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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | OT | Borne of Souls


DOH is a cool fight. i keep dying but i can see how to succeed. it's just a matter of practicing and getting the muscle memory down. the window to using your hook shot is pretty small, you have to mash it as soon as you see the green symbol.

what is the best way to protect against the fire? fire umbrella does the trick?
DOH is a cool fight. i keep dying but i can see how to succeed. it's just a matter of practicing and getting the muscle memory down. the window to using your hook shot is pretty small, you have to mash it as soon as you see the green symbol.

what is the best way to protect against the fire? fire umbrella does the trick?
Yeah, fire umbrella (suzaku) is the best way to protect from it. I always used it when he used his jump attack. Hold umbrella for 2 sec and you got a good window to beat his ass.

Gratz @nkafaro , you must feel like a newborn after you beat him, haha. Man there really is something in From's games that makes you think you're on top of the world lmao.
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I just beat the final boss.... and not only that, the winning run had me with 7 healing droughts left!

And no cheese... proper deflects, counters and the like...

Poisoning the second phase to make it end faster was the key... I was able to beat the first two phases very fast most of the times so that gave me plenty of opportunities to practice the third phase. And the fourth was just like the third
but easier thanks to the lighting doing a lot of damage to the boss, plus stagger.

Still can't believe i managed to do it so perfectly, boss only landed like 5 or 6 hits in the whole run. Pretty sure i can do it again, too bad there isn't a boss select mode where you can easily replay them...

Thanks everyone for your tips.

So excited right now, time for NG+.



The nicest person on this forum
No. And you can't make me.
Yeah, unless you can 100% deflect every attack then I would say go for it. Struggling through that mode, you realize the base game is not that hard. The game gives you plenty room for mistakes.


Fuck me is this game hard. I would go insane if I couldn't cheese here and there. I just can't get in the grove of deflecting and attacking. Looks all the same to me :/
Fuck me is this game hard. I would go insane if I couldn't cheese here and there. I just can't get in the grove of deflecting and attacking. Looks all the same to me :/
I played with headphones in and got used to using the perfect deflect chime as my cue to go on the offensive. If you've just started the game, I would recommend using the training dummy dude just outside the dilapidated temple. Hold a block stance and when your foe starts to attack, double tap block and you should get some success with parrying. It's all about learning the timing of the enemy's attacks.

I beat Demon Souls, DS 1, 2 & 3 along with Bloodborne without every using parry because I sucked at it but Sekiro is much more forgiving with its parry window.


So I tried beating last boss after 2 weeks of playing other games... I think I will just give up (got to phase 3), I don't have any motivation to finish this game - in Souls there was always option to play the game again completly different, nothing like that in Sekiro.

Overall it's great game but lacks replayability (to me).
So I tried beating last boss after 2 weeks of playing other games... I think I will just give up (got to phase 3), I don't have any motivation to finish this game - in Souls there was always option to play the game again completly different, nothing like that in Sekiro.

Overall it's great game but lacks replayability (to me).
I'm with you. Finished it, not really sure what was going on (FROM game, so naturally), but I've zero inclination to play through it again.


Pick three prosthetics, five items, 1 combat art, and 1 ninjustsu. This is a build. It's how I'm planning to do my NG+ runs


The nicest person on this forum
So I tried beating last boss after 2 weeks of playing other games... I think I will just give up (got to phase 3), I don't have any motivation to finish this game - in Souls there was always option to play the game again completly different, nothing like that in Sekiro.

Overall it's great game but lacks replayability (to me).
“Replayability” is different for everybody, I replayed Sekiro 3 times and currently on my 4th playthrough. For me as I get better at the combat it becomes even more fun to fight them, I personally don’t care about different build. Even with Bloodborne I mostly using favourite weapons in my multiple playthrough.


I am close to finishing this game but after over a thousand hours in the other Bloodsouls games I have to say: I think I like Nioh better than Sekiro. A lot of things in Sekiro don't work for me. The level design, the samey enemies and bosses, the double health bar thing where both phases are the same, the grappling hook or the prosthetic firecracker tool. I still enjoy it quite a bit though, I just don't see myself doing a second or third playthrough.


