
Oh yeah, fuck that too. Also auto reset. So annoying.
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Also fuck the camera when you're forced into a wall and it loses the targeting.

Or when the enemy runs behind a pillar and the game decides to unlock you.

And when you try to get the lock back while dodging an attack it spins you around so you face the other direction because camera reset is set to the same button and you can't change it to another one.

Does anyone even use camera reset? Seriously?
The amount of times it took me to beat genichiro is way too much. And imagine my pissed off face when I figured out he had second stage (which surprisingly was easier imo when I figured him out). But I have to say sekiro now "clicked" for me. First few hours were rough. I love change formula with set character (wolf is cool as fuck) and overall theme of the game. Still not sure about resurrect penalties with NPCs, I've used this one item to heal them two times already, and I'm after genichiro. Do Npc die after getting sick or what? Or shouldn't I worry about it at all?

Btw. Emma top tier waifu.


Do Npc die after getting sick or what?
No, their quests become unavailable until you cure them. I think I used 3-4 cures in total (1 after the final battle just to make sure it doesn't affect anything) and I had way more in my inventory since you can find them around and they're pretty cheap.
No, their quests become unavailable until you cure them. I think I used 3-4 cures in total (1 after the final battle just to make sure it doesn't affect anything) and I had way more in my inventory since you can find them around and they're pretty cheap.
Are theirs quest needed for platinum? Or do they affect different endings? (i've read there are multiple, around 3?)
Genichiro's last phase is very easy. The challenge is to get to that one with enough gourds. It's a great fight but the arrow-spamming move is cheap as fuck. Reminds me of this:



Does this game look also great on a vanilla ps4? I'm one of the few who still has no need for a Pro so i get a bit troubled if new games would run and look great
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Are theirs quest needed for platinum? Or do they affect different endings? (i've read there are multiple, around 3?)
No idea about platinum since I play on PC.
There are a few endings, they're mostly affected by the choices you make but there's a special one that requires a lengthy quest. The cut-off point is the end of
Fountainhead Palace .
So if you want to do it, make sure to not beat the boss at the end of that zone until you got all the required things.
Genichiro's last phase is very easy. The challenge is to get to that one with enough gourds. It's a great fight but the arrow-spamming move is cheap as fuck. Reminds me of this:

Just you wait, you have no idea how true that gif is :pie_roffles:
Does this game look also great on a vanilla ps4? I'm one of the few who still has no need for a Pro so i get a bit troubled if new games would run and look great
Granted I'm not one of the guys which is annoyed at light dips in framerate in games sometimes, but I think it looks great and runs pretty well on normal PS4.


Does this game look also great on a vanilla ps4? I'm one of the few who still has no need for a Pro so i get a bit troubled if new games would run and look great

I just bought a Pro but played the game all last week on a base PS4 and thought it looked and ran just fine. I didn't notice any major issues while playing the game, certainly nothing that would put me off of playing it.


The nicest person on this forum
The game has fantastic art direction, it looks absolutely gorgeous!!

beat that corrupted monk, at first I got scared of this boss having 3 red orbs but you can easily just go to top of the tree when he summons his shadows and just one shot his second phase.
Does this game look also great on a vanilla ps4? I'm one of the few who still has no need for a Pro so i get a bit troubled if new games would run and look great
not great but it's not bad either. it looks just fine.

performance on the other hand....if you're happy with 30fps and awful frame pacing then go for it. the PS4 Pro has an unlocked framerate which i think is even worse because it will be anywhere between 30-60fps. at least on base consoles it's locked so you don't get heavy drops so if you are playing on console i would recommend the standard PS4 over Pro here. PC is the only way to play the game at 60fps solid with even frame pacing. for a game that relies heavily on timing having the image stutter constantly is NOT good. in most games you'd be fine but in a game like this it could end up getting you killed.
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Bear in mind this is my first character action or From game but... I've been stuck on Lady Butterfly for hours now.

I know what I need to do, I just can't do it. I'm thinking I may just go back to the main storyline now and come back to her later because I'm aware that I haven't actually beaten any of the proper bosses yet as she is an optional boss?
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