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Senate Minority Leader Reid : Comey's actions handed the presidency to Donald Trump

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(CNN)Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday FBI Director James Comey was "heavily involved as a partisan" in the weeks leading up to the election and that Comey's actions handed the presidency to Donald Trump.

The retiring Nevada Democrat said Democrats "would have won the majority in the Senate and would have won the presidency but for Comey."

"It's obvious he was a partisan in all this," Reid told CNN's Manu Raju in an interview. "There's information out there. He had it, I'm confident. And he ignored it."

He said Comey "significantly" helped make Trump the President-elect, faulting his failure to condemn Russian hacking of Democratic operatives and his handling of the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's email server.

Reid said he urged Comey to address the hacking, which intelligence agencies have concluded was the result of Russian efforts to tilt the election toward Trump.

"I am saying the FBI did nothing -- did nothing. All the information that we've heard in the last couple weeks, it was available to the FBI. He just ignored it. He did not make it public. We asked him to more than once and he didn't do it," Reid said.

He also pointed to Comey's letter to lawmakers less than two weeks from the election announcing that -- as part of the FBI's investigation into sexting allegations against Anthony Weiner, the husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin -- it had discovered emails potentially relevant to its investigation into Clinton's handling of classified information on her private email server.

"In fact, to show how awful this situation is, this man ignored precedent that had been going on for decade after decade after decade. The FBI does not get involved in politics -- except Comey did," Reid said.

"Had he not written that letter a week or so before the election, she would have won; we would have picked up at least two more Senate seats," he said.


Comey certainly played a part in swinging public opinion at the last hour, but I doubt it cost them the race. He would have only swayed swing voters who hadn't decided yet. I'd bet most people had decided on this race long before Comey did anything at the last hour.
That and people not voting/Clinton's botched campaign/etc...

I feel like that's pretty significant. I mean, Clinton handily won the popular vote yet lost the election. That suggests that the campaign fucked up. If Comey's activity had a significant effect (and I dunno if it did, but I don't really care about the opinion of a leading Democrat on the matter) it would have been roughly across the board, so it still suggests it was her decisions on where and when to campaign that was the nail in the coffin.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I doubt anyone will address Comey specifically. The new gaf pattern is to defer the conversation to Clinton's flaws, or Bernie shoulda won, or bad sportsmanship, but just to be super clear:

The director of the FBI releasing a vague public statement he knew would be damaging to a candidate, and also knew was hot air, the week before the election is utterly bizarre.


Maybe if Clinton wasn't a horrible candidate starting in 2016 this wouldn't have affected her numbers.


For once, the gaf collective is correct then.

I'm sick of this party making excuses. Nothing should have prevented Clinton from winning... Nothing.


Don't know if it was the only factor to her losing, but I think he played a major part. It invigorated a Trump campaign that was being buried under the scandal of the Access Hollywood tape. It gave them several new talking point. Swayed some moderate Republicans to remain loyal among other things. Just look at the way the likes of CNN kept yelling "Breaking New", "October Bombshell", "Email Scandal reopened". It created a media frenzy and had Hilary Clinton's final days being spent reminding folks how bad Donald Trump is and how unfit he is. A losing strategy. Think without it, she doesn't lose Michigan or Pennsylvania.
I'd bet most people had decided on this race long before Comey did anything at the last hour.

Probably, but the people in the margins in several swing states decided extremely late, and those margins were puny.



Maybe if Clinton was a horrible candidate this wouldn't have affected her numbers.


Clinton was a bad candidate simply because the 20+ year Republican hate campaign seeded the notion of a corrupt politician in much of the country. Whether or not the accusations were true doesn't matter after such an effort.

But yeah, she would have won the election if it wasn't for Comey's letter. The margins were too close to think otherwise.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I did think that last week before election day was extremely strange. Trump was literally given a child's timeout and had his phone taken away so there was no news from his camp, but then the FBI fired up some new shit about Hillary's emails, while Hillary's own camp was also strangely silent thanks to complacency.

So the only real news in the last week before the election was "blah blah Hillary email server blah blah".


For once, the gaf collective is correct then.

I'm sick of this party making excuses. Nothing should have prevented Clinton from winning... Nothing.