I am close to finishing this game but after over a thousand hours in the other Bloodsouls games I have to say: I think I like Nioh better than Sekiro. A lot of things in Sekiro don't work for me. The level design, the samey enemies and bosses, the double health bar thing where both phases are the same, the grappling hook or the prosthetic firecracker tool. I still enjoy it quite a bit though, I just don't see myself doing a second or third playthrough.
i kinda feel the same. i have nioh for ps4 but never beat it. will get it for pc and replay it after sekiro. the more i play sekiro the more i want to play nioh again xD


The nicest person on this forum
Finally got all ending for Sekiro and damn what a ride. I personally LOOOVE the combat system in this game. Long a go I watch movie called Sword of the stranger and it had one epic sword fight in the end and I always hoped there would be game gives that type of combat. After all theses years Sekiro finally delivers on that, with out doubt in my mind, Sekiro has the best Sword fighting combat system I ever experienced.
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i can't actually do this :( the spear guy just destroys me

i try dealing with the deadly attacks but i can't jump quick enough or mikiri them. i tried using the upgraded firecracker. i tried using the spear prosthetic. i tried using ichimonji (?).

i'm done with this. i guess i'll just need to move on.


i can't actually do this :( the spear guy just destroys me

i try dealing with the deadly attacks but i can't jump quick enough or mikiri them. i tried using the upgraded firecracker. i tried using the spear prosthetic. i tried using ichimonji (?).

i'm done with this. i guess i'll just need to move on.
He isnt that hard.
Take a break for a few hours.
Come back and face tank him! Don't even attack him! Stand there tapping guard to block or deflect all his attacks. From here learn to mikiri counter his thrust.
When comfortable with defense start throwing 3 attacks in. Listen for the distinctive sound of his deflect of your attack! This means start spamming guard to deflect or absorb his hits.
When your posture bar is near breaking, jump back to escape and hold guard which replenishes your posture bar much faster.
I can't remember if he does a sweep perilous attack, but try to jump on his head for huge posture damage.
Hope this helps.
He isnt that hard.
Take a break for a few hours.
Come back and face tank him! Don't even attack him! Stand there tapping guard to block or deflect all his attacks. From here learn to mikiri counter his thrust.
When comfortable with defense start throwing 3 attacks in. Listen for the distinctive sound of his deflect of your attack! This means start spamming guard to deflect or absorb his hits.
When your posture bar is near breaking, jump back to escape and hold guard which replenishes your posture bar much faster.
I can't remember if he does a sweep perilous attack, but try to jump on his head for huge posture damage.
Hope this helps.
i've been stuck on him for three days. he might not be that hard for you but i'm struggling.

i can mikiri but it doesn't always work against him and it does no damage.

he just swings that freaking spear and rams it right up my ass all the time.

i've tried jumping but again he just somehow always manages to hit me.


i finally beat him! thank goodness for that. i don't even know how i did it. i just got lucky dodging his attacks. good riddance u bastard! :messenger_relieved::messenger_relieved:
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About the last boss and what irks me about the game in general:

Seems to be a cool fight but why THE FUCK do I have to go through the phase 0 (pre grandfather) every fucking time?! It's easy, yes but still it's so god damn tedious! Like so much in this game. We didn't have this in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, if there was such a thing and you died then the "real boss" was already there when you came back. I played through all Bloodsouls games 3 or 4 times each and still hadn't enough in the end but I can't wait to finish Sekiro and move on. It's hard to believe it's from the same team. I actually believe the "increased difficulty" (which isn't actually there imho) comes from the tediousness and one sidedness of the gameplay. I am glad people like it and From will therefore continue to make those type games but for me personally it's a huge disappointment. And yeah that's because I just wanted another Dark Souls... I am one of those people as it turns out...
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About the last boss and what irks me about the game in general:

Seems to be a cool fight but why THE FUCK do I have to go through the phase 0 (pre grandfather) every fucking time?! It's easy, yes but still it's so god damn tedious! Like so much in this game. We didn't have this in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, if there was such a thing and you died then the "real boss" was already there when you came back. I played through all Bloodsouls games 3 or 4 times each and still hadn't enough in the end but I can't wait to finish Sekiro and move on. It's hard to believe it's from the same team. I actually believe the "increased difficulty" (which isn't actually there imho) comes from the tediousness and one sidedness of the gameplay. I am glad people like it and From will therefore continue to make those type games but for me personally it's a huge disappointment. And yeah that's because I just wanted another Dark Souls...

