a minute of silence because we are not getting the ps4 version =(
dont say that
a minute of silence because we are not getting the ps4 version =(
I still don't know what Aksys is doing with this instead of XSEED. Are they going to keep the terminology consistent with XSEED's other translations and localizations, since even a Cold Steel character (Towa) appears in it and there are references to Trails and other things in it?Give it a few months and we will. It's Aksys.
Nah, I see where you're coming from, but my perspective is coming from Falcom's troubled and frustrated development trying to fit their current 3D game production workflow onto PS3/Vita and barely making 25-30fps most of the time.
You must have noticed how crappy Cold Steel I and II's framerate got sometimes, being completely unacceptable at certain times. PS4 gives them room to breathe.
I still don't know what Aksys is doing with this instead of XSEED. Are they going to keep the terminology consistent with XSEED's other translations and localizations, since even a Cold Steel character (Towa) appears in it and there are references to Trails and other things in it?
I still don't know what Aksys is doing with this instead of XSEED. Are they going to keep the terminology consistent with XSEED's other translations and localizations, since even a Cold Steel character (Towa) appears in it?
Certainly. The school festival chapter in CS1 basically runs in slow motion all the way through. It's just that for me, personally, these negatives are easily outweighed by the positives of the game being on a handheld system - speaking as someone who moves between two apartments almost constantly and who just prefers being able to play (pretty much) wherever and whenever.
But again, I certainly see where people like you are coming from, and I realize that I'm in the minority (at least I hope, as I want Falcom to succeed).
Well there's not much to keep seeing how, aside from Towa, TX is a different game. XSEED probably had enough on their plate to pass over TX. Which is a shame because they ended up with the short end of the stick (Akiba Beat).
Truly, the most underappreciated Trails hero, right behind the dynamic duo of Anton and Ricky who have been secretly running Ouroboros for 7 games.
Well there's not much to keep seeing how, aside from Towa, TX is a different game. XSEED probably had enough on their plate to pass over TX. Which is a shame because they ended up with the short end of the stick (Akiba Beat).
Well there's not much to keep seeing how, aside from Towa, TX is a different game. XSEED probably had enough on their plate to pass over TX. Which is a shame because they ended up with the short end of the stick (Akiba Beat).
Well there's not much to keep seeing how, aside from Towa, TX is a different game. XSEED probably had enough on their plate to pass over TX. Which is a shame because they ended up with the short end of the stick (Akiba Beat).
The Akiba games will sell much better for them than TX, they're probably not regretting it.
Wouldn't be so sure about that with Akiba's Beat. Doesn't look that great and has little in common with Akiba's Trip
Akiba's Trip was a bad game and it still sold really well.
The Akiba games will sell much better for them than TX, they're probably not regretting it.
I really need to know if we're getting Towa's CS voice for this. I need it
Assuming this is dubbed of course
I still don't know what Aksys is doing with this instead of XSEED. Are they going to keep the terminology consistent with XSEED's other translations and localizations, since even a Cold Steel character (Towa) appears in it and there are references to Trails and other things in it?
I'd personally much rather have the visuals from the first two games if it meant being able to play it on a handheld.
I'm just not sure if I'm ever going to be able to play through CS3 going by my console RPG track record. Console RPGs don't suit me/my life, if that makes sense.
I don't want to be to bitter, though, and I certainly understand people being excited about this being developed with PS4 as the base platform.
There's the fan zero no kiseki translation that we can play next year on the vitaYeah Cold Steel 1 is just the perfect game for me on a handheld so it's a shame. The third game would have kept my Vita in business for many moons to come. Oh well.
I really don't see where this porting CS1 and 2 mindset comes in. Why would they need to do that? It isn't like it was on Xbox or anything. It was on a Sony console that many of us still have and probably a similar number have the successor of.
So maybe they aren't students? Unless Altina decides her new cover is being part of the crew.
It came out very late in the life of the PS3 and no one has a Vita
You overestimate how many people in the west have played this. A PS4 port would help immensely. I assume a lot of people would like to replay it too in a way that isn't technically garbage
Clearer image of key-art for CS3 shows that Altina is wearing the same uniform as Blusis, Tonfan and Greeny.
So maybe they aren't students? Unless Altina decides her new cover is being part of the crew.
Clearer image of key-art for CS3 shows that Altina is wearing the same uniform as Blusis, Tonfan and Greeny.
So maybe they aren't students? Unless Altina decides her new cover is being part of the crew.
I hope Altina is used to further the plotlineThe one thing that bothers me the most about adding new girls is that they're likely just going to be potential romance targets for the protagonist instead of being new characters that can establish a rapport with another character that isn't said protagonist. Definitely wouldn't mind being proven wrong here, though.
It came out very late in the life of the PS3 and no one has a Vita
You overestimate how many people in the west have played this. A PS4 port would help immensely. I assume a lot of people would like to replay it too in a way that isn't technically garbage
Well, that's two games I am skipping, Akiba Beat and Xanadu Vita. I would get the enhanced PS4 edition of the latter though.Well there's not much to keep seeing how, aside from Towa, TX is a different game. XSEED probably had enough on their plate to pass over TX. Which is a shame because they ended up with the short end of the stick (Akiba Beat).
That's a really cool doodle.A doodle I did of Rean.
Yeah, the PS4 enhanced edition of Xanadu is truly worth getting. I remember watching a stream of that version not that long ago. Made me miss the times when 60 FPS used to be so commonplace. Gameplay looked really good, and definitely had that jamming soundtrack to pair along with.Well, that's two games I am skipping, Akiba Beat and Xanadu Vita. I would get the enhanced PS4 edition of the latter though.
Considering Ys Origin is coming to PS4 and Vita next year, couldn't a DotEmu PS4 port of CSI/II be a possibility?
Considering Ys Origin is coming to PS4 and Vita next year, couldn't a DotEmu PS4 port of CSI/II be a possibility?
Nope, I doubt that's a possibility at all. DotEmu ports old games which run very well on ancient hardware onto modern platforms. They're probably poorly equipped to handle a Vita/PS3 port to PS4 which would require optimizations and such, given how they struggle to run on the Vita and PS3 to begin with.
There's no reason why they would be involved anyway. Falcom would do the PS4 ports themselves, given how they are most familiar with doing Vita to PS4 updates of their own games in recent years.
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