It doesn't have to be one thing or the other. Clinton could've run a mismanaged campaign that still would've won if not for Comey playing politics.
The Clinton wing of the Democrat party seems to want to blame the election loss almost exclusively on James Comey and the Wikileaks DNC hack, so they can avoid doing any introspection. I notice Bernie Sanders and his people arent hollering about either issue at all.
If thats the narrative they want to swallow (we lost the election because of the Russians and the FBI) get ready for 8 years of Trump.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe if Clinton wasn't a horrible candidate starting in 2016 this wouldn't have affected her numbers.


When the majority of supporters of Clinton support her because she's not Trump, and the majority of Trump supports support him because he's not Clinton, you have two shitty candidate on your hands any way you slice it.


For once, the gaf collective is correct then.

I'm sick of this party making excuses. Nothing should have prevented Clinton from winning... Nothing.
I know you have a hate on for Clinton but it's absolutely clear that these things did help Trump win.

She made mistakes as well but stuff like this certainly didn't help.


The blame game and mental gymnastics as usual. Clinton was a shit candidate with a shit campaign, and voters couldn't swallow voting for her. Especially in the Rust Belt where her trade deals and arrogance killed her.


Isn't Harry Reid the one who outright lied about Romney's tax returns, then when called on it later just said something like "Well Romney lost, didn't he?" to justify it? It was like post-truth politics before post-truth politics became mainstream.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's true, but I take anything Reid says with a grain of salt.


Probably, but the people in the margins in several swing states decided extremely late, and those margins were puny.


Not that this is bullshit- But how many people *really* didn't have their mind made up the week of the election?

I have a hard time believing there were that many.
I know you have a hate on for Clinton but it's absolutely clear that these things did help Trump win.

She made mistakes as well but stuff like this certainly didn't help.

Well, looks like you don't know much then. I was one of her loudest advocates, and I was happy to cast my vote for her.

But again, instead of doing any useful introspection, Democrats are throwing around baseless bullshit like you just did so you can feel better about yourself.

Do you?


Not that this is bullshit- But how many people *really* didn't have their mind made up the week of the election?

I have a hard time believing there were that many.
There were a lot of undecideds in polls but Clinton was near 50%. Dem Turnout being depressed likely occurred as well.


The Clinton wing of the Democrat party seems to want to blame the election loss almost exclusively on James Comey and the Wikileaks DNC hack, so they can avoid doing any introspection. I notice Bernie Sanders and his people arent hollering about either issue at all.

Eh because it is unprecedented that it happened. There is such a thing as cause and effect. We can't say Comey's letter did nothing, it did. It cemented Clinton's unfavorables a week before an election and gave Trump's campaign a talking point that they had abandoned for awhile.
The blame game and mental gymnastics as usual. Clinton was a shit candidate with a shit campaign, and voters couldn't swallow voting for her. Especially in the Rust Belt where her trade deals and arrogance killed her.

I do not deny that Clinton should have been less passive in that area. Nor do I deny that she was a flawed candidate.

However, mounting evidence suggests the opposite of the deflection you are attempting to execute here.


Honestly the fact that the FBI came out so blatantly in the final throes of the election should have been alarming enough. They were already breaking from normal policy in holding their press conference following the investigation months before. This was just the final insult.
There's no doubt about Comey's actions contributing to Trump's win, however the blame doesn't fall squarely on him.

Clinton was a good candidate who wasn't perfect. BFD, we've elected far less perfect than her. The barrage of false accusations over the last 4 years is, in my opinion, the main contributor. She's been the victim of a smear campaign for years now. Add in the non-stop fake news stories, and the (sorry, but it needs to be said) liars that push them, AND idiots that believe this shit (Pizzagate, really?), and there you have it.

She wasn't well liked by enough people in enough areas. Simple as that, and the bulk of that dislike is based on lies.


Not that this is bullshit- But how many people *really* didn't have their mind made up the week of the election?

I have a hard time believing there were that many.

The margins were so close in the swing states that Trump didn't need all that many votes.

Melon Husk

Not that this is bullshit- But how many people *really* didn't have their mind made up the week of the election?

I have a hard time believing there were that many.

You have to remember most couldn't be arsed to vote in the first place. News about FBI investigation only days before the election surely got some people off their asses to vote.


The blame game and mental gymnastics as usual. Clinton was a shit candidate with a shit campaign, and voters couldn't swallow voting for her. Especially in the Rust Belt where her trade deals and arrogance killed her.

Second most voted for candidate in American history, behind only Obama in 2008. "Voter couldn't swallow voting for her".