It's there so you'll eventually re-fill your resurrection meter. Same reason as the archer before Lady Butterfly


The nicest person on this forum
About the last boss and what irks me about the game in general:

Seems to be a cool fight but why THE FUCK do I have to go through the phase 0 (pre grandfather) every fucking time?! It's easy, yes but still it's so god damn tedious! Like so much in this game. We didn't have this in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, if there was such a thing and you died then the "real boss" was already there when you came back. I played through all Bloodsouls games 3 or 4 times each and still hadn't enough in the end but I can't wait to finish Sekiro and move on. It's hard to believe it's from the same team. I actually believe the "increased difficulty" (which isn't actually there imho) comes from the tediousness and one sidedness of the gameplay. I am glad people like it and From will therefore continue to make those type games but for me personally it's a huge disappointment. And yeah that's because I just wanted another Dark Souls... I am one of those people as it turns out...
Think of him as one of the phases and he dies quick thanks to his low posture which I can easily kill him almost with full health bar.

it's a huge disappointment. And yeah that's because I just wanted another Dark Souls... I am one of those people as it turns out...
You have no one but yourself to blame. It share some elements with Souls series but it was clear from the first gameplay trailer that wasn't Souls game.


So I tried beating last boss after 2 weeks of playing other games... I think I will just give up (got to phase 3), I don't have any motivation to finish this game - in Souls there was always option to play the game again completly different, nothing like that in Sekiro.

Overall it's great game but lacks replayability (to me).

Yeah it's definitely not as replayable as previoys FROM games but IMO it's fun enough to go through at least 2 or 3 times.
I'm on NG+ and you can go through it pretty fast since you can take down bosses faster and you can ignore some of the miniboses (since there isn't any important reward for killing them again). It's also fun to unlock the skills I was still missing, trying out different prosthetic tools for some encounters, and as in previous FROM games I just find it fun to go back to the beginning and destroy enemies that gave me a hard time the first time around.

Also, no matter what ending you get the first time around there's at least one other path with 1-2 exclusive bosses .


Why did it take me so long to beat the Monk. Jesus she was brutal for me. I think the Dragon is up next and then the final boss. I've seen video of that last boss. IDK if I'll be able to do it. I may run out of patience. I almost gave up on the Owl FFS.


DOH still giving me trouble. i've got him halfway through the 3rd DB but there are lots of one hit kills you got to look out for. 1 out of 4 times i can make it through the first phase only using 1 or 2 healing items. im learning when to ease up on attacking and block his leg stomps.

tough fight but lots of fun! i am in it for the long haul. i don't mind playing a boss fight over and over for hours on end and learning it through repetition. then having the final battle be a triumphant, near-flawless 5 minutes. im all about it, it's part of why i love these games.
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DOH still giving me trouble. i've got him halfway through the 3rd DB but there are lots of one hit kills you got to look out for. 1 out of 4 times i can make it through the first phase only using 1 or 2 healing items. im learning when to ease up on attacking and block his leg stomps.

tough fight but lots of fun! i am in it for the long haul. i don't mind playing a boss fight over and over for hours on end and learning it through repetition. then having the final battle be a triumphant, near-flawless 5 minutes. im all about it, it's part of why i love these games.
I watched the funniest cheese method for that boss. You don't even get hit.


Gold Member
I finished it tonight.

I finished the game tonight after hours of memorizing each move of that final boss. I really enjoyed this game. Almost to the point where it is up there with my top 3 best games from this generation. I'm super impressed by FROM Software and I was already a big fan. I'm currently on a euphoric feeling after beating that final boss. I won't lie, it took more than a couple days to memorize his moves. That's because I became a new father recently. I'm thinking back to the last time I actually dedicated time to figure out a boss and I can't say it took me days to figure out. There was a boss in the original God of War, the Minotaur boss. Not because he was overly difficult. No, it was because there were circular QTE's involved. SoC from Dark Souls III took me a while, but I made it. Sekiro is a perfect example of exercising gaming skills, but at the same time it's about having fun. I didn't farm for emblems towards the end. I had a means to heal and to resurrect. That's all I needed. I knew if I messed around gathering supplies that I'd just choke. I did choke. I got to the final phase and chocked when he was halfway near death. I kept pushing and pushing and 45 minutes later I killed him. Typically it's no big deal, but with a baby you have to memorize moves because time can be super limited. I'm still amazed by it all. God of War wasn't hard. I choked at the final boss, but my 2nd attempt was straight forward. Devil May Cry 5 made it almost too easy to come back after a defeat. The ending battle was awesome, but the difficulty spike wasn't there. All those games were awesome, don't get me wrong.

Thanks to everyone here for the tips too. God knows those helped out a lot.

I really hope FROM Software keeps making these games. I don't even know what I'd call their style. Super difficult, but incredibly rewarding.
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Gold Member
Managed to kill the drunkard on my fifth go, pretty proud of myself since I am not good in vidyagames. Got four skill points for the effort, got replenishing health which is awesome.

Looked back at this thread and saw that I did it exactly as recommended:

kill adds one by one, get one stealth strike in the drunkard, run to NPC and mash convo button, and whack drunkard while he’s distracted. NPC even survived the fight!

Now I am at Lady Butterfly, oh boy this may take more tries
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Something clicked for me fighting Owl, and now I fight with my guard up all the time instead of only trying to focus on parrying. I was able to death blow Owl in his first form while he still had two thirds of his health left.

Corrupted Monk was a little tougher with his sweeps and thrusts, but wasn't as bad as Owl.


oh yes, i did it! i conquered DOH! eventually i had a response for every one of his attacks. i stuck near his right side and made sure to block/deflect his foot stomps. this meant not button mashing as much as i wanted to, but i gradually learned. this was an S&O level boss fight. busting out the Umbrella was key to survival in this. Flute was very handy as well, and could take off about half his health bar, so i was able to get most of that.

i got very good at jumping left when the red danger sign popped up and he did a charge. not so much for his chargeback in the third phase but by then i had a stockpile of potions and was eating through his health of only half a bar. i started the battle off w pellets then switching to potions. i ended up getting to his third phase with like 9 potions.

onward to some random mini bosses; the nu drunkard, a magic ghost man in Fountainhead Palace, then the boss of the game. after beating DOH i was glad to see a new memory enhancing my attack so i can't wait to use it. also i went to Feeding Grounds to check and see if i missed any Treasure Carp Scales and turns out i missed a little shack w like 3 of them. so now i can afford that thing that lets you level up your attack w skill points.

where does one grind for that sort of thing at this point in the game? Mibu Village is my go-to, mostly the intro areas wo the annoying ground zombies, the little stream with the respawning villager goblins. if there's a better way, maybe that one purple ninja in Ashina over and over, i wonder?
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Golden Boy
oh yes, i did it! i conquered DOH! eventually i had a response for every one of his attacks. i stuck near his right side and made sure to block/deflect his foot stomps. this meant not button mashing as much as i wanted to, but i gradually learned. this was an S&O level boss fight. busting out the Umbrella was key to survival in this. Flute was very handy as well, and could take off about half his health bar, so i was able to get most of that.

i got very good at jumping left when the red danger sign popped up and he did a charge. not so much for his chargeback in the third phase but by then i had a stockpile of potions and was eating through his health of only half a bar. i started the battle off w pellets then switching to potions. i ended up getting to his third phase with like 9 potions.