The blame game and mental gymnastics as usual. Clinton was a shit candidate with a shit campaign, and voters couldn't swallow voting for her. Especially in the Rust Belt where her trade deals and arrogance killed her.

lol yeah! She also shouldn't have raped Juanita Broaddrick and perjured herself too!


The Clinton wing of the Democrat party seems to want to blame the election loss almost exclusively on James Comey and the Wikileaks DNC hack

Horseshit that you guys keep regurgitating in every thread discussing the many reasons she lost. You all say this in the threads where we discuss Clintons failure to visit the rust belt. You say it in the threads where we talk about Russias influencing the election, you say it in threads like this that show data that Comey's action helped influence the loss, and you say it in threads where we discuss the DNCs lack of a 50 state plan that aided in the loss.

Basically everyone is discussing ALL of the different factors that led to her losing, of which there were MANY. But you all are carpet bombing said threads with anger because the truth is that you don't want to accept that presidential elections are lost for a MYRIAD of reasons. You want to embrace a simplistic view of it that isn't true. That the only reason clinton lost is because Clinton.

Save us the empty threats for elections to come. You aren't really interested in anything other than telling us how terrible Hillary is. So just get it out of your system and keep it moving.


You have to remember most couldn't be arsed to vote in the first place. News about FBI investigation days before surely got some people off their asses to vote.

Perhaps, but this is difficult to know without more concrete data. Percentages are useful to a degree, but I would like to see how many people actually were undecided going into the final week.

But perhaps it is as you say- People who were otherwise disinterested were swayed by this. If this is indeed true, then it says a lot about her strength as a candidate.
Clinton was a bad candidate simply because the 20+ year Republican hate campaign seeded the notion of a corrupt politician in much of the country. Whether or not the accusations were true doesn't matter after such an effort.

Not saying you were one of them, i don't even remember if you were, but the whole thing about her having decades of negative campaigning against her was used as a reason for her to win the primary. This whole notion surprised me because it was obvious it would only hurt her.


Professional Schmuck
Consider that Comey was clearly aware of the CIA's findings and presentation to the President and the closed-door meetings in Congress (the one McConnell put the kibosh on) ... and sent his letter after the fact.

This is treason. Next to Trump, next to McConnell.
Maybe if Clinton wasn't a horrible candidate starting in 2016 this wouldn't have affected her numbers.


Clinton's campaign died a death of a thousand cuts. James Comey and the FBI was ultimately the cut that dealt the killing blow, but it's disingenuous to pretend that the myriad other problems with her and her campaign didn't leave her vulnerable to that. It shouldn't have been that close in the first place.


She lost to a guy who spent the last month defending his sexual assaults.


He ran the worst campaign in the history of the country. I don't want to hear about Comey's potential effects on the election. This should have been a slam dunk.
Not that this is bullshit- But how many people *really* didn't have their mind made up the week of the election?

I have a hard time believing there were that many.

Most polls this year had a historically high number of undecided voters, probably mostly because both candidates were seen as being pretty bad.
Horseshit that you guys keep regurgitating in every thread discussing the many reasons she lost. You all say this in the threads where we discuss Clintons failure to visit the rust belt. You say it in the threads where we talk about Russias influencing the election, you say it in threads like this that show data that Comey's action helped influence the loss, and you say it in threads where we discuss the DNCs lack of a 50 state plan that aided in the loss.

Basically everyone is discussing ALL of the different factors that led to her losing, of which there were MANY. But you all are carpet bombing said threads with anger because the truth is that you don't want to accept that presidential elections are lost for a MYRIAD of reasons. You want to embrace a simplistic view of it that isn't true. That the only reason clinton lost is because Clinton.

Save us the empty threats for elections to come. You aren't really interested in anything other than telling us how terrible Hillary is. So just get it out of your system and keep it moving.

Clinton cheerleader Paul Krugman today in the NYT
this was a tainted election. It was not, as far as we can tell, stolen in the sense that votes were counted wrong, and the result won’t be overturned. But the result was nonetheless illegitimate in important ways; the victor was rejected by the public, and won the Electoral College only thanks to foreign intervention and grotesquely inappropriate, partisan behavior on the part of domestic law enforcement.


Whe he reopened the investigation, that became news again and halted her roll a week before elections. Fucking dick.
The republicans were horrible but that was known, and it was also known what was at stake. Whoever the democrat candidate, they had no excuse to fall for any weakness, however understandable. It was their job to win and only win.
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