onward to some random mini bosses; the nu drunkard, a magic ghost man in Fountainhead Palace, then the boss of the game. after beating DOH i was glad to see a new memory enhancing my attack so i can't wait to use it. also i went to Feeding Grounds to check and see if i missed any Treasure Carp Scales and turns out i missed a little shack w like 3 of them. so now i can afford that thing that lets you level up your attack w skill points.

where does one grind for that sort of thing at this point in the game? Mibu Village is my go-to, mostly the intro areas wo the annoying ground zombies, the little stream with the respawning villager goblins. if there's a better way, maybe that one purple ninja in Ashina over and over, i wonder?
Ashina Outskirts Stairway Idol
Kill all the red Ministry Ninjas from behind one at a time.
If you are brave you may also return to area with the bridge and kill the Ninjas there too.
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Something clicked for me fighting Owl, and now I fight with my guard up all the time instead of only trying to focus on parrying. I was able to death blow Owl in his first form while he still had two thirds of his health left.

Corrupted Monk was a little tougher with his sweeps and thrusts, but wasn't as bad as Owl.

I haven't got this far in the game yet but at the moment I'm still worried about having your guard up all the time as I was worried that guarding all the time is how you get your pasture broken.

How does parrying work if you're guarding all the time? You quickly release the guard and then reapply it at the last second? Sounds harder to successfully deflect this way?
I haven't got this far in the game yet but at the moment I'm still worried about having your guard up all the time as I was worried that guarding all the time is how you get your pasture broken.

How does parrying work if you're guarding all the time? You quickly release the guard and then reapply it at the last second? Sounds harder to successfully deflect this way?

It's trickier for sure, as you have to release and press, rather then just press L1. But once you realize how quickly your posture recovers with your guard up it feels like FROM is encouraging you to stand your ground instead of running away and assuming your posture will recover quicker, it doesn't. Even when your posture breaks the recovery from having your guard up makes it pretty much instant.

You kinda have to retrain your brain with how you approach encounters though, especially if, like me, you're more accustomed to Soulsborne way of fighting.


It's trickier for sure, as you have to release and press, rather then just press L1. But once you realize how quickly your posture recovers with your guard up it feels like FROM is encouraging you to stand your ground instead of running away and assuming your posture will recover quicker, it doesn't. Even when your posture breaks the recovery from having your guard up makes it pretty much instant.

You kinda have to retrain your brain with how you approach encounters though, especially if, like me, you're more accustomed to Soulsborne way of fighting.

I tried this today but think I need more practice with it as I found it quite difficult to successfully deflect when I have my guard up all the time.

Having not really played the game for a while I had a successful hour or so playing today. Managed to beat Spear, Longswordsman and Snake Eyes all within about 90 mins of play. I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to go next though. I seem to be in a forest with loads of ghosts at the moment.
I tried this today but think I need more practice with it as I found it quite difficult to successfully deflect when I have my guard up all the time.

Having not really played the game for a while I had a successful hour or so playing today. Managed to beat Spear, Longswordsman and Snake Eyes all within about 90 mins of play. I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to go next though. I seem to be in a forest with loads of ghosts at the moment.
You're aiming for the roof of the building in the middle of that area.


It's trickier for sure, as you have to release and press, rather then just press L1. But once you realize how quickly your posture recovers with your guard up it feels like FROM is encouraging you to stand your ground instead of running away and assuming your posture will recover quicker, it doesn't. Even when your posture breaks the recovery from having your guard up makes it pretty much instant.

You kinda have to retrain your brain with how you approach encounters though, especially if, like me, you're more accustomed to Soulsborne way of fighting.
I still run like a chicken to not get hit and that does wonders in keeping your posture bar low.


Congrats! I'm still debating if I'm going to go for it myself. I've done DS1 and Bloodborne and I think I like this even more but that last boss took it out of me lol. I might cleanse the palette for a few days before going for it.

Me too. I started a thread on just that last boss.

The thing is, after you do that once, nothing on the way to the platinum is more difficult than that. Even the final boss on NG+ wasn't as bad, after spending so much time learning the boss's move sets.